Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 34

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Predicting the future ll hummus but we in the small appliance depnrlmen ara look lng forward In conllnued growth In 196 We think Ihls growth may come not so much Irom etanomlc cxpnnslnn But rather from lncreascd cumm er ncceplunm of our product and from mnklng more of our c0£njonns Barrier Some bus nos anaiyils havc been uyinz the Canadian eo onamy has reached the penk of modest expansion They are predictinl that tile busin us activity may be at duccd me in 1968 LOQKING FORWARD makesman or the cum pany laid We of he smnll appliance department in Barrie are completing year which will me an lha best lines 1956 and the second hllhes In aur history In number unlu bull and number people 2m played On December 24 1961 hourly rated and grade salar Ied employee meived lvo cent per huur Increase and this added $66000 to Ihe 1m payroll In January 1962 the work force WM 607 During the yen Increased to 660 excluding temporary help The Canadian General Elect In Company small applianca dcpartrnen In Barri had one of the has yuan In its history In 1962 FK Deanne the chronic cxccu IN THIS SPACIOUS plan on Eradlord Sim the Canad Ian Genml Electric Company CGE Plant Enjoys One Of Best Years In Only 15 Years from this to this rl only ll IMII yr In In Illlle mm John llnrl llth Inll fllrl on FM Mnhlnrly lhllrd My rnmplrln lnvrrfluvy tonlhlrd ol IIIM hulk Vhll mud ham Ind nllll duh Inlo nu an And bean dull ulnrfl ll LIL Tally II tprlltu Ih lamt IIIII Mil lulllnlllll Mlll lupllly II llmtau nunly On Ilnrl ol Iududlnn Rumlllrl Ind Mllnllll HIM llnl uluvlnl IIMND NAM II II In In mu nu In dullllll Our rampvtvnl III nun ll nur an mu pvt nl III In Aluyl ll nut dllpull In 1le 01 uy unlu 35 Anne St men relallons with equltnbll pay and benefit In exchange ar lull won and sklll on lha lrlcmlly npenmlndcd atlllude own business on tho part lucal pcnplo nnd lhnlr elected represeqlull vu Maries and efficient gov ernment supported by alert and welllnlormld volm Qualified and mspomive people to llll emplaymenl needs and education nclllllea 112 qulred to prepare people or wlda raggeol jobopporlunllles Ii wa are tn contlnue lhl iahhulldinz growth we must attract more customers Thu way lo do ter is to oilcr our customerr more value or thclr money lhan our competitors We 01 th xv applianca deyarimenl Ire prcpnrin to Inert this obiacilve by plum ned pmmm lhnl sulls our particular needsl the pro gram taku shapa in the wzeks ahead every employer wlll be able to cnnlrlhule In positiva wny through ingenuity Iuod workmanship rallahlllly and courtesy BUSINESS CLIMATE In brand mm ha adorn that make land business cl mm are respunslhle for the success Barrlrand dislrlcg These melon are capacity condillon of III decl rlcal manulactuxlng Industry we have Improved our share the avnllabls market In 1961 on Ember pr9ducl Urges Employ mom mum people ulnce 1956 and the mend high In numbers 01 unlu bum Ind Lu year wan the best year est In the company hlslory number at peopls employcd PIDIIULIIDN HUN MATERIAM HANDLING MACHINERY LTD mula When community or neighborhood deteriorates len iou economic losses are iho in eviinbiu consequence Unless ihl trend is reversod properly val ues go down lax ravanucx do cline iocnl mnrkois shrink cm ploymcnt milsv proiill slip Ind at me some limo reilel mu minim costs and tho cost pollen and he municipal tor vim rise lhue mm were be neglected or ncrfllced because misunderstanding at med Ihe community could decline 0n the pm mm munlly employers sedans mlnded nssumpllan nlthclr ro Iponslbllllle as buslneu tlll lens evldenced by canal lenlly good emplayu nllllanl and by courageous leadership In dvlc and political Illaln REVERSE TREND Impartial law enforce menl Mr limes lilghqunllly communlly admins such stores hunks utllilles trunspurlnuan hnspu Ila health Inslllullnm and cam merclal services mini and cultural nt moxphere In which peopla enjny llvan and wurklng hr eluding Ina chools churches llbrnriu and themes re sponflbla press and healuuul recrullannl mums which levlu falr axe wllhonl unnecessary restrictive rem tion or discrlmlnatory burden an any segment the commun my nmpluln THE GovEmnENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DNA RYAN When job opporiuniliu de cline the bright young people and the rkliied workers depart while the dull the aid and the unskiiied rennin deterioration continua crime vice and corruption ln crease moraiu and civic pride rink lemiom and hostilities rise Ind roan tha community become knuwn for what it is poor piacn In which live In its rugged north rich in mineral and timber resources in its widespread vacationlands in its highly industrialized southern lake regionOntario is marked by accelerated growth and dynamic economic expansion The record of the past decade testifies to this im pressive development the future promises even greater opportunity HON HVAN CATIICMII Mluhluollnnllnd IIbflcfly ONTARIO GROWTH rwm nu vmum Induatry and Manufacturing Agrlculturo Production Mlnernl Production Values lrnvel Industry Rovonuo Famgn Labour Forco Population Elementary Secondary School Population Now Capltal Investment Motor Volrlclo Roxlatratlon Solllnfilvalua of factory Slrlpmonta in Mail M153 Pomnnllncomo Value of Conalructlon Work Performed Ihyntmt and mmumtc 5mm anonbath rxpanuon build the labour arm expands Marietta demand tum gmter agricultural and Industrial pmductian Tinmph Onlarlo can tool lorwant to continual yam of magma in Mt pmvtnct opporwnity Tho tompnny pedaling In ornamenlal ulna anllquo mirv mu mnrhla nlau rexuverln mirrors nmnmenml 1an grinding bovclllnx and so on It also mnnulmum modern design coltco tables and tables and modern design lass in plnqc Glim flock supplies are Im ported mm Belgium and Ger miw Thoughmnly law munlh old the new rm much meat prams In 1962 work own pmpcrly or open ale business The companyhunio employ ec and upecl eventnllly to ghoul 25 1huplanl Is 173 John sheet when all processing one Head omen on Enthurst Sheet Toronto Hamid apps president of um company Is also In partnership will business In Gemwxy Hurry Hess plant manner Battle win In the ulna pm ccsslng buxlneu In Germany prior to coming to Canada He has moved to flanIa and live must Vincent smut olilcinl sumhe program In train upprenllm will Rel under way fly in the nuw year The men Glass and Mirror Manulnclurlng Canada Lid es Inhllshed plant In Battle in 1362 Ind has made considerahll pmlrm THE DARK EXAMINER TUESDAY FBI 1m EB CroWn Glass Is New Plant In Community muumuum oduclion clion anuca ran olllce but Ilsa Integrated nlu he bulldlngs twoslmy llyoul are like or um Cnnnda mslom Servlce Thu Uncmpluymtm Insurance Com mlsslon Natlunal Employment Service Canadian Department 01 Agriculture Including three dlvlslons Hull of Anlmlls Seed Potato Certlflcnulon and Ply lfoducrlsr Dlvlslon The other Mm building unity Is the Banla Armoury which servu lleadqnartm Mflilla Grey and Slmmu Fore tors BarrIes complement Peder bulldInx number only lwo However both building In 91ch mungclpnuly 11 main lederalmsgpélty ls located Collier Street hymnfly Au 5mm Barrie Has Two federal Buildings 38307000000 81091800000 $44700000 $342000000 $150000000 1011000 4250000 878000 31800000000 1292000 88372200000 30740000000 31458000000 During the year Important cuslomer nddlllonx were obtain ed which will make Improved mnlrlbuuons In the nlc eflorl Mansfield Rubber Canada Limited made subslulllal pm gran In 1961 The Barrie omen of Mansfield prepared the In lnwlng nporl The year 1962 was an 554 peclally competitive period or the manulactnrinx industry throughout Cnnlda Despite than mmpelillve pressure Mansfield Rubber Canada Limited made con listen and aubslanual progress IN THIS MODERN plant on John Street Mansch Rub ber Ltd mulled IddannIl Marisfield Enlargesl Scope find Installs More Equipment non mm nonAn im mm IIIIMI MINISTER An Important diveraiiicnlion slcp was taken when Mansiieid entered the vulcanization ni nib her covered rolls with Ihe in siniiniion at large the equip ment to handle this nayv pins oi the Companys activity Is expected um 1961 will be another competitive year In lhis Industry Mansfield ex peel to lump pace and Ihow caminuad progres olmlhe Camqany Equipment was Inslalled per mlmng the manulucture large she lgflwlluul and olf hevmad Hm equipmem duflng 1961 for mnnuinclufluu Inga Agrlmlb urn Inq oflLhHoad um

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