ï¬rw BARRY EXAMINER TUESDAY FEB 29 ms Thu story Hill the Mover In Barrie 1n I96 truly Mary at pmzress Murray Brown branch manager says Prams Important In Hill and we are progressing In our branch here In Enrrlu al the end at Nov ember 1962 we showed 387 per can Increase In reven us over the same 11 month period In 1961 OLD STORY Genrgo lhll Hammon bak er was moving to new house In 1800 and his moving hlll was He mu awncharged and thought 11 theres KM Ho onlnrgcd bakery wagnn and painted lIill the Movcrm the slde He quoted lawn prlce which he thought was adequata and was soon nminz proï¬table moving business In nddition lo hls bakery opera Hon By 1911 hadcighl horsa driven vans Th1 developed ln to branches In all majorcilics and lb head ofï¬ce moved lo Hull lulu 191 allowed this with marking thin and crystal and than omcu movlnz The company mover la ll present locallun on Anna Slrcek To repeat trite emu651m Tho ï¬gures weak nr them xclvna liulrbï¬xrrnss is In old story HI he Mover and thought kind of money In buslncss IMF for Soun he so out ho bak cry businncss mud became full time maven greater employmeni through greuler produciion Progress Is Old Story To Hills Moving Firm ulqmnnl was lnslnllcxl pcnnllllng he mmmlaclum of IIIKO Ilw ngr cu Iurnl nml othnmarl Hm An llnpnrtnnl dhnrnlflrallnn slap was lakon when Mnnsllelfl llllOlml the vulcanimllnn nf ruhhor rnvrml rolls with lhn Innlnl lnllnn nl lar to Aim mulpmnnl lo hnmllo II new phnno of the Com panyfl ncllv 1y expovtml In 1003 will be nnnlhcr mmpolltlvo your In hh Imluulry Mamllold expect to hop pm and nhow continued pmgrosl Tho yrnr 1062 wm an especially compellllva pcrlod for tho manufnclurlng Industry throunhnul Canada Dmllu limo cmnpcllllve msurus Mansï¬eld Rubber Can Idn Liml made wnalslonl mu nuhstnnllnl progmu During Iho oar Important cmtmner mllllllmu worn ohlnlned whhh wlll makn mpmvml cnnlnhullmu In lllo 11ch man Iho Company the moving HILLS MODERN WAREHOUSE AND GARAGE 6N ANNESTREET In October 1959 in peak per lod employs 24 peoplaand cq peg lqhandlg any mom lllll the Mover member of the Alllcd Van Lines lelt ed and Allied Van Llnes Incor polMed The wardxnuse mede of sto rage L1 mplctoly pachtlzed This means the goods are rack ed in separule pallet boxes and stored so Ihnl they can he luv ed inlm with minimum of hnndlinz Mnynr Les Cooke president Cooke Cnrlugc lelmd has hu answer that iIGlY and every chapter in is chapm ln ms at Big Bny Pnlnl from such beginning sprung what Ioday lendan company In Hume It Is mmcd and upcrnlcd hy beslerE Cogke Cooke alm as or moving and warehouse Industry in lth growing lawn where he I10 there wax promising mar ct In 1916 however he took he ï¬rst major slop the purchase of semitrailer EnrrIes Hrs real mylnu gun Just how much can one no campllsh vllh used lwcrlon truck showing 200000 miles on lhe spcodpmclgrfl Growth was slow the main function being Ice dcliver gm Vt III and geneyul p11ng Cooke Cartage And Storage Marks Its 25th Anniversary outflows oncrnllun had Perhaps much of the success 1962 can be credited lo Mur ray BNWIL He an allablo and energetic man who possess the rare qunllly convey lng ta you In pleasing man ncr lhe idea We have some hInK lo du lets get It dune NOv Mr Brown says We did In deed make pyozress In 1962 and we mud to continue thl pro thmugh 1m Pa vclA oped unlll I961 During th slea dy grth warehouse cxpan slon program was slnncd 110 Ann Street Mr Cook yaCummnrclal storage will play an impomn role changed Now lhe new home of Cooke Carlnge nnd Slurngu was Essn Road where the ï¬rst warehouse was hum In 1941 In 1m with lhe erection new splcious ofï¬ce and hand qumm 1h complete operation was moved to Ihe new slle Todd Coolie Crartagerhbs 16 piece mlllng equipment and punk periods employ 50 pm What does the future hold or lhs lhgivlng mmpgrly To serve the has lnlcrtsls of growing communfly major change and expansion wlll bu made In the fleet Cooke Oman and Storms BETTER EQUIPMENT FORA BETTER PRODUCT FOR GREATER EMPLOYMENT Nonly ve ycan ave built solid flourisqu business which will continue to advance as um need damandfl Mr Cooke says Barrie and several lurrouan hug townships have gathered to gethcr 1n the past year tn make an effort to cstnbllsh an area ptnnnlng network to guide the projected growth Borrlea Mayor Lu Cooke has taken step in lhls regard Ear ly last your his council in strucwd the Enrric Planning Dourd to promote negotiations with surrounding townships l0 that some move could he made toward area planning Much of this has bten carried out and the provincial government has given its approval to such rotup People are pushing north ward said Mr Pearmn who called Simcoe County pc cullnr anu in one germ large suburban development and in another mushrooming Iummcr vncntlonland Ltd will celebrate ill Wenly linh muycrgary thlx ylear Barrie and Simcoe County an alert to an assetHon made last year by Provincial govern men spokesman that the coun ty being engulfed in boom of urban development that will rï¬quiro careful community plan The prediction was made last January by him Pearson com munity planing expert ior the Provincial govemmeni Mr Pearson has stated that the area will experience unprecedented urban growth in the next to year Foresee Need For Planning Barrie Ont in physical char acter resembles scores oi Can adian small cities and towns Crowded round ihe base of Kern renieli Bay oii Lake Simcoe ii oreliizr than most lhongh like many others where growih has outsiriglped downtown cap Iciiy ii ail hear some oi in run oi tho headlong rush inio the real postwar boom in 1951 its population wan 12514 today it in mm Once princinaily the shopping market or rich ag ricuiiiuni dinirici and the An myl and RCAF Camp Borden it is also remembered with con Iiderabin agony by northbound vacniionerl irom Toronto II hideous lraiiic ping on line route in Munkokni Today iour inne Highway 400 sweeps round the citys perimetcr making Toron ao 55 miles way no hourl ve More than half at these were USi subsidiaries They are the biggest employers and Barrie eitizens freely concur that hnd they not come the citys indur trializatinn program wouid never have got all the ground For this renson US investment was eagerly courted by the citys in fluentini men who unabashedly rnlied out the red carpet tor visiting US iiremen on the look out tar Canadian attest mea sure of their success is that Barrie today boasts halt dozen US companies which seled ed the city tor their head ofï¬ces In Cnnndo Unquestionnbiy the treatment given the visitors was actor in Barrie being chosen over other Ontario Minna some ot which acmrding to Ameri cans showed at beat apathy at worst pntent hestiiity li Banin Boosters were aver dismayed by LS penet lrnlion in Canada they suppren Ed their feelings the advant ales or us participation in llanie growth clearly heavily outweighed all other ennsidern lions US investment in Cm Adavalued nt over $16 billion wn prime tutor in this nationl spectacular growth but In recent years many Canadians especially when the economy bo xan to lose its nip in the late WI nw it not only as an im mehl lo Canndna independ Blessed with thls hlghway whlch glves easy accent to the vast central Ontarlu market and ample water and labor pm perlty ln he last decadecame to Barrle In abundance In that time lt ncqulred more than near lactorlc whlch In mn nlaeturlng alone today employ Almost mm Factories Multiply In Past Ten Years AGRICULTURAL TIRE CUan Im25 MANSFIELD Faclng the future with confidence once but device which hun iratcd eiiorla to gel the economy moving again Thoughtful people honestly believed Canada was lollng or hadiosl control oi its economic destinyi Though he mvbiem WM real enough us it alwayl had been lhe basic iu xuo became clouded in nation alisiic outpouring and US domination became con venient scapegoat or some oi our own troubles But In the smaller centres Inch as Eanle lhe nallonol de bate on lho extent of US in vestment and control Canada has much less meanlng Smaller cllle and towns are more llke 1y to measure US penetrallon by the progress and prosperity Amerlcan llrms have brought lhem Sold former Barrio bank manager The polltlclnns In Ottawa can Iaywhnt they want to about economlc control oI Canada When heard that us company had bought even square neh parcel of land In Barrie was on thelr lralL He adds We havent heard anll Amerlean talk ln Enrrlc and we dont like the word For town like Ihla lo grow It re qulres the American subsldlury or nothing Vell lake the sub aldinry any day in some respects iIturic is perhaps atypical oi the smaller Canadian city with Us branch plants because law towns with population at 20000 can claim as high proportion oi outside companies Omittlng retail out lets Barrie possesses 27 major establishments of which ls are US4lnminated subsidiaries in every case whollyowned by the non resident parent company or by an associated nonresident US corporation it perhaps follows that Barrlc is also atypical in that the range of products manufactured is wider than in most smaller Canadian centres which hsvs subsidiary lirms use now in clude truck and car tires out board motors baseball equip ment spraying and dusting equipment soft drinks custom packages cosmetics and perfum es small household electrical up pliances commercial coolers sanitary napkins The Barrie area warklnrce according to the Barrie industrial Commit sion is 1400 Close to 2900 work for manularturers two thinis at these ars employed by the subsidiaries And about 70 per cent at Harrles manufacturing production valued at 9432000 Mehqurllnguua pagelmlon CANADA Ltd BARNII ONTARIO In 1901 orlglnnlcd with the us brgrlchlppcrnllaqsL The lira subsldlary to nrrlvn allerrthn war was Canadian General Electric which at up Its smnll appliance dlvlllan ln me he papulallon Bnrrlc than was 8300 about lo per cent below ha lllura lnr Ml Can ndlnn General Eleclrlc whlchY Mill employees In um lhu blazes employer was followed In 1949 by Lnfkln Rule Col dlvlslon at tho Muller Pad Co of Saglnuw Mich and Lennon and Welling Ltd dleAlan ol Lannnn Mnnulaclurlnn Ca Tullahomnl Tenn They were allowed lag Dnvllhlss Canada lel su sldlary DnVllhln Co Toledo ohlo Ind Kal mnr ol Canada Ltd dlvlllnn ol Kolmlr ubomlorlu lnc ol Mllwaulge Wll Rubber Canada Lth Iaday the mend hlflul em layer among the aubaid inrea I217 arrived In 1955 other firm which arrived in the mend hnli oi the decade were three Canadian Irma Can adian Wire Bmah Cm Flaalom or Lid and Illoldex Ltd and West Bend Aluminum Canada whose vnren ll locach In Wcsl Bond WisV and Canada yleI Cloaurea Lth divinlan oi he Inlamalionnl Silver 00 New York More 1mm arrival Included the Canadian company Univeraal Cooler LId IIIll Canada Ltd whale par enI company Ia Iocntld in New Ion New Jcrley and Canadian Tampa lei Iuhsldlary ol Tampax inc New York NYl Dillnnl llud Oiliua Faw ol the local presldenu and manager cl these concemn leunllzed Banls ln parllcular the natural benchhend lram whlch ta slnrl corporal aper allons in Canada What they all undcnload as they began mu rlvlmz ln the 50 ml that lhelr establishment should aervlce he melng Canadlnn market 1mm Cnnndlan lncallon ralher than mm hand plant In remote part the US Th range ol head 0mm he Barrle suhsldlarles pron ol lhls plnnl report In mm dlllunl Irom much other In Wls consln Texas Ohlo Tennessee and New York Wilh some 01 these companlu llnnsfleld Rubber belnn the chic exam the move In Canada an ultimately In Ear He meant only he ulznslan normal cnrpornla Krowlh Into Mather rmmlxlnl Nonh Amul cnn rexannl market which dld nal hen cover To Muni LARGE VULCANIZYJI F0 INDUflTIlML RUMIER PHODULII llcld Canada named as raw lng Ire murkel Vlth branch lnclorlcs located In olher vrowth areal In the 50th Tupelo MI and Baton Rouge La ml the was at Oakland Cal Cnnada 1n the boom your at 1955 WI m1 only unservlccd by um nureulvn compnn but was Nil vlrgln ground or ll prod uc Mansï¬eld Tire and Rubber cl Mansï¬eld Ohlm Mouth pioneer nflvnte brnnd llrc mnnumcturlng and marketing In lhn is nevertheless small nlocn nlungxldv the Industryl fudgn tunndyenh Flrgsgong Gaodrlch UlS Rubber To pcnclrale the zeozraphleally vast Cnnndlan market whlch Ihene eompanles had already mlurulnd wllh hundredl dell mhlps and la hulanhlpn Mansï¬eld had establish r9 llanal manufacturing outlet and rely on aha large prlvala brand curlumer In thls ease Canadlnn Tlro who wu already absorb lng the dlllrlhullbn mu murkellnl calls Illnslirid exeaullves looked 30 possible Canadian location They chore Barrla lor several reasons had an adequate wnt er Iuppiy lot lirernakinl op eration iI could have as much land it needed lake care ol lulure expanlion lhere wal an excellent luppiy oi labor Mansfield trains Ls own pm dueiion people insist lhal they be uniarnished with any prev iour liremnking experiencei Barrie war clean iownl Fearful lira servicemen on leave lrom he nearby camp whooped it up on weekends ii hlnnslieid people would visit Barriea Joints Salurday nighls Apparenliy they didnt lind what they were looking or because Camp Borden rniher than being liability wnl de clared an asselJ Yet another reason was the presence at Db Viiblal Cannng Lid newly I4 rrlved in Barrie Davilhin whore yaren cnmpnny was supplier in lha assured Ilanslield that the mud tram porl was as good as ll looked ihmrlh lru ol lha exyenxe lira diuribulion marketing and Ieiiinz deliveries in large vol ume prlvule brand men had lo be on limo whatever lire wealher thlansiield now make 5600 lire day compared with In less mg or POSSBILITIES very duhram reason When mun Ia pan 1m plan