Ihls aerial View show the notion Highway 00 that IIERIIII VIEW OF BARBIE skirts the city In middle Cuckoo Bee Once Honey Bee Now It Freeloads On The Hive LETIIDRIDGE Itltn CPI The cuckoo bee has beenhold lag down the bumblebee birth rate in southern Alberta but simple way now has been iound to keep it tram invading man made honey bee hives and up setting their operations Just make the openings smaller Dr It liehbs iorage crop inseet expert at thelederal re search station here says the 1953 cuckoo bee once was honey bee but long ago lost its ability to carry pollen Ihe cuckoo searches for beehive enters and takes charge it lays Its eggs there and relies on the worker bees to iced its young it once was thought that the cuckoo destroyed the bumblebee queen but recent studies have shown the two live together in right is Barrie Fair Grounds an atmosphere oi strained neu traiity Dr iiobbs says the cuckoo dominates the queen perhaps by destroying eggs as they are laid in almost all cases no bumblebee are produced once cuckoo enters the hive Cuckoo bees were nuisance In artiliclal hives used here in studies tor Increasing bee popu lations until way was dis covered to keep the cuckoo out smaller hive entrance did the trick The entrance was made large enough tor worker bees but too small or the queen who must stay inside and too small For Io YEARS PLAYING AN IMPORTANT non IN BARRIES PROGRESS and race track tor the cuckoo who is iorccd to keep out Damage done by another enemy oi the honey bee is re duced by Ihe small entrance The bigheaded fly wasplika insect attacks bees entering and leaving hives and deposits eggs in their abdomens Para sitie larva hatch and iced on the bee causing death Dr iiobbs says the parasite might not be too damaging when worker bee is its vic tim But each hive has only one queen and as long as she is sale the hive can continue to pro dacc CREDIT HELPS HE COMMUNITY iTho Credit Bureau The files of tho Barrio Credit Bureau contain the records of NEW th tELErYPE MACHINE SPEEDS CREDIT SERVICE MALCOhiSON WM MALCOMSON II 8A THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY FEB udwmoUn 0FSERVICEIIIBARRIE 189919153 I899 Aillalcomsan alter teaching school at Wyevaie tor three years came in Barrie tn represent the Excelsior Lite Insurance Company 1909 Maicomson purchased the General insurance and Steamship Agency at the late John Rogersoa 920 The present site and also the General insuraneeAgeney oi the late Lett was purchased narconsons INSURANCEAGENCY 4i Dunlap St East Barrie I933 William Bill Malcomson became associated with the business 1940 William Bill Maicomson became partner and the iirm name was changed to ItIalcornsons insurance Agency I945 hiaicomsons Insurance Agency was taken over by its present Manager and Owner William Bill hlaicomson 963 We are now in our oath year in business and are loolting Iarward to many years of service to our clients vBurrieis Modern Minute SHINING CLEAN CAR LEAVING CAR WASH 25000 credit IiIes Approximately 2000 enquiries month are processed through the Bureau This new and exciting mimIlo car wash has all the latest Ieatures to ho tnumi In presentdny car washes It will wash your car outside Including all white walls clean your ear thoroughly Inside dry it oil looking like new in less than tIrco minutes Your car ls iirst steamed underneath to removnnli road salts and Ice VacuIInItIl and cleaned lnsldo Then it is washed by huge rollers and ï¬nishing touches applied by two men It Is then used by warm water then warm forced air remover excess water Finally It is cIInIIIaIscIl to remarkably irrlxht rhino May We Suggest For Your Convenience CAR WASH TICKET BOOKS WASHES 1000 l200 value ONLY MEMBERS OF ASSOCIATED CREDIT BUREAUS OF CANADA IJG BUREAUSI ASSOCIATED CREDIT BUREAUS OF AMERICA 1200 BUREAUS AZCREDII BUREAU DON Manager CLAIPERION sr 0F BARR ROS RICE Animal Manager PA 66552 Comer Dunlop Anne Sis BARRIE