null Also on the cammillca In advisory and liulsnn capaci ADYIS xx CAPACITY ihe councilappointed body consists at two members council and five interested cili zensi it is msponsihle for ha growing Job of providing and promoting recreational facilitiu and pmgram for bulk the young pnd old in Barrie The 1962 commillea causisled Chairman Lam counc illan Emnu and Janine and Miss Helen Spams bb Garner and Desilva The Barrie Recreation Com ghly sumssful year in 1561 Members expresed satisfaction with the operation and organ ation its many pmgmrm and facil cs The long gravgl arm funnlng form the protecting body or the he length of the plclurt will sheltered bay or boat in bee Barrie Recreation Program Is Varled BARRIEFW Shopping Friday Night Till pm BATA SHOE STORE COWARD CLOTHES SHOP GALLS BARBER SHOP KERNS JEWELRY The Management and Merchants of the Plaza are taking this opportunity to thank the people of Barrie and District for the keen response showntb the Plaza its munyshop ping facilities and its valuep acked stores Rinks are also pmvided by he commlllee at Queens Park Shear Park Slrabane Park and this year he Grave St East Park in committee pmvids supervisors at each oi lhese lo cation during skating hours Use oi these lce surfaces by me public particularly Ihls year has been most xralilying lhe townie repnrls Bi In sï¬rlng of 1952 the cummfllee began plannlnz The mrmniilee slatted oil the year by buying Ihe Hm healed and supervised change shelter to an inln use in the city This building is operated lar skaters using lh bay rinks and in use again this season ties are Russ Davey at the Bar rie YMCA and Steve Hines the Board ol Parks Mnnaga ment BAnngglgfloppma PLAZA Barrie Plaza Plays An ImporiczmlL Roï¬e In The Progress Of The €in Of Barrie look For Our Big 2nd lirrniversury ériuevliruiion In April NEW BOAT SHELTER STARTED Fiiiyiwn swimming classes were held daily at Johnson Bench Kinsmen Pond and in Linuns Community Swimming Pa By July the swimming and parks classes war In lull win with almost 631 bays and xixL1 registered or swimming In struction and 1750 In he park program clams luinlng and Instruction was provided to this personnel prior to me beglnning or Inn pmgram in July The committee hired 37 local youngsters to conduct program in the parks or Montage child mi and to operate swimming clams Training and instnminn its summer program wilh lhelr summer Hawaiian dimmer Ronald Mossop and his mist anl Mary Sinclair the 1563 season Trucks have thus munlhs Liter an In the place on the flea for qum been cutting grave or almask wlnler pllbdrlvinz will like and Jelliey SYEPHENS STORE FOR MEN BOYS LCBO PARAMOUNT CLEANERS POWER SUPERMARKET Remember There are in wilting problems atrho Fla11 For Your Shopping Convonlence Besides nciuniiy npcraling ruc renlion programs such that cnnduded in due summer and skaiing in the winter big part at the commillees function la ioiiow the progress ni all loc ai mganizaiions that after re cnaiinnal activities Encour agement and financial assislanca provided in neat many The commillee also Iralns Ind pmvides the lifeguards or public swimming at Johrson Beach and at Kinsmen Pond Lifeguards 31015 Cmmmly swimming pool while employ ed by the Arena Commission are also pmvided by the com millee Several innovallnn such In suucï¬on for older students In 5011 archery and calming ware included In the parks program WELLINGTON AND ANNE STREETS With the growth of Ihe cily and he need or more and more direcllan in lhe ï¬eld recreah lan the committee Iooklng head lo the day when It may be necessary to enlarge and streamline the maxim pm Helps andv chmpeg Joifl study by he Rec reation Committee and the Bar rio Board of Pnrk Managemenl Th committee also organizes and operates tennis tourna ment and bicycle mad+o each year ll responsible fur ovar scelng Ihe operallon of Barrie Teen Town and paying he hand the city band mum umupu nuuu Illa Elmo Athlellc Association the Royal Cmadlln Lezlun for lla Minor Baseball program he Barrie and District Aasoclnllon for Relarded Children or III summer day camp the Huronla Speed mun Club the Banla and DlsuIct Folk and Squaw Dance Assoclallon the Puhllc and Scumale School baseball program Senlnr Clllzens Club and Barrle Minot Soccer Leagua Ainanx those receiving inan clnl assistance duxlng 1862 were Lha Kempenf Trumpet ABgnd mum and nrznnlnuom uéh man QUICKCLEAN COIN WASH ROBRAY RESTAURANT ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ONYARIO MOIOR lEAGUE Barrie Plaza Contributes Barrio Plaza Features ROYAL TIFPLE Queen Elizabeth had drink In lamina dockside pub nftn reviewlnx the fleet belore It sailed la 1th lbs Spanish Ar madn year the committee was lepreaenied by Aid En Emma It the Ontario Recreation As ociaiion convention In Part Anh ur and during the summer had member 01 its ntaii visit the lummu program in London Interim By thus keeping in cinse touch with what In being done else where in Ihe province and by maintlining close liaison with the Community Programs Branch oi the Onlnriu Depart ment oi Education The Barrie Reaeation Committee real that it can conlinuo to provide mod em and comprehenslve program recreation to the citizen Barrie The pmspecu or 1963 look bright or the Barrie Recreation Committee unmnl In 1941 Mexico imported when but by 1956 became MIL Iullliclenl and now exports has already been given to the ImalxamIMon the two bodlen Also under study the passibla need or nuum recreation dlreuo Ike city Barrie to View machinery pro duced there It will also bring husinmmen from Bape to to 0mm to learn more abuul general 1nd speciï¬c market broad mm Cnnldlln crude commissionerl Knawlng Bap riel pm achievement Im ruin full advantage will be taken 01 these opportunhlel tn Increase the City export ma kradei 0pcrallon World Markets willgtheretore uhlblt the pro ducu of Barrie to some 600 orelmbnyen the National Sam le Show will bring num er of foreign buyer In game to View machinery um Continued lmï¬ page IAY1 Camdlnn trade cammlulonen from all trading area the world CITY CAN TAKE pylpnpvanmm Garry Embersun iolL resident manager West Bend oi Canada Ltd conduclr Mayor Cooke on tour plan during recent visit oi 75 delegates lrorn Canadian Hardware Show Toronto Many visitors were from MonA lrcal including Morris5icih bar of he Steinberg chain of SIDXLS West Band has begun manulaciura ol house wares is done in now 61000 square loot addition to he plant It is of modern single level commotion lor lino production and includes two storey oilico area It supplanan the warehous ing allies and oulbaard motor manulncluring utilities that the inn has operated in Barrio since 1957 WeslBend now oi fers complete line of slain less steel and aluminum cook ing ulenslis gillware nod cl eclricnl appliances The first housewares product to include Made in Canada in ll irade fllE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESiJAY Ill WT pan II By pravfdlny Indlrod umploymvm lor In nddlllonll 200 poorlt By urvlnu mlor tour Illndlon l6 Mom and lorvku In pin pl bowllng allay AI om nl llu IlyI luau taxpayers By prnvldjng dlml tmplnymom lot 00 FREE puking or our IND urn Our 80000 Iqum In Ihopplng IYCI TOUR WEST BEND prim AllANDAlE HARDWARE vmus COIFFURES wooLwonms HOLIDAY BOWL erhigton and Anne Sis SALLYS SALLIES mark will be let Contln ental stalnlcss fled cookware allowed by ulcel zmup of the companyl most popular llems