52 Dunlokafreet eve of econom lc activity In 1962 bmught highcrlncomcs la Canadians with Infused lnbour cnmlnx and larger Inrm lncomn con tributing lb the gain Personal The lube slluallnn Improv ed further during 1962 wllh em ployment rcachlng record lev els New jobopportunilics creat ed by the expanding economy exceeded new jobseekers so that unemployment declined lubstanllally mm the 1961 levels For lhe ï¬rst eleven months 1962 employment verngcd 177000 more than lor the same period I96 and nncmplnymcn was an averaga l35000 less than one your call an HIGHER mcqma mm or such major craps as wheat oats ryz barley laxsecd and mlxcd gmlns The average index for the ï¬rst ten months at 1952 surpus sect the comparable 196 tigure by some night per cent The smng upsurge in th outmrt oi durable goods was major factor in the improvemnnt shown In the mnnuiucturinz production index The extent at the gains in Cnnudlnn indust rial production is evident in the new records established in the output at such important industrial products as primary steel sawu lumber wood pulp cement iron ore asbestos crude petroleum natural gas and motor vehicles The nut tonal output was boosted by good harvest with substantial gain over th inw 1961 yields IE pow JEWELLERS Canadas gross national pm duct reached new high in 1962 exceeding the previous peak at 193 by sognc seven In eight per cent With prices rising by nniy about one and onckhaii per cent over their 1961 level the fmwth in real output was the nrgest since 1955 and man the highest in the postwar since 1956 and among the high est in the postwar period Ex pandod production by the mnn utaeturing and mining indust ries boosted the composite in dustrial production volume in dex to new peaks MAJOR FACTOR The Canadian economy ex panded signiï¬cantly in 1961 with he advance laklng place on broad ironl New annual records were achieved in such major oconnmlc fields nallnnn output employment lncomns Cnnsumpiion and lor elgn trade By Prlme Mlnlsler Dielenhnker PLEASANT PLACE TO SHOP llULOVA BILL OHUF OFFICIAL AGENIS FOR LONOINES WITTNAUER OMEGA WATCHES liNlllMVlMI WATFH RMMmvfl DIAMOND RING KMUIVNHNU HIKE GHT WIMII wum subslnnua Increase in Import chnraderistlc uf palods of rapid cconamlm growth In Canada but much the In shown In the 1962 imports sum mm nagging the external Val ue the Canadian dullt It 9212 US cents Wm is particularly xignlï¬cnnl it follows yearwear increase some per cent In 1961 and consumer goods have éonlinued lo mmprlsc growing pmpor uon export sales despite the lnlense campctmnn for world market gal such ppdqm mm The further expansion 01 Iarelgn rude In 1962 has been an Important sIImqu Io Can adinn business and Industry In the first ten months of tha your commodin lrade has been at new high wiIh export ex ccedinz Iheir I961 IevuI by bout per cent and Imporl surpassing the comparable 1961 ï¬gure alioul IIIa per cant mm mm In the substantial Increase In corporal prams shown for the IirsI nIne month compared wiIh his perInd In I961 wIIh cor porallon proï¬t before taxes and before dIvIdends paId Io nnnresIdents excecdlng the com parabh 1961 total by abauI II per ml The Improvement In business candiIInns Is also re flected In the larger ouIIuys he Ing made on plan and eqqu mom and Indications are that capIInI spending hy husIness In 1962 wIIl reach the Ievcl anIIcI patcd In the mIdyenr InvesI ment InIeMIoru army FQIIEIGN TRADE have been In Im portant factor in lhe higher op erating levels at secondary in duslrle 5159 contributed nu Am mquanarx 1962 compared withone ar earlier The larger outlay or bolh consumer dumb and la goquas well as lncoma In In In ulna month the yen uceeded ha com parabla 1961 km by limos per cent Inbnurlncome belnl up 61 per cent and arm net Income showlnl an Inclnan of almost lwo1hlrds The re Inllve stability 01 consumer rlces and the rise In Incomes we mean Increased realdrur chasing power or Can an and both consumer spending and personal savings have been running ahead of their 1901 lev elsIncreasel In all lhme com ponents personal expendit ure an consumer goods and services mnlrlbuted In the per cc OMEGA WATCHES AND CORONET DIAMOND RING mu 1962 that caused the drain on Canadas fnrclgn exchange reserves nd necessllnlcd ant Iun to pmlect lhu reserves The comprehensive memos odom ed midyear not only hall rd the all In the reserves and brought Ibau their replenish ment but also pmvldcd fresh xumulnuon damcsllc pmduc tlon and lo export um In commodity Imports than In payment in the tirst nine uporl contributed to the rise In Canada adverse nalnnce at months tram $710 million in this period ot 196 to $791 mil lion In 1962 Indications are that some Impmyemcnt took place in the tint quarter vi 1962 cum nared with one year earlier and Ihat the dclicit tor 1962 whole will be aboul the same as In l96l approximately one billion dollars Canada has been lncurrinz slzrabla deticila on current account tor number at years and these have been covered by Inflow of capital lunda It was the slowdown ul til allows In the ï¬rst halt MIAle nmmn HILVEHWAHI IUTMTINO JEWELLERY Ind INTI HEM FREE IHNIX ANINO PRIME MINISTER DIEFENBAKER The economic ouiiodk ior Can ada in 196 Appear iavarabloi Banting In mind all the dangers oi allcmplinz to anticipate lb course economic event nil year ahead line mspecia are ior iuflher ecoan growth in 1903 wiih Kile exlcnl oi ihc cxpansiufl depending lo can aiderahic degree on dcvciun mcnls nulside oi Canada Bus iness in Canada has bnen good The attainment oi the we record levels have been con tributed to by the Governments programme 01 credit expansion direci Incentive in large and smnii business lax incent ive to busines for increased sales special depreciation Ii iowanccs corporatinn tax re duction to encourage xmnll industry national agricuib um policynationa oil policy and the extension of export credits increase of export ling ol the lending capacity of ih industrial Development PA 83343 FAVORABLE OUTLOOK In less Than 24 Months PIEDPIPER SHOPS Has Become Central Ontarios lending STROIIER CARRIAGE and PRAM DISTRIBUTOR Wh Wu and controlled company atom are located In Vancouve Bdrmnlon Calgary Winnipeg undon hmnla nnd The Tndy Leather Campany of Canada Limited ormerly Cllrke and Clarke Leathers has iLx head office manulucluring dlvlsion under the mamgnmenl at Georg DAmbroslo and the warehouse division undnr he mannzemenl Fred Stevens II £21113 SL Baffle The space and lacilltlnls rcqulr ed for leamerworklng have em caurnged ll growing ndoptlan by school and hospitals for la duslrlal art education and re hahllllallon vurposcs Olher lm slilmlam and pump find Iea lhefwark to be MI Excellent nerculional and pmducllvc lel sure am pursull or the indiv ldunl One oi the primary customer groups is made up oi Individuals who purchase lealhehworklng tools and supplies for Ihe purpose of making ï¬nished Rem ior proï¬t typical sample of Ihls lndviduai is the Police officer or electrician who makes hol stars or tool pouches lo order ior his modules The second maiorozroup is made up of in dividuals who pursue leather work as productive hobby and source at creative expression 111 Tandy Leather Cam any has maintained its leadelsh in the popularization oi modern leatherwork by its education methods which make use or dem onstntions visual aids and direct mail and by Itsyaggress Ive development of products to match the need of the several cuitomef groups Perhaps the Meat and most universaiiy employed oi the handlmii forms war In gen uine leather continues to dom inate thosn implications in which originality authenticity and quiiltyflafegu ed uuglll The company denim manu facture and dlflrlbules through III com wawned system to ull an mall order atom mat erials and equipmtnt used to ashlon luncllanal and decarat Iva articles ealher The yen 1962 was Indeed yen promus Ior Tandy Leather Compnny and the pro peï¬ pflght Tandy Leather Maintaining Leadership osmmsms ro ssnvz vou PIED PIPER SHOPS LEADS WITH LLOYD MoulrenlA1l xuppxie or the slates are either manufactured or wardmuscd In Barrie Al Ihe Toronlo Exhibition the hand look pan In the Warriors Day Parade with Ihe Eoni9 Brnnch Royal Canadian Leg lon and vlaycd in Iron of His men The band was InvIted to par tIprale In the MaId the Mist FestIvnI In NIagara Falls Inst all lo enter In the Junior drum and bugle cums campu IIIan After fourmile march In slendy drIuIe the band placed seventh In he International class and second In the Canad Ian class It was deIcated only by the Canadian II G1ampions 1962 Ihe Tratnlgar Patrol By BANDlllASTER BOB LUCAS In 1562 um Kcmpenlell Tmm pal Band performed at 46 par ades and competitions ln Onl ario and the Unlled States and travelled appmximalely 3000 mllcs Excmplflylng DalHes Pub llc School system Is the mod Kémpenfelt Trumpeters Mmadal ONE OF BARRIESVFINEST SCHOOLS ayun m1 m3 ï¬stmmuds and lms on Wmmems and uni farmwhlch we need badly Our expected mnnlng ms or 1963 WOW man 962 the band mixed Early in 1962 iii the Barrie Winter Carnival we iried manil ing and playing on indoor ice ior the ï¬rst time To our sur prise we inund that his could be done with he aid of nih bcrtnn he shoes so ior this years Camivni we have pian ned our first march and music sh ilil nii ncvg music grandstand Io capacity crowd The band was lhen invllcd lo actomï¬nny the Barrie Jayne to Toronto to lead lhe Barrie float Cin Opponunin in he Grey Cup parade We had to leave Barrie at 630 am gelylo he parade in lime bu it was worth it Both he hand and ï¬nal were enmusinsucally received by spectators and the Junior Board of Trade In Tor onlo The parade was clcvlsod from cons la coast In Cnnnrh mm consl la cbastln Stanza and the United Slalcs en Scele Street Public School PIED PIPER SHOPS are proud to be the FIRST IN CANADA to deliver this newly styled CANADIAN MADE PRAM to Mrs Leggell 55 Steel $1Barrio The Heywood Wakefield Co of ORlLllA manufacturers of llOYD carriages prams and strollers are the FIRST IN CANADA to manufacture the English style ND WHEEL PRAM at all llmes csa people Mrs Mary Davis Majomu Mrs Mnhle Jennings Glrla In Band plus ï¬rst aid Ralph Flnmlnz Color pany and Gan don Hobbs bay In band ll avcrnge age the personnel is under 12 we are compelled to hnva responsihln adults look aï¬cr Ihclr wellm lhls year we are planning junior mujureue corps as well as Ihe scnlor plus lIman culor guard Including lhe Unlon Jack Iwn Canadian Enslgns USA llng two clly of Barrie flags Iwo hand Ham and one each of Ihree religian llnzs as well Wplncc hand chromatic range of 25 notes In 1961 we trained an avenge 92 chlldrcn In 1963 we plan In min more Ihnn 100 Sn hal we can lncrensr cerlaln sect lons of the unit in urder to put on more colorful shows We plan In change most of our horns lo the new valve and rotor horns which will increase our range mm 11 notes Io lha chromatic range of 25 notes shown above