Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 18

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IHIIHEII HEN NEW YORK 1A Jnup GrrrrL J1 mu Irnlrnccd Wrd nndny In slx In wvrn yum In when tor hrihlnz ColumMn llnlvmny Imlkrflmn player In mm point In lwn mum In Iluu 1W urnum Errm mom ruldrnL van Hm Inl nl lo llxrrA In In Ilrnrnl In Hun lmxkrflvnll wandnll Ila hnd blrmlrd mm In paying brilvu H001 Hrd lmlnoy hi Columbia Iqund SALLYS SHLLIES Sunni mm completed mo cnurm during the yur and uv rrnl large mm emutrim mk film Mlcr lm MIMnlhl wn dcslnuy Id durlng hcnry storm In new nnltunu will Influllrd VIHI Bnrrln run canmlunlrnlo will ymvlnrlnl hmdqunrlm In Tur nnln nml ouwr nullylnu rcnlm HMO nfllclals lflld me win cram held In Pcnclnnfi In Feb runry Opcmlinn Tummy lhI lunch or ThomMInn Baker and the Cuban trim dld murh mth npnlhy lownrdl pm wring In can nnllanal dil pm new mmmunlmllnnl lrnll gr wm lddld In Navemhcr Slm enonnrrlc HMO now lml lwn rmlm mule lrnlltr and mmmunlcuuans mobile has pun SImmcHnrm HMO ylan mm In both of hue llnlh lhesc arguments are wrong hccxlure llplammlc re lulioux dld deleriurale sullleicnl Iy between East and WM wunld resull In wan However even if lhls was llw case we could expect muny pcnple In survive nn Mlnek II the proper emergency measure were when Perhan mllllonl could he saved lull mlghl other wlse be lusl llrruunlr tanksh nets and unpreparcdncas Mr Cook lald ATHAPAIIIY rap one an city The oher Mlilude lhnl if an bomb loll wcrybody would be killed In uhnl the us worryan about It think lll high lime mundcd Hole nn Ihia cnmnlmly wrong blmmat on wnufa It would be wranz In In dulgc in wlld speculation about nuclear war and It died on thla urea and equally so It la wrung we lurn our bucks on lhe wlmle mailer and my ll cant happen here ll warld war was Inevit nhlc we course must mlizl that our sillon belween Ihl us and nssla would lnvolva lmmudialcl ly lake ans my Ada nu lg fllogll Imam aw ng his return from lh Cnnndian Civil Defence Collcze at Amprlor Mayor Cooke said hellcve we shuuld be Im lislic In our outlook In Ihe Inc or present world tensions MAY st VIEWS Simcne Barrie Emergency Munsurns Organization wan the battle at apathy in 1962 its sec ond your at existcnce fiScimoi aiticiaiu have become interested in training students in pro nrcdness and the plan at wor ng in conjunction with mo Pniicc chieis from seven centres met with EMO niticiais tn discuss Iraiilc planning And Mayor Cooke attended course in Arnprinr tor may ors recvlex and county wardens Seven pnlice chieis and Ihree Onlariu Provincial Police in specials mcl wiih Ellio oiilc in to determine arms oi res pansibllily inr the Municipal Po lice and he Onlario Provincial Pollce F1154III bomb Is no ler llw Punan Winlornmn at 5W dlnlnllcnl mm min mum nllml In filmm Family In mmplrlrvl during lha mt ol III mm mm nn tar le dun Ind III purpou III um um nldm ln nilmull Iml Immmmd Hum lo Ibo ghl Hood mum mm Imam rrlvrd mllllulu In Inc El Juhn Amlmlum rmnu MM cl Mu lulllllly Min Inn An Wllllnm Mm qunllmd mule lmlrvrl or he mm cnllup nllrr In mnumul um II nlmnllly hmwrrk mum Intn Inn vmh Mural HMO cnurm um romplrlrrl In lWZ 0m Inrlml nl wrlhm rnuvm mainly or women Wu undur flu Hp nllrm MIL lhvhl Hwy My mmde Al Arnprlnr Cun mllnn Clvll nmm Cullen woym lmlmtlnr Jccllvrl ol HMO 11 an mm plrlu roonllnnllon nnd mum on MI urvlm dumnmenla MN tnclu mmmlmlly Ink rlflrlcnl urll lrnln rd hody Mn Mllnwn lflld um mirth uhlch Included 1000 prop 41ml mwrrd an mm or annual mnlcly 1700 nquura mllu ML Alklnlun Inld he contludrd lhnl HM lhullld 111 mmme mull lndlvlrhml Ilnlll 11w Ilmuld he mmhla uprmllnl momcnll unllm nu lhc unullnl rruwnnbla Iule Thug unlu mml be huHH lhrnuxh mulunlmulllnnrn and ulllnmlu ob incd vulnnhlu ex pnhnu fur lulurc plnnnlnn and organizing ur lhn me he tnllro tomxnunlly he uldl MAM UNITS ll awn nbcclhu nutrlhclnu It was nn nvalunblo expcrlnnco or HMO Ind all personnel lmnlved ll wu In fact nmnrknhly Imml Irnlninx In Analyzan lha cnllre overIan throughout the wetk HMO wn able In play nn Impomml pm In coordin nllnx and dlrmlnn Icrvlm Ind penanan under the Onlnrlo Im vlnglnl lallcc Mr Atkinson said We EMO In no way uacd Ihls un menan la lurihcr In the Inn do he ox crallon whcn the conlrol of lhe carch wax established at Ilm Ewan Arum Ihu narrle EMO Auxlllnry Police Officers who had assisted In varlnu capac Itlu durlnl Ina curly day ho March became flu lrnmc conlwl body or he um lm medlnlely around hrndqumcn Ray nsan mo coordin ator laid one oi ihe iunctlam ni £310 in that rallun wax in Iupply additions communlcn ilon system enabling Ihe vari oul March parties and people working In lhe Held in be In direct and cumin mnlncl wllh hcadqunflen eventually ulahl lshcd in ncelan While he lull rvsponslhillly and dirccuon he opcrmlun cam under he cry tomncl nnl 0N omrer E310 sup plcmcnIzd through it own lafl nnd Incillllcs In lhe communl callous dcpnrlgmnl PROPOSED EXTENSION VIN LAKEVIEW DAIRY PLANT Ego rvncnox Emergenty Measure Organ lzntinnn most extensive opcrn Wm 01 the yen was the pun playgd In Operation lbmmy Ihe march for momnsinn Baker who wax abduded mm hesidn pond near her home in Beeton last MIL the rescue demnnslrnllon look place ram the gallery over llue ice on ponion or the second floor of Grc Boat Works Smoke bomhs were used to llmulale ex plgslnns RAY ATKINSON maul mm large population centre the hendqunncrx of each They are Barrie Orlllia Mldlnnd Col Ilngwuad and Alllslon Slmm ne EMO covers an area of 3000 square mile in 32 munlclpalluus It has been divided Into districts with hm Mr nson said While we are preparing basicain to meal the eiiecls of nuclear wnr we are also concentrating on form ing eiieclive highxpccd emer gency squads ready to play vii ni liie saving roles in any local disasters such as iiaods tires wrecks and so on my mspucrs Arden Jack McDonald wal on hand at presmtnunn cert monies commend and an cauraga those who earned cen Hicales durlng the yeah received rutrlctéd radio aper atarl commute during the 31 division of FIRESTONE TIRE RLHMER 88 WNW ST WEST BARRIE ompany of Canada Limited sronis Growing Busmess smvmaA Growing City STUE SCIIULIMUSER Stan Mnnuztr Aw services offer Here said We dont hava nearly enough volunteer willing to tk Iralnnglgl Ihe varioul Mr Atkinson said Many people seemed surprlsed hat EMO and Slmcoe County have mad considerable preparation for an emergency Followlnl report that tran nlstor mile for emcrgency use had been placed ln all Toronto schools as tension mounted ov er the arms quarantlna ngulnsl Cuba the local EMO phones buzzed with calls ask lng or pamphlets number of people also volunteered their servlces it needed Central headquarter an Barrla whm 27m mume lee alike ace ha been pm vided rent by the county Bu 1962 definllely aaw the end of the battle against apauw Proposal With the lulunsllc plan under way for Barrlea Walcr Fmal Park and Marina development the hand executive has present ed City Councll with carefully planned band shell whlch would provide lacllillu or outdoor lhe aim and all lypes ol vocal and lnslmmenlal music The bulld in would also supply perman ent ammodatlons greatly need ed lor Dames lhree bands In cluding rehearsal areas Instru ment and properly lockers elem ll is hoped that the City Plan ing Board will live lull consid eratlou to this most lmmrlnnl choir pmvlded an excellent evenings entertainment In Ban Hes North Coflexlale and 59 mm wpearnuce of this nalure is planned for early lprhu he Concert Band executive his past summer was respon sibie or brinzing in Barrie sev eral well known bands mm centers such Burlington Lindsay Brnmioni and Medald These argmixaflans along with the Barrie City Concert Band pmvided Ih citizen and many iummer guest with hour ai musical enienainmem The combined meduie gave Harrie mini of 10 summer conceriai November 55mg unis in Li The Barrie City Concert Band under he direction oi Kenneth Homer has undergone reor ganizationni period and now boast musical complzmznt oi Wine 15 native members Mr Hoiiier accepted ihe dimlor ship of the hand in Auxusi 1960 and since has worked diligently building and strengthening the orzaniwuan Also music dl rector of Camp Holden Mr Hoiiier is responsible or ihe musical education oi some 300 eizmeniary and high school stu dents ihis importuni post was taken over upon his move lo Farrie in 1960 Concert Band Reorganized Under Hollier to flu mos Imperial quon of RuinImla was TOOK CENSUS January 1216 the pppu BNRRIE TENT AWNING Ill firming WiIh Barrie CO LTD 3438 BAYFIELD STREET lst fled wilh only tho flncsl workmanship In our sorvlco dopl Onco ngaln we say Thank You Barrio for your tremendous support to maintain qualily merchandisu and b0 sails We at Firestone Stores uro sincerely thank ful for flu continued support and over Increas Ing number of customers who palvonlze our more To show our approclatlonwe will strive BARRIE TENT AND lst lst lst CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS DIVISION ibbnl 157509 um Co Ltd the favored p132 to 5113p Ior everythmg or the home The most complete and facilities In it ymu disposal To give complete home lumlshlnz service on all interior and exterior umlshings awnings and canoples In cm vnn nlumlnum and llberglns alnmlnum windows doors and shutter drapes slip mven upholstery venetian blinds window shades bamboo drapes furn Mun ol all types rug andwnllIownll bmadloom Kelvinalnr and Thor appliances Spartan Ielnvllm and stem most complete bedding department ln Simeon County lhree lloorl of line lumilum in l5 showrooms stalled by experienced personnel our lrnch ior last courteous servlu All these ads Bomban lo mnko Clarks Home Furnlsllinsn and Barrie Tent and Awnlnz Awninz 1nd Heavy sewing than ever established in Bar fle To establish minim department In postwar Barth caused maximum to establish in Banis aim Wnr II BARRY EXAMINER TUESDAYLEB 63 The country had one doctor or each 700 lnhnbllanll AWNING COMPANY LTD PA 66437 World

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