Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 Feb 1963, p. 13

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111qu mun nnIM um mm In II In ll mm In nun Inrllnn In Mmm rm mllla um All funnnlonru um mm Inr mm In rhnnn Iur mm mm mum uvauu WII ulnu In 1qu ll IIn WI mumm lvnll In nnn lumu III flnl IIw Rh mummy Frll TV Alhrlliwl AVON me running In daily Fm Infnrmallnn VI Mr Wkrr umwn limit or mrr ly 11 rut mum mum on Hm nun mm Ml um fluInn mu mum 1mm INSTRUCTOE mnunn my In rn mull In lmnl luuhr uwmn no lelu dreuu blonlel Ir uo mnmznu IB pull nmnnhl Tclphom um Inemounl EMPLOYMENTWKNTEE For MIHII And mum mun muhr Imgrmn MIN burn several yran uwllrnlc In Ihu mule mmo In he rnxurlly mnmlurr irmle XII Mu Onllun prrlrrrrd Mail npl mHnnA In Marconi nnlilmmr hmer narrlo Central olhLinlo or lrlrullono IA Maul hflwrn M0 pm nu mun1 hMI FA IVY HN mn Mark m1 mill num Lny Iu Willa my lrhnury In IM Mlnr nl sumpmm Ilmnr hmu Gnu Mayne mm rollerL Arum mun prmloner pn hum tn llw In 1m um hnultkrrulnz duUrI nmplnlnn up mum nMul var rldnly mm Apply In mun nox Hum zumlnu lOST FOUND mu Mx netum mum Apply KIM mnunnnl mum Aunm lbrhmd Wonder 1mm or lrlcolvvnu 531 lnYllmt IO HELP WEEK Im Inn boul elrdlnn Inn Man H155 slmm Comtrullu AnnKillian FEMAEE MEI AVON CALLING Tm 15 IAVICI mu mu nzwrv allor Camwm 5m 01 by cullfled mlrdmm In your own ham or MIDI Mr vlcc mqu won or PA um um unzf arkn uuml ny um flux 61 qnIm nur mm Exlmlncr mun coma in fllrh ml Alxhcvnv 191091 mm um um maum us down mm per momh mum um mle CUNTESL fllrh Iwudl wme Blbll Cmuwords mm ml nm PERSONATS 75 Bradford sif PA 857171 1855 DODGE Sedan $195 1955 PLYMOUTH Sedan 5195 1937 VAuquL door ms Wifi PLYMOUTH Hardtop auomahc 1559 DODGE Mayfair num malic mmnnufaclurcd engine 41095 1953 DODGE Mayfair V43 door $395 1961 FOR Tudnr om owner 1958 FORD VB mdor aulomw lie 1959 CHRYSLER that hard top two one rcdblack paw cr steering power brakes radio 36 MONTHS TO PAY These cars am open to your inspection We wont waste your time with high pressure or malnrkyl records are avail able Good used cars will sell themselms and we let you de cide what to huye Our prices are ulwoys lair and the cars nre described proper ly We are happy to come to you ii you wish We oiier you sincere interest in helping you get good buy Our finance roles are ns lair as possible Monthly paymenb naturally depend on the balance financed You can icei sale in doing busi ness here because we will do everything possible for your benefit 1062 DODGE 330 door hard lup VB automatic 195 CHRYSLER Saralogo door sedan power snoring power brakes radio Ilnnl rm ummy Inn um man Ill Mm Mil llu III II mm IND nu TRUCKS TRAILEE MALE FEMALE Low mllcage cylinder radiu AUTOMOTIVE NO MONEY DOWN IF YOU QUALIFY moron cans FOR SALE ERENCH MOTORS yellin coon DEAL AND coon DEAL MORE AT FRENCH MOTORS mm mm Tell LHSS SI th nndluon us down id mom Telnphnn PA IIlulnl mmmu mm huhmulllnn my rm Iny qflw rnuk £1095 $295 3395 llnullmml mm run Hm unly llnlhlnl pair nl NM nhulll W1 wfll InIrr nul In It um um rnyny llu 70 In cl Inma mum am We Cdch nnlr hum hump mnlcr and unynno Mm zmuu lhu nnlh or III Ir xlml lu mmuun lm nnmn IMI luvpn rm Mlu nun Irqvlnu ml yuur um Imlhing urallnl IImlmnmL Ilnnl umhum nunhnw Ihlnlnl on yum Iunhuul dnnl rnl Inn many nundnn lrnrn tn um dame rm Sunday pm In morllu tlnnl In on err wmluun drilll url up Mlly ommrm lo mmluu we may ennuuh In with run Hm hnmuy mnllnmr wrnr Inn hum mm ner aunlnmn flaw mnpunln on your Almdo be um ml no In numlmkn nml lmp ynur nunny xllcpodllnn In Kllmhine vlalr Min PH lhlnllln May Ilrmrn blul Ulc MapII nl Ivmp ww mum mu lot In rnnururllnn ol mm Luann mumm rnmnu un demmmd numrlnl mun ma mmbm Ind Mm emu equlpmml omn mum Mmun Onlrlo Nun Smcllknlmu Tender anm Tumr mwlm nd Cun lu IUquInmrnll nuy oh mnm 1mm or vlewcd nnom 1704 Tour Imunmuu nl Publlt Wow rm mm mm mm nmmnu Toronto In mo Irexophmu Na mlom um any mud llullllrn nunm Tornnln mm nm or mm Dnulh mull n1 lulnllr wwu mun mmmp ammo 115mm um and m1 Ion Pulorm and um bu uma mmnm mum will no Iv canMum unlul mm on lamu luvmlod Dvyunmnu uMIc mm mum In lrrnmm um 11 lnrmu m1 mnmunm mm mm Mm mm ml Tmm Iqulvr mm my la rmmm ununn mu nqulml MI 1mm mummu wmm um In mumml mvrummn Immud In mm enmmnn wumn Hum mm noun our nmml lor mum 1w Iaun nr my Imm MI MN uly Int Mu Kn mum Munm lhylflmel mm Worn lnlllmonl In din rmmm MIum munr1 nu mu szwrn CON1RMTORS oz LAKE Auzquum lMlK ONTARIO SKALJ nxm SUM nNnEnS properly mamed on lornn nun nllm hy In mpmmmL wul mrhed by Ilm Tender sent my Room 5630 Em lllnk rr 1mm uullmm Toronto Dn nnu unm Tu Ivcnnv on INNISFIL NOTES CLARK 98 King St West Toronto Executor and Soucilor for Ihe Esta All claims against the EST ATE 0F ANAEEL ALLAN rc urcd clerk also known as Norry Anabel Allan late or he Clly of Barrio who died on or about me 2th day Oclubcr 1962 must be 5an lo the under signed not later than Mnrh 12m 1963 mm whlch date the estate will be dislribuled 12 TENDERS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS flax 56 mm ix33 cum orrouumrv an Repruenuuw or nn 01 Elm 1mm llh lnluunce comp Inlet Mm we mx probmy mmm bzlwcen 25 ma dolnl well pruunl ye Iomewhlt Impum with prune Appumz will need ImhIlInn delermlmuon ud mm to nerve nmm To um mm we oller pumxnenl pou um unumlua nrnlnl puunlhl mum so We arm lndcpem mu awn hmlnm yet mm mm ma Inwarl nl um mun clnl firm We Iupnly mum dlncl mu mm mm ymvm help In lacIa bum ma mm Ill Opnununlly move In In lnrvlew wmu LEGAL NOTICES 51 mnfldentl your IH otulpllon And ynur lure Income In W11 commend ponlhuuy or cum In Llh Underwrlunr Norlhem Lila Auun cu Compmy of Cu pmenlly hu In open lnl In Irrla which sum the nun when an qulllly ulurs ncond In none To Invuume mu wrllu Mr Dawn LU Mtnly Hunter 11 Cull me Dnl Au repnu Into doplmnlnl pmnvmv punlu mlnnllemnr mun beneflu with ulnar round employment Apply Inn at In wflllnl to Mr nx Pillflomlr Md lbl John IMF re ujl nzn wm ELECTRONICS NEEDS TRAINID MEN you In or over wLh an llnum Grldl 10 IdIIcIllnn you an beenml atllufl In Rm Communlu um Automltlnn Unfinulon etc Ruldent Wool in aroma Ind Mnnlnll or may ll harmv Elly hm Pr Bauh IH Cmen In Euclmulu ma on or CAM min 1mm RELIABLE Hnulekewer In cm or In fihuhnol child whlll mal mm Dullmt or live in Retard 1111RPM AP ply Box 60 Blnll mm Must be accurate typlst Minimum of 60 words per week IO HELP WANTED CREDIT BUREAU OF BARRIE LTD 23 CLAPPEETON ST corner of Collier BARRIE ONTARIO MALE HELP onuma FEMALE STENO WANTED SENIOR POSITION Applicant to Start March 15 Plum apply 25 cm It lilimullc lnrm lullnmrpt 1mm oll In riwmi lw uml mw nnd ulrclinn dny rmnpnlxnlhx In In rhllnl HAMILTON Hli lolb Ivmlrr rvmnl Him Fnlv laugh HII lmmmnlrvl Mmlxlny uluM hy hr lmmrulw un Ham In mnlrsl IInlnH Inn ul Ill Um III Irdrml fluliun Mu lm rld the mat IIVIH hyrlullon In 1930 NH lulvtlmlnh lnlxI 1hr mm Imllnn II IM Ill plan Slill Arrogant Huuvfl In IF 1m wurml Ndlnn Im mnw Tum anl nHlmuzh num lunlrll Ivy llw puny nnlvnl Im laln In In Nu pawn Iul Ynhn Mnunr prnhlull Imd rulnllnher the Prince Huch wally MM WM nomlnMLl Hillultlny HIM mmllllnlc or Skrrnn In llm Avrll now rml IINHUII Mr Mugur Ilnmrvllnlrly Illrtl Im wku mu rrluxnlnu MI rrr Allc HI me Val ml LIIanI mulilInlr In lhn rlvlm Ellen Named The first nrogrnm Mind 19 Ill 1010 pm will feature Douxhu lmdrr hr New Democran IIny 11m inlluw In nVnhl Sm CIqu Inulrr Thnulpsun will be qunllnmd M90 Ill 10 pm OTIAWA CPIThe CHC has nnnounml min 01 our lclc vislnn muxrmm In uhlvll lwmnn punt will qmsllon rrprcsmnullw III our leillLnl pnrllrt Al least Hum 41 he pmmun wlll lmlmo puny lrmlLnL Publisher 0n The namlnullnn plls Mr Kcnl one Llhtrnl lmdnr Loslcr II Pruranns lop aides naalnsl Dounlml nationnl leader of he an Dcmocralic lnrly Mr Douglas mm the scat In hy clccliun lust yrnr and was re nominnlrd Icunlly NDI candidate inhumaby Coqufllam In lhe Apt Mm clucllun COQUITMM RC4 CPILih cm Organizer Tnm Kent at Oilnwa wns nominated Monday uhl 115 hi partys candidate Plan TV Panel calcgarlcally r0 jccls nuclear arms or Canada In favor of pmviding Ihc cnllrc pofiylaliun wilh the ncccssluc IIllIllTllT 76 WM wuunll Social Credilhas prnvcdil 501 while In Ottawa Mr Caouullc saidVe slnnd or Cnnndlanlsm or Mr deal for French and English Cana dlgns from yeast In coast MW hls um nation acceptance meeting He is sucking mclecllon in VilIcmurn Lester Pearson and the other Liberal leaders had their chance lo promolc blcullural ism when my were in power he 0M supporters whu mm the YWCapacily parish hall of 1mm pplion Church ROUYN Que CP Heal Cauuclm dcpuly national Icadnr of the Social Credll Party aimed his maln nltack at the Libc pinny Iglonday night at Against Douglas The report described Lakes Superior Michigan and Huron as 90 pnr can Icacuvercd and Lach Eric and SI Clair nearly 100 per cent covered The report Monday said ice generally is at least two feet lhick nath oi Gmnd Haven on Lake Michigan and north of Bay City on Lake Humnn Saginaw Bny Saginaw Buy and other hnrhars are frozen uvcr light ON THE ELECTION TRAIL lulu start II he spring shipylng season appeared al most ccrlaln 0rdlnarlly shlp plng gels well under way by mldlllarch but the chance or his was bellevcd In be slight The Inland lakcs worst freeze In many years rasull Vere winter was reflected In the weather bureaul lrche report I961 DETROIT AHAll he Great Lakes except Lake 0n tarlo are 90 ta loo per cent ice mvercd the us weather hu man says Great Lakes 90 Per Cent Ice Covered Caouette Aims Liberal Barb nu nonfihh on acceptance FEMALE HELP minuta May HIWIJI LIVE 0N FAMII In um um per rrnl nl llw lntnl mm mm mpulnllon In on hum cnmpnrpd wilh cuhl per ml In m0 In nlhrr mnnll wuml lnnlrlm Mnmlay mm Mbnln Imamd Nova Emil In mm Cnlumhln wallnml IUflt Fden him Que 17m Tmnnln mundmmlwr nllh hrr Ml shnl made mu nllbrrul Alrnul In rmml nml rvrnhmlly man he game l4 ll nu rm um ml HI ll drlrmllnl rhlmplnn Illl olumlrln rink mu AI min um undrlrnml nilrr In lwy mnan lmlnll nl llm mum NIIHII umwlllIIInmul lhry warn nlmlulrx In mm In my anl mumL ll ILtO ll ll WA 11 lkuwn nI nllr Nrw Ilmmwlckn Mrn MAIN Dcwnrc Mn mllcy nhnunl Iver yrarn ol umrlontn 1m mw IIIM Inlnrln hml llvn mm In Hm hnuw lml Mn Dcwnru lvrw lhe hullnn on Mr lml Ihnl nlmmll lrmiu her Ind Onlurln Ilrmr Hrpmrnllnz nlnrln In Illa dnndlnn wmnml curling chnnhlnnship Mm Wonllry Imnhrd III Null Monday at Hm llnl lay at mmpellllon Men llmulh her rlnk lml mmm Ilm Irmlrrn nlnu Inlo lmlnyl hrcc rnuml lulmlulr ST JOHN NJL CWMrs firmly Wmllry Tumuln prob ably Cnnmhn hut known wmnnn rurlrr qu pmml lhnl ernlmolmr an mnkh Ihnh wilh lhu hrs lhcm TI nppoinlmrnl wns nn nnunccd Monday pres mu lrrcnre hy erhael Ullver MC Gill Unlwrsuy pralcssnr win nnflnnnl preside or he NDI Grandmother Curler Proves She Ranks With The Best MONTREAL CF Gtrnrr Picnrd lnrmcr leader of mu fonlcderuuon ol NllHnnnl Trade Unlanx has Ich nppuincd chlcl limlnnunl In Doug lns lzndcr of In New Demu crnllc Pmly The Scnulur told 11 Hamilton Vcsc ngrnssive Canscrvmivc nominalion mccllng Wtdncsday lhal irslclass mllilary bruins hc mentioned US Dclcnce Secrulary Robcrl McNamara and LLGm Guy Simonda re llrcd Canadian Army chic sumarc uniud In lhc belicl llml the Roman 13 not an Icclire military weapon Douglas Chief HAMILTON CF Senator Grullnn OLenry say the Ho mare missiln Is no damn Hood and the currcnl dclcncc ronlrn usy ls phuncy clocllun Is ccnbaker dayn Ins December when the It tripd gpgnk 16 one lndlcaflon thatlfici mod min In op hnv Arthur in the last Ilnuse says lhn contempt and arrogance Ihn led lo lhe downfall oi the Liberal governmcm in 1957 Is still with the party The worst parliamentary scene in his memory Mr Fisher said occurred when the Liberal sltlon hnwlcd OLééry Leérs Young chef Robin ColquA haun 17 or New Westminster lines up for assault an epic mm BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY OBJECTIVE PANCAKE mm was Mmmlal lrrday or We Molllm Ntllm Arm cm luv In unrnlnl mum 11mm In tho nllrmoun Mhmu defMIrd Quean IOJ Drillnh Tnlumhln nulvhmrd Nculuumllnnd IJII Hmkalchcwnn ulund Onlnrh New Hrumwlck Illlnmrd lrlmc liulwnnl Ilnml HZ mid Nam Smlln vlnmpml MnnHolm 11 lm mm Smknldwwnn IDI mul thmndlnml rdurd Munl Min 11 IL mcmher he Yunkcrs mm 155 lhraugh 1962 fine Turloys mnln unrllam was In obscnu Hue plltllm holh In cummy nnd Hm Yankees Al one lime or nnomor he mollLd givrnwny skin by rlrlnnlly All he nnkru purhcrl hull Muich may llnmudlnlcly mm climilullc mu Turlcy as manager Ralph wk and nll the Yankees can sum has he rcpulallon for be in he has sign Nader in base ball He has an uncanny knnrk drawing ccrlnln pecullnri as pilthcra whlch scrvc as give way slum in Mun llwsc pitchers um preparlnz lo llnow hvrre luv Hollywot Ml nub hulcy your armor pilching male now with La An gzIcs will be here rcnding nu lhe firs lime lhc Yankees meet the Angels Ihl year LEE IIEMXCK ANNE IMNCRMI PALM SPRINGS Calif AP warning In New York Yankncs pitchers Bauer change your mound hnhils Turley Can Read Yankees Signals EGG FOSSIL IS 20 YEARS OLD stack of pancakes for Shmvo Tuesday They leaned In Me hut nut or long CP Wire phala UTSUNOMIYA Japan iAPIA fossilized egg un callhcd at construction site is at least 20000000 yearsaid scientists esii muted No such ind ever has been reported in Japan before The fossil is about the sin hqns egg Utsunov miya University geologists based their estimate its axe on the earth sirnlum when it was inund They are making iurlhcr study its age and naium FEBRUARY 28 18631 RCTRESSES NOMINATED FOR ACADEMY IlWRRD In my nl Wm Ind 1mm human It may mm bdrm ma 1111 an fllmll In nu lzxnmu mm ule Ihmcllplnyrd wllh anlrr whcn lhry mm lhe slun lry Cup In um um aml mo aha oxrtllrd nl lmlbnll plnylnz In Hm Qurhrc Mushy lean Union mm In the III lcrpmvlnclnl Unlnn which lulu hmma lhu mu Fnur WAS HOCKEY bTMl MONTREAL 1C Fllnunl service will be hrld lodny lur Ernie llmscll hlxhscarlnx lur wnrd Mm he old Mumrcnl Vnndlnra whrn um horkcy mm mm lhr Slnnlry Cup Ihm llmca In lhc mrly 19001 llc dlcd Salurdny tlcvcr tknlrr Rumll wnx rrmembcrcd for NI ml of mu nx lhree goals In knnm In llvr mmrcullru xnmrI Hr mun an Infill In nu lzxnmu mm ule nu Turlcy xlrivlng mule cumchnck Inn My nrm Ice lcrrmc Now ll mnains to stun um lhmw strikes uddrd the right handcn who came to Ihc mic an com dillanal basil know nl his moves mm cnl nvtry one of MI pllchu bularchnnd can even tell you every time he going In use IJMI plcko day of Ms ivfiiley he anly pllchcr know who does lhat nald nub But here are lew any xmnrlcr pilchcrs In the gum Ihnl For According lo Turlcy Whitey Ford be real Yankees outh paw call hls awn pllchc in stead taking um mm the anchor we or our guys an the Ynnkm Ill my 1h pgnlg OIL Since newspapers vary heir numbcr of page in accordance with the amount of advertising spactu newspaper will tend Io ha smaller alter resuming pub hcation at least for while The amount of newsprint sold 15 the product ho ctrculatlon llrncs the number of pages which Is proportionate to 11¢ vcrttslng space and therefore newsprint sales In these mar kcls wm be lower FELT NEXT FALL Evcnrl MI Ir solved Iamorrow Mr Savage says Advertisan revenue will have gone In nlher media and new paper will have In llghl lo gel their advertising space back At least two at the New York ewspnpers are in shaky linan cirl condilion and are consld emd uncertain lo resume pub healan when the strike solved This would reduce Can adas sales lo the large New York market The newspapers are likely lo have smaller circulations least lempnrarily when the slrike is scllled People will have formed pallerns oi living without newspapers and the man who bought two day might now find he could get along on one we lhrce wuc flhaugh the Cleveland Ilrlke now more than 12 week old shows some prospects an early selllement there Is Im such prospect In the bitter New York struggle Hyp PAPEES SHAKY Althdugh must Canadian newsprint producers In eastern Canada have already cut Iheir producllnn mle substanllally Mn Savagc lists several mum why the worst effects the suite are yet In con01 He estimate the strikes are costing Canada anally 65900 tan monlh In newsprint sales Average manlth produc tion in 1962 was about 550000 mm The New York strike mm weak old cause 10 or 11 per cent drop In Canadlan sale alone The worst euem of lhe strikes are yet to be all any Murray Savage ucretary ol the Newsprint AnaclaUnn of Canada MONTREAL CPICanadas biggest Industry newsprint manulaclurlnl has last about onMIghlh of Its business be cause of the current newspaper slfllres in NEW York and Cleve Paper Strike Affects Canadian Newsprint OIIALDINI PAGE BRIT DAVII do Worker Gmkflm Ill In mu mm mm Me MI1 Whnl Em um lo 33 um AGREE TO TALK NEW YORK lAllA lml ditch cllorl la ncgullnle scl llcmcnl ol NKW Yorks noduy nLwspnncr blackout was nurcrd upon Mumlny Fullurc cunld lch In Mayor Furbm l1 lng ncra lnlcrvrnllon us an um plrr ram Hum nmllnlnr Vagncr nunouncrd lhnl pulp 5th mi ltmlcn ol slrikluu New Yurk Local AlerIO lnlcrnullunnl Tnmgruphlrnl UII lon lured lu ml lmluy In llmlr lint larclolmr vcncr lnllu llntc Itll ll llu LIlkul ullh boll Ildn dulln llw lay HINfiION lllfills LONDON lltulcrn lllc Snmnll lltpnhllc lmn culled An hnunrlor Mlllmuurl Mull Ilrrn lrlI lmme 1mm Landry lur mu Iullnllnm nmld mm ltmlnn our Ilw dlnpulml narlllrm lum llcr llrllllnl Krnyn mum to lc Thaummla ul Bumnllu RCA Wle TROPHY LONDON CPIThe Fincas lle Trophy nwardnd for GCCHV racy In anllrsubmnrinc bum Inn and won this year by he IlCM Mnrillmc Mr Commnnd nl Hannx was prescnltd Mon day nluhl The lrnphy won last year by he Roynl Australian Mr Fnrcv wns prescnlcd by Mr and Mrs Mn hylll of London who domain It in memory thrir mu Fincnsllc killtd while urvlm an uir warm with he IMF nnslnl Commnml during the Second World War INDIAN ORDAINED LETHERIDGE Alin AP hlnrvin Fox treaty Indinn from the Blood Reserve near here has been ordained no mun Catholic priosl Fnthnr Fax 27 was ordained at mm mony in St Marys Roman Catholic Church on the reserve Saturday He is bellevcd to be ill iirst treaty Indian in Can nda to bé ordained in Roman Catholic priest SMALLWOOD T0 SPEAK ST JOHNS Nild CWn Prcmlcr Joseph Smallwooti will no guest speaker Wednesday at luncheon in London honoring Newfoundland being given by Canadian publisher Roy Thom son Mr Smallwood said Man duy that the luncheon to be nt tended by 200 lirltish lnduslrinl his is in canncclion with lupplcmcnl on NewluuntL land whlrh nppcurcd Sunday in the Thomson owned London Sundny Timu Marvin Fax from the El here has he mun Calhuli Fax 27 wag DENY DENIAL NEW YORK AP The American Jawlxh Commillce Mon ay dwllengcd Prcmicr Khmshchevs denlnl of antise millsm lhe Soviet Union and said hat In fact Jews are be ing used as scapegoals or Rus sian Inlcrnal ccnnomic prob lcms SUSPENSION LIFTED HAVANA fleulcrsiA Swiss ambussy spokesman said Man day night the indny suspensinn cl exit permits or United Siaies ciiizcns and lhcir direct Cuban rciniivns has been iiiicd and about 100 15 citizens and relatives wiii leave here Fri day Airliners on loan ihe Red Cross Io deliver and and medical supplies being sent as ransom ior irccd Oxban in vnsiou prisoneu had been nir liiiing US ciiizcns nnd cinse reinlivcs in Miami Fins on the return iiighi Sn next full there will he surplus at cut wood at the mills reducing the amount that needs to be cut In the woods So Iar he strikes hnve reduced next halls woodcut by at least 150 000 cards Many mllls have cushioned the etfccls of the strike on pro Wood or Ihe mills is cut In the fall and let slulng by streams unlll sprlng when the wood out last fall arrlvcs at thu mills this sprlng will amount to more man can be handled un ila curtnlled production sched es about half the cflcc of hu Ia har force wont be felt until next alll woadcul under way About hall the Iaer cost of on of newsprint Is In manufacA luring the other hall In wood culling MID NEWS IN BRIEF 1f KATHARINE unrnmm mm milk In tour Dayl mery mm mm margin will In ark STAMPS AUCTIONID LONDON Ulculvrn xlnmp rollrcliun Much nur mnlly would srll for Almul £20 In nuclInmrl or 10070 um Inm Mumynylucnuw purl nl nll llw Hump wrm pxinlrrl Im sldn dwn MInl Ilnmu 1mm In nmuhl In Im mnrk lhr mum Hm anrrnm Sumny mm lnr rm vfllllllr ll hurl llm Almllrun raxlr mu Hm Cnnmllml mph lrul nlnhd Ilpsltln hum 01TAWA CPI The rnyal commlsalun on lnxmlun Irlwd ulcd hmin 5min hch Mrm day II il omnnl auuly Hm rnllrc NILml Inxnllon snlcm nunmmnd Manxlny lml nll hvarinys ill be poshmnul unlll nllrr Im The origlnul Mhululu taking he Humm bcr mmmiuiuu mm mm In cnusl would hzuo mrricd on through llw mmxmlnn Imam Hm Aprll crnrml clttliun thw dillcfi haul hml nrl hc urn he olccllnn uns an ummml Lacy 58yca actress cl 10 col the stage the Old Vic lhcalrc Monday night and lay groaning in agony wilh her right hip brokcn The audicnm at 1000 gasped In hnrmr Il happuncd at the rm lhu first scum or lbscns Pccr Gym Miss Lacey playing Ima mnlhnr ell Irnm lhc mm stage hnuw nwmusn as Jim snld she han radurcd pelvis und culs Illc Xv and wk and would hcimmohilu or he ucckL QUAKE SNAKES CITY MANILA AP sharp earthquake shook Manila lo day No damage was rcporlcd ACTRESS INJURED LDNRON my CnUIcrinn She was president missxonary asso clalion and was church sec retarylmasurcr in Linuvillc town with population 1612 47 DEAD 0n MISSING TOKYO MFJA Icrry baa en ryln passengers and crew sank mar Kobe early day Her cullidinz with Japa nese Imighkr The Maritime Safety Agcncy said eight per son on he 2384M ferry Tm kiwa Maru wnrc knuwn dead and 39 other were missing $131000 STOLEN ANNISTON Ala AP prominent church man was arrested by he FBI Monday on charges 01 stealing mure llmn smooo from me Farmers and Merchant Bank In Linavilln Ala Mrs Lanlsc Pruel 45 was placed Imdil 510000 bond TAKE LAST STEP VATICAN CITY APlPapu John Monday ordcrcd the pub lication ul decrees approving the miracles attributed to lllaihcr Elizabeth Ann Solon and Bishop John Nnumnnn lwo United Slates Roman Calh nllc figures of he mu cenlury who will be bcaiilied next month This was the last formal slop heron lhc beaiiiicallons approved by lhe Congregaliun ol Rilcs Feb l9 drmanding secesslan of Ken yas northern Ironuer dislrict to Snmnli dcmunslralcd Sunday in from of Um United States Brib lsh French and Ethiopian cm bassics In Mugudishu the So mnll capital But theres unly so long you can do that says Mr Savage In the case or North Shore Pa per the company has set March 20 as he dale when pmduclion will have tn be severely cur alltd because of luck star agc space Large 71nd small newsprint companies have been alfncled Eu ml at than stnp pmde Ing entirely the company hal cut the work week to live day mm six days and put the pro dufllap jnlo storqgc duction by producing newsprint for storage For example Ihe Quehpc North Shore Paper Co mill at final Comeau which is owned by intercsis operating Ihe New York Daily Now now has no market or its produo lion cgr wogm WEEK TIUXH IHMRI

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