Mm ninth 11mm W4 lull men 0mm 41 muJoe roum rel unlnuulh llulh hull nw IIJ Waller lllmln INDPI 1er Mummy AICI IM Arthuruntil Lukln lvln Maul Mun Woolr1 LL mm mu 11mm W4 mnJI Illuémnrn MM thlfllh RC llllnw VntFrmk dmnlmn 1SCL Oxlovd qullnrv Nrdvlll HCI Wllhed Vuhl INIHU mm 4m Iun Mndnmmwm Alnnw INIH lflnnlnn MIMI Im nlflm TA lnr In 14 um mum rahJoian Fun mm lulu lNDID anllcnKNI mm mum ILI McCulchcun IlCL anuun nlanllrr luy lln nhl Jncklon llCt Jun Klnlmrrly INIJIV Ink xrnrc lkmcrll TL Ml Slvuml erdvxJuIIII Mullltsoll II lJmuln no Cuuklnn INDII menrl McNull 1M lllllfllllr on PO mm2n Clnrrmn Immm AU Mlddlrlrl Hall John Fel Xflu 1NIHI lqu lel Mlddlrux vlllGIDIKI Mrhrmlo 1I Allhur Slcwml NIHL Nlalnrn uJcm DWEIIII IIUV Wyllu Jolmllon NDID Nrhrl flrllxmlln God IIJ Ml GIHIIUI 1Nll John erllan Mini Letllfl will IICY Muell mm llmlmnh Navlhllmhnlnnd Pmllnc Jenn In Mllllo Ilml llnll mmv lawn xL Illdllld IL ILL 3Ontarid Nominations They Now Stcmd null llnmlllan nlxhllcn Fnlr claugh ICl llnrry llumcr lCmmm Jun Mmnluso ILL nlllnul lrnnlnllc WIIA Inn Shannan LL IIHIIKI ScumRobert Tcm plc 1L IIIIrnniunhm Mdhnln 1M Klnulon Immh Knlmnn mum WI mum uuullll Hugh McCoanle INDP GrrnvllleDunan John Pul mcr ll Greyurns Duncan McCal luxn IL my Norm1 Slcrmson NDPJ AllanC Ilcsl ICI llnmillun LMIXJDhn Munm 1L7 Hriun OUnnml 1NDIL llnmlllan SoulhJumcs Cus ch William Howe NDIJ ElmKenneth Shackcl Inn SC Harold Slalrord Dullrrlnslmm Ellwood Mndlll PCL Harvey Suwnn Ll LL Fallawing are Ontario nomi nallnn Alum Enl Paul Jewell PC chsler Pearson Algomx Vul Morris Wer nlck lNDP BrnhlfnrrlOflo AndraA9011 PC CarletonHarald Spleil SC Carminefloss IL Paterson NDP Durham Ellccn Coulll 2ND Ggmclumckprd SC Fi cn women candidates have been named so far corn parcd wilh 27 last June when Ii are elected Lexcnd PC Progressive Conservative LLibernl SC Soclul Credit NDP New Democratic Party Comm Cnmmunist Ind Independ enl xvmembcr Inst House Liberal Leader Penrson ln Algnma East and NDP chlal Douglas in BurnabyCoquillam have been nominated and the ulhcr leaders names will be placed in he alccliun race ol licially this week Robert Thompson Social Credit will In nnminalcd Red Deer Alln Wednesday and Prime Minister Diclcnhnkcr at Prince Albert Saturdayl Real Cnouclle deputy Social Credik lender seeking re election in the northwestern Quebec riding of Vlllcnnuve H15 snn Gilles 23 SC cnndidula in nqonlrnul Laurier lcslnd rails 75 So cial Credit 110 NDP 21a ComA munism 12 and lndependcnu Liberals with 136 candidaies are more ihnn hnli way to their gun oi 265 and lap all parties in nominees date Social Credit allows with includ ing 754 iuil siaIeln Quebec when they won 26 oi their seal In ihe ins cieciioni The New Democratic Pariy and Progressive Conservative ioiluw wilh 89 and B5 candi daies rcspccllveiy There also are nine Communists and six indepc is in IR running More than 250 candidates were nominated in the last week raising to us lhe total in an unolllclal compilation by The Canadian Press in the 1962 election 1018 nnmas ap peared on the ballots the great est number in any Canadian eicrllon Nominatlnns close March 25 In 212 consliluenciesrtwo which alum lwn members apiece and two weeks earner March in large or Isolated rid ings when extra time needed Io dislrihulc election supplies Canadas pollllcal parties an slepplng up lhe pace of nomlna llons for the April ledcral elccllon bullhey still have long way la go In match he record so in 1962 pm mm By THE CANADIAN PRESS Lind Hollmrxh Tannin Sl PaulsJoel Al drcd lPC Neil Carmichael SC Don Slavenson NDP 10on Spndlna Robert Beardsley INDP Frank 10on Beardsley Chamber Ll Toronto BmidilcwJack Gil bert NDP David Hahn Ll Allananqemn IndL Toronln Dlvcnpnrl Victor Chums NDP xanlcr Gor dan LL Toronln Grenwood xlmd row Brewin INDPI John Hilton IPC Peter Lnnsdnlp SCI Edgar Reilly romnna min In ZxATJI Cameron L7 William Malny chuk Comm Andrew Mays NDP Toroqla Pnkdnle Tom Campbell NDP xSInnley Hnl dasz Toronto MandalaHurdng Bishop NDP Hal Jackman PC Simeon NnrlhJ Browne Ind Ralph Snelgmve Ll slnrmonl xLucicn Lamon MIX sndlmrydohn Masih N511 xnodgcf Mllchcll Tlmhklmlnl Sega lNDP Cnmll Samson nmmgru Loo Del Villano xMurdo Mnrlin NDP Titania Dnnfurth Erncsl Wig SC John Whuehead EL Toronto Hunlion Mllnhcll Shgrp asmallstepin we PC kPerry Rybh ltn novvr lmou mirr to atop up to the aluwr luxury mul lullllnn pcrlurmnnco nl nu Olllnumlrllol llocuusu nll ltlnmnllllon lrudillunul qualin uul rullmmumhlp run he yuum or lillla uum than youd pay for Illlllll IINNI rur szl he Ilillvrunvu ln coal In mm mullrr ul lullurn hulOIIl the llillorrntv in drlviug plvuuurv llu dillvrvuro In uuumlll llmkcl runpmmv llu Illllvrrncu lu lulurlur miciuunnrm ln downnull rillt lu nuru Ilmdlolx unexclllml cmulurll llvvry lullmu Oltlmnulyllo luLw nu Mumlnnl aqulp drive distinctive gianT stride in satisfaction 233 BRADFORD ST YurkWestxflcd Kelly David Middleton NDP nanavlsln minuteGuy Evoleigh PCL La lnle Henri Vachon Bmme Mlsslsquol Len Du mm York Smith Willnm Beech PC Marvin Gclbcr anvld Lewis NDP York umber xnalph Cownn LL York NuruIxJohn Addison Stan Hall NDP Charles Hooper PC John OErlan SC YorkScarborough Maurice John Human Ed Phillips NDPL Welllnulonlluron xMarvIu Howe PC Willlam THan Ll Welllnzlnn ScumJohn Har ney NDPM ank ND York Cownn VictoriaCunard Benson Allan McPhaIl NDP Waterloo NorthéJuhn Walbcr NDP Wcllanrl Francis Goldrin PC XW McMillan Jo Pafllersan SC wentwoflhJahn Morison IL xJoscph IL Sam PC York Cantu Val Scan NDP xJnmcx Walker ank East Sld Dunkley Toronlu TrlnlIyxPnnl Hell yer Leslie Morris Comm Thomas Pnlon NDP John Wasylenko PC Wnledm ScumRad Slewafl NDP 4NDP DANGERFIELD morons mm mum ChurchllIW Brice Dunlap MurquelfaHnrris Huston Winnipeg NorthPaul Parashin Donald Thompson PC wlnnlprg Soulh Phorsnn SCI live Barred 0w wilh wingsprcad three teeth held 1110 by Nathan Har Your Chlvmllv Oldlmobllo Cldmll Envoy and thcvrolnb Truck Dnlor James Mnc HERES RARE BIRD AlhnhfulfnXJack mgg IPC SC LlszanJnck Willanv Meadow LnkexAlbcrl Cadibu PC SheenaJohn Mngnr VernonWilliam Ross Aslsgrllpaln Vbaryl Rumble hours Board constabln The In Montreal harbour rare owl was found in shed wircpboto GO nwnt IlyllmMnlh Dnvo nulmnnllc lrnnnmlminn rloortodoor droppup cnrpcllng Mfrtypmldvd inulrumvnl punvl Miluljunthm bmkm Imluvrymvlnn Dvlcotron gonor ntnr running llmkvl VB pmwr and tho umnhtnknlylo llmk Um lmdtr In nlylu nnd hnuuinnlinn Imtunn nurh as the nnmzing IiILAwny Slminy whorl nn nnunu Um mnny options nvnfluhlo small nlvp In price an nuvh giant alrido luwnnla grrntvr mllisfnc Ion when you Nl your hlnnmhllc dealer Thuln the next atvp In lnku mum The naulélurdsFrcd Wolashyn NDP Red Door Thomsan Gordan Tower PC Burnaby Coqumam Tom Ken Ll victorln Famhorpe NDP EIGHT SIAHFIRE SUPER flfl DYNAMIC flfl F85 cf PHONE PA 66527 The Crown so fur has called 33 witnesses out at total so who have been subpoenaed hut Crown prosecutor Clnude Wagner Indicated to repnrlers hll of them may not be called He said he expected wind up his case today The slar Crown wilnessha been JennPnul Foumelv 40 whn lesllned Ins week he lnok part in no $142960 holdup with Mar cnlte whom he named as thu gunman wearing Santa Claus disguise nndJules Reeves 29 Faunnu and Reeves are await Ing trial March 29 MONTREAL CPIThe murv der Irlal Georges Marcelle charged win the slaying of two policemen during hunk holdup Dec 14 In suburban Lamb tnl entered its seventh day to day wllhrlhe Crown coming In flu Imd It case oï¬m imnmz EXAMINER witsmiit mummy 28 us 33 Of 80 Witness In Santa Case and Bedroom New Ranch Bungalows from 600000 to 050000 on aére trecfl lots near schools from $50000 down No salary require ments Served by Natural Gaé PA Hm Imu pm and Holldnyl PA 66151 YOUR CHANCE OF llFETIME CARSON REAL ESTME WAllmll Mm aptMal at mm tall GENERAL MOTORS VALUE timed lhq from 1112 am lo 1119 am on his watch snld that he thrcu men lnvnlvcd were obviously French Canadians He lestlllcd 1ha1 he recognized the accent Frcnch Canadians wha speak English no Robert Holmes 45 branch manager unvc cormborallng evidenceiflondny that he man wearing the Santa Claus di guise sware and cursed in during Ihe iwidup lie said lilo mun sgoku English and cnuid he undersiood Earlier ev Gnrland ngerldnn bapk cut0ï¬ler They are charged with he siaylngx of Constables Claude Minincau and Denis Erahnm gunned down when answerlng lhu holdup nlnrmlnt he St Laurent branch at he Canadlan Imycrlnl Banknl Commerce