Quebec Vote Is Eyed By NDP And Liberals Drug Firms Say Prices Not High Lllmal Mmler Purim le Mantlny In Tmln thmn Que lhal Social Cr Ill party hat nu rhanu lnnn mg lmplnmflll Mm wlu lhr Mr Diplrnlvaklr In mum mun In Am hum mull nlmlnl lhulr In In Ihe urnnan mumlu Ihv AMI lmlrml elem lluhl nl Im Soda lellru ll MM 2II Quohrc wall In Hm lmllnmrnt aml we hnvln hr nl Mtl In ll nu IMllr lnrnl 11w Illymh and flu New Dimncrlll are ryrlna QIIMNCI 75 mm In lmllnmrnl wlh MK wflnunlnmu luml mu lnlll Mr anxo Inld he prunnnlly with not ma honllh lmur mm plan lnclmllnl my and lhougm III wuuhl rnuso Nn m1 mlucllan could coma nlmul phnrmnmullcnl mnnulntlurlnu wn surlnllml wllh the mum lmpllrnllnn of zuvrmmrnl mnlml dmnhu llor nl Um rrlnll lfllll ly ANADIAN lnlEM Honor Lame vlmpmldml of Clbn Company umllcd Monl real laid pm cnnlmnto ha did nnl lhink vrlcu could bu lowuni much In Iatm Ill Cum mu rtlnlnwl mo mmpcmlva lyiltm OTTAWA CI The but cut Itvcl or drug prim mm nnd not high the pm ldcnt the Cnnudinn lhnrmn eullcnl Mnuulnclurcrl Assorlw Ha nld Mondny The Church England would have to be divorpcd mm con trol as he stale church by he Drills Parliamenl Prlmo Mlnlflcr Mncmillnn woum pmb nbly have In glve up his unwrit lcn rule at ndvlsing on candl dnlcs for Anzican bishops of lirlally appoinsz by tho Quccn nm nlhcr eight Mmhodlsls and all 11 the Anglicans slgncd lhe final document en lilled Conversallons Between the Church England and tha Methodist Church Complete agreement was not reached and our hicthodlst represcnlallvcx dissented The historic nmpnsnl was an nounced at press wninnnce here Monday ailcr nearly seven year ai oliicinl talks by com mime oi representing bolh churches LONDON Reuters The Church of Englandwhose disA scnllng inllhs iirsl colonized Americas considering pm posai Io unite with Method is Church in 1965 Anglicans Methodists Discuss Union In UK MMMMM GOOD The lhe way Donna Sutton 20 of Barrie eels as she helm 99 Your No 4B For Examiner Wan To phana PA um me telephone number to can for the Busing or mums Dept PA 6657 Our Telephones WHERE LEADERS CAMPAIGN TODRY leth Mr IMnnn Qunhec vulm nol In may hm rnlu an which mule only 17 THE ANAIIMN llllM umix hay um um Prch were not loo hlgh with nlnllan In In mpnclly n1 um mpulnllon lu huy drum II had horn nhnwn In Ynmullnnx mvu Hm rnpnclly In buy drum lhnunh lhcn mm mm Indlvld urglcue hnnlshlp he nnld rumI In InII Ill mmukl ml mm MII Que lkualu In Evlmnnlun nml Cnlznty nnmpunln on momma In llnn Imlay prlcu la K0 down Hill to he puhllcl flowcvtr he lulnl ml of drugs Io Hm nallon would not be lnwrr Ila nddrd that he canaldorrd lhn nlnl mmunl pmcrlnllon drun hlll for Canada was ex tmllnxly nmnll nl nn calimnlcd 63110000 Apuroxlmnltly IIn other 01000000 Mu mm on pager medlclm 4n and wkh clnlmcd membership at 2900 bcrlnu many millions moreIs thc established church In Brlb 000 but an actual allowing num plan ior iuii mmmunlnn goes through it will hen wounds more than Iwn ccniurics and ginnl slridn towrd Chriy linn uniiy in Britain disscnling Methodists complained um the plan would do nothing exccpt absorb lhelr church lnlo Illc Church ol England Speciï¬cally Illey ob cclcd an lrudillonal grounds Io ihe Anglican belle ihal bishops nre ihc correct lnicrprclcrs bihllcnl scripture bccauso they are In llncul dcscent irom lhs Angslle oi Christ The report sald It is as sumcd lhe UnIIed Church will be free to settle Ila own due lrlne warshlp and discipunc nppnlnl lls nwn officers mud to some dlspule It own courls wflh the same degree free deam from state control as Is now possessed by the Church Sagum hersnl Io another moulhml at the traditional di ol pan an urnwl In llunw puny mnhulnu ul nf cakes served on Shmve nxey pan day Examiner Photo Elm 113ettti2 Eat31min Whll Mr lonmn conï¬rmed III Qurlmc rlmllnn lwr lo luml lb MnIf IMI Ilnmllnl In llm In lnlllnmml Hu Now mmnmu Also mm all Quolwc nlm We Ilnm lur Canmllnnlxm nr Inlr Ianl lnr quh Ind nnndlnnI mm mu he uld llnuyn Queu Social mlill drum lend Ilul IrlIn Um murder nl lvrk Um Lllmnls thfllglflfl llml Mr Ian nml mmr LI ml lrmlm mlued lhrlr Ilunnrr In mulnnle Mruflurnlllm whm Hwy urn In pom hy nqwnllnl In II II rwlillf gum can In mule Nulléhil NUP Pfldl new bnck In Cnnndu Monday nlphl nnd Inla Mislnlncd ham polllknl mm pnIaMnn nnld ha wm no Im rmurd by llm eulanlu paid In Um lwa Iuncllnm mu wkh ll Wm mmhlo la lake mum you ovrr lo Cnnndn wllh or Hun ncxl law wrk 013 lnrdï¬Ynyor Iflld HAKH JOKE ommonwnnllh In 3110 and In world lmpoflnnco Ila was hulkd by hi Lord Mayor Slr Ralph Purina am who had bmunhl mn nos nppmnch mama and courage la muclinz lho pm lcms he world one marrMnx commun chlcnlmkcr In two spccches the hlslarlc Guildhall and Al lho Lon Mayors mldcnce Munxlon House proclnlmcd hln munuh Ha admitted it was an hnnr ho scarcely drama when no ï¬rst visited London as ynung captain In tho Canadian Army during lho First World War Mumbn House prbchiimcd hll un hi lg In lho lulum LONDON CPI Mndlevul pomp and color seldom perknccd by Prime Mlnlxmr chfcnbnkcr were lavished on hlm whcn he was made flaw min ollhp €le London was car and dlsflkl the Anglican episcopal system that caused many disscnlen to break away and set up their own church under John Weslzy In 1744 The Methodist report they now have nzarly mono mcmhcrs In Britain Diefenbaker very Impressed With Ceremonies In London aln with Queen Ellubelh ll lilulnr head The prime mlnls ler name It bishop and subject lo measure palfla mnnlary control Yon ho um wllh mfclnl Inm dldum who in ier mm In nu In lhl Ill lnllnmml lM Conmany hold I0 Quebec HM Nov Dommln bid WI hell Inn Imlmnlvc CommHm In dud hm Ind am the Liberal bunk mfl Ir lmlnl new un dl who ery pro Mr Ward uld be upon lhe mnln opponlllmn tn GnuInc In mm mm floclll Cmfllm Ionflhlttl yr Oljvcrr added Michael Oliver nnmunml In Ilunlml Du 0mm Hum mmlnlnl meec lrndo unan Il VIII In Mr puny Heu lrnunl In the pmvlncv nmnln one 04 mm 60 ND um dnlu InQupec Dielenbnku and Trad MlnIM er Wallnca McCulchoon lold Drllaln that Inrlu market lwllll ï¬rtth oxportm In Curr Idll they un Idnpt hem ulvu lo the North American mum uvuuvu in and bushes centre Wllh lmdlllonnl Gulldhall ceremony chlcnbakcr received tho mull whlch made hlm Iho seventh Cnnndlan pxlmo mlnlb lar to be enmllcd hm man Iho pity lmglon bank PROGRESS ISSUE IN THIS PAPER Dieitnbaker npoke off the cuii at luncheon at Mansion Hausa niler toiling iho Guildlulii audi enm that he ms the Common wealth continuing to row and becoming real iorca in him nniionni niinim til ni mith 1min nrnliei the power of the aid an Empire million of The Bank Bumlnrr Incluan hm mclnl chlonl do vomi cxclunlvrly to pro lreu mmmunlly mule and Wonpm war hide rnnge In cludlnl wva of lxulnm lmlunry Md tho Clly of AMI Rev Ronald Colllns Anglican vlcnr of Olney Ind orgner 01 he local rue nxled out CA nndlnn attempt to mnku the Olney leeru mmpelluon threecornered race Then report lhnl llle mum suburb of Bell Corner has Entered lhll year he wld Thls l5 m1me unfounded lll no go um able to an llwn newtpaper saying the challenge could not be ne CIPW Vicr vho iavlved Slum mm mm mu In me In the In word on all chal lime WM 49 seconds Ihereconl set by Mn Blflia D11 Liberal in 1955 liberal nppcaied to have load chanoi to can the score in the annual Shrove Tuesday competition with the English lawn Oiney won last year in lake 76 lead Im afraid wont be good enough to win yxlemorchud IIUOM we expect lime DLNEY England AP Linda Rlnhy tall 511m Eng sh blonde splashed over 415 yards of mow slush and Ice 10 Mn Gina leg of the Inter national ancake race today In one mlnu 10 seconds Olney olflclnll said Miss Rh bys time was 310w Ind mlzh mu to stave all the challenge hogsewlvu Ubexjal Km Pancake Race Is Held Today In England Burrh Onnrï¬ Clnldnpruuday Foliruniyfl FourunmenTake $500000 In Gems mm mam mm to run soma six hour mum hlyhy an him mm 5rd ed lmvmm lomul And um um nlllln on Iln Incl mm In lilo moon Ith when Ihu lam laud mr um In lot In ninMelcd Mr up unlavlnnnlu llnlumenl Allhur mum Fun Norm mld Hm nvrmmenl anan pullllrl In he dlnlul lawul pounds way hr up polnlln drmlm tnHal unn duIu 11mm Grnham la lhI polite mmmlulnn Mn Graham In In lmumalvu COMOYVIIIVI candidate In ank Canln In Um Ilgl elodlan The mmmlulvmcr wuld he rnlmd rucullve In Allar nyrmlrrnln Ir arlmcnl Ind Mnulll In nulnln hy xlrpnly clllllllllulnllKr pmwn poll nbllllyl Mr CnM luIIL Er POEJTICM MOVE major nlm would bu la mnku tho Oll an nulonomoul body mman In llm mu lnlun lhmuuh nommlulunor wllh um naka dcpuly mln Inkr Mr Can mid dulnlll he proposed om Irxlslnllan will not be mvenlul unlll nfler he rrpou on the man commlulnn on crime Cumlllclbd by Mn Jun kw much In noclvod null lublrd lï¬i nmllnnrum ddmlld by Um nvcmmznt uml dubnlu llnnlly adjourned about midnight Thu announcement came dur Inx uhcrnl nppaslllnn nllnch on xovcmmcm appolmmcnu at tho OPP and tho Onlarlo Pollen Cummiulnn Enrly In lhu night Illllnx the moved ndqum hut TORONm CPI Provision lnr rmruanlzmlon ol the prnvln clnl pollen will be conlnlnnd In legislullon likely be lnlnr duccd In lha curnnt lrglslnlurc session NiameyGeneral Cass Inld Monday nlghl The In llama rink of Kimberley BC dolomian Canndin wnmcna curllng champions demand Album 104 today or hclr third strnltbt triumph In the 10m Cass Promises OPP Legislation HERES ONE CHAMps UNBEATEN I963 Munm we burn ummu II Ho MM lubmnlmlurl work Inz under permit luucd to Mnl lhlru Lumber Company had olnlod Hm pumlu by culling nun nnvllnblu wnlm Ind ncnr nnluro lrnlll Donald MacDonald Ncw Dcmocmllc Lander Iald dos ccrallcn of lumbcrlnz work In annllco valnchl Park had been currch nut undcr wnrk pcrmlu lnucd to wtllAknawn Tory In Um nun and laid Hum wnl no reason In qucslInn lhe lmpnrllallly of us cammlsslon membcrl dismemhlps It Saint John NB Top obouom are lead Mary Shnw second lio bel Leith third AdnvCallel and skip Ina Hanan CP ercphoto WinkHuman OWEN SOUND WINFred crlck Franklin Mcrrar 42 of landon Onl WM unknmd Monday to hm monlhs dellw Ila nnd lwo months lndcrlnlla or Imud Ha wan conviclcd enrllcr lhll month dclrnud inn Mr Margaret lrwln widow Mcnlnrd nun Owen Sound mo lul July thIu ha wnn ulltmmn lnr harm lm provcmcnll company Fraud Sentence In Owen Sound Thu relghter Richmond Mnru lulferod Illlla damngu In the collision and crew was un hun Fuflher scum 6140 Jay anm ï¬shing boat sank In lhu rough wnlm the East China Sea early loduy All 11 sher mcn absurd wen drowned mar Illme omcinl said No llshlnk beau marched the am but found no aurvlvm um wuuy Eixhl bodies were recovcredi liinny he 39 still missing an believed trapped inside cabins qi the sunken lorry Police re period 19 survivors out oi he Jergnrxsybongd Thu envlcst toll perhaps as many 47 ans was cared In the tinting of the Japanese ferry Toklwa Mani nem Kobe In western Japan The mlon eny colflded mm 9517an Japanese freighter early today WEVHAGUE AHA many as person are lcargd lost In qu shlp disasters around the world all wllhln 24 hours Eight ex have been mcovmi Rescuer braved flaming blanket of all In yeslcm EH4 ropea Scheldl River to keep the death toll dawn Sea kagedlm alsa struck twice Japan and obim he Aegean Sea Aï¬Ã©ï¬renlly no Claim an Wale lqvolvod nun umul The bandits Ignored om of the largest private collection of art In Canada taking only 1919121 oylén mining promo ter m1 collector and race horse legt vigil Ads wigs tarn mu Am F1 vacauon three days ago Police said large amth 01 cash was also believed to have been taken mm the west Toronlu submban home but ware mm to say hqw much 11 cent llp Baylen son the ï¬nancier was struck on the head with pistol and bound in class while In men want methodically through the 18 00111 hnme on Klngsway Cres 10Ron apr Four masked gunmen took an esti mated $500000 In jewelry Mon day night after runsaddng the $1151 of millionaire 83 Persons Lost In Ship Disasters Toronto Millionaires Son Struck Bound In Closet No Moro Than 7cPar Copy58 Pan Snawflurrles tonight Law lo nlghg High lumenaw 15 For comle weather sum mary Pleas turn to page two Mr lhu lnrml prlvnln mllccllnn In Canada nlnlinu by Cnmellus Krlra I0 nn lnthmnlury vlnllar lo nnndn uhm pnlnllmu now wummnd premium prim He has nlm been mm In mlnlmz pramnllon 1n Quchcc nnd lhg Mnrlllmu Mr Iloylcnl as thoroughbred mm hams ranked Inuth In Cnnadn IN ycnr won puma lalalllng $123002 The Boylcn ham next hoot lthnt ol LieutenantGovernor Kelller Mnckny Mrs Muc kay wen Insido lho home to alter help Philip was cut on hand but did ml lose cansdousneu He was nhlo my himwl and leave ho close when he was ccrluln Ina men had lell about an hour after they had came Phll Iflld lhcy ransacked every room In lho housa or about 45 mlnulu nnd ha could hear them Inlklnz nll thn llme They seemed to know what they were doing mm uuglrll mun Us Open it partly Ind those men pushed their way In side They knocked him on the head with plslnl and bound hls amu Then lhey put hlm In an upstairs closet Jnmcs Boylcn 26 manager Celtic Farms In suburban Manon snld hls bmlhcr Phil returned to ha mnnslnn Ear in lha cvcnlng to await lel1 from bmmermlaw Donald Conner Ho wns hvme few mIn ules when he heard knock at lhglflaor Jayne Boqun sald Ponce sald the men Seemed be from 14 26 year nId They wore nylon stockings over their heads to distort hair fea tures and had on Mark fedoras blnck glove and black man All palfled ncallbre pistols Investigating ofï¬cers plï¬ced the loss about $500000 wygz sroquns Local Weather and Philip was alone In ilha house PHILIP BOYLEN ig bwï¬i Liai