Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1963, p. 9

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12 r41 mm Al 14w Im mm lnlmn man lnnwm ulvu In mm mm IN Iinlx In IN My MLnn leVva Hum luuln III llrnu Hm ml Muulmm Kim us 11w My urn mum ml Hum Dnulnny qu mm luv llnhlmwl and IM 1mm mul mm Irlunwl nm fnmvr unhrrl by Iml Mum um whth Iw Inmnm MM umml Ilw Mr mmmu mul qu mnuml llml um um um lmll with nmnry rllllldy quxlh In MM Ihnl Innk unlulmnl Al up HM hILLJHIUI nml Huml dvrixlw IHnry our hrmHy mnlml Hme Sum In Ilm 010m Lvmmnlml Snun Amln Huntan nmllu Cllm Fuhulluv llmum vn uhu unl Tho pulDrlILllHn Ms rink was nearly nu yumLl us ll rrmnl UNIV IIH Ivy Ir ml rurllvl HH louhthll llml lmyd hm mm mm it In finial 1mm mmmr MM Hm IN lhnhnzvn rxlll All Jr Human Illll hnl Sculhrhl kmxthll erh Inrnlimnuv Inmlumml nul smvhvnwnu drhxrlm champ Hm Humbvr malvlnndx Mar IMnl 1M Inyum drum lln mm hi mm qunlilyinz mums 1m Um mldncrk day Hm wme lvrw man muluy Lulu nw lixmnincr Tmphy and prl mu Crozier Scores Over Favorite Since Earl Hmhngbn mum on um Ice of lame urlmg CIuI lust WMnNIIIIy hr 41 pitkod lmunlu wn the clubs urcMnng meNKL Hushagen Responds With Win In Barrie WeekLong Bonspiel NllWI YDHK Hlr rnlrr HA IllzuLurd xkip pod his Ink he Dunner licld Trophy Salurday From the Sterling lnlsls Trnplly the honspicl From left In ll IIIGHLANDS rink skipped by Earl Husha gen won The Examiner Tm phy In 1h weeklung bonspicl AVRIIDLAND RINK won Unmr lnr Nhhwlly nu Ilvvhy iumvr hr lnhl ml uhu Unl Iutluvl in llvml mm plum NM hr NM My Mum wu HIM uh nurl Hum Haul mul um um um wlih MI uILm uuI vlmmn umm Yhm lmluh mu Hum null lhr luwml Hulvmu ma am mm mm Nuu null Irvtml urmun I1lnmhhk Ur NIH Il Ilmml mlvl lnu Ilrlmml lr HullM MIMIL MIME HT Jun MN Nun Ilrlmml Noun Ilfll UMvIuHHn Hr Hm LN lhmlhrrvL IMMINI lII Wolfrn IlrHIE 71 anl vlmnml HninM Inl er dblwin nr1 In IMCnlnl Muchund PJIIHHNG THUWK iunl Ilrmme lwuinmlHr Ilrhmwl lmk Kmlml lleIr X02 nlr mm IIHV uln lmvd Mm nmmuu hump Inn 741 mu IIML Midland IIrlerd thun Mmum JIIIILI Md Nlllllmlll Ilnnlvx mu lrnhwl Hde lrllVLzuw Iuh mmr IH mmnvl Huunuvl lhiu my wlhmh Hm ml 01le lMNlIllllllD IIUHIIY lnh MHMLHHL Ulllli Harry 1er Irlml NI UH My Inlunh lhv lll 21 le llmhmvn Hum lwr Ilkuflnnlh llrhmlrd HUI Slvlvhtmnll rillm l1 Hrrh Shnnnvu Hurrlr dcme Maw Strrrl mum Hr Julm Hunk IJmun drhJlld ilu 211mm lmtVIthL nn Hm urn ddmlvxl Mimic ll Hunk Ilolmlnl Mmmmn Dungvrmh mpny cvcnl WM tumml hy hunky Sum IAC and Ms Hrmlfrnd nunnnm will Tum Emu nnd Imll nml Milan llnfk nlmwd HUI Mfllcllnnd IHH Way In the lam clubs llfl um muuml Hul uhrl Smur Full ll Al rmuinurd 11M luvwhy Hmmhl leny nnd Hnlmdny IIXMIINE THOIIIY newcomer to lhc spiel Dunn Hal of Mitllzlnd lnnk hm mcnl hnnurn and the Sim Hm Trmls ml by edging an lLr Craig llnrur 74 dml MD IMPUH by Hm an In 1m slime uI nu mxm prmidvd Um dlflrrmtc nmwihm Inthnlrd DM hor Dr Hmnblry and Myrly Iviucrmld lonshlp rlnk skim by Dr Hu mm 1011 In the nirmrc are Tom Evans Bill Merrick 01 Dan gerflclds Leo and Paul and hc picure are Les Barber Dr Hamblcy skip Doug Hnig Jamfl Shule ol Ster nl Barrie Curllng Club Sat urday From left In the nlc lure arenAdr Gfice Hush nlvanml lork and the nughie John Brark al Ilnlur 17 Ifi llnlluun 1H Wmnhlmk 01 Ml I173 115 L111 11 sumr null llmHmul WIme Tlllvlnvl mum unklud ml Hulaur ml Ilnlluun le141ka Hull hnlnrulnvn nil mm Illkhmull lrulmul nl llrnhvy humlnyn Ilrwlll Illlzhmuh llanln llmllry llcrrlnlul MrlinLlwlrl lllnthmfi llvlllllhnw Hmlvrdlr hullmlayl Ilnnlll Qurhrc Hrnluy IlnHMIu IIHlnlul Iulmlrr Illhlvlluzh Iunlulvnu llllullrhl llulmln lluH lmul HI lvrxlrr Illulnnm IMlltlnc Ilvulwy Slrrillullrlll Juvhvc llullmmm Nuw ork Dcuuu Emum Irnlrnlnnal lhIHmlnwfl 15 6221 6174 Iilflbhm 15 239171 lullmry 2122 11mm 51 SL LHHII NM 819117030 Hnlunlnyl lluull HHIIOHHN Klnnalnh Hulldnyl Ilfnulll LnulI Hmlbllly 17 1mm 41 Nun011m Turulnyn 2mm Sl IANHI nl Sudlmry Amnlrln mm Hulrmr mwa Chicago 3015 II 172 13 7O Mmlllunl 21 me N566 Tomnln 28 21 II 15555 Detroit 201314815561 New urk 16 Ill 1m 19 Non 3115179211 Salllnllyn llrmllf va mk Munlleill Moll Turnnlo Detroit Chicago Sundnyl llnulu IMan MW Yorkl min Chlcnxn rmm Tnuduy Chicago Mnnlrunl Tomnln Detroit Milan Plucko Examiner PM as By THE CANADIAN PRESS ling Trusts and Marty Fitz gerald gen Ken Wall meExam Iner Zikman and Jim Slan ieId llnllllu Frill rllrm anlnnnlr Lrnnle HOCKEY 113cm HM 2920 CM can munm lDllvl I770 2111 7mm Milan In If Ifllfvl 07mm UNION 519015075 1m 1mm 1mm 17 nmm PVAPI In lrnuu 11ml Mrhlllt Flin Hun vhm lIhmn ll uolmm Mom Jan all Vlmknr mm mm nul llunl 1V Nun lrnll firnor Mumlnu NM Hal nv union hnlnl an Vliilnfl lliy lenlirbalobnlna Hal Eulrm Aunt hnnulllo Tllnhm IIIIIMMIIMI Julmnhlwn Umllalln Nululllo mu IHRIT Olllwnllull Jnnlnr lrmluuht letlu Fall In mm lullorlmn IMTUIIIM lnlnulllonnl Lulu Omaha Full Vuymy luvl mm Mmlrnnn Numlyl 11mm Vlmcauur Sun rnnmca Cnhmry bMIllo lwlland Npoianu Olhvrbulum Ioxtlnnd IE 42 71 San Irxnnchco 35m 111311771 L0 Anflclbl 5021 Md Spa 1mm Bnlurdul nnnlu ancouur II In Anzrlu Sulln Epoknnl Pomnnd Camry dmonmn 137 217 Cllunry ms In southern lllvlllon Ioxtlnnd II 42 San Irxnnchco mm In La Angela 02 Spokln ma 1m Scull Vnncolnrr Nlnznrn Full Munlml Pclcrhom Hnmllluu CMhnrlnu Guelph Tueidny Guelph ll Nlum Fnll Montreal nl Pclcrbarouxh vmm Lnnn Nnrlhfrn Dlvhlun Humm Iluulll Gurlph 5L Cnlhnrlncs lclulmluug Mnnlrcal thuesdnyl Guns Gui chumum Mikiln Chicago Howe Delmll Hull Chlcana nucyk Buslon nathunlc New York Ollvar ncslon Hallvuu Montreal First name of beatermm scmlllnan Andy Balhgale of New York scared lece gnals and caught up to Murray Oliver of Boston who scam only once at lhe 60ml level Montreals Jean nclivenu landing lhe league In ussixls with hum on In anv cnlh place by xclllmz his lslh final in Manlrnal sinqu week mdumu 11ml oilurn INHIEII Hull was limited Io lwo assists In he weekend games and Is In third plnce lied will John Bucyk of Huston alsu held down tn asslsls Mikiln now has 28 gnnls and 37 assists for 65 points nhlle Ilnwc has at asslsls with his 30 19515 n5 Q4 nuInIs Howe plcked up goal and three assists bucomlng 1h NIILa third normal scorer he season He lolns Chlcnros Buhby Hull and Torontos Frank llch In he aoxaal club Mikita Squeeze Into Pirét Spot By THE CANADIAN PRESS Chlcagos shmy Stan Ml klla scored lhree goals and Hum nsslsu or slx point In two weekend National Hockey League games and squeade Inln lhe NIH scoring leader ship Just ahead of Detroits Gnrdie Howe They shaded the Bruins Al Boston Sunday night with Stan polling Ihree goals and asslsllnz an the other Mlklla nabbed slx polnll as tho Hawks took pal one an1 wins RUINS BRUINS Another not unexpeclcd weekend develnpmenl was um the mathematical chance Boslun Bruin la make the post so plnyqfl yvegc sqllquhed Thu Hawkemergcd with an elzht point cushlnn atop he standings Ind Slnn surged mm the lndlvldunl mintalluring laqdcrghip The laden Stan iiiikiia wiry ieilnrw wiih scrappy disposition and an artistic hair in man ipulating punk is defined simply by Hawk coach Rudy Piious uycnmld cenln wflh the disllncllon Czechoslovakhn birth Miklla was ll hl produc tlvE beg luring theweekcnd fly MAMEN MOSS Canalum Press erlzr belllcose kid callcd Slash by his Ieammalc has Chicago Black Hawks pulling away from the rest thu Held In the Nb llanal Huckcy League wlu mgnm Id In the schedule Saturdaymnlgh In Chlcago Mikita Helps Chicago P1111 Away From Loop The kid 15 what make Onllrlo Junlur AP Full 28 718811363 II 25 915913359 10 18 II 13511749 2019 MIUHB hurinu 221115520159 an em H2 bestolnoven 30 30 ll J7 13 12 22 JR Ilfll AN llrd SARJEANT MD PA 82461 Tlll GLUE THE HOME Porous mnmln Mach llucd In posnlon with Ipecll mm In new bulldan Imp nique duvtlnpcd In Dmmmk nine ML Giner nnd Mc Pherson lho Clnndlln um In cluth Dem 11110 and Guy are Dhln Cxcthoslm vnkln doesnt enlen he manl nlnxlu mauled lu lnrn Imo dual helwncn Frunten Mnln Calmnl Ind Donald Mclhcuon ol Slfqunnl Onl Tho Unlkd Slnles mnived Ipccial dispensmion enter lull team as on Ild In it re bundinx program All Ia mvm bars or the 1961 mm were killed in lot crash near mus els while en mule to H1 world mccl SJnukJe DHslll The Nether lands now and Ihc uurnrnl chnmplnn ls given sllxhl edge avnr anndna Wendy Griner la Tamnln European skaters zmernlly are cxpcucd to sweep he our liHu but nggl Slophnns pru Idenl of Ihu Canndinn Fixture Skullng Assoclallan has uld he hopes In sen Cnnudlan Wlnnl lcnsl lhroiucnls 196 WINS COUNTED Canada earned It Is hcrlh by grabbing lwo lilies and pluc Ing lwa entries man the first live In all our classes of lhe I061 world champlanshlps in Prnxuo Inn lmvnlnsunmolvnhnIOJ rmlirh mu sqva nu Inn um mm Inmlmll lvmmmnllmmi hulml In momy More 1h 00 competitors mm 10 caunlrles try nr gold meda honun In our divlslans menx nnd wumcns singles palm and ice dance Canada and lhu United Slates will he roprcscnlnd by the largcs contingentsla each The four ny men will be staged Feb ZiaMarch in the Olympic Ice Stadium oi ihls glamorous noth Malian alpine resort that was host to in 1056 winier Olymplcsi SUNUCU noon run we mun nun COHTINA DAMPEZZO Italy APJSknlers from amund the wnrld are pulling lhe linlshlnz touches on Iheir compelllive muuncs 191 the m1 World Fl urel Skating Champlonshlpl Wharram wns hat against the Red Wlngs Saturday healing Terry Sawchuk twice in lhu upenlnz period Sawchuk male in his first appearance since Jan 12 when he sutured hand ChTailIé iiurns fired two Koala for the Bruin and Dean Prom He got the other one Bosion has and 10 games in play Even ii Bruins win all 10 while the Red Wing drop all remaining ninesInd they have lZBosinn wouid still be behind Detroit in wins ihgggh even in minis Mlklla banded his Ieuunl produmon to gall and I7 wish 101 oneuint lead our Detroits Gordle Howe Inhonzh Howe picked up wish on all hm of 3111 lum gel in New York CANT OUSl WINGS Llllle Ken Whumm not Chi cases other anl Sunday The wm gave the Hawks 74 points Monlnal ml with allowed hairlhloromn wllh 65 and Detmi 61 In other Salurduy night games al Canadians humped New York HJn Mant real and he Bruin upset the Maple Laura 42 In Toronto The Leaf and Canadian were ldlu Sunday night Finishing Touches Put On Routines Ihey edged Red Win klln mingling pIIr of 3315 The Red ilngsbgunced back with win over um Rm en In New York Sunday nizhL HIATINO OIL Al favnrlle Mrs Emily W0on and her Ontario rink one ha masl famous name rink In Canada In 1m Mn Voollny inlcrcsled hcr Ire mm In curlan and formed the Iamuu Clark als lm rlnk or Sarnlnana flu cw wamen rlnk In Canada atilhe Mme nccnuse of their win st year lho British CnIumhln women huvo been installed as lavariles IS FAVDnED Mrl Hanson vlceskip Mrs Ada Callas ucond Mm Isabel huh and lead Mrs Mny Shaw all skip their mm rinks at home but Join arm or prmndnl and nnliynnl pjayuus The ourday roundrobln campellllqn end Thursday un less Inyol ls qccossgry mm or elen dl Canadian champion rinkone ul lwo back In the national finals lhis year made up of our sklp from Kimberley BC SAINT JOHN N11 CPIII British Columqu AIKL Ina Hansen seems to can more con lemme than her opponents In Cnnndlan wnmcnl curling championships whlch open hm today he has good reason Revel both Unlunville Onl All our were nmong Iha win ncrl In lha Nor American Championshlps The schedule ruumcs Tue day night with New York Delroll tha only Kama In To urrny Oliver Jcrry Toppazzlnl Forbes Ken ncdy and Tom Wllllnm shared Busmna scaring Ron Slewan Indl Ed Shack not the Toronto ca Shack reinjurcd his len knee In the final period There was no reporq nrrhls condilion Calls Conferences For Good Reasons Don Mmhnll chkla Moore Ralph Backslmm and Jean Eel lveau also noted for tha Cana dluns Delenceman llarry How ell Bllhula and Rod Gllberl pryducgd Ior Nay Yorkl Heml xelurnlnx mm Ithreu Kama layolf causrd by min Inlury Ind Monmlll luck on New York wllh Iwg go two assists owe lecd In him the puck enunled lwo non Sunday nlghtrnlslng hl ml to mIn New York Both mm In the final period rNorm Ullmnn wu flle mher Detroit scorer and Andy Bathnlo in both New York 1011 ngNnrsimcx mlrdpcrlod cal by Eric Nexterenkn prov ed Chlcagal margin Pnrkcr MacDonald and Haw counted for Detroit Howel 30111 01 he can palgn lying hlm with Mikllnl lbnmmale Bobby Huxlmnd Tor imlol Frank Mahovllch or lhu Injury 12 the Kama arm we pagioglgfiguugja W31 Ilred SUIT CLEANED PRESSED Plus SHIRT LAUNDERED FOR ONLY $135 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER DURING THE lAST THREE DAYS MEN ONLY DRIVEIN SERVICE WOOLWORTHS NIGHT DEPOSIT DOWNIOWN DEPOT ll DUNLOP ST IMT son rusarqcxur AND bmvm cm PA 60259 10DAY SPECEAM Now 00 Convonlln Loullom MORE DAYS Thu Pmlcssionnl Boxing chernllon meeting In Mancton NJL Feb 18 ex pressed opposition to Dun1k return nm the Montreal Ath lcUc Commission said he has been xlvnn medical clearance and snncllonud lhn bouL He Is pitted against Cecil Gray at Halifax In Hound supporting bout at the eastend Paul Sauve sports centre The feature ts lurounder between dethroned heaw weight ehamp Hob Clunux at Montreal and Gnrvtn Sawyer frog Arnold Pa MONTREAL CF Yan Durclle he senioing fighter who muflcd his chance Io be world champion our years ago make his second nllempl at boxing comeback here lanlghl and 11 Iha usual reason Money He Is piurd nxainsl Cecil Dave Turk West Virglnlan who won in Toronto month ago wilh ls feel inrhcs cleared 15 eel Inches lo wln hcrc Durelle Returns To Ring Battles Biggest dlsnppolntmcnt mm In tho 1qu van where Fln lands mm leula who cleared worldrecord la eel Inches at home Feb Iniled miserably and placed fiflh In his first US slnn Dave Turk West Virglnlan who wgl in Toronto month But more wasnla world rm 0rd In Ihe bunchand nobody clcurcd 16 Ice the pole vault as 1521 Jnmmcd Mndlson Square Garden Saturday night or the us Amateur Alhlellc Unions nnllonnl Indoor cham pionships blllcd as the cllmnx of tha current lnduor track acn sun NEW chK gap Jlm Bunny oI tho UnIILd Slam run the mIle In Ihrce mluulcl 59 seconds Rqunn VnIary Bru meI cleared seven feet Ii Inches In the Mn jump Rus sIan Igor Tcr0vnne3yun won 26 ch 61 Inches In the brand lump And Canndinn BIII Crulh er won agnln In the 1000 yards THE MERE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY 15 1551 Have yuu hnard about no mvlu at The crowd was disappointed NoWorld Records Set At New York SAY DANGERFIELD MOTORS YVONNE DURELLE ON OUR CLEANERS LIMITED 70 DIM AC an CANADA Miss No man runnlng or lhe Turnnln Olympic Club won lhc wilh ease finishing in 515 seconds nearly Iwo sec onds slower than her bust uul door time but quite accoplable far her first Iry at lhul mum on the boards She had won the halfmile In each three in door appnarnnces lhia year ed hls third straight iriumph mar Russian Valery Bulisher who iinishtd third Saturday nigh hchind Rulph Linglc oi hi US and ahead of Ergns Lops ni Tor oniu who finished mum in 2113 allur leading unlii Crolh en sinned his kick The victory was the Seven In successlnn nun dlslancu fur Crolhcrs who runs in Chl cugo in two weeks and In Lon don ywk lulu Crathurs was we his best time In 2014 but he turned on his famous Instlap spend someming New York crowds have come Io cxpLcl rum lhl East York Track Club runner whowan the haleilu at the New York Alhlcuc Club Games last weakla win the 1000 In 2009 loo lhut Torontos sunsuliunm Bruce Kldd didnt appnnr hr the lhrcemlle run won by Mnrccl Bernard France In 13314 Kidd wilhdrew because ula fuel lnlcclinn Crolhnrs on ld Univer sity of Toronto sunlnr dldnl dlsnppalnl tho crowd as he gave Cnnnda thu first of two Victoria In the mceLlhc ether was scored by 26yearuld Abby anlmur or Tornnm In lha womens TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 82410 comwouxz MERIT MAN Him PA 85945 pavm McDowell INNimp COuMuy Collier Sf ar wrlla

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