Sevan Burned Death Mystery Willlnmn uNnnl umlnry llalu lnr Alvlrlm nIInlrl db nmnl rare lrlallunu la lynch vvrpnm lur nn nlurrv nncz lvru ol nu lklalltml Sunday DllllllAM NC MW Al minul Slnlu Rvrmnry MM mu Vllllmm mlul Sunday nlghl hrnvyJInmlmi mumunlu ac Unm unluul Nrgrmx In Ilul MI mul In ulnu MW muuhl limp and Mlor muc llnm In MmIL All luur pmrnln who am lollHm mum dwrlllnz Mr nrmliy MtvIIlJnH whrn It In klmlwl llmlfly All mld nlglIL liTIL IMVH Qlw Cll Sewn rmlvhrll Hyd Humlny In In lhnl sunpl llwlr lun glurvy frmno Mime In Mr IIn Mr inwn lrnlnlula cmnlnw nlly 1m mllrn nvulheml cl Que bec ï¬lly Mr llrcwin old nolnlnnllnl mmrnllnn Hunt Mr lrnrwn Ilnl Ihvmn wobhlbng umhl In lllmnllllrncy the key It If nuclear arm PORT DHI 0nl CIJAn drew Hrwln Nrw Drmncrnllc lnfly llumlwr or imnwood In Hm Ins lnvllnmcnl AnM hm Snlunlny Hm lerrnl Lend lcnrsnn would ml be able lo arm dull Iuvun lnrnl Red Black Hccuuse lhe nnxl cdcrnl government may In one Mlh uhlch we wlll negoflnlo Quchccl Independence lho scpanlllsl louder uld wn must rlvcl nmnlmn Iarlln men who wlll he Iympnlhcllc In our cnusc nnd mun dll pond to lump lndrpcndcncu or Quebec MONTREAL CF Marcel Chnnul lender ol the Rtpubliv can Party at Qucbcc mid Snl urdny the April ltdCrfl clac tlnn will prohahly be lhu lust lime Quobcurs will lend members or Inrllnmenl In 0l lawn Pearson Wobbles Invcsllzntom are seeking clues In the mysterlous death of Brother Antonius van Jam protect of St htaryr College High School at Berkeley Cant whose body was found Thursday night with broken neck and other violent Injurch near an isolated boys camp on the Rim slun Itlvcr near Guernevllle Callt Brother Antonius was the only survlror ol the Japan cse massacre ol the De La Salle Collage laculty In Manila during the ananuse rctrcal In 19M had bmn left or dead alter bring hayonrtod In Lhu chest AP Vlrnphoo Last Time lie laid Progressive Can snrvaiive nomination meeting in his own Perth consiiinency hai Canada has never mad any deï¬nile mmmilmeni to arm Canadian defence lone wiih nuclear warheads STRATFORD WP Health Minister Monlcilh said here Sat urday Ihnl Canada has made no nuclear commllmnnz which has not been met The wmmxssoi opera as Ontaria Norlhland Rallway and other Iransporl services po mic savings for bulk shippers had increased tile irnliic last year and he said the aster service and iower rates would bogs lhc ccqnngny oi iii norih Shlpmnnl such southern Oncurlo points as London Sar nIa Windsor and the Fan em dislrlcl will arrive days Inter Nomndn Tlmmlns and Intervenan pojgls saylng full dn Illp Defends Canada TORONTO CPIW John slon acting chairman chum Onlgrln Norlhland Commission announced Sunday there wlll be lnslcr lrclght service ram sev eral southern Onlarlo clues to nuzgncrn paints CAPSULE NEWS BROTHER ANTONIUS Faster Freight To The North ups II nnulnl lhnl 20 Am uluml in Hum wormn held In Oulmn when my man In Iowa Amen um um lnl Ionlenm up la to run for Illuul wMKNVDMIM my anIva in floor ll Mk Mme ol NONI Ill TORONTO cm1m 11nd and form department report mpcrccm Incmxo In Ihl number or mblts cnxu In On lnrln In aver tho prcvlmn Venn um um pmvlncu logged 12 mm unhch In December monl lhtm In Ioulhcm Onlulo ll Ihough one rubld do wu pomd In the Sudhury lmilarlll dhlrlcl Much ha lncmu wnl blumnd on large number 01 rnbld Ilunh Poxlllvc cam rtmrded In 1062 lolnllcd In Onlarlo mm pnrcd wllhlsul ghu ygnr Mar Release Hopcd Said Dcpuly leader Real Cm nucue Those are nur alum bum leo you can but dont be thxllfl you canl And you rcjllly need lame money nko Ill MONTREAL ICP Girls wnnrlnz cocklnu dresses passed Imund cardboard container or danaliom Sunday at the So lal Crcdll pany rally in Man ML No more We Jacket were found Sunan on Furl Lauder dale beam They were Ilen clled likv this union wilh lhn name of the 5hp4 which sallcd mm Beaumont Ton Film There Is no evidence of ex plosion no evldcnce ol fire saJd John McGruw mm unlallve 01 Marine Transport Line Incr which owned Lhn shp MIAMI Fla ANElev remnants the Marine Sulphur Queen have been faund bul hr vesllgnlors mid Sunda they Ira no nearer an exp nation why the freighter disap pruicd with 39 men aboard Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko gave luncheon in honor Chlnese Ambassador Pan Tin11 in what the Soviet news agency Tau called warm and friendly atmospherei LONDON RentalnClllneu Communist and Sovle leader held cordial mccllngs in king and Moscow Saturday amid speculation over the latest move II he SlnoSovlel Ideo laglcal dLspule Pass The Bbx member the last Parliament tar Essex East told puhllc meetings luncheon and calico party that the country face he most serious crlsis in its history Paul Martin Innner ledernl Liberal cabinet minister said Saturday that Canadas great est need 11 strong and stable zdtgermppnt Clues Found Mitchell Sharp liberal cm Male or Tmnlo Exllnton was speaking to nominailnz meeting here Saturday which named Port Arthur Mayor Saul Lnskln as Liberal candidate ior the riding in lee April ierlcrai aleclinn Talks Cordial PORT ARTHUR CPDA for mer IndexBl deputy trade mlm lsler says Canadians are day perately crying lnr respansible pusillve Icadmhlp to prevent what he termed todays Lraxln txample of chaos Ind lnepu inde The gunner was aboard one two HZl troopcarrying hello copiers shot down on medial evawallan mission 100 mile cast Saigon SAIGON Vlc Nam AWA US Army helicopter gunner died wound Sunday Alm hll helicopter wn shot flown by Caymunlst flre Needs Stability Gunner Dies Sharp Is Sharp Asqurgou Sask cm IKOIUW HCK The led Inlumllnnnl anllon rm mining Uul wu Imuxlu Iomnlln In Hm vunlrya mnln lnrrlln ur my nnppllnmm 0000 000 It nu Gulnuns an mlnu or more UR Id whlch hnl Mnllrd Immune Ilntc mo Ind ol It In lml dlw am wnln Won hm pm In ulvllmnl ol uwmxm hunklam trunnmlc mmmll mrnln and Timur ul umn Ier manln wlmn Hm rullnl plflyl 11mm Lmllllcnl hurrnu unim bly Mil Ionn Quinn In main luln Ilu wlm Hue Cnmlllunlfl mld Hm lho inwmmnm lvmunlnl mom and murl cmllvlt Iu Wmnnaml unlo My Unllml Hlnlrulnllurnte Shultcumlnl In Sovlet nkl Aml Buvlrl lm Iml rrlurml have mnmpled mldrul 50 km Tum ml MI nlll lmlu quL II Inklnl Wmlrm hcl lml lln wllh rnmcrvnllvu Mun munlrlu ANDREW IIOIIOWIEC CONAKIW Gulnu AW Thu llrwbllc Gum not Inn uu lluulnl mnln has lh Alllplf 0an flail hclr book Ccnwn Ind lhn Schooll publlllmi Sun dny chk Ntlaan Ind Gena naberu Jr my um In em ro lull hm prmum many boon lack VIImy and are loo dull to Inlcml 0n umnu For lhcso Ilnlcd mum and many olhm textbook mm In us public IChOOll are under Incmnnz Illnck according lo lwo newnpnpcr men who spent lhl Invnununz tho lllul mp Hlslorlnns llcnry Slcclo Cam mnzcr Herbert Mar and lcn Nnvlnl Mm wmle lhe ore word to Pruldcnl Kcnncdyl Pmfllcl In Courage are llb ml racial mlallsl or labor Axilnlan Inld lhe nnuzhlm flu Amcrlgnn flavolullon Guinea Is Shifting Pbsition Being Influenced By US Ilon The aa Senator Hubert Tn somnllmu called Mr Repub llcnn wrola book lhnl wnx aoclnllfllc uld Kern WASHINGTON AP Robln Hood and his merry mm lol Iowcd ho Alralghl Communist nu said mtmhcr the In unn Slnln Textbook Commlr Montreal Mann RoyalAuk UIgVGordun so Nomii silmnuruno Le pme 15c Clpa Brawn Nnrfll Ind Vlc ï¬n60 chman ANDP ankSunhuryxl Chester Mgcnae PC sum JihiAlbenArlhur Whelly IL Raf14in Fairwcnlhcr PC Ynhnl ButJoseph OKeefn PlumJames Cameron shelbume Ymnuulh clue Frcd Armstrong Dllby Annapolan Klnn John Shannzr Ll Rldcout Eded mil lixlcr NDP Kent NBxGuy Croggnmn Red Scare Causes Pressure Even 0n Robin And Merry Men By THE CANADIAN PRESS xmemher In houu TrlnltyvConccpllonA Bull PC Further Nominations Announced Saturday Mn Mutant Brown ectlonnmy diaphyt Snmbo her myna bird whose mucous chatter amused her from Ileep durinz Ire In her apartment In nearby Arling thtmqglgnd xSherwood HER mmmnnn ALARM WM Guln rlnl France and mm mumhl lmlm mllnrq In valomlwr ma rnnu all rude und ur nlzlnncc Rome um Rwlel Mac pcoplo Ivlklnf on prnlnll mle In lhe my Iluu ol Ihu flo vlrmulnol hlemlohlpx nut lhn la lhe fluvlvl pmlnm lr mnlmlly nl dollmlu Ind hlzll er ur name vrnjxlu In mm and mm Ivklul lhc lul mum Wrnlrm Ilufnmsu lwllcvn GulnM would like In lrcnlrr lhv mm mm hrcmlw mum dlfllcuxllrn wllll hrr nun murnry IMrh hu no dmuzu value Huwcm new llnllnm um rrnnm man In Mun duwnr In AMrnn up pom In In Mary at fvm armlvn lllllllflcl Alno gruuplnx zulm hnnn Mull Marorcfl Alurln nnd lhl Unll 1mm lupumlc lnl ol Manny In munlry 1501000 an Gulnum wm Innerd by Wurlitan mllhodl mm mnmunm munlrlu man In Gulnu pmlrulnry Ugln 51y Norm Vlet Nam he comm In men yam have had diflercnl mm to grind the book my but they lound common can in lhc Communlu munto and mm nxnd to modulo ll wllh Ivary ahlnx nlu Hwy lurid or Some web hose on llohln Hood and Senator Tnlll book laralgn pallcy lnr Amorlcam lulled But lha nulhon nnlc Ihe censor have lnrccd channel In Iexlhoakn In Texas Mlnlul pl and Culllor In IDOL cy report can mnhlp uroupa attacked ch booh and llbury book In la lulu Their bunk nlvu Iupporl ln dclnll llle charge mndc re conlly by the Milan Count Teacher 01 Enzflsh that across Amcrlcn lodny In creasing prcuurc an exerted nn chools la rcslrlct no new aludvnu Io Important and worlhwhllo books The pressure are xrcnl lha dun ge ll nervnglngï¬ They Jeri all Monlml Dolllrd Luclen MallLLle SCI Monlrul Jltqflu Carflu LaSalleJ Ward 150 Poflnrul Mlle 150 LevaLnuroum 110 15c Mennllc xflaymon Lanz 101 SC Manlmngny Llnm Jean Coak SC ComplainFromm lenrl Latullppe SC Chrlevols xAnlolne Ee lnnger SC Drummonrl Arlhlbuh xDavld Outlch SC GunsAlbert Migneault SC Gallium Canrnd Beuudoln SC Knmnnmka xCharlesEu guns Dianne SC Lacst Junmecel Les nard SC chlmnllml xMauflce Cole SC lieInc xGerard Perran SCI um Va yesterdly Mn Brown nthed government worker and pafllnlly crippled by hip Injury grabbed Sam boa cage and mndo quick real wulravmlnl sub wpcrndnlly or not ll chanLouln Fre Vlhmuvrr II WInrh NDP Knleny End Mll Jun Hemm ISO ohmnmllanlnlah Mrl Iwhel Pomulry NDP rummm Mm SCI loopVernon Jonu NDI rmAucI co or Emit MINI Inï¬eld Stun lull OfllllM umlmu hummus Humboldt 011 Tlldlll Donad Lellch INDPH Pom Duck SCI CoAIIClbillnoJ an SC fliéinTnifé youwantlt Moon MnunulnLlrry Rich Inilon INDI MONEY nonfllmll Mlnulo Many mn lm you um vmlron cuh 1m to Iun up Ian mm bm cull II win myoummmuh 9m ofltl lnlunluonll 0nd cm Pluonl for your loan Ill wy mlnmol lom up to $3000 and mm Autumn 111on mm Ianrt xGmrn unccll PC Church xnobert Slmpmn PC SelkirkPerry Terzmn SC SK null xflaur Ttlllfl lnulcr rum PC Moon Junm fulï¬lCarl Wells ANDm Mum LakoAnlul Addlcy NDI minim SouthJ Gmnc Klnmon Dcnnll Kalman NDP TlmmlniLto Dclvlllmw LamblantxentM McCut chcon PC nnnllordo Andmnxcn PC mu xJ Waldo Moncllh PCD Wnterloo NorthJohn Waller NDI Wululoa NorthJohn Waller NDP Grey NorlhI Cl Stevenson NDP Purl ArthurSaul Laskln fl Durhm Elleen Cuutll NDP Nlckel lullJohn Machan PC MxommEml Paul Jewell PC Amman Eu Brian Donnell 1ND sherbmake xGllbtfl Eon deau SC Rlchmnnd wall xAndro Barnler SC sherhmukexGerard Chande Iainn SC Terrainmun Gerard Glznon NDP Quebec Moralbouncy xGuy Marcaux SC Rahennir xCharchflhur Gauthier SC SI Murictuneche xGer nrdLamy SC sheflnrd xGIlben Rondeau SC Vlllenenve xneal Cuouclle SC Quebec Wen xLuclen Planrde SC exit sullean only minu bunu Fire amclull said the blaze fluted from hon cir cuit in lamp AP Why to Vzllnnd XW McMillan xllnmld Full BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION ALI 0V WORLD chk says that when the White House the cent Iuch revelation lneplness In the Kennedy reglmu as It pub lic lntruslon In lhe Canadlnn parllnmcmary debate an nu clear pollen his Iubnrdinalu make oath that the president flmuxh dally represented omniscient nolhln about rinus body get tired He cites the lnlarmnllonnl dIrecIiven prescribed for the defence and state departments Ind says Kennedy and high Iubordinatc Indirectly manage news by social flattery Washlnllon reporter and cam mentalors and by lelecllve personal patronne Hut Ihe veteran hempper man lays ll errmedy has Achieved any luccm In there ellom lhu principal onus ml on the printed and lec Ironic pres mall chk 75 or 21 year Chic the Washington hnraau at the NM York lime and more locally Times Washington WASHINGNN AP Ar thur chk pflzewlnninl re porter accuses President Km nedy managing the new with cynicism boldness and luulety unmatcth In peace Uma hhlnry in the March Issue Sthnnuna magazine 53y MILTONIBESSER UNITED NATIONS AP Thu Uniud Nations Special Fund is brainchild nf ihe linked sum and it is watched invenby ionnarjAmeiicm in dugtriliili Paul Hoffman managing dinactor of the 19nd mm con dent that whenJemper lub de Ihlvcrluu wfllvame um contrast because of 82on ngicquflggjecl In bl Says Kennédirls Cynical And Bqld HARM EXAMINER MOWAY IIEUAIY ll mu randf Criticized For Cuban Plan BOAC Travel Agent makes me feel like Big Tycoon 17 Dunlop 1m Imlo mm In It IM DUNLOP 81 Not much can teach that young cllcr about service Told him was on to see my grandsonand he laid red carpet for men Ihc way from here to Glasgow Hclpcd me with my reservation currency passport1 lnkc care of cvcrylhing hc said All youve got to do is cnjoy yourself And thats when my holiduy really began BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE JOHNSON C0 llMITED For Your Rmmllonl Call Now Wald Mi Currently the midi ldminL isterlng pmiecll can non1y 3590000900 It in pulling up 353000000 and the recipient couniriex the remainder Under the mnlutlnh letting up the lund pomlcal considera Ilans are ruled out In consider lnl pmjectl SecretaryGeneral Thank says this hu kept the Rumn mm protesting about project fur Nationalist China South Korea and Soth Vlet Nam requiring $774250 tram The United State In pledged total of momma An annual target $100000 000 was let for both the fund and an upnndtd prolram of UN technical mlnance All contributions are vulunlnry Thamomooon goal his hat been mold in my one your fly as nqmm The Ganeral Alsemhly up ha lund In 1950 after decade of debate on how the United Nation 1110qu help to ï¬nance gm development of poar na Dfll the ï¬nd deserve continued USanppon mm 0000 cm or you PA 06528 yum ma 33000000 Cuban prone would qu the central agricul tural station at Santiago de In Vegas In carrying out experi menu for ï¬veyear period nlmed dlvmllylng agricul tura The fund would put up 11516Q0 and Cuba the remain RED PLANES TO INDIA MOSCOW AWPravda ioid Soviet citizen far ha nm time Sunday that Russian military planes being shipped to in din despite the indinn border dispula with Red China The Communist party paper pub lished Tax news agency dis match saying 12 Mianwiil ho delivered in india six during the first pm of this year the kind In the Anbl from proiemn about project for rue HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 PA 6404 BARRIE