Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1963, p. 4

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ore than 300000 Canadian Scouts and their leaders are now observing Boy Scout Week The theme of the week is World Brotherhood of Scouting and greetings are being sent to nearly nlne million Scouts in 144 countries on six continents erw youth movements in history have earned greater prestige or rendered greater service than the Boy Scout move ment notes the Montreal Gazette Yet as speakers at the annual gathering of the Quebec Provincial Council of the Boy Scouts stated there may he needjor change and adaptation to the changes that the past 50 years have brought Changes May BeiNeedgd In Bov Scout Movemgfit The world that existed when the Boy Scouts was founded after the end and by one of the heroes of the South AI rican War was very different from the world that exists today the Montreal writer recalls Its intention was to mould character by giving youth an introduction to and an understanding of the world in which The War Amps Key Tag Service this week start mailing nine and quarter million key tags In Ontario alone some 3000000 key tags will be distributed to car owners thus providing them with clleclive protection against the loss of caglkeys Since the War Amps Key Tag Ser vice was started in 1946 78745 sets of 105 car keys have been returned to their rightful owners Last year 11209 sets 1051 car keys were restored to their owners because they had War Amps kcy tag agtached War Amps Key Tag Service TO YOUR GOOD mama WNJbofily does the Key Tag Service keep 40 war amps gainfully employed 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 16 1928 Town Council engaged James Thomson Toron to architect and former Barrie boy to draw plans or municipal community building Two proposals either revamp the old town hall or restore the Grand Opera House gutted by fire two years ago All hotel accommodation booked month in advance for Grand Orange Lodge convention Ladies of Loyal True Blues and LOBA canvassing Barrie horn oz for blllctlnglhc 1200 delegates peeled wee 01 llenry Sank Iowa Bradford marsh moon shiner sent to Burwash for 14 menth by Magistrate Com lon Jells Sank clnlm ed in defence never made cent out of whisky stlll found on his property Three weeks late CNR crews raced with weather to harvest 15500 tons of lee lmm bay to an ply Belleville Dan Iorth Capreol dlvls on as well as Allan lale John Jeug Ulopla trapper shol tlmher wall on Con 13 Vespra Local velerans attended memorlal ser vlce at Central Unllcd Church for Earl Ilal commanderInfidel of Brillsh Arm les In World War One ll loolh elected presldent llarrle lmlllry Falr luspcelor re orled BCI dolng well de apite lack accommodation leacldng slall pralsed but many irst form stud ents sald to be pbor spellers and wrllera PORT OF CHURCHILL Ronlnn LenderPas ll may come 15 mrprlsu lo mnn that almost nll the wheat mm the nllcd Klngdmn mnrkcl is nhfppcd hrouuh Thurchlll nvur route that 1000 mllm shorter llmn Mn 51 Lawrence mule rcnlcr llalromlfic of the Hudson my mule vln mrchlll by lln mrlcnl guodl rum overseas mlght wcl result In sllll lower ocean rcmhl ram lly proper llm hn dellvurlcs lo lake Advantage 01 the mums open 50150 whulrsnlcrx rclall Morn lmym nlul purclmncrn heavy goods can flillll mnlcrlnlly In lime and 03 Mahmud mum mu nun ruI mm Iwmmml mun m1 mm at pnlhll In mun lnmhyl ma Innum and Hymn MI Mum IAN ILAmIn um mum mvnluon mun ulm CIIAIIrII fllflfll MI much muIn mum mum mama chm1m mum numnpuo out mun mm IIN yllll II null DIN no mm mo hm IMMM MINI IM IIIIHI mlflmt 1mm mu ym mum In 1mm nwm mum 1m down ILm If 14mm II In Clnldlm mm on rat 1mm Awhllm 1m cmauu ln me IMM ln inimuoo urnm Aw Mnu chemum emuI 7m numl nIIIIM an In nun mm In an II Murlmd nu unm no am IN hell am puma than Walls Publisher The Barrie Examiner ifiarrit Published by Canadian Newspapers Umiied 16 Hayfield Street Bame Ontarlo Publisher Brian Slalght General Manager mommv FEBRUARY 15195 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE they would have to live Its achievement was to supplement the family the church and the school In preparing youth for manhood But the mind changes of the past few decadesmayhave createda world to which thegfloy Scouts provide only £3 tiai though excellent guidance Fox is an ae when the television the car the air ane the exploration of space in short technical and scientific side modern civilization have gone far total ture the imagination of youth And there may be need for the Boy Scouts to give greater attention to some of these changes so that youth will bet ter understand them and so that it can better Integrate these changes into the Scale of traditional values And thls need my be especialy great in urban areas The Boy Scouts will always he need ed and badly needed And there may be no loss but rather lasting gain if they adjust and adapt themselves to the chang es that have come and will continue to come upon this complex world throughout the Kean but every cent of profit from the ey tag sale goes to the war disabled Each of the 19 branches of the War Amputations oi Canada gels iLs share to meet ihe local needs of war amputees in job placement social ser vices specialized recreation and benevol ent work ags are now sent out in duplic ate to protect both sets of car keys Price for one tag is 35 pr 80 cents for two tags Genera Manager of the War Amps Key Tag Service Is Allan Davld Pager himself awar amputee Lt Col the ev Sydney En Lambert OBE ls President of the War Amputations of Canada Penetang man went to county jail for 30 days rather than pay line for beating wife although he had the money Gov ernor Banting no lover of wileheaters givin culprit rough time the Penetang week paper statedl Camp Borden Flyers beat Eimvale 21 in great game at Barrie Mammoth Rink to win inter mediate hockey round 43 Elmvale brought 470 fans to town on special train Camp Borden airmen came in 250 strong on another special Fiyers led by Dave llarding and Wib Van Vllet and clever centre St Jean Elmvaie had Ellsworth Crawford Babe Adams Norval Luck and Henry loyston from hllnesing Jack Walsh from Barrie in goal and locals llart Ritchie Copeland and Simpson llerbert Curtis Elliott Ogden Charles llurst and Albert Elliott were Allandalc railroaders conductors and engineers in charge or rellet trains from Toronto run ning supplies to limmina tor families of miners enl0mhed in lloliinger disaster Allandaie CNR hockey team travel lml tn North Bay and lost to the railroad crs at that city 41 Allantlalc team con sisted of Joe Gilchrist Delbert Emms John Dohson Elliott Cotes iioracc Colcs Viitrcd Fraser Joe Looker Lionel Bio and Alvin Luck Louis Ireland Va prominent Barrie merchant and restaur ateur nntive of Scotland mid iienry ll Otton pioneer hardware merchant died during week fact Cleveland Plain Dealer No small reindeer In romollon dls lny cage in mm of row Polnle Ilchlrnn nlorc culled Mlcnllon lo the ml Christmas was on me wny llm nexl dny the reindeer were none llolh orrlllcd hnd plunged through their cage and made run lnr freedom Iollce recaptured Prnnccr Thor found Dancer hls Iursonkud Iylng on more Lake St Clair llo wu dead Fright or exposure killed him vulcrlnnrlnn nld Explodcd firecrackers were Iound In tho amply page the Ansoclnln Irm re purlrd Occaxinnnlly we llkc do holler lhan 10an mph Hal Hcrallb One of mo most Inrnnxmoul whom uraphn we have seen recently wal llw one of lhu lltm Davin Fulton IlUmI In lclmnllon 1m and korchlcl Ind strum mm gunnr whllc he menaded dole Men In the fonsurvnflve Innuul mm nu It mm UWIEGVHVOéIZ Rhodes uhnlnr llw lmmuculalcly roomod Mr Fullon has long been new In mm ho lnlcllcclunlu 7m mllnn pollllcn lusscssur of In lndnlve loglcnl mlnd Ind rm Jamhlon ccrll he In ncnrcely note or lhe levllyulhll dullnlullhu ml the lion TWO LITTLE REINDEER NOT HIS STYLE By JOSEPH MOLNER MD bur Dr Molnrr What causes heartburn and hiccups and what ll the cum luv both troublesheart bum nller eating only one sllce bread And for Mumps tried everything Including same aid fashioned aupersllllanm CD Heartburn an causes Splcy and Irritating loads In flammallon ol esophagul or gul lel rezurgllallon al Momnch content buck up lnln the lullcl hiccups could cause llmt to hnppen any disorder nl the upper lnlestlnnl Imcl including ulcer ol stomach or duodenum hlnlal hernia or null stones Also excessive alcohol tobacco or call or hypcrncidity which Is an excessive smolan oLdlzcsllvn Juices Th we The first ml or health It In llnd out lhe cause bcIore chooslng Immunan Mcdlcnuon diet culling down on wmflhlng you are gutting loo much 013 or hose are flood cum II applicd Io mu rle cnusc In some few in stance surgery may be re qulred but that wlll mean you are cormlin more than just the headhum he hembum persistent wmult your doctor Exnc dlng Mall in worth lot ol guess work ow or hiccups Cnum mm Irtqutnlly amenung ur utln loo Inst lrrllnlion lhu LONDON nlll Incldcnl hut pend on mid Ind rnw wm Iry day with lho lmunnrumro well below Inning and he mum mvoml with puckrd Inuw lo mnka ll lmmovnhle us Ice 0n Soho Square In llm hurt landoll ho Mull whlcll fluent Ibo nqunrn were hud dl In group Tum wnn no hope dlfllnl lhmuxh he hnnl mow la ml my lood on mu Inmn lurInu umlrmeulh 11w prtunled plllIuI pldum In Any blnHovnr who hnvpenul la la lhrm REPORT FROM UK perm mu um 1mm nornlnnno Soho mlnurnm oumr who prumlm Inc on In floha Squaw um um luxury lnl Am mm In her Apartment brvke up Ian brand lulu numb ml wrm out In mi Um Mull lml qutk ly loum lhnl rho vm lwrpnklrlu IIo lnvu hy lmlmu llw hun r1 lvlnll an Hahn Munro sun In violnilnl he IJuer Arl nml lhr Wmmmlrr lflly omirlln hyln Hm II Mm undon MI Ilory II Ilu lohl ll LIKE CRIMINAL Gets Heartburn And Hiccups mad In MO rrlmlnll beam lhm some mad mnnln dawn or Illa Murvlnllrln in mm nllunmn when In lhem to wml In my Apartment on Old Connlnn and mi ol Ilml brim ln had than 11 ml md deep In man but Illa Du Ind bml clanJ no Hum lhn mmhl dawn on mm lb puma hmmdlnlply huwlmll ol Illnllll plum Ipd gnu so hlrdhvun um on Nlll ocullofl llul he Mod he MI la rmy out In unlm had helm Imwnre About olllnz lheir nym thlu ha Mun lhmn Ihc Cll ul Wnlmlmlcr realm mm bird by lhmwlnl nuqu Io Ilwm mum full mu lull nulvlnnllnl no DON omxorn AND THERELUCTANT smcnonmg But Breaks Law Feeds The Birds Ily MdNTYRE HOOD dlaphrngm kidney or liver dil easc and MW My bcs uEEchon In to lake Ihls up With your doctor when you see hlm concerning the henrtbum It entirely pauibln that correcting one will correct the when no pct remedy hr hln cups There Are as many so culled hiccup cure as there an cold cures and very low hem do my more good Breath lng into npaper bug or holding your hmnlh pmhnbxy as ch foggy nanny What about gelling heartburn rum only one 511cc of bread In that literally true 11 so In rnlhcr unusual because bread bland and nonlyrlgolinz Icm food blamed or distress when some other factor is the real cause However if the bread really does cause It you might be hypersensiliva to wheat Deu Dr Mnlm We have henllhy cthmn aged In In and Ihcy ench dran qunn homogexflzfd gnllk day With all the rumors About chulcslcmi and Sironiiumso my wiiu Ihinkx we should diy canllnuu or least cunnii their milk consumption Whats your vcrdiclIJJV viewno venild Mlor seeing lhousnmh of mllk drlnklnz youngslcu grow up man and henIlhy Ive not to have more lhnn lhenrlcl or no Inn to pcmmdo mu to avold Ilmlmlnml lho Indy INI Inul lml rvrrylxwly Hum duwn bread or lhe Milli Ilw inrdrn fluid In Inla nu nw ul mm In Ind we hnva IL muly pmnm ulmny mm oflmkn In Ile lid mum rnmmh In lhnt polluth Ilse mumm mum lmu lmn um um xenhm on Nlll nunMu ma imposed By THE CANADIAN PRESS food that has done so much or Concernan ml ll seems more lo the palm in be cnutlou about olhcr sources at Inlmal lulu We need some In In th dick and he bullurlnl milk Road sourccl Milk also ll rlch 1n calcium which ls needed or roux bone Ind eclhl la Slmullumm matter that deservu continuing smdy does all mdloncllvily but cant see any reason or living up mllk Ftb l5 I95 Amcrlcnn lnvcntor Sam uel Colt patented hl tamed nixshot revolver yamn nxoln lawand month later established ht Potent Arms hlnnutnclurlng Com pany nt Paterson NL But the gun that won the West dld not Immediately gnln ac coptnnce and the company lulled ln mzl Dunng the Mulcan War 181348 Colt melvcd government or der or 1000 revolvers and hls buslnesa grew rapidly llis Invention nctted hlm one the outstanding lortunn the period mam clly ol Boniface Mun was Incorwrnltd IanCal Gama Nasser nssumed the premiership of Egypt It In llmcull lo moncllu dclllwrnlo hmrattling lncllu Hue Suvlul Un lon wnh Ila Irolcmd pence mullvcs The Russians go In glen 1rle mm lime to time to uulllnc lhclr llmlrc fur mam In tho wurld Yo lhey havu nmln lmbll of mm mung wnrnlnu to he Unlml sum lmt an allnck an Cuba would mean nuclear rmliallon lhc US Ins nnl Inuva In on Cuba and has In dlcnlul llml ll Im no tnhnllon of dolnu no limit 01 missile lhrul 111a Suvlul TODAY IN HISTORY STOP SABREMTILING NIKITA This the true plug or the federal governments anlonnl Houslng Act lhls the slaying comment which or obviou reason has nuver been sung OTTAWA REPORT But la me Any Canadian who wants new hnme can hav one by courtesy the govemmenl or the price lwa homes This princinia is enshrined in the lhree National Housing Act passed in 1938 19 and 19 by various Liberal Kovcmmenis The more recent Conservative guvemmeni has opened the door lltlia wider but made the tickets no cheaper The anhma Hanslni Act duflned an act to promme the mnslmcflun nl new houses and the Improvement huudng and livlng condnlons its chief assistancn to Johnny Canch to make nvallable lo hlm mnrlgnxe on his proposed new humc This is ellher done by 11 recllonn mm government agency the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation or by government guarantee hacking loan mm nrivale lending agency such as bank or In surance compnnyr EASY TERMS These mortgages now are avnflnble on terms which pro vlde or their repnymcnl over an yam with Interest mean while hclnn charged the tale at pct can par year Thus or every $1000 harrowed an morlgngc the borrowing home owner must pay 6982 every mom for 30 years have In mm me an ad vertisement or new subdiv slon has 1961 homes named by murlgnge Kunmn teed by he gnvemmenl laying thls bl Ninclmwn dollars per mnnlh mm nnw unlil February 1993 40 your 01 Interestpaying IV in In hlg roomy home which will not look so new lhlrty years hence lhnsc pnymmls wil latnl $33120 That more than twlce the price the house 433110 today would buy Mn those ldcnllm homes plus new Chevrolet put In one the aflachcd Knmges SANTAS HUME Sells One House For Pride TWO But to un reds thousand Canadians lhlx usurlous gov cmmcn benevolence teem Ilka gm mm Sanln Claus New homes on those government xunrnntccd manages bought by 59186 Cunadlnn Inm illc In I961 mm financed Ihclr new homes by name mhcr method mat year And thnl lo 11 was below lhc average or the past seven years BOOST REINDEER HERD EDMONTON CF Al Dem lng owner of game farm near here has nlgncd contract with the federn government In re Juvcnnle Cnnadnx dwlndlinz rclndeer herds He uld he relr deer whlch mun arena nenr Inuvik NWTr are mmy and he hopcs Io Impmvo lheir site by when crossbreeding MILE IN TRAILERS VANCOUVER lXPl Slx when are being used at Oak nlln Prison Farm In suburban Burnaby la pmvlde living qunr lcrs or 50 slumterm prisoner Worden Hugh Chrlslle Inld lho lrnllcrn are helnu used In experlmcnl In Icwmmodnuon rnlhcr lhnn rellcve 11th crdwdlng Unlnn on the other hand hurl tried to up Interamunrnlnl mlssllan 1n Cum mch of chnnzlnu the balance ol pow or In favor no Communism Who It being khldcd Shown nbuvu are lmmler lihrunhchcv loll wllh Sovlcl Defence Mlnlslor nodlun Mallnnvsky who vulccd the lam rclallnllnn lhml again he us Thla may be form cl nvlng mo lor the Russlnnn lml Its In lhe wom pon ullyle form llme when genulno cl urlu mo lmlng nlndo 10 work out solid nuclear lesl ban agreeman dc price two Indeed TORONIO CPJPcler Se says hes appaflcd by the fuss made over the 459 year Mona Llsa helnz exhibited at New Yorks Metropolitan Mu Whats The Puss About Mona Lisa And desplle the on Mr Selz ls curator oi Ihe Museum nl Modem An downtown nellh bur oi the Metropolllan Its not mullet ol Jealousy ML Sells main point In no one really gel flood chnnc to Leonarda da Vlncis mastelvieccv He doesnt even lhlnk its da Vlncla hes work The whole Mona Llsa husl ness has bctn hull up by pure ballyhno Mr Sol sald durlng lecture vlsi to Toronto ll seems perfectly ridiculous to pack the Mmopalllan full or people then lush them all by From the way people gel to see here they would be In beuer oil to see it on post card or some other form of re producuanf lhc argument Ihal ha Mann Lisa drown peep the an gnllary whnrolherwlso wouldnt ha snys Maybe one or two but very few Besldes there In greater Renaissance paintings than the Man 1133 ml personally think Vincla drawing are human Eu godllnul um content mm 11 ml umL llmolhy Peace mind underglrdcd by llle worlhy of Gndt blessing Ens riches that weahh can new BIBLE THOUGHT know

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