Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1963, p. 2

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Simcoe thcr nearly 20 years of steady Emth and progress with limited county rocreatlnu stall connautly strufliing to meet the evenexpunding do mands on their timerenerw knowledge and skills and with the recreutian bound iinding it increasingly ditiicult tu nine necensary supporting budget in county council the Simon County Recreation Service in this Year at 1963 it now ru quier to limit it proxrum to swimming classes day camp and such other activities the county council may irom time to time smelly Whatever il done or not done the pmram Is not to cost the munty more than 015000 per yur Stewart PagebReviewg Recreation Situation As result important dir lerencec of opinion between county council and stall us to what county community and recreation service pmgrnm should consist ol the mics sinnal sinli resigned early in February They had not been able to eslabllsh any workable arrangement to pmvlde the type oi service the purple oi the county appeared to want with what the county council war prepared to nullmrize Having been associaicd wiih our community and rccreatian service tom the beginning and knawing something 01 the mend gnd accomplishments to dale wish to review recent event no that we may have clearer understanding as to will is happening to this service the Mason lime ny smwm Mar uniting figureunmh Floyd Grisharh h1gth maimed worker in the field at public rclnllons cooperatives and community orgnnluuon washhcd by the recreation bond in mm wflh financial aslsmce torn lhe Federallon of Agriculture meet the everlumnsing demand or as sistance at many kinds The 1962 council did ml my port in recreation board ha extension oi Increasinl the bud go to provide or this third stall member Conanucnlly Mr Gricshach at considerable personal sacrifice resigned voluntarily inst Odobcr lhe November sculon oi counly council lnsl year in Ip pnrcm response to widespread public oplnlon he council puss cd anew remcalla bylaw to replace the lormer bylaw Milan was repealed in the pm ioul lune salons Tho new hylaw provde or broad mgram leadership train ml culmral educntlonal and community development or all age groups nnd would obvious ly call for an increased budch ihll year On lm surface lho now byan appcaml lo Iha pmpll oi the county to provldc the ncccssnry iramcwark on which to build wund com munlly and mmlian program or Admin mum mom sud Mummlum Amm an Ann AT Shel 1m or um Illnl mu Ta nIlIHln ILA on 1m rawr canlmvmcm can Inna mm Crmem Lmmlul 1y Power um sm TODAYS STOCK PRICES nun Lawn mu mm mm mu Nu mmmn Iluny In mm mu ummn Mm unpm Ilorll c5u7 mu mm mm rm lqunml mm YOII AVIIIU luaumn own It mu down Iv mumn no la fllflllNTO ITOCK HICYMNHI INDI luaumm do HI mm up IL MI an on up II COOKETOWN SIM Fur mkxlnwn fllvl Imyn And llrll lth II II flu dulo lhl Jfllh tnnlvrrnry dunner In Md In lho Oak llmm Union filnllon Tomnln auull ulll memblo In the null wnnlnx mm helm gum lo hi Oak llmm pm Im chlrlcn nllnnor mum plelldenl Dillon Duwr Tur Olla tum 0n durln to We IM nvrhum Cm awn clul yln um vhqu um um lu avmlnu Mr Drum uued all mo Imam In mm 1a mulan lhe mmlllrn lnr rmnnllnm 00w rommllm mmhm an moi Mm lunlly rim wmm vim ymldml My mm and Hnniversary Pete March 15 ilmu llm wmm vlu aldan My lllymm and mm Mu II Humor nulhsnu nlv 1mm ummr lm llnllm Du Nanh unnuqu mm mum Slmcaa County Compiled by FlynnLVl Dunlap II rle Arum 111i 29 NM NM MM 111 su Dom Found Dom Mom mm 61 um raw mom an rmu um lildddey norm on mm my Mln Imp Bumm hull nun Aunt Immm mm Mum MMIIIII anon lnlmd Nu Inm Nxml Imu Umqu lnhrpmv mp Jnrlry Club Lbu INDUITIXAL Aryngl AheVJnnuary session his yenr the board asked or an Increased budget to meet the term he new bylaw but county council ln nccupllnl the report he finance mmmlt lee decided could not ord lo budm more than 3150000 lrom county unds or recreaunn cent more than last year In spite of in encased populellgn and MINING ed revenue The recreation stall in consultation with the recreation board immtdintciy revamped ii program and de cided that by leaving the Ad minlstralion of the cooperative swimming and day camp pm graml to local community ef iort Ind dmppinl the nsalnt anca donned or Christian il lnnd ndinn Reserve it would be possibia to do reasonably mnhwhile Job with present stall and acctmling to the terms thu present recreation bylnwr This would of course include giving advisory help to local mmmunlticr with swimming and day camps NOI mumgap However while the recreation board npproved the revised pm gram it wns not presenled to council as authorized nl spec inl board muting Instead the stall wnn asked to mintin the swlmming and day camp pm grnms and limit olher activ ities as inltnlcied by council Under the circumstances the prolesslonnl stall Miss Louisa Culley and lira Florence Fish uw nothing but irustrntion in the proposed dulles and lb striellans and seeing no nltem ntive in keeping with their pm itsnlonnl and perwnnl integrity with the people oi Simeon Coun ty they resigned The resigna tions were nccepied by council without comment what prlca munly re crenllon program We Are old that the $15000 budget avallahle lnsl year Ind ngaln lhll year amtflm pc The $25000 orlgin nlly requeslcd by the board from the county or the pro posed recreation pmgrnm or would be In the nclghbor hood 01 25¢ per cnplln about he prch of three bolch pop quart of milk or less than packet of clnnrcllcs per ycnrl Federal nulhorllles clnlm um we need levy at least $2 per capiln lo med mlnlmum recreatlannl needs kwp nsklnx mysel why do wa llnd it so much easler lo find the money for our personal rccrcnllon than to rnlse even radionnl nmounlI or puhllc rccrenllan londerahlp lrnlnlng and community developmenl when to neglect this field may cost 10 time AI much few years later suppose human nulnra or just plaln nullInleresl the answer Insofar the present posi tion of the coumy mmmunlly and recreation service 15 com cemed It mlzht be helplul lo no Mh my 17 im 029 HOT WATER TANK LY pppppppp 15 BAYFIELD 5T num Lezm Mllll ID hungr nay1 11ml no road pm Nuu Imwlnllnn II of CIA Tornnm mu mw lenhh New Haw Illa Allan II 09 um mum on wnlmr Wm BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION lnsiall Hydro RenIaI pm U0 mail Icy developmegl led lolha resent Illumlon Imam tlme Emle becam ally the srparallon commlllea of flu county councll lulled to come to any nmemen reind lrlg the county ecrmlon lur The Banis city council pus ed on ihl pmbiem lo the Bur ris recruiion commiitee which while wilan to mpemo with the conniy was not supplied with an addiiionai grant in en abia sniisiaciory agreement to befiached Man 1n the county land ml my Battle lncludlng my nell Kell and um eel very nmnlly thul our larger clu tm havan nhwmed most 01 our industry Iervlce and cam mrclll recreatlon wllhln their llmlls should continue to 8315 rural nrcns ln mnlnlalnlng munlywlde pmgrnms How ever the exlmpln by rle named In Influence olhon large CIMMI and min amount at dlunllntncflan nnlun nlly mulled 1mm Ulll trend lawanl lnsullrlly This mud ll lncrelnlngly dullcull or In county romallon board to ob Inin mum to meet he need recrelllon lull dld loo good jobr fill my mom Ilka contradlcllonr ll not an lmponlhlllly but the Incl are ml the mzram devcloped by our capn 1e Ind hardworking stall proved to ba ID worlh whlla ulal demand for rum llnnnl leaderahln Ind lralnlng or many klnda lncreased each year much laler than manly councll war prepared to recog nize or llnance Tho lnctlhnl lha populnllon of Slmcoe Conn ly lncrmnd by er cent in the past 20 yearn no had an Important benrlni an lha de manda or nervlco Hawaver would like In polnl out lhal never ll any llmc dld Lha rtall carry on any pmlrlm lhll wal ml approved by ha board They almply unwed rather lhnn underfnka lulura pm gram they did not Ipprove valnclnl mnu through the Communlty Fromm Branch Ontario Dapartmenl Education deslnned to mm in need of limb urbln municlpllmc were and III are enllreky inndequate to meet lho needs county recru Ilon Iervlce panirululy county the me Simon with its mmy commnnlun municipalities diverse inlet esu and ilmeumumlng dip tunaa an which add to the cost and difficulty of mnlnlaln mg calmlywide icrvlce SHOULD BF lllGIH mum In our oplnl ln lulrnulto county counclll and our smaller munlclpulillus pmvlndul grants to munly rccrcutlou xcrvlte should be an much hlxhcr pur ccntuge burl than or the cen trnllmd urban munlclpulltlu and thorn ls ulso room hm or tcdcral support ll we are In huv broad and meanlnglul appllcutlcn lhu new ARDA pmxruml Government runts should cerlulnly be ltudl wlth vch lo hurlng morn ade quately our county ncrrullon cults whlch htlleve Ihould be clussgd us oducutlonul mall We havu not got Imund yet to lull Ippreclnllon that leudA enhlp trnlnlnl and communlty developrMnt are emntlul purl at our educallon pmgrlm and need blond bale of tax Iup port Ind mperutlon hctween town and muntry and between Ill level ol xovummcnlr Job at muulcipll mum clllor ls not Ilwnyl my In these rather mmplex time of rnpld Ioclul And mnomln thnnxe wllh conlllctlng de mand or more Icrvlca and lower tnxu Nollhcr ll ll any ta he munlclpul emplnyu la responsible posltlon under prmure mm the publlc on the fine mud to pmvldo more and morn urvlm and mm lhn muncll on In other hand Io mulnllln will ll nItltlc lml and lo pertarm only lhosour vlm ol whlch tho rrwmhm ol lhu councll pm And whlch may vary mm munlclpnllly la Inunclpnllly Ivan been moclnlod wlm manydnvolopmrnll In Slmwo memy or nurly our 400ch am mmmcd wllh 1h pm On th lo counly uullon urvlco Ipd lhc IonInf our pmlmlonl mutton Mn mm monthly mm lhnn motl uu lrcmmdoul mn rllmllon Mln volley Ind Mr mumnv 25 ms 111m him tmimm Mdfinn KdeWneSays Hellffiun As Independent Cohservativé AIBmwne chnlrmln at Gunman Chlnn Ltd In Comng wood announcad May that ho willpbnlcs the riding oISXm mNorth as an Independent Gamervallve In lhe crumm lfll ederal elecllon Mn Bmwna ploulercd the 600m Chlnn company 15 years no and has been mm In community projects through out the rpglonsl ln an lnlervlcw um mornmn Mr Brown was asked llho was cnn1eslng the election be cause any pnnlmflnr disru wr wlh Pflma Minlmr Dlel eankcr mm frhere are mnnYIhlnuI Warm the Dlefenbnker ndmln lsuallon and will make them known as dla campaign progres ses said Mr Browne 90 Yflfllxreo with the Diet cnbnker defence policies ask Ed he upmfen even have any policies as in an FM concern ed replied Mr Emwne who served wiih Iha Raye Cnndlnn Air Fem during World War IL Ha min indicated that he wouid awn be prcpnred to ex prulgil hil idea as he camaigg my Mm Haber 551 Already in dlmed lhII he will be prepared Synopsln la clear and cold throughout most Ontario Laka SL Clnh rcilon Wlnd Ior Clear nnd cold tonight and hmsdny Wind norlhwlsl Lulu Erie Nlnxm Lake Huron Lake Ontario Georglun nay llnllhurlnn roglons Lon dun llnmlllon Toronto Clcnr and cold lunllhl mnnly sunny lgludny Windl northwest 10 la Forms Tempernlum Low lexht Mlh Tundny Vlndsnr Bl Thoma Landon Kllchcnnr Wlnahnm llnmillnn st Culhlrlncl annnln ldcrbamulh Trcnlon Timnlnml Alznmn While nlm Cuchmnc regions North Bay Sudbury Scull 5m Marla Mnlnly clear and com Wind norlhwul ll AI Slmme Caunly midan look hlenkly awards Bl least another two months at Irlxid woulhcr lhl lady can we ab lord lo xmllc Mrs IL Mar Kcmpcnlclt as kmm ilunknkn Norlh my Fish hnvu made In the develm mm at In many phnlu rurnl and urban llln Md sh In aka Hula opporlunlly In my lhnnk you In luo public vnnll who awny Hum lhrir but II II dmlulll la pmlid nl um momml whnl our Irma Ion pmfram may lay lmm now on bul do know thl the work our recrrntlnn sin for mur ly yum wlll nlnnd lil llnf mmmlnl or mod Job wrl dnno WEATHER 50004055w03wfl PA 66568 WINS TRIP TO FLORIDA erhllva nomlnnnon at the convention next Tuesday nigh Barrles qulh Cantglam Mr wno Is nallve Guelph In recent years ho hns mlvcly mrvcd an the Calling wood Induslrm Commlnslon and one Umo wan pruiaen My feel that cnnpul oxward number of construcllva and ranching 1dmnr the do velopment of mu and um will form the hnals of my pint orm mld Mr Brown ALLISTON tspcclnl Over cmwdlng in the public schoo in um Town of Alum wus the mnln Iopic or discussion ul lhu board mccling huld rchnuy Truslwn or lhn board heard the principnls report and concern mounting ovcr lhu Ilcndily humming numbcrl 01 pupils In lho nlmndy mngmlcd mace the winner oi the Winter Carniv vni drnw Tho Morgans wm nu oi the city when lhn draw was made me conclusion oi lhn Winter Carnival inst wack cnd me 1m Inck Balunne Conclualons were that 119 penrs ll wlll be necessary to am more concrete plans or new puhLlc Ichml sooner than nxpcclcd and um In lho mum timo temporary Atcommodnlion or puplll may have to be Iaund by Septembcr lo Inku can ma nmfluw Town Alliston Is Concerned Over Public School Crowding ALprucnl Ihm nro doublu chm rooms all armies mm mm In eluhl In Aomo Insumccl Ulplo elm maml nl ona undo 1M auxlllnry thus nbovc cup ncfly and lhln numuon wlll have to be mnedlcd In the ncnr ll lure spcclnl mctllnl he and of Trusuu ulll be mum In me new luluw whcn llm mumch wlll be nvlicd lu nurnd In order lhnl mnny dclnlls nml Ipcclllc lnrormnflon may he ohlnlnul 5nllnllr Ihnw hul lhtrc um um prcklndmnrlrn ml chlld ml In no own at Allmun and Hill rxchlllcl lllllcml Sunnu Alon nnd Um Camp lmnlrn mm Inrludinn lhrsv Mflfll would pro II IRMI Yhalrmnn llarrla Dlslrlcl lullcglnle Bond BROWNE APPLY AT YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOY MENT SERVICE OFFICE FOR CANADIAN VOCA TIONAL TRAINING UNDER IHE FEDERALPRO VINCIAL AGREEMENT COURSES BEGINNING IN BARRIE MARCH WAITER AND WAIIRESS FREE TUITION PLUS LIVING ALIDWAfo CCOIIDING 10 ELIGIBILIIY IMPROVE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS YOUR CHOICE OF 40 COURSES GIVEN THROUGHOUT ONTARlO UNEMPLOYED MEN WOMEN Big names and persistent ru murs an beinz ireely hissed around two inderhi riding in this area Social Credit organ izers prepare for nomination meetinu In Dniinrinéimcoo and Slmcne North New developmenia are taking place almost daily and this mom in Joseph Cochrane Reeve of Innlliil Township indlcmd he he in quite Inleresied in sueklnz ledcrai nomination to conical Duiierinslmcne or the Sacredl Mlu Helen Eager Commun lly Concerts repmmnllvo for Onlmlo was Introduced meetan in Comer Street Unlled Church Frldny She replaces Miss Nan Cooke Concert Grbup Planning Drive The meeting was held to plan the campalgn and membership driveJoA jcld in he 1111 Social Credit Workers See Big Things Coming pmldom Com mum Comma chaired tho meeting Others present includ ed Mn Leepcr Mrs Run Stephens Miss Jnsslo Bryson Mrs Eldon Greer Mm Welsh Iccrolnry Bruco Owen Russ Ste hens chk Chulloner Ken Hal er and Rory ODonnl nr PhoLbl babl dmtbla lho number at ch11 mn that will be school use In the ncxg qu yclrn noullne business was deull will by me chairman Vic Scull who ndvlscd lhnl llm Hull nlurm mum pertainan lo mo hcnllng plum was In lhu prom being lrulnllcd chairman ha Wlnler Carnl vnl Mrs Morgan and Charles Tierney chnlrman ol the Flor Idn draw mmmlum Exnmln lollcr 1mm Rny Mklnwn UN Emergency Mrnsurca 0r unnlzalinnwns muL Annuunce men of the Slmcoo Counly Tulstccs nnd llalcpayers Iw sodnuon Forum on Feb 27 in Bank was mndc on um wns um winnlng ol the Nuddlo Chick Trophy hy Imr Slcrlen rlnk Thll II lho mnnd lmphy or Sirch lhln month hnvma wnll Hm Moore Tmphy rnrllcr 5min II Aklp or Jack Ilolunn lhlrd Mnx slcrlo and pub Jenni Elmvale Rinks Winfit Fergus Na Elmvnlc fink wun mph Ics in compclmon at he lcmua ngllng Cluh opSuhrdny In tho curly drnw Lou Turner nklpgcd NI rink tuumvml 01 Sum Tumor anI Vllllnm all and Harold anucm lo an my victory MARITELLUS CMnllnatnr am just lad up with the old llne parties said Coch rune in tolephono lntervléw Lloyd Cummm Prominent Innlum Townshlp farmer nu also Indicated that hc mllhl bl prepared to accept an Bufferin slmcoo nomination ll wu all cred Mr 01minan ran third during the In Jun 13 em ton Hownver bum Mr Cummlnl and Mr Cochrnne Indicated hr day lhnl the Sacred have heen or from lnlcllva In um fldinu since the Juna delent Thll was lmplled when Mr Cochrnne cormmameclY lwn In valved In about hm dlacunlom lnvolvlnl Illa pmyn llnnnclnl pallclu below walked hat lead Ile FEM Ono Emu Ihauld he made clear mm the outset uld Mr Cochrane Thu Saclal Credlt me does nn mean Soclullam luck the lRudy in far more democratic an mm the crnla or Conpprvnllvts lmve allowed one or the other pl the old llna mm all of my Illa and now lee um ll ls lime in change the new concluded Mr Cochmw an lnnlnlll antler la member The Bunk Hmkullural Soc My has denlded to hold our Ilowgr Ihow in 196 bezlnanl with the his Show The other three shows wlll be Rose Shaw Annual Show and the Autumn Shaw no Honda or 1693 prepared at recent meetan at he home at Hum prey Idenl an the Junior locum camprising blrd house can pctillons poster contests lower shows and My Garden Scrap Book mmpelilion tar guides and brnwnlcs ln Barrie The society on agreed cab nhllsh speakers vane Io pm vlde speakers or hnniculturnl comments In any organmtlon that wppld Equip ope Plans To Sponsor Flower Shows President Mn lie1h or sem ary Mr Jenn Gable will ar range of Igcakcrs Mrs Brown and Mn Mills were nppolnled to mend lhe Onlan Honiculmral Asw clallnn convention In be held ln Elccllon ever maulMn in he riding SimcoeEnsl mm pnrllc make prcpnrlllnna nr nomlnmlon matting In In ncxl ll days The perennial Progressive Cu scrvallvc enndldnlc Dr nynnrd has indlcalcd that he will again he prepared lo cop the nomlnnllon nl lb Con scrvnllvn comcmlnn on Mann Thu mcctlnz wlll he held In lhe Orlllla Arena at Im Hr ma leernla John Mlc lune who all to Dr flynnrd In tho Juno runlul Ian year has indlcnwd Hm he might Ilsa be Inlmslni In nnminmlun Thu lecrn marlinx wlll be held lhl Wednudly It pm in lha Orllln Opera Home Election Fever Is Mounting In Riding SimcoeEast Guns spmknr wlll be he Hnn lnul Marlin dclcnce crluc or ho Llhcmls durlug the 25th par llnmcm Anulmr numc mcnb ommo nevnnffiui or mum minim um Munm hm Alml1nml NOTICE TO All MOTORISIS 1962 Passenger Car Dual Putposo and Motorcycle Plates and Drivers Llcences explm March 13 at midnight 1953 plates and licences are nowonsalo 1962 Commmlll Mommaho and hail llconca rum uplm Much 1L Vme Iiunm aim for 1963 an on ulo Mnmy 23mm nildin om Ihu data at luuu unlil Mmh 1m NM NM quulu 11mm plllfl lot Apnl May And June no an ulo Match 2511 and avoid the listminute lineup attontlon all truck bus and trailer owners RENEW YOUR LIGENGE NOW the rond committee Slmcol wum Wu The nuumn 51mm Social Cred namlnltlgy meeting bf uw ln hlld nexl Monday film In Allaan at ellhl oclock 111 ms weaker wlll be wlllard Klmlm lnrmor mayor ul Ban1e who la also recent convert lo thI soclll Credit Pmy Tamnlo at lheKln Edwnrd Halal on March 21 12 MIL Gable will Attend the convention diatrch dlmlor Planting projects one ol the more actlve branches of the Soclely were discussed and the suder hopes to at lha cute 01 the grass on me Nelson meet lookout camd for by he chy lhs your wu Among other project no the City Hall bedl the library nud cn tho lcdcrul building ho Com munity House ha beds at the Fabric Sho mm the Royll Vic toria Hosp The May wlll again Iponsor the annual Spring CleanUp cam palgn and will assist with up plantlmu In the Tamil Morm aunn 2911qu on Highwnyuloo The District In convention oi ihe Ontario Hardcuiturni Am cinilon will he held in Barrie in 1364 it hoped that he can vention will be held lho sacleiyl Both birthday loned fur lhe Liberal nomlnnllon Is Mayor Glgnac Pcne tang 0n Thurday lha Nuw Demo crch Pnrly lel hold nom lnallon meeting in Mldland Wil lInm Vinchuslnr who wns d9 caled an CCF ticket In 1h rldlnz hm lndcnlcd thnl ha IIIth conical Hm NDP nomina tun There II as yet no lndlcltlnn lhnl them wlll he Social Cw dil undidan In lhc riding INCREASING VINNIIEG CP Dr on medlcfl director 01 lhl Saullorlum Board cl Manilam says tuberculosis II lncrcnslnx In the provmcc In 1061 lhcru were an new case reported Mn 31 dcnuu nnd teacu vnlcd mu JOSEPH COCIIEANE

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