Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1963, p. 14

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HLIILIIII IN mmmn IMU lllrulmVNn nlnlu Ivn rl mvrrml wllllnxmn Io nullvilmln In UNIZSCOI appeal lur und In nave Iwn limpsz nhl Nulvlnn Irumlnl Ill Mu Slmlnl mm lelnl hy lln Nlln UNE5C0 Ivokuman pvnlrd Mm Hlmbel VIII mmnml umIr Egypln Alum llmn Mlmné mum the mid mannlmlinn can 1an WHIL tm hy munllry mmhullnnl helm AM 52 llflllmllflriLUIfl mnn mu 1mm mm cuMun Tll IMNHE LAW UHM MUlsmrll hllrl 0r mmmr Tllillm Hlfl rm pmpnml Imlny rlmlnl mphuln llw lnw I47 dcny uu llllnllnn In mile Ur rhll mur rlnur lmuhlng Jam nlmmvl mu mum um unmylrd by My mull luliuu Friday lmlrr 1m llw rrzlnlrnllnn llclglnn Human CMIInIIC Innum In he mm lunrll AIM vnl In mu mrmvmy In um and lickdiv irlml ll mun wnxllnq or II plane Hm Umlrrl Smlvn umth and Found It rrrrmnninl kry um Ivy 0mm mumm In 0an1 lhn mnnmnumllh Air Form No nmrlnl llunnynmln nlno Nrn my Thr kry quclhrr Mlh llw rlulura hook nnlnhv mu llm uunu nizlmlun Imd mu mlum slum lml Nurrm Irrr Ilnukml In llnhrn llrmlvy Tll NATION LflTlHLl HAVANA MUCloth Iinnhlu will KI Inh HM lho llnmnu um lodny Culum llllln nnnnuntvd Um mm in he wnke apmh ml leny Imnkfr hull Cnslro culUu our VISITS TROOPS ZWIIIHRUCKEN le Ger mxmy lCllDnlcnce Mlnlslu hurrhIII mid lying vim Sunday In he Canadian In lxmlry Brigade Group nnd lhu RCAF nir divislnn in Europe for mu he talkd personal rcrnnnulssnnrn In the dummy menlin anly lo duyx Churchlll ILw from lnndon In an RCA Dukoln lo lnku look the min John mlssiln hullcry wlfll lhc brigade and at he £19401 luwIuwl Jol bomber with lhr Mr Dlviiion CLAIMS RECORD BRANTFORD ACP Mel Rowe and his MidNile flam hlcrs claimed world endur ance record here Salurday night allcr 30 hours of can Iinuuus musicmaking The nun stun parlonnnneccxcepl Dr humdual livevminule break cash hnurhcat un endurance record yet we ycam ago by Burlington Onl combo CUIM HAS TRGUIILES KEY WEST Fla AWM hnn sugar worker and labor leaders were trilicizcd Sundny by Cubas nnricullurnl b051 Carlns Raine llodriguel pres Idem the National lnslilulo of Agrarian Rdnrm hlnmcd scanly sugar pmduclion on why nrgnnlznlion lack of rev olulionnry spirit by he worker and widespread uiluro In low lnblrucliuns Proposals that would transler much 01 the treatment 01 drug addicts lrnm law enforcement agencies to the medical pmlzs sion were discussed behind closed doors during the Ontario Alenhnlie and Drug Addiction Research Foundation conlerA once here Delegates told re porters at the conferences end Ihal emphasis had been placed on dnig addiction as medical rather than criminal problem HEADS YOUNG HAPTISTS LONDON Ont CPlIle Vhitiear at Clarkson OnL was elected president or the Fellowship Baptist Young Peo ples Association Saturday as it wound up its annual meeting altended by about 750 delegates rum Ontario and Quebec George Layzell of Preston Ont was elected treasurer Slates is insisting on an humanly ioniprnoi security in negotiations wiih Russia on dis armament Inspections suys Mrs John Collins wile Cnnnn Collins chairman of the British Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament She laid Vnica ul Waan mcellng Womun experienced in human mlaiions know ihat here is no alicrna live but to trust the Russians KNEES REAL COOL TORONTO CP Knee knocked as Scout leader walked Ihruugll bitterly cold temperatures ln short lrnusern lhe annual banquet and dance of the greater Toronto re gion of Ihe Bny ScouLs here Selurdny nighlr About 700 out or an esllmnterl 800 Seoul lead ers at the banquet ware shun panls The remalnder were about evenly dlvlded between kills and long Ireusers oificiais at the greater Toronto legion annual meeting Saturday expressed consternation at de clining troop membership and widening gap between num bers of Cubs and Scnuts They agreed more leadership train ing more outdoor activities and streamlining of adminitrativa processes are urgently needed to combat 11perccnt decline in the number ni smut in 1m MHEIIT WITH KEV LONIH flu vilnml URGE NEW APPROACH NIAGARA FALLS Ont CP llllS US DEMANDS TORONTO cm11m Unfled SCDUIS CONCERNED 0mg CPBoy Scot smym WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF lhrrc any dill counlry pule aver permit owed the cancellation Sunday of the first live televislon pmgram linking the United Stales Canada and Mexico The highlypublicized threeway TV show was can celled lhe last minute he cause the communlnalions mm As GalLs was travelling with His disciples in northern Palestine He asked them who men 1mm He was and who they thought He was Peter confessed Him he You Are Christ SPECIALS Hule Mhr fiumun 5deme wwun Clwmu Um tnrml SM Cumr you by Mull DUI mmmd mm mmnlu HI mnwrul 1m Ind OH MAX FACTOR 9r strIun mom Moron WIINID WW Ml cunm 1A ADIUSY Auroumcmv 70 mm um um muons SPECIAL 2595 1mm IAM BlVN l7HIlIlHlWE V3 14 THESE VALUES AVLMBLE AT um ml man Illmlu HNM In wl Inn Liplb ind in BIIY THESE VARDLEY BEAU SPEGIALS OW mnmmmm mans mwuxm mm thnxrrlflHHpmnrv nuva Hwyum unflvmlmml InnI luv hm nunMr mm Mm frnhrmr um um of 12W DOUBLESIZE JAR AT REGUUR FREE DRUG STORES SPEEDFLEX Islry sald the telephnne com pany had not taken prgpcr steps to nbtain permit WARNS INDONESIA KUALA LUMPUR Malaya Reuters Pr1me Minister Abdul Rahman has warned In donesia that she attacks Chrlst Gods anolnled Son Murk 827429 Then Christ taught them plainly how He was going to sullerand die than rise again Faker who could not stain the thought nun mu Nu mi hum panama InlYu IHn ILLUSTRATEDSUNDY SCHOOL LESSON MW sawan EVERYDAY NEEDS°T0LETRIESSUNDBIES SHOE LAGES BROUGHIAL SYRUP HUDHUT DHEME RINSE 333 smssons NAIL FILES vlcucv ATIAGHMEHT SET WANT PENDILS MOTHKIL CRYSTALS TWEEZERS SOAP BOXES EHVELDPES KIDNEY PILLS SALOTYII TABLETS VITAMIN Bl BUY ONE GET ONE ELECTRIC KETTLE NYLONS VINE QUAUTX MONEY SAVING BONUS BUYS In MM Chum Mink Malaya ha will seek support not only from countries whkh have de agrcemcnta with Malaya but alsn mm those cnunlrlcs who sympathlza wkh of Ills Maslcrs Many re buked mm or saying these Musk filing831 mist than M7qu Peteror rnxs ing His enema temptation to Him of being Ula Messiah COMPLETE STUDY NEW DELHI Indialflemers 97 IlUE lINlD ll mm n1 Inou SAVI Asscuw to null lmhu Chin cl mu luplum AND BUBBLE BATH 69 172 98 150 NOT FOR BUT EXCEPTIONAL VALUES BATH SALTS swmmm WI 0onle TAMBlYN DRUG STORE hm canny In if 46 Jul MW IlaKIM Surly muuh hy 3b IMLLMAII Is Itan 1m Cglln 109 VAPORIZER HUMIDIFIER VACUUM BOTTLES AND Rug DI Vlulu 200 593 30 60 2w 29 59 25 49 33 89 35 15 The Join United SacsCom mnnwnailh air mission which completed wark here Salut day will likely recommend lho setting up oi hlglrpuwer early warning aystem across nnrlh em india usually reliable sources report Wuhan suffering he agony and making atonement 1111 was human weaknm no God WilliMark 633 Ohrlst then Md His lollowers ma they really meant to follow TIII tonyl nmhln umlvl uim 1th Ilnh we nu pcdlm lek Id INI ud bl In 1650 AIiwu Momuh and Cum HYDROGEN PERCXIDE mull EGGAREME SHAMPOO 371 HANDBAGS Tlu hm lull SACCHARIN TABLETS LISTERINE Um MILK OF MAGNESIA um umch 23325 2715 2232s CAMERA OUTFIT 997 In 171 am 89 2m 79 VIEJE 271 561 15 49 232153 213$ In In unur PAROLAGAR BOBBY PINS STARFLASH COMBS Hung comm By Alfred Buescher uunuw auumd Iin Ihl AltMr pun1 nlmo Illu inn WOULD AID STUDENTS LONDON AP Britaina Nauannl Unlan of Students have launched nationwide drive for funds to help Mflcnn Nvgru stu dents who want to leave Bul garia and to pmvlde achnllm ships them Him they must deny them selves and obey Him loynlly taking up Iheir awn crosses Mark 33435 GOLDEN TEXT Mark mu Please excuse omlsslon on Saturday 1Allm 33 FREE 25 3a In 225 will Cull 0le ST EAST AllIHOHE GIFT WRAP COSMETIG BAG DOROTHY GRAY TRANSGO BOOT TRAY HALLMARK BUBBLIHG BATH OIL Fill CIYY DlLlVIIV Sllfl GLASSES OOOOANUI Oll SHAMPOO SUNRIYE IRONIHG BOARD COVER MDIES HARD MIRROR Aflolifl SKIN CREAM WINSUM lOTIOH BOWLING SHOE BAGS ENLARGEMENT SPECIAL TO SIZE 51 OM VOUl MVDUIIH NIGAYIVE men wmm omi um 7351mm EXAMINER MONDAY FEhRflAliY gs ma AUCKLAND RememEnz land batsmen cut loose against New Zealnnd today to record total lnr Tesu be lwsen Lil eler Part1 ll not on and Burn Knlgtlxg 125 putgpn 14L faxEh sixth firingsbl ha and reached 562 for seven bulare Ted Dam declared Al my EXAMINER mm ADS PHONE mzm England Batters Set New Totals fugnnm MENS LADIES cpmcue IN PlASTIC CASE WITIIOUF IOLDH PA M106 Rtg In IJS Rug far In Rig 59a Reg 98a Rlv ISA Purim and Knight put on Iheir runs in nnly 215 minutes healing lhe previous Test Eng land slxthwlcket stand or 1215 by Len Hutton and Joe Hard slalf against Auslrnlla in 1938 Both MI 14 hunndafles Facing Englands big lalal New 2191am made disastrous start by losing the first three wldmLs or seven runs 111 minutes the close at my on Ihe second day New Zen and was in serious rauhla with only 66 or our on the board In reply 57 MQKINNON FURS Lid 113 Dunlap St 125 lADIES 149 198 198 49 98 59 89 49 59 98 15 You Alw FINE FURS Heller For

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