an Tum Jul Tnylnr Mo 1a 111 Mum Sineh m1 Innue rl Wllnll ully mum nl ma Cnmnm mu nunr uuunu rundmnn ma rumn two dmr In new Telrpnunu PA 1511 vwmn 1m munMn IMM Muvlvlnn mm In hv mm In mullan llltvMfll palm Hm Allihm umA In unid flu mm Mm MI mm nu In who MI MN luv mum mum ma ronn Flflllne our dour dm law ï¬re runlom mm No down paymtnl nu met my mmu us yet monm Tolephonl lA um LOST FOUND NEW WANTED FEMALE Eff Mun wnmw punllnm Innd In Iu mu mm lululoluuhll IIHHN KIVIII mu 1m nlzj In Illn la III ry In uuinl mum nnm nun mum nx lMuml mum Apply ma mmuu Aunvw muI mulvr II or llilmpm TA IIHI mum LEARN lanDIl SING Gavcmmrnl Clwlrml Srhaol Thnrvunh lmlnlng In all hun dlu bunny cullllro DEIIWIN MINNIESSING SCHOOL WOIISHIV HT PA 03061 NEZD CASllcsu Subura Fln mace Your Ltndlnl Ndlhbor we or no monthly Dunlux Street Blrrh Tellphnnc 471 unhxunu Aumunrh mum UNTHL mu 1an WI Cmummli Phflh up onunn nuun nunr camnm muam mum uh In your an Mm nr mun1 up who llnmlrl PA or lA um mi Illnnonm mm xnrllnl um amp In mm MI hm llr Thu Mon mum Elnllem Turpmmu thlawu 411 10 m5 PERSONALS cm INIUIMNCM ml Inn lnr pnluml drlvm hum my driver mum of In or rlnummnm run mm In neuuy cm Call PA so wouLn LIKE In m1 ml Annu no done vm nrrmu an own hu hatn mmmmi Trlr mm Mm mu pm an nx for mu USED VGLKSWAHEN um um um rompxmly mondmonm Vould null ldnl runl khan Nu dawn paymem IakI nm plymcnl us put monm Talc phona PA 54an mm 5mm 1m nrll ml mllu mum mm mm lhkld wuhen Ml mu Hum bluk cherry ruler ma ntw mu 1mm aux um METEOR me our door nlx cyundn mudm Irlnxmlx Im Iain ur mum nwner now In tomplny Ttlephono PA um um uklor nan ml convnx Sednn cunnm mo ImamHe very low mllul nuumul cnndhlan No down plymam Tum lo xul your bud lel mzphon Man £13411 um me my 1m 1952 FALCON Deluxe our door 9000 armm mu awner no In 011 Tllwhonl PA Mon um ovnn law monthly my mum on ma Tunuh Owner nu hm rum mam W1 nu 1mm 1m Mum wo floor In nlz ln condlllan Mun mld Immedllkly Conufl Ullel ll PA um FRENCH MOTORS 75 Bradford St PA 3597 TRUCKS TRAILER WOMENS coEuMï¬ SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA scam Buy It now with lowcost life Insured Mdrbizï¬ks FOR SALE 11 pamnge powered Chrysler cylinden gasoline gnglne Eight Independent pneumatic llred wheels run ning In Iracks at me rear two pneumatic llred wheels also Hkl at rant Unit ha extra fuel tank End escape hatch Included In prlce ap proximately mono woth 01 new purls Locaflon Our Montreal yard New anuo Approximately Mm SPECIAL PRICE ROB MONTREAL $250000 PhOne Constmclinn Eqnlpment AUTOMOTIVE One Only slightly used qumARDIEE SNOWMPQILE Company UM 404 Old Weston Road Toronto Onlada Roger MUSL iYoU GETï¬ GOOD DEAL AND GOOD DEAL MORE LAT WHO EISE WANTS NEW CAR VnLKlWAOISN belun mnl umo wnuwulx pflce M76 Tflephan PA Indlrd bhlll No Inn mlmon um mun Telephonl Elmvlll or Hmr lnionmuon mnly mlmr knlirmll 0mm mMy Mullnldnliml MK Dmle 0mm InnEl Any Trme nnl um mully am ML 14 lFnl comm or mum TI Illlll FOR lZQUIIMHNT Ruled unlm plnlnly mark NI In rmmnlt ulll lll crlml by Um umlmlnml until 1000 III THUHSIDMZ MAIN 11 10M lnr llm allowinn lhThm llclum Tner IVW nm In Trudi4n Mil IK um um Yugo Mun llrk up Truck WImlaw Vnn 1m ervlcc Tlml 01W 400 kaIn IIIlln on ma Munlel IIMI Truck lflTnn Ihlmv TYqu Equip md ulm Ill Ind MM GYM 11000 lhl Trmllln um In on 1911 Vumolrl ï¬Tnn Dump Tmrk Inlmmntlnnl In lliddorl rpm rulratlnm Trndrr anlu may lw MAMl lho Mike he undmunod ll at who CA5 on sz nua ply nhlc lo Tlvuunr nnmlo le be ulnd 04 um mxumnu which wnl In mma llnmmenll rahmod In mud rnndlunn numn Inluy am at hnvq IoIM am mum on hum mm any ltndvr um noe um Irrrvul MILL nmmv Mlnlmr Mama mum Worn Dnllrln rullmum IuMlnu 7mm nnunn rplvnmy 1m 1m gulfrauanl Tender rnrm rm mum cm um flrvulnmrnu my be ï¬nal 1mm nr vlamd II 00m mo new be Irlmenl Public Wom an Inn Pullr mm nuumnn Tomnlu 0n lulu Imemm Nu wmc mu ma Hume llldn ï¬lth ll anflmfl Blnll Ind Orllll Ind DII mm In mm wm nu Ilnlxvml Onllrlfl Imam and mm Inlom mm um umn mlm Mm mu nu ma mer mm 1m lomu MM mum at hllc wmu cm Irmmntl Wflh lhl Imm IM tbfldHIDM ll mm mm mm mm on gunqu mm srwm CONTnALrOM CANo LAKE AmoNQUlN PARK ONTARIO SEALED rlxm SUM TENDER ptcpvrly mount on Ionm my piled by vulmcm Ill be mama by In Tender Sure II Room 10 EM mm 11 men nundlnu Toronln on una um 515 In Him on THURSDAY MARCH um Ior Iha ennumcunn of sewn hlmn tuninmd roncnlu um drrlnulnd pumulnl muon nd numbn um Ill mm Ind In llllri equlymml the arms sum Amnun Mplicallons will be received for inspeaor under Warble Fly Control Act for 19w Applicant to stale rale per hour and rain per mileage to Iupply own rans poriaiion Tenders will be received to sup ply and operaie auiinbia truck lo lransporl sprayer Stale rate per hour Rate in include $100 per hour in act assistant Inspector Tcnders will be received or supply or suliicieni Rol enonn powder or the yurposc Slate prion in lb and i5 lb puckngu Tendm will be rmiwd uniii noon Sniurday March 2nd 1M3 laws or my lender not nec bssarily me III BELLJClcrkTmaL PAGE Reeve TOWNSHIP or ESSA WARBLE FLY CONTROL Chen 422 MOI nd El flu Mar In Illa mull unï¬llan lbhl Trn Humx lunmr mm For In phunl momm nln momma Ill TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA Hm xlmlm nannsn couru wlnled mm mm Lo Im In Lho commy In mum Imuon on mm mm quI All communes Ind IplN lnr own mm In on thin or ennui lnfl llrden on 1mm wa wllllu to Mix ll Ilmu on munch hull In wnu Bax an EMPLOYMENT WANTED 12 TENDERS misc be accurate Iyplxt Minimum of so word pa mlnnle may week IO HELP WANTED FOR YOU Sell TV Advertised AVON Many earning to In no daily For Inlormatlon write Mn Wilker Norman SL Barrie or phone PA M551 AVON CALLING THE my IS PAVED CREDITBUREAU OF BARRIE LTD 23 CLAPPERTON ST MALE FEMALE ounmo FEMALE VSTENO WArxiTED SENIOR POSITION Applicant to Start March 15 Plain apply BARRIE ONTARIO comer of Collier 89 DUNLOP ST PA 84023 Im Amen ol pm rm Nullcl mnumlum benl mnll beneï¬t with Inf yur round employment Apply an Inn In wrllln Io Mr ox Pinone 1404 Jahn 51 BI um Mm um mum 52m run 101 MONEY was an IN mnonlcs you In ar our mm mm mm arm 10 ldflllllnn you an Imam wed1m In 129 communmuom Aulnmutnn Cnmpulon Ilc mudm sonnal In Toronto Ind Mumnll or lhldy ho Buy mm in Book mm 11 Eluflonlfl MM wumun Tomnlo 23 Ont DELIVERY IN to Iln blc Noun to Tclephum PA FEMALE HELP MALE HELP SIMMONS C0 In hm ï¬xmm Ion mu maps or Mimi an mu plul nu maven lo hull buyer Ind mnk oppanunlly to mnve 1m me hungrva vmu wmvw fwm rmmu Aprflunl unhl Inn delmn nlllnn And In urv amen To ï¬ll mun we omr DermAmM on unllmued urnhu palmkhl Mullen Ima pennan one maefenl CARI OPPORTUNITY II Im r59 ernunuuvl for mu cm min 11 lnnmnca mar Min WI Bk robby wun gs ma daln All YD ATBFIID wflh pm prenm mu uxon And your mum mom hm Mulldnnd lhl puulblflly nor tn LU Undlrwnllnfl Th0 Noflhlrn Ll Auunne Comnlny cm nun nu an ovum In In Elf ch ullcll II nun whu an qullly mun lecnnd in MM Ta hm mu pmu Jim Mr CLU Incy Munu com IL HI All Rpllu canndenlhl Ill mama open In lnllll mnunuan uuhlumd at over OI yun In Onnrlu No luv OlllnL Am we run Walnut on 53mm to Nnifonfl momm 09 mm my EXAMINER WANT ADE mom 314 ml HELP WANTED MALE HELP in the mattir the Estate of MAUDE ELIZABETH MCBRIDE TAKE NOTICE ihnL Ill per son having cialma anlnat mo cumin of Ike Ibovu noted do cuued win dind January min 1963 at the City oi Barrio II the Cnuniy Simcoc mm re qulrod an or before Much alsl 1963 in send deinil Io he un dermuniloned Executor and alter 1h inst mentioned data ï¬le moi oi the nine wiii be diatribflled thinl nnrd only in the claims of which he Ex cculor shall then have noilce DATED at Barrie ihil 22nd day oi February lm vamcsrqn ANQMYERS mmqu wun Plllnlnlnl cumm lm mlnulmuur if and vii1 ton 3°3t11 mu Ium uumh MAN WANTED or ulna mm 211 Conn rllr 31mm count 7Q ilEOAILNOTICES 10 HELP WANTED Barristers 13 Collier Street BARBIE Onlnrlo Sollcflors the Executor Michael Henry McBride immond MALE HELP Here Is showing of bright colors fresh siylings and exciting fabrics in our gala Fashion Opening Come and see all thats newest for Spring i963 zm 40 28 ozqom on m3me In con STORE Slop into Spring 03 with tho conlldcmp that you Me pm leclly tired for Ibis bright new mason Sclch your early DOUBLE KNITS two and three place Ilne double knll nuns In beautiful Iprlng pastels lnccd rum marrrzn SUITS In no Engllsh warslcds buuclcs lwucds Prlccll from Coats Coats Calls what wonderful selection of trash spring coats All the newest or spring Theres one walling for you at Simmons ALLWEATHER COATS In dressy as well as tailored styles The pick of the springs stormy weather coals LAMINATED COATS or springlnua The seasons newest cloths and smartest styles Moderately priced FINE IMPORTED ENGLISH VOOLS In Iwccds and pIaIn cloths BeautIIuIIy tallored better coats Priced from $3950 Io $7500 Mrs Mann took chargh the program on may under tha convencrshop ot Mrs Enlon gm Econoxguu and calm be present mm cent airï¬eimhér will be sent to U10 Penny Roundup Mn Bell will reprcsenl the lnslllule the Flower Com miuee meellng Bunla Az rIcullure Society Mrs Cathemn President opened the mating The min utes warn rend by me Secretary Mrs Penrwll Women lnllllull Thu motto Do not men zraw In old mlny In no privileg ed lo do so wn repeated and Mn Beth read poem Where lube girl used to be at the Feb mecllnx of Gulhrle Womans Inslllula held at Mn Pllkcyt home The Iron board had sent flunk you or he cumin did lhe Pomgang Mental Ha pilal or am received 11 mum EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY yu 5aer on he Highway was MM 10 Sprlnx Layaway Lou 10 Sprlnu Laymay rum COUNTY NEWS GUTHBIE $2750 lo $5950 $5250 to $7500 $2750 to $2950 $1895 to $2450 By MRS PADDISON Prizes wan at lhls weeks cuchre went to lndips Mrs Lock hart Mrs nixelf Mrs Nellle Fallon and Mrs Inrgml Gord an mens prizes Joe Lockwood iMrs menu The nexl mcellng In Mn Caldwelll wllh Mrs Bell Can adlan industry nndlgrlcullnru convener in 2mm of tho pm gram Salel with Electricity was loplc nrnyour lnmlly the danger or Allen wires with that power Inle on machlm Each home maker can make her own ante rules and Ice lhey are canI nut gaod mal lo 15 place or everythan and uverymlnx In place This as allowed by Intely Quiz Sï¬ely Home cusscd Mrs Bird rend In article abou seat belts NEW LOWELL EwmiVCnlrdwell and Mrs Gilchrist served rclrcsh Les 107 Sprnl Less 107 Spring Lnymuuyl la 196515 Mn and Mrs Leighlon Rowe and ion Toronln spent lhn wenkond with Mr and Mn cu Rowe Mrs Wesley Bites And Vém on Ind Mrs Ju Paddlson spent ny with Hands In Richmond Syinpalhy goes out to Mrs Funk McNiven In lha ludden nulavhgg hqsbqnfl Mrs Geo r1 Ilurselkznurguiivlslb In friends Toronla Wllliam Clark Mr Logahburg Sr and Ernest Bales Mrs JM Plddiaon Sinner spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wesleyflnles Mrs Jan namely anonla has returned home atler vlslllng Mr and Mn Vllliarn Tompkins uni ESTABLISHED MUSIC TO 1876 punlnp mm Cllulcal inII TM Llcst It AllTime Ill Shea Music See Us For All Your Muxlcnl Nccds KEENANS PLEASE YOU