Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Feb 1963, p. 11

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mmmu Mu7 Tn Lunan N01 wmhn lpovu llAnHIn ma Imul null mm Hum Tn ml Tn Tlulh TV Nu mm In nun nulnn our nllmn mum no Klddn mm nn Ind nu mm mm rum In tnnmrl rnumI num a¢ 8538388833 1m mm luvllnl AI YMI Um Lm Ur hlnIy rm unl llwuy nun mnNnAr nnnvuv II 400 um nn Up no Im on man1 no yoga IIDNDAY nnluuw 3583238383538 smleu In ropry Km Dun Thll lelnl World Ihu Avon munpm fklar nom show nc TV mm wmhm Spam Nun aqud Sympathy exlnndcd Mrs Ivan Caldwell and Bert Shel well ln the passlnl her bmmer Ind hll Ilsler hm George Pal erwn Orillla Feb funeral mvlce wan held Orlllla Fri Mr and Mn Hnwu Ind Mn Mary Eldsmcre or North Bay visited recently with Mr and Mn Bart Shclswcll Mr and Mrs Gordon Henry In repeled lo luav disposed 01 their arm and wlll be mmalnlng here only until lhc mlddle of April Kenneth RundelL Weston was Illa buyer Member 1mm mlly lulled Church who aflcnded Ihe first annual Presbylefial al the Unl led Church Warner at Golllns wood were Mrs Cecil 3mm Mn Cecil Hnnls Mm Leonard Wan Mn Gary Wilma and Gelpr H91 Mr and Mrs Angus Campbell have returned lrom Lansing Michigan lrom attending the funeral at Jr Burgeur Mn Burgm was formerly hllsi Lll Han Andeflon ol Barrier hirsi sane Jennetthas had her sister and htherinlaw Mr and Mrs Ellard Ellis of Lock wood Snsk with her lately They have came from the West In ha with lhcir family and relnllvts far their 50m Wedding Anniveh nary which they will celebrate Feb 22 Allistan Among Ihose who went by bus to Toronto to hear evangelist Dr Leighton Ford Knox Pm byterlan mm were Mary Carr Dennis Harris and Rhodn May Shannon members of Trin United Young Peopllcs Duxing the weekend visflun with Mr and Mrs Fred John Ilnne were Mr and Mrs Harry Johnston and daughtcrlz and Mr and Mrs Douglas Holt and lamily Tqmnlo Mr and Mrs Martin Ge 01 Barrie visilpd here Sunday with Mr and Mrs Vernon Jennett Mr Bales sfienl diy With his son Ivan and family in Tor onto AROUND SIMCOECOUNTY The Girl Guides md Bmwn les mended service in die Unit ed Church Sunday morning There were 15 table of euchrl at the party Monday night Ladies prizes were won by Ethel Steers Marguerite Ramsay and Mrs Sulheriand mens iorn Whitcside Herman Harvey and Rack Ramsay Lucky draws Mrs Brcedon Mrs Jack Grasy Mrs Knccshlw and Mrs Gilmore Jack Gray Arnold Rogers Harvey Dale and William Mililgarl number es of the Unued Church Women at ended the Presbyterial meeting It Collingwood last week Congratulation to Mn and Mrs Eenhoom on Lil birth 013 dElFKhlfiru ll ynnr nnln an mm No CHAROI roiz Euiiiniiiiicl mm lmu My MRS cum DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCKS TELEVISION PROGRATIS WIII II mum Ynl Iloml BOND HEAD THORNTON CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHAN PA 82433 mam nnIuAu luau rm III III xmdn HunI hurl In Ionflm lawnI nun mm hm hmllnl You mama leu hulmur Th LII IIIBIII mm mu luan rh Mum Amy wmum In nun wm Tvlnl NIH MI mm llV uIm llw Nun lulM mu Mum 33323338 83338338 mo 10m 00 Illl jun IEL no mm 017 ll 1130 Inhml Nth Country Juncflon cnc TV Nun Wanner sworn Nun Inmpol wanIlnIn nuluAu ll mm In In an um um luv It Iool no 00 uu 00 JD ml huun Good Mumlnl fimdlu Pllu Romp Mom Popuy rulr Noondly lllynrt anlu INHIIM llourl nun mu Around nlumly film rlln vlnn ml Don nu Dum Humbury Iluund al Dntull We extand best wishes of tha communlly and wish them many my ycqriof bagpeggu Mahy 1mm um Emma sum dcd and enjoyed the Barrie WinA Mr an Mrs 1L Mick and Mr and Mn Mnnox Black vlst led with their cousin Mn Ig nnlgul Mnnoxvy1 Among the guests were Mn Jennells sisLer and brothers Mr and Mrs Bert McLean Ivy Mr and Mrs Howard Cochran Barrie Mr and Mrs W2 Coch rane Thaman Mrs IIcKnmhl Bradford Mr and Mn Fred Green momma ML and Mrs Norris Cochrane Bauer Mr Jenneflr mother Mn Joe Jen nell Barrie and brothers and wives Mr and Mrs Jennetl Harrie Mr Ind Mrs Jenna Bradford and brotherln law Calvin Kirby wile and lamil Rimmond Hill Cards and dancmg renewed banquet mm he held able centred wllh wedding cake MRS CAMPBELL About 150 guests gathered at Slmud Communlly llall llel Fri day evenan Io express their good wishes lo the bride and mum at 75 yrs ago Mr and Mrs Ewart Jennelt Their dau ghter Merle Mn Mason and husband Mervyn and wife and son end Larry rt home were able Iobe presenl lo welcome the guests All altendanle ul 25 years ago were here except the flower girl Mrs Peacock nee Jean Cochrane who ll During the evening many gills were presented to the couple among mom lowfieMablq and lamp from Ihclr nelghbvr of 12th line Ilsa silver service an llalwalzefor lbe gaming Mr and Mrs Alvin Greer en lerlalned group of young people at their home Saturday evening In 11an of their daughter Eileen who recently celebrated her 21 wuiiam Burbour Mm Hales father has been quilt Ill In Orangcville Mn Sara Dulfin entertained her lamily dinner at her home In Shelhurne Saturday evening lo mark her sou blrlhdny The grandchildren and their Inmlliel came later or the remainder or the evenlnl Mrsr Dumn was in fine spirits And was the life 01 Rpm Sam Hawklnx reached his will birthday Wednesday His neigh born in th village had puny or him Saiurday evening In the hall They presenied him wllh sweater and seek to much day It wu attended bylflendl tromilnmoe Barrie 1110mm lookalown Drnnzevflle Elm vale Edgar Tomnlo Ind North IORONTO Ilpcnm 17 lunnl lulp mm DunIn flaw rrv rm mm rum mum um rn nmy Tuna Innl Inhml Nth Country Juncflon cnc TV Nun Wanner sworn Nun Inmpol BARRIE By EVELYN ARNOLD MANSFIELD STROUD ertr Norlh had mind In our hum flotrhl made slum try by bidding In lill In the lim session of lhe 14+ board mnlch bclwccn Armn4 and lb Unllul sum playtd In New York lag your Exllla Rocrhl hnldlnfl lha East hnmL npcncd he blddlnx with two Apnch nfler he Amcrlcnn Norlh Chum Coon had paucdi naccm dldnlknow lhtn bul ha wn destined In low IJIO polnh wllh MI line hand 59th llSrlc Murray ovtrcallcd with me hum and Wu Inlrnrdo Culvenlel hid lhrfn 53 Fun Openinn lead Lpndcs DAILY CROSSWORD Mn 87775an of fimnlu is spending few days wllh her paltcnfl Mr Ind Mn Pea Lodge weekly such re held In the Angllcan parlsh Hall drew nine llblex Prlzes went Io ladies Mu Gray ham Mrs Galbraith Mn Binnie Mrs Galbraith Blnnle and all Gnlbnllh Travellan lane hand prlze wenl lo Mlss Monlellh Tha nex euchle lenibE Feb 25 Weekend vlsltmwllh Mn Dmio were Mr and Mrs Danglo Goldwater Mn Mun and Mrs Moore Tor onto Mr and Mn Coleman and Iany Mn Colburn ol Melon and Mrs Fairfax oliToucnham VIII IL luring mum ll mom mm mm 35 Mllbll II Mnltu ID Alflx IO hjh Itoad WM 900 cl Ulla 01mm Mr and Mm DI Whna and Mrs he at Mealord spent higay with Mr and Mn Roi 1131316 mum um mu hymn gum minuni Um Al film or 07 din mm mm Hy MM mural Mr Ind Mn Wesley Held Mr and Mrs Pm and WH lord Raid lhombury lelled Mr and Mn Held last week Mr and Mrs Herb Filmer Ind Mr and Mm Harald Pnlmer nl Barrie vlslled nllllonl in Osh nwaSunday Mr and Mn Colllnx Barr were Saturday vhan Mr And Mrs Colllm Mr Ind Mrs Brown and boys ware supper zuesu Friday wllh Dick Brown We are sorry lo hear that Hugh and field are pat ient In Banl hospital Their Mend wish them speedy re °°°Y 935 mun unmet Her Carnian Mulimnstwall held by Murray Amos Duncan Doan and Fruer Campbell on the winnlnn broom bull rlnkx Bonnie Webb and Edgar Hulhu won second prize Reeve Joe Codmna Ind Todd were law lng 1m Mu lem Nelson and Jay Cnchrane were Judgu Sum day Inemoon Blll Hughes and Hhroldlhbinsan with horses Gordon Cnmphfll grandson 01 Mr Ind Mn Campbell mums ye mm Many from here nuande lhe Progressive Oonservntlva nom manor convention It Shelhnrna Enlflrdny when 15 Mad we chosen to contest the Dullerim Simme Hdinz North dealer Neither llde vulntrahle mam MIDHUBST STN In m2 pa noun MN on no Ii CONTRACT BRIDGE lzifilfllbl Qn no 915ng ILA Iaulm mi Anchor unr 1mm hum Mann ll mhu mp Ind K0110 3K um be0 AIM 1mm van Io mm 41 all 17 Llka in 01th 01 By JAY BECKER North made he cnnlracl with An ovenrkh whldl an hlm Mom 750 pawl hut Ilnu bu had nol bid the mm MI lum In pain ne on um dan Thu Argon In Nnrlh Icrulchtd up In upenan hld of one hour and hunt himlcll In in hcnm doublcd lhe nnxl llme ll wu his turn to bid Ens flood lnr hr double whlch mu doubllul policy My ltd Um kill clubs The Amerlcan pnlr Marvin Key and Ruben Null the mond able dld not are well eilhtr with the EastWrsI unrds Thu hlddlnx wax our mum qulckly mm The can racl would have been dcleulcd Calvenle had led Um net and anolhcr hcarl onll nully but ml was wmwhal dllllcull to foresee NarlhSouh scored 1210 polnll or making the doqblcdjlnm canlmcl Murray nd no dimcully making twelve rich He won the spade wilh the ace and Ihen crnssruflcd the hand trumpan all live or his club In dummy Cnlvcnle scam the only trick or the dclense lhe no Immp flaccid who had npcned with xlrang lwohld did not tnke trick notch mndo forcing pass and Calvnnte quite mlurnlly doubled fix htulLJIe led In 915 or spades 30Péi9 59 WW Nd II clubs which North convenea Io slx hcnm ahnlvmary Th celebration was held in Simud Commnily Hall Jack Websters orchestra piuvided music or danclng Reeve Joe Cochrane Ind We Cochran spoke Mr and Mm Lloyd 11mm brand their 01h wedding Mr and lira Ewart Jennnet celebrated Ihclr 25th wedding anniversary Feb 15 Mr and Mrs Walker Slunden Hamillan spent sundny with the Mr and Mrs Gen Stundcn and Walter Slunden Sr 1amomwl Pumi Last week Ihe Ichool held candy and popcorn sale to raise money or the Junior Red Cross Corporal Fred Harper RCASC hu bun posted to Egypt was on he RCAF transport that was buzzed by unideulflled lets while Ihu transport was In 11th ovgr Europa NDEA Pxesldenl bllins attended the annual meeting lunIsfiL Farmers Cred Union held in Slroud Cammunlty Cent Camp Burden gardmers and greenhouse work are prepar in or spring despite cgld weather The RCASC greenhuuSa is almost tilled with and flats of snapdrlgon and other type oMlowentAlhen War the undener there and his mnln Iner Andy F1150 There hive been xeveral 11w mounnal compellqu held in Borden recegly Mm Ma colm topped flu In one exam Inaflon One the Cnmpl Ionx pervm gmpluycu has rem0d Lem man Battle worked Borden or almost two demdel CAMP BURDEN 31ml Hulahlnsan Mn and Mn Ken Green Leis George Julian Th will be held Feh By COLLINS ST PAULS ll 1mm 35101 nu PEA Count lun le nu fl at HE IELL ASLEED WArcHING TV 50 LEFT HIM mznz DID WINGEI GO HOME MWONEMNUTE WELL HE IELL ASLEED WAYCHING TV so LEFT HIM man ml FEILASLIEPADDEEEDOM OOTIDGEFTNE FIN thVLKfInEJOWG mm 5m weis GROSSED $57G NEV KIWI WNEREDTHECENTSMMI InEfvounoso momma TNIG DANW LITTLE NUMBER on sm

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