WASIHNGIUN MP Mmlnr Even lilvkmn Irv Ill Md May lug Im nunom ovlnlmre Uml hmr Almlrnn Mlnl we illlnl In nllrmpvd IMI Invulnn Lulm Ilium III Hm Ilrpuhlimn load mid an Inlenlw 1m mnuplrlcd on man lnqulr lulu hp IMMInII ml II My lo Ium IIII ml mu uur lo Sen lnmlllnlvm But his loan could seriously embarrass firms almady 1n ex lslcnce with lhc eventual lnyull ul some lhnlr slan Fair hcld was new company but at myan new product TORONTO Il Nn wontn um nlnshnl lodny In An Imm qncnl MW man nun amok hrnndlthinu Ian Jnxmnluvlypo dam gm Mnrxnrcl Curclv mulml Inlrhu lo chm knllo MINI in In hack nml Damlhy Tlllmnn 11 nmlrd l5 nlllchrl nr hem unumh anrll hrlnllnm 32 Toronlu Wu 1le ul ml lwo mm wounding IIIINGASI lï¬lvyn New MINI lrumu Ilnlck um nnclrn iawn nl Tulrmaldu duran lhu nighl lull wm nul knnwn lmlny Mlclhrr we was any rmunlllrl Tolnnaldv lawn nhoul purple le by up hrvkl Mons Um Mrlh ul Fluid II mllrs rum Ill Mnr when ANN In on cmllnumko hut wrck 1mm tllrulm lth hmlo nut Snmlny hm lmummlu annlll drmnnflraml nulnlvlo Hm llnllwl 51am Ilrllllh Xrrnrh Aml ljtllinplnn annnulu In Um 51mm mpllnl ol Muflmlhhu nvwlpnprll hum yrxmlnl lmlny 1m mml mlmu rlnzlm um mid In hm lvruhen out In mu he Pllhlmilnn clnlmuy VATICAN IITY IllFlu John VIII lltondcnll Ill pm IZSI In Human Inlhnllu Huuulmul Nu Iuykl 1m Am MA ruby WM nnmunml lodny He II npmnl In mm nr wulnl my Mum lmnl lnr lho Vallrnn rcumnnlu munclh due la mum lln rlmmy mnlnnl hm In Bowlml Snmucl Penrlcn sa he has written lo Prendnr Hobart and Economics Mlnlslcr Robert Mn cnulny lo pmlcsl the loan granted Io Fnlrfleld eam any Souqd Mill which no prcscnlly In oncrmiun 1n Ontario can suf Iclnnuy supply lhe dmnnnds on tho flunudinn market he anld DIULLIA 4CP Frcrlsrlc Maw 75 well known in wnsullinu enlunccrlnx rlrclcs In Cunndn nnd nhmad dlLd lodny In hospital hrm hum candiuon Huym mnsldcml mm lho up cnmnmlnz lcchnlflnnl in the naval dockymd linld lilrllZAU Onl lCl Tho lcy grip of wlnlnr mg llrm hold an mnro Umn I00 llahlnx boats on Lake Hrlel norm more and ll lounl look In ll my wlll lm nlonml In lime or Inc Open lng day or he IMHK ummn lllnrch In Erlcua the Ice ho lmcn lfl rum lnclucs lhlrk and In lpoll may he cvcn lhlckcr TORONTO CP The pres dent ot Beaumont Knitting Com puny of Glen thltnms0nt hns protested an $85000 loan granted to competitor under Ontarios Economic Devetnp mcnt Lanna Guarantee Act 99th Yur No 47 ng0 To Speak 0n Ash Wednesday Says Four US Pilols Killed New Tremors Pelt In Libya Somalis Demonstrate In Rome Top Engineer Dies In Orillia Fishing Boats Frozen Into Ice Vicl Nam snIdicr mum to kenp his rifle dry nflm slip ping into water hole He was on raid againsi Communist Viet Cong mnlra in the Ca qu Wounded With Japanese Dagger Complains About Owen Sound Loan For Exnmlner Want Ali To phona PA mm In telephone number in call or the Business or Editorial DepL PA 66587 NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephones WET WARRIOR In Owen Sound Fulrlicld President Ivor Wagner said that as Im us he communin 15 can ccmcd his Ilrm is new He also mid the company has cclvcd no money from the gov cmmcnt but merely agreement In back In bank loan The Fallfield firm was ï¬rst establlshcd In Owcn Sound In 1961 Mr Wagner snld run out or worklng cupilul Mm or nlnfl and was forced close Local businessmen pledged $15 000 and nvnmmcnt gunranlcu loan was oblnlncd cnnhl nullho company lo remain In He added that his firm manu facture socks and that the Fair flcld Cnmpany has substantial government contracts or this commodity HS FIRM IS NEW dï¬rcsny um he was In bit of lmuble he mlgh gel Unemsanlekfpd MI Ie snld he saw nu justiï¬cu lion or Mr Pcnrlces crlucism and added bï¬zslncés mnu district of Vim Nam where Reds have been in com ml 15 years The area is unremlrcly of salt water swamps and rivers AP Wire pholoi Ehp In an nddrcss prepared or symposium sponsored by ho Ameflmn nnnkm Assnclnllon Kennedy sald hls nwn nx blll may no he purlcd He nck nuwlcdgcd It new under nt lnck fem both tho left and the nut ha nllnckm he anld me under some obllxnllon put arwnrd solution lhclr own lo lhe nrowlhnlo pmb Icm II lhcy dont like Ma Idea of mlllnx me by uo2oooooooo durlnz lhu nrxl three ycnn BRUSSELS AmItaly and The Netherlands look the lend today In striking back France as um ruling body of he Eu ropean Common Market gum ered or he ï¬rst time since Um French vctocd Britains entry the swanU WASHINGTON AP Fresh dent Kennedy look blunt Issur today with crlucs his lawn man saying hey have an obn xnllon lo offer posllive qurnn llvc if they dont like hls pack age Icr Jacobssnn mnnnIInz dI mInr of 11m InIcmnlIunnl Mon elnry Fund mam Ilm plnIIorm wllh Kennedy Jncnhmn MM lho European Cummon Market nImuld Innk oulwnrd nnd sm cInlu wIlh olhcr men lIw Irco wand Franco manly ve lnmI IIrIlIIII mtmhcrnhlp In IIIu nIx nullnn European lrndo group CIIITICI TALK Kennedy wn pnrflrulnrly Mb In In nkrrnm to what In lumul healed Inlk nlmu hull ant lnmmrs parllunn lnlk nlmul Iwullnl lnlrrnl puymlla rxnspcmhd lnlx About In crcnxlnz he Icflrll nml llnnlly th lnlk nbnm crush Inn 1ch burden lhnt Inlkn In new lnnwnurs WM lnlrmluml In Mnnlrml flun dny nl lhu Cnnmllan luy lMr In which nmm Hum W1 avm lllnn mnnulnflurun ma nhlhfl Int Hmlr pvunlutln Thu dull II lvm fll Ill and can lna um lnr lutallnn well In mmllnn Fur unmplo ll yuu Inhan ynur llllle nlrl III Inlmluml Illu In the MI pmmlnl mm nml llnl lull wlll Imp In low hlnln on lyrlm vlnr nml OllunHF Twilvlml um all lrnm ho plwwllu nl Innum human mm mm Imomnllc plymlll Both the Ilallnns and Dutch made plain that they would not now sign new treaty for trade and aid wilh 18 Mrlcnn states all but two of them former Frrzrnchr colonies Barrie lady curlers leached the district final in Onlaria Tankard play today at Orlllln Banla rink skipped by Mrs Barbara Smith and Mm Gram Ough defeated vaenhurst and will meet Sudbury in he linnl Sudhury eliminated Owen Sound this mohdng Kennedy sald his prupusal would promote he kind of eco nomlc grnwh that could add Mal of $5000 to the Income of he uvurnze US family during hc next 10 years Ynu an llllle rrwnln In what In dumhml In lncnn Mrnmu Ilnl In her Mr pull mm and uh InIIu 5hr my 1M WmIll phrum In Firmly linilixll ï¬pnnltll fluulml Hnllnn Human nml Jumnm dwrwllnï¬ an that run In lmldo Tha dc ny means that or an olher your at least Frenchmen will have to pay higher price Ior Alrich coffee and bananas among other things Barrie Reaches Tankard Final Italy Strikes With Holland Will Not Sign Says Plan Adds $5000 To Income Doll Speaks Languages 71 lull Mm nn exchange of speeches In lha nnclcnl building DleIan bnkcr was handed sllvcr box conlnlnlnu copy he acmll mnklnx him clllxcn of Lon don The box decorated with Saskatchewan prnlrlo Hy In lvuaar Didrnhakcra ï¬nd an wh Prlnco Albarl Sask In Introducing rlmu mln later Cily Chamhcrnln SlewanSmHh spoke Canada as munlry whm lhe Hen uns of nMuru are sum oul like prlcclul of low Ell GOOD SHMHRITAN GETS BLAST LONDON CPIPrlme Mlnls lcr chfnnbaker Iodny became Freeman Ihc €in Low don In lmdillonal ceremony ul Hue Guildhall also rderrcd la lhu grunt dimensions ndslng mm Incl geography um llnk llritnln to Europa nnd mid that DIChnhnkrr man wllh lhu strmxlh mind In dmw pmpcr balancn bclwcrn Um hr Ii Auxlrnlla IlnllrrlIllru mlny look 11 IIxInrh dnmr from mun slnmllnx In rmwd hrnr Queen lillznlwlhn ruynl ynchl llrium nhl hmle In Mrllmurnn Yurm lllvcr nmr lho mm at Hm city pollcn upokumnn laid pnllcrmnn mw the xlngm pm lvudlm lmm llw mm Hm mun ulmul 40 The llnuzrr wnl rrmmcnuI nml Hm mm Inkm nuny nflrr quullunlnu um um ml ulum Dagger Coniiscated From Man In Cheering Australian Crowds Pédrséh item shake him with Premier Jean Dosage ol Barrie Ontario Canaai Monday Flbruary 25 1963 DiefenbdkéfBécï¬iï¬Ã©s Freeman London Trn be gum ran unzm lmml In wall or Innllwr lm ilnl mn vlnl SIIIZFFllIH nll AW 1le drlvrr Umrgn AMI MW rm Mun1 qu lyinl In llm mm and name In hall vrryluxly ml In or dwrnlv AlvluM Imp llm bl duulflndnknr lm with Um mnnml only may my In nn animal rqu Mam my 1m 0er to you ml been ml Ithm Hut Mlflu mm niy bun drlv Mu 5hle mver luv lho nmhmlm NIP LIflEflAL LEADER Lester MUST PUSH AHEAD flucnccs on Cnnndn the Unlltd Stale and lho old world clenhakcr his speech strcsscd Ms mm In the an unulng expansion ho Cam mowcallh He said here 15 much to be done In slrcnxlhcn Inn ho Commonwealth lnlcm mumh Edrï¬bnlon or mplor mccllng Dldrabakrr In London England loduy Pearson In Kml Que far lclevklan appearance cannon and ugly minan bl Tomnlu to make TV Illml Thu Qllltn Intcrnmwl llm lpnl when lhu mnn wnl unml lnx wlwn Ilm lcll llm ynchl and drove to lho Mrllmunlu lawn mll lnr Imr umrlnl wclcmuu In lhc cfly nl ml hot ln cl lnur ullmnlu pul he and Immpr people ulm Iumcd ml In low the Quml nml llm Duh of ltdlnburuh high In 750000 The man cmer WEN diorer all living llm EliIlla mulu rum anm Illvrr In lhc Inwn hull whm mu crowd lung Wnlulnl Mnumn WAN NEMI Ml nm mumlune crnwdn mum llvo mllco wma lWHtul In In year old lnralhl nully hll llw Qurm whm luv Ulrrw Much ul Hawm wnnl Iwr rnr flnlurdny pm Ilrrmnn jumped Inn ho nlr In flrfltcl Hm lmuqutL In Mulnlvlo ludny mun who wu nllrml la haw run rmIn lhu mad and mum In In It lho Qurm dulinfl ll rnynl pmcmlnn lhm rm 19 van muandod nl Adelnhlo pv llra me Tlmnlhy Nevrhurrh Wu harflrd wllh min Indram HIT In while her Am Illlllfl dolaldo vhll pullu checked lnrlury lmlnve lho Qubm mum ll Inn can ul Mophane cull claiming my lhlrldm clnlmln Hm In lulrldm 1mm on my tmmd mm Quebec Mom making an ap pcnl or nrppart In the Aprll Federal election campnlgn By THE CANADIAN PRESS WHERE LEADERS WILL CAMPAIGN ally and In bringing It Inna once lntrcaslngly to bear on ex ternal problems He said the Commonwealth 15 slendin cxpandlng world force which must match achievement with ll grunt pryngls Nu dcmocrnllc nallon wishing to Join me Cammonwcahh would be barred its base has been so broadened slncu the Segand World War The Commonwealth mun slrunmhcn luv Inicrnnlly and bring more Influence lo bear on lh DMqu glue worlda This no hour nr lmla Aims and MM can The Jam munwcullh med x0 lorwnrd Ir Um ntrcnulh at her splrll or whlch she has mission or all mankind Dldrnhnkcr spake In Iowlnx term About luls npprcclallnn ol Imlna mndo Freeman or lho Cny We must lully cxploro whnl can be done In expand lrudu ulfllln Um Commonwealth well wllh nll llkcmlndcd Unm while addmsshg um Quebec Liberal Federation In Mom nal CP Wirephola are Mn dud heal In lulnlnl 01 SW5 lAulmllla Mum H1 Nu ankl Unlrm and Wm dy MM nmmln om are Mn during heal In TIME OUT FROM SKATING By um CANADIAN mass The nuclear arms Issue which led to the dissoluflnn of Parliament is being vigorously debated now on the election busting am Canndu with the Aprll federal elec thm campaign barely all the gmund the question at nuclear weapon for Can anow Inter or neverwas ppermost tn weekend speeches by party leader and other politician While Prime Minister Dieign baker was in Britain to receive he ireedam oi the City of Lon don his external niiairs minis ier Howard Green defended the governments wniinnnseu policy on acquisition of nuclear warheads for Canadian iorces lime when Him is less tension in lhe waxid what son 01 lead would Canada be giving ii it rushed Io get nuciEar weap ans he said in Vancouver In Montreal Llheml Leader Pearson drew applaus nnd cheer lrnm Quebec Liberals when he declared that Canada must accept nuclear warheads invlullill lls commilmenl or defensive nuclcm rule Sn the Western nlllance LAUNCHES DRIVE Ca ect ve securle can man other lhlngs nuclear weapons for defence as long as the Russlan Communlst cm plm has them for attack ho Iald launching hls elecllon drive at the annual Quebec Lil crgllieduptlon gunvgnllun 11w lpplauso or nuclur pollcyqmd the appearance of Liberal Premier Lesage Qua bcc on the nmc plnflormznve new ham to lcdenl Liberals bu leernl Fodcrnllon wound up It annual canvcnlion Satur day 111th with an appeal by New Pmldcnl Francois Aqulll or support of flu nrlyl can dldnlc 1n ho Aprl lcdcrnl cindion Such Iuppan wnuid he larv Ing Qucbm lnlcrcsll Mr Aquln lold some L500 delnnnlc In hl Inaugural address the convunllonl cqulng bnnquzL 1m JJycnmd Mammal Inw ycr 531 member Hm Qucbnc Irdvrnllun Ihould not be In dlrlnrcnl gha ludcrnl nucsllnn Vn have Ihu duly la ho xlnw upon Cnnmln govern ment llml In Ilnblc responsible nml rcspccllul nl lhe wvcrclgn Hum 01 um slnlo Quebec and dull uvcmmcnl will your calmlmnlou will be lhnl Lulcr Prmun PQ Leader Urges Liberal Support Mn In 0min dAvmum My mummy um um lulnlnx ar the lime null Ind kn dmdnu mid ï¬lm planMm hunnm mumy MONmEAL rpm11 Que lrrn or Jain may made Liberal Hopes Soaring As Lesage Backs Pearson NolMora Than 71 CopyI4 Plan Clear and mid tonight Low onlrnl 13 belvw zero High mmormw 10 For completo summary turn to page mo Local Weather Also In Montreal Social Credit bender Thompson renal his simian campaign will pledge in help prevent Canndn from becoming nuclear power who hope to régaln Quake mt from the Social Credits wlll do all In my power to avald Canada becoming nu clear nation at havlng Canaan involved In nuclear war he told cheering audlence sev eral thousand Hls deputy leader lery Real Cnoueltc put the nuclear arms 15ng fly way Nuclear 7m and butler yes NDP OPPOSES Dnuzlai mallonal leader al the New Democrats empha sized NDP npposidon to nucleu Weapons in his campaign WEVE chnn RCu nu dxence that nuciear weapons in Canada could ignite chain actionwith Russia giving nu clear arms to Poland the United States wunlering with arm for Nrkey then EEYP asking for ihem and Israel oil ioyinz uiL Thu party leaders are on the move Iodayr Mrwhnmn ta Troiymvlerus Qua far night rally Mr Douglas In Edmun Ian at major meeting and III Thnmpson to Toronto to make lame television ï¬lms Between the United Slates and nussla there already the equivalent of 50 tons TNT or every person on eanh he ddin Do youlhlnk one or lwu more missilesplaced In Cun ndawlll add to the delarrenfl no reference to he chernl cam palzn howevcr In hls closing 5png ha convchlgpn Ills theme was clvll xcrvlca Iclorm In Qucbcc and he mid Ihe choice and promallon civil servants must be bnscd on Ihclr competence not lhch p0 1mm nHlllallon Mr Luau and Mr PamIon stood logclher la ncknowlcdzo dolegmu chem at conven tlnn hnnqucl nddmscd by the ledcrnl lcgdpr Sylugdny Appearance duran Mn lcnr mn wnckcnd cnmpnlun vhil Ia Munlreal but lcdcml party Amkumnn said It was an lm purlnnl Iymhol unlly Mint we wcgnjoplng fur Nn mnlulion supmfllnz Mr lcmnna 1an on nutlmr weapons mu Iubmlllrd to lhc rnnvnnliun hut they never oven rendmd tho commlllm xlalo Mum um Mm II mllnn ml Norm mm mm 11mm an El mun In Wm 3mg no bmpd