AlTIIE EARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY ma MIKITA SPELLS howan IT WOULD BE insane tor anyone to think the Chicago Black Hawks would be anywhere near the top the National Hockey League without the ser vices ol certain chap by name of Stan Miklta One of the few European born players to make the grade in the NHL Mlkita has accomplished quite bit since his elevation to the Hawks our years For instance last year at the tender age of 21 he ga had an AllStar firstteam berth at centre he finished third in NHL scoring with 25 goals and 52 assists or 77 points broke Gordie Howes Stanley Cup playoff re cord with six goals and 15 assists for 21 points am assed 97 minutes in penalties Only last night he displayed his value to the Hawks bf picking up his second hat irick of the year and com ning with Bobby Hull to give Chicago 53 victory over Delroit Red Wings and fivepoint lead in ihe standings All National Hockey League teams have their own super stars Toronto has Frank Mahovlich Detroit has Gordie Howe New York with Andy Baihgate Mon treal has Bernie Geoffrion and Boston Bruins have well they must have somebody The Black Hawks have their super star in Bobby Hull Usually when team sports super star such as any one of the above any other player with an abund ance of talent is overshadowed Such is not the case with Chicago because Mlkita is coming on strong as one of the leagues newest super stars SPARKS SCOOTERLINE arnnna WV The fivefeet mneinch 165pounder is the im ort ant part of the machinery who makes the highf ying Scooter line tick Mikita toils as anchor man for left win or Ab McDonald and right winger Ken Wharram on hottest line in the NHL for the past three seas OHS SPORTS CHATTER The styles of the three lit together to perfection because each one has the ingredients necessary to form top line In Mikita they have an outstanding centre one of the best playmakers in the circuit He has good shot and is capable forechecker He has the ability to draw opposing players towards him leaving his line mates open for an accurate pass McDonald the left winger plays the part of the triggermnn with welicontrolled shot He keeps the drive low accurate and hard and makes good use of the quick wrlst shot Vharram is the digger always lighting for the puck and constantly on the move He has good shot and is good playmaher something lot of people fail to see in him Kenny like the others is ready to adjust wherever he is needed None them have established any set way of doing things At first they were wellformed unit because at the fact none of the trio was an established star Now that Mikita has pulled away as top flight play er the line still continues to perform up to parl Stan has been all that much more valuable to the Scooters BORN IN CZECHOSPOYIAKIA uvnn Slan first saw the day in Soholce fair slzcd town about 400 miles from Prague lle remalned in Europe until the age of elght when he was brought to these shares by his uncle His first lasle of hockey came at the public school level and he played his first organized shinny as bant am and midget lykc with the St Catharines Legion team Right of the hat he had to eat the namecalling such as foreigner and displaced person didnt batlle back at first rclalcs Stan Then We Teal who was my coach in St Cathadnos told me Slan dont tako aux gull Irom anybody You dont have to rolnllalc rig away Pick your spots and then got even Ive followed that advlco ever since Ive been waiting three years to get Terry Saw chuk he continued He spearcd me my ï¬rst yenr ur dqnl large those Illlngs enfilyxbucklly hlg Scratch on my stomach bENSaiEhuks slIc could have done lot more damage THREE GAME TRIAL Slnn got lhrccgamu lrlnl with tho Hawks near the closc the 195361 season and showed so much poise he was signed to pro contract In his ï¬rst blg league career he suflcretl fractured wrlsl and mlssc slx games In the lhrcc years previous lo his the ï¬ght llamlcd slml llllklla played ln 200 games scorln 52 goals aml 105 asslsu or 151 Mm llccauso hls ï¬lm and lalcnl the lllllu guy as been large or many of he league bulllca ut never backed down He plckml up 120 mlnules ln pcnalllu lhosc three year and lull lol knucklu marks bchlnd hlm So Bobby Hull my score 50 gonlx his year And Menu all may win the Vulnn Tmphy nml Chlcago may nkc lhn Slnnln Cup but you can but your bol 40m dollar the flaw couldnt do wllhoul acrnppy 5L1 Mlkiln llullmnwn Cnnndlml klnnlnn FmMrnm mm mm mm Fvldny mm In mulMuln llmr llmolarw In Iha Emum lrohulonnl Mkry Humv null Ivy nah Conny IN MIQIHHII In um nwr FL llmll 1th MIN lhv rlnulrmu Irnml Hum limrl In llu Hm wlml ml ham wt 10 ll triumph uur Rummy Wnlm Olin Ihv Cnnnrflm Junv4 nn lend alter In win£5 wlm MI Emlo mm In mnh only In um Al form In lulu lg 9mm TiJnIIï¬ihwlmï¬ riM rim llmu ally Ibo by THE CANADIAN IIITM Canadians Frontenacs Stay Tied At The Top By JERRY GLADMAN 00m llull Outw mm wrw Norm lkmdm Juhn 0dr if Md llrlnn ï¬mlh Jack Tm ner mud lhu llnl El null mnlkrr Futility Wulvn mi duwl lho Fumlmm In lml KlanIon null llmu Inmhln wu llllllnmlinl on uvnul oc Mlnnl on Illurllvum Inl ï¬lnplrmn lml Ferry mIlclll we nu Klnmnn mmlumrn ml rnrtmnn Mu McMuhnn Thu Wnivu Mm Antenlnl am Wnlmdny nlxhl wont thud Illh he mm mm mm dupllu unlm plum ho hm Imn minJul In ml of Irma mod ï¬nnmlh 001 my ml 1mm ulq Hill worm out mu um wmbhwd lmphy daya Barrie Ourlmg Club rink are conweung In tha finals at the weaklong bonspiel Play starl ed nine oclock his mornqu Six rinks mat curled 1an lie evening ycskérday are right back alLXlIoday lGus Goring of Gravemnrs and John Brock ol Oshawa skipped lhelr ours to ï¬nal play in 1119 Enmlner event or Iopprizeln tht spiel Gor Ing has Dun Wyman Warren Rose and Ted Haulers Brocks rink Includes Norm M4 len Hal Butler and Fred Thompson Rinks In Emals Of Week Spiel llarve Pemgrew of Cree more and Gard Needham ol Barrie made 001 ï¬nals the Sterling Trusu event Pub grew has Gnuzer Lau Cherry and Reg Weslbronke Needth has Fred Pearson Ross Simpson and Jahp Rad ers Bangerï¬eld Trophy entrant from Friday are Barrie Jack Moore Skip Bill Wnuenden By THE CANADIAN PRESS Niagara Falls Flycrs moved within one win of clinching lie or ï¬rst plane in the On lnrin Hockey Association Pro vlncial Junior ieague when lhey lied St Catharines Black Hawk in rough game Niggariinils Frida poinls ahead of Monlreal Junior Ca nndlcns Each team has our games left 5a Niagara Falls broke In front in the ï¬rst Iwo mm by loam cnplain Terry Crisp but the Hawk came back lo aka 21 lead More the first riod prided mm mm Defenccmun Paul ll knotted Ihe contest wlth powcr play goal and Dennis Hun put the Hawks in mm ho drnve home puck that was mlliyg In the goal areas Flyers Continue Increase Margin 5P way In the second period lied the game but Hull came back nlsa with an unnsslslcd goal Ito Gary Hannu gnve Flycrs the equalizer with the lone goal the ï¬nal perlod Assists went In Crisp and Wayne Mnxncr who moved six point nhend in lhe mnrn1race latal afï¬x111nm In pon alties was called by rnlcrce undlord IInn Mlnd Bowlan Luna slandlnuu Pln Ups Code Blower Alluy Call 114 by Dolls Strikeouts Backus Chccrlos Opalmlslu llot Sign Tom Ca 1H Cal ngh scam the mml vision were Steve Simone NJ 399 AI1 Hunt 801 293i and Fwd Hurting 729 ml For he gal It was Isobel Wilder 738 115 Lindn Fleming ma Jenn DouM 615 159 and Helen Hunt mm Stlndlnu Bulldogs 39 Ilen xlc 33 Poodles 31 Spnnltll 21 Almlalu 2h Scottie Collies 15 Labrador lluulll Spaniel Scam Douglas Collie Bulldoxu Alrcdnlu Poodlu don Lnbr gh mm mm 1th Cnlrnn 1501 Helen Cmu 710 Mln Sdlamllen EV Philp zoo Shirley Brown 15 Dor ecu nlclmnlwn Joya not mun Ill Doug Jrnmy palm hm not In lend HMl 0m to 74 vidory ovcr Slmnly Buy In Um 0m Mlmr IlocIuy ltnzuc at Gmpxrle Amy lnsl nlghl Kempvley Ellflély Evenlnl Aldinu In lho 0m mm mm Mcunn ID Don Ho and John Hnnlmry Smrlnu or HI lmrl were nah Bouncy Dan IvIher Ind FA OocllmrlL Ieremy Paces Oro Victory wllh dwlmlllnl homo cwwdl to lhn Wrdnmlny nullIlnn 11m Wnlm Ilno plnn In In nhml wllh Ihrr nul hnmo yum Rumy Illumn Iuinu 5L Mull other wnkrnd mum um lull or ilul plan wlm lhu cannulch Ind Frnnlnm play lnu Immumlhomt lulu In KIMhm lanllhl Iml nl Mun ï¬undny DIEM MQUITIRD PHILADELPHIA MU0 Turner lormtr wrllerwellhl bum bu bun nrmIllled anlIHnl Mr Turner III milMed Ind my in In rnld m1 MI mnmm hm Judn $11an llollmnn louml Tunney nnml nlnllnl nn umbunlï¬u liï¬lykn pfvved BOWLING Joe Fallon and George Jackson and Bradford Sam Lee skip Paul Pluck Plpcko and Tom Evans Thursday qualifiers wcmt Examiner Herb Shannon oi Barrie and Slrcet ol 0rliin Sterling Trusts Eldon Munroe oi Oriillu and Doug Haig oi Midland Dungerlieid Jim Wales or AiiLsion and Norm 1yndaii oi Unionvillp Wednesday qualiï¬ers were Exumlner Bill Stephemon Orlllla and Earl Hushagen Huxan Highlands Slurling Trusts Walter Craig of Bunis and Norm GalMILO Bram ton Dangerï¬eld Dr Harald Smith ol Barrie and An Halnes nl Tharpbury mm were Ex amlner cm Cassidy of Tor onto Royal and Harry Mlchie of Barrie Sunling Trusts Jack Kennedy of Barrie and Gard Bmmwel Unionville Dangerfield George Filzpui rink and Bob McClelland ol 0r illla Jack Clancy In the last two pe rlods Pope and Crisp staged healed punching mulch lae in Ihe middle period and each drew major and minor The next league games will be played Sunday with Guelph vlslling SL Catharine and Fe lerhumugh plying at lllnnlreal In Toronto Metro Junlor ac llnn Friday night Whilby DunA laps defeated Taronla Knob Hill 52 and lengueleadlng Toronto Nell McNeil defeated Oshawa Generals 105 MONTREAL CPDCharlie Goldman nne lime ulnr heavyweight Hunky Marciano said Friday night boxing has sunk lo low ebb but am will never db qug Aiona cable like nus chm slmple sald he 75yenr old lralner In an InlcrvIcw He here to war In he come dethroned Canadian heavyweight champ Bob Clar uux of Manncal who meals Gnrvln Sawyer ol Plllshurgh In mrnundcr Mondn night Goldman mld while lhore much wrong will bnxlng the game appears lo lclcvlsian vlnwem as mud more brutal than ll really ls Boxing Sinking But Wont Die ORDER YOUR EXTRA COPIES NOW of THE BARRIE EXAMINERs INDUSTRIAL and PROGRESS REVIEW so ml II III drmlnd par fllrr yrlr In It Ilm mnml Ipfllfl mm In Idnnn plan Inr your ranvmlrn MI Irdrn II Ive IprrlIly wrapped qu nddnmd Hen nupanl lo lhe IIIMI In lha mm 44 pum whom you mt In ml top In upon an rIfluL vIII null hm luv you mm nur mIllng room nperIIly unwrd at Ma my copy Iarlmflnl uu ml nl mullu Coming won ovnr 20000 rudm of The Barrlo Examlnar It tho lnlormaflvn lnduflrlll and Progrlu anllw Is In uplwlhrmlnuh ropor Do Oh pooplo lnduflrlnl and Ccmmnrclal uplmlon and dlvolopmn ol Barrlc In page Ira wughflrcguhrly for complflo Ivory oi Bonufllul Blrrlo or wnlnlm doxons of Inhrufllng and lnlcrmnflvl uroklu Iceompanlnd by now plcluru Man by Sun phala graph THIS EDITION IS MAIlED THROUGHOUT CANADA UNITED STATES AND MANY OTHER COUNTRIES Tho Counly Simon wllh Burl III 5me Incl In mnny hwy dlnrm Down In long upwer Ihc lmlglnallon of oihtr famed for In vlrllo lndudrlll growth In planning for tho lawnm youlhlul conï¬dant and In In trylna Hm nuw tho dlmrlntln wuhh yilld lrcm goldn urn4h hlgh Ilnndnrd of llvlnu III pnoplo ID ll laugh Alir by mlny Indunrlu and Individual ullko who comldnrlng mlllnq In Blrrlo Eh Emir Examiner Use These Coupons For MAIL AWAY COPIES One game was played in the South Simcoe Hockey League this week with Cookslown down ing Thurman 31 at the Benton Arena Cookstpwn Nipsl Thornton 31 John Young showed the way with palr of goals while Fred Elines hm single Brian All man tallied for Thornton ONCE WAS FORT The cathedral oily ol York England was founded by the Human In AD as 11 gm military amem The lop two teams the Ontario Hackey Associations Senior series wnl squnre ail or the last game or the sched ule Sundayhut theyll only be ï¬ghting or lho meant The gamehetwccn ï¬rst Kempview Bowlers prsIn Festival Close to 500 bowlers ram Kampvicw Bowl will compete in the Players Bowling Festival the week February 24 Murch for the chance Io win trip to the lovely shares al Jamaica llcadlng lhe lisl nl enlrlcs are two winners from lnsl year Marion Young of Slroud and non Armslmng ol Barrie With averages ol last yaars winners starting at 90 ï¬nd only one win ner over 200 there ls ample pron lhal novibe or old we can win By THE CANAQIAN PRESS Senior Contests Mean Nothing Each bowlers improvement on his own score the start or the lournamcnlls lhe basis his Festival With 150 winners mm across Canada it is sig nilicanl that Kempview Bowl was the only establishment with more than one winner approximately 25 ï¬nal isls um time around Kemp vlew people hope In improve on last years showing HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOP BARRIE MIDLAND The homelow Flyers made impossible or Barrie Falcons to make me Georgian Bay Interimdime Hockey League mam here last night whnnlhey humped league leading Collingwood shgbundcrs 51 The vlcturyvxrguve the Flycrx threepalm lead over Falcon who have but nne game FlYérs Crash BY Topping COLm le In Gall Windsor coasted home in their nextlwlast game with an 85 wIn over fourth place Gait Terriers Elghl dillcrenl playersIrwln Gross Tommy walker Bob Brown Jacques Begin Tom Mlcallef Bill Frinr Jack Cos lelln and Jean Asselinshared lhc Windsor scoring It was Brownsfoth gun or seasrgn Run Bram scored twke for Gall which ï¬nished ll sched ulz Llayd Mercer Eddie Burr and Larry Plnfl were the other Terrinr marksmen lchcner Tiger gonna Harold Bunk Hurley was the husics man in the rlnkas he stopped 61 Chalham cIlorls MURDOCK wnm ALIGNMENT 1mm BALANCING snocn Ansomxm sanvwn commn mom END SUSPENSION ovannnm 27 TORONTO s1 Let Chtcl Ynur Cu PA 82202 HARRY NAME ADDRESS CIIY CIIY ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS CITY NAME ADDRESS CIIY NAME CITY ADDRESS maining That game is tamar row nllernoon at Barrie Atom with Mealord MiskieL have little bearing an the league it could pmride some excllin extras lucky will wln gold walch lrom Reeves Jchllcrs Barri and cenlrc slm Al Smllh nceis only one goal to hit the 70 mark or the schedule NI FOOLIN Fly waslc any um sculng their sum vlay against the Bujldcrs and ha is dcspile the an my muldnt score on Harry Lumlny or 20 mInulesvand 55 seconds onlsho the Visitors 103 In the initial flan za and oulplayed them by an even wider margin Then he sssmnd mark 01 the mlddle Mme the mo DONT WAIT ORDER YOUR EXTRA COPIES NOW Fat ariadata nclenlmc lnlumflnn on alcohnl and It cum mun Io Iho Edumlon nopnrtmnnt Alcnhdiam and Dtun AddIcUon Ruwm Faundadonï¬oxiï¬ï¬h Ttmlflll Toronto Onhflo MAIL AWAY TO FRIENDS EVEHVWIIHHH MAIL AWAY TO FRIENDS WHERE the 555mm mark nu nmcmuus odIa mun mlddle Frame the mo he hometown MA MVAY TO FRIENDS LUMYWIIYJIE EVLIKVBIIHII MAIL AWAY TU Ill EVIJIHVIIIIHH MA AWAY HUT cr laIl mm Collitwrni cl dcrs Im the setting giartAslzea my arc Inr Lnn an nomad inj ad VG In dive Io slap 11L sac and goal It didnt mitlur wrs guul Mldiand ailicd Ihrcc more limes in innlm mm the hi shols coming from Tam OCnnnor Ray Garicpy and Vcsllall me shoksungoal ally was hit rldiculous 3315 in favor lhu hometowncrs FEB 26 TO BE PUBLISHED 0N DIAL PA 66537