Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 23 Feb 1963, p. 6

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Symbolism Used BY ProteStants By GEORGE CORNELL NEW YORK AWArtwork and symmic fixtures once sel dom used In American Protes Ianl churches laday have an Increasingly prnmlnenl place in may them The whole almosphere has changed says Rev Gnukcr nf Phllhdelphla who for quarterccnlury has heen in close Iouch wnh lhe gradual transformations fM nnelime mos Proles lauls almost completely aban symbolism in their churches But now It is comlnz back They realize it has some cignllicaxlce increasing extent youll llnd sanctuaries of most lradl Honnl denominallons with crosses on the altar candle sucks rcredoses carved or painlcd figures veslmem or choir and clergy Lnm RETMNSDH In the past such ilems were widely shunned by Protestant lsm carryhver 1mm the break wirh Roman Calhollcism and its extensive use sym bnls and slaruary We went ton tar in many cases and rehellrd at every thing at art orms wilh any trace or in the Roman church said pastor Gauker Lulhernns and Eplsmpaxlans retained little but lhey also wereprelly stark and barren or long Um Paslor Gouker who or 25 years has been direclar lhe Ecclesiusflcal Arts Department fur what now in the Lutheran Church in America said it has turned out supplics for prac BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY FEMWARY 1m DEN UIIEMLD LTD DE LU sulvlum WW unllh 50 PM KINM PA null runmt PA WI BILL BARRY MIR SERVICE NATION PA VIII Ill Dunlap THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BYTHE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS Imd The nmlc lumlner ChmII AnnouanmMuoy in Tim mum ma Imman hamme BANDEIWON MONUMENT 00 Burton An llcally all denamlnallans In re cent limes The 52yearold pastor sald lhal the use status Chrlsl and the Apostles generally Is limllcd In some Lulllernn and Eplscopal churches Froleslanls Omens owaver are Increas lngly using such Iigums In stulncd glass windows or In palnling the lransflguraunn or Last Supyer behlnd the II tar he said OTHER SYMBOLS He said may also are using more Chrksllan symbolism varlous kinds such as he lamb fish and Chl Rho or Ihs Greek monograms or Christ in carvings an rulings In ves tibule nlches on plaques or In altar hangings Amnng Lutherans he said the shift was imm sail in black pulpit gown then gown and clerical collar and it now is increasingly common In wear full cassocil snrpiicc and stole in colon oi the ecclesiastical CREEMORE Special The allcmoan unit at Sl Johns United Church Women was held In lhe Church llalL with Mrs Charles Foster unll leader pre aiding The worship service was com ducted by Mrs Rhudes and Mrs Dnvidsnn Their lopic was An lnlmducliun In Lent St Iohns UCW Names Delegates Lalo by Mr Priddle was ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE PA um COOK CARTMIE AMI STORAGE LTD ll JOIINBON ll HON MACHINE Mt Lulu Im EMELY BISHOP Funenl service or Emely Blshop 36 01 Aldwlch Avenue Toronto wu held recently McDougll And Brown Funergl Home Dgnlonh Ivznne Toron Io wimaervlce In the chnpel Burial wu in Bnfle Union Cemetery Mlu Bishop lived good deal oporlfle In A1319 She is survived by two mum Ins Sidney Tumnlo And My of Burle muix the Inemk Blsh up of Angus predeceued har our years MRS HERBERT TUFFORD Funeral servlce was held lhe Pelhlck Chapel ln Burrle an Nesday Feb II for Mrs ller hart lullard who dled ln Royal Viclnrlu Hospllal on Sunday Feb 10 following hriel Illness Mrs nrlfonl hadaeslded with her son Lloyd lullord II 22 Shirley avenue Her husband predeceased her xerwce conducted by Rev Skelly minlsler of Coilier Street United Church as sisied hy Rev Rlddoils nssodnle minister Family ser vice was held later in the After noon at Rock Chapzl West Fiamboro near Dumas with he Rev Robert Sinke assist lng Vlnlermenlflwus at the cem much enjoyed Roll canwas taken Filleen vlsll were re parled for January The liter ature secrelary Mrs Carter gave the report the lower and frlendshlp committee of the unit and read number lhnnk you notes mm me who had been remembered Mu Foster and Mrs Walker were nppoinled delegates to the Hrs UCW Freshylerial whlch wlll be held In Colungwaod The lea lme Ms hosled by Mrs Walker and Mrs Ren urik mu Rm THE BLEys Raul M001 um HURON M010 IA mu 50 V04 DmmAM DHOB LTD BUILDING MATERIAL HTECKLKY FUNERAL HOME eleryml Rock Chapel United Church Mn Tuflord wu bom Rock Chapel 87 years no dauxhter of Mr and Mn Abraham Hams oel Ethel Hana was mar tied lo Herberthiloni in mid they resided in Burlington 25 yearsi Mier some year in Norwich and Milton they came lo Blrria in retire in 1957 leveral ryear alter their son became organist and choir masier oi Collin Church Survivlni In two sons Lloyd Barrie Ind Aumn of Milton and one dauzhur Mrs ReeveMata St Cnlhar Ints also nine lrandchlldren and I1 gmalgrandchlldren and Ihrqnur and lslug Dmgdu Pallbearers wer Lam befl Pickles 00 Knox Dom Park Harold Walker and Shepherd MRS WILLIAM BESSE 0n Thursdly February Mrs William Base of Simud nee Mist Ethel Keeler dled Mrs Hesse had been In poor health or some um and spent the last week in an oxygen lent ln Royl Victorln Hosplul Barrie Mrs Hesse spent her dag on the Severn Rhfir She la survlved by her My hand slepdaughler Shlrley Mrs Slewart lllurlon and Ive nleces Mrs Bonsor Severn Brldge Margaret Mrs Willle McGlll ol Weslon Mildred Mrs Rohert Thompson of Willowdale Drma Mrs WIlliAm Bleakey ol Don Mills and Mls Juan Boyd of Toronto The uneral was held lrom Jenna home ln Barrle thence lo Slmud lor burlal later The funeral was largely mend Relatives and Maud lrom Toronto Hamilton Midland and ram Severn Bridge were much those attendlnl Bgssespent llgr earlier Wmlny Vu pn IL an aim 5L my same Plum Rev he Gelmbmll Phone PA 3576 157 Elnnly Buy Rold 330 ImSundu School mo EnxllxhServlco Dnlch Servlca in Stinky Evgryqull Bolh FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Service Int Bullish chmh or 1nd to and Hour 10 won mu cron 0mm Sand7 ma The Salvation Army ClIadIl to coum min MAJOR AND MRS GILLESPIE Conn 0mm mummy no pm Your MEETING Sundly School Ms mm IMO and 100 mm Speclnl Mecllnn Concluded by You Group From Tomnlu Earripflhurrh ifiiwninru LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev Joleph hlnllloril Church Phunu KA H022 ann Ruldencl lA Hm Sunday School ms mm WarMp ILW Lm Thu Church ol THIS IS THE LU Clappouon St Wonloy Sunday Survlcu II CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 12 NOON THURSDAY ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE ST VINCENT ST 100 pm Eullellll Stnlu Puller Rev WIlllImI Im BIBLE SCHOOL 1100 mm FAMILY WORSHIP OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD FIRST Baptist Church Steel lelmcl AND Mill IUNIMV CIIURCII WHOM Am nu mm mm Immy II BAPTIST EV DAVID MIEVB ILA Ml Mum mum MMNIIT nu TKMII UH T0 IIMY nnnn MEETING PLACER Mmlnhl ll lam CHURCH WITH MESSAGE FOR TODAY We Welcomu Yuu BURTON AVENUE arm LAJL Lin hlnllloril EMMANUEL THEUNITED CHURCH of CANADA ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE 945 mm Sundly Schcol lorlll Igu pm Gclpel ynsuonsANo newcorifii Edwin mvmo mm Th Lordl Suppor 1nd flh Friday MonIhly lelu Mlulomry Group Isl 3rd Friday Monthly Young Paoploa 730 pm Wesley Jones Mlnlsler Mqullng Temporarily Codrlnalon SQ Publl School I030 In NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Wodnudly pm Prlycr Blhlo Study ALL ARE WELCOME i5 CMk Slnel new John mddel 100 mm llaly Cnmmuulon 1100 Murnln 5min 700 pan Evening lnyu BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST ST GILES CHURCH 10 Junior khan filmmr Anm EXCELLENCE lnllul Am Tnddlnl Nunu HUNIMY CIIUHCII ICIIOOL mi um n4 Ind HM nu Yunl lewh Mullnl Lin Senlur School hula VMrYWCA Mun ST ANDREWS REV ADAMS ILA Como And lulu 1h anlly To Chntth numl In lxuullu IMmtor nl he Sunday Sorvlcu CHRIST FOR THE WORLD Rm Ind Toronto Mm Gunn Smut ll MILNb INT HIM AM CMIHMM Owen Ind onlry 5t Yau Ara Welcome lhrnld Dcmylty Dlrcctor cl lnln 00 Im YOUTH HERVH TIIH HEAVEN DHCMIU CFOR l570 530 pm SUNDAYS PRESENTED BY CENTRAL THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA 1100 lllL Mlnlllu CHURCH BARIUE VISITO RS ANfiNfivfismmfi WELCOME Ilcv Game nun Pulor 045 mm Sunday School 1100 Mornlu Wmhlp 00 mm Evmzlhuu lento mm mm l0 un 30 mm EVENING DEVOTIONS Sundly pm Wtdnuday II 730 Our Mother of POrpIIUIl Hllp Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 7304115 mm 600 pm ALLIANCE CHURCH STEEL uld COOK STREETS Roman Catholic ALMNDALE Bum Aunne II Gmmlle Elm Rev Waller Dyer Ma mm Holy Communlen IMO Mornlnl Senlu 100 nnlnl Pnnr nuvlon Au Car In Alllndlll REV BELL MA Mn WIIlm Ornnlll 00 nu flludrnll And Cnlluu MIL DENNIS CLARKE Illhy no Chlld Cl 100 pm Truhlnl and Ilullnl III mm Imdud 0m mm WIIV HERVE LINN pm Flu lulu ll lrhnl llcllfln mm In Xllplllkl IUNIMV fiClIOflL pm ll CHURCH SCHOOL In New mnmm wllh llenowvd Emvhnll ynu to Idulll In Ind Ind pm HEAVEN Rev Tunla Conml In Pmmu um um MORNING WORSHIP PLAN TO ATTEND REV TUNKS Pmer ST MARYS CHURCH MULCASTEB 8T PA was SUNDAY MASSES mum nu ludhm Klelly MA ILIJ ul um luv luridll Imvn mmmn nunln And cholm QUINQUAGESIMA ST GEORGES COLLIER ST BETHEL ESSA ROAD IN CANADA PENTECOSTAl Free Methodist Church 200 Blylleld Rev 11 Gohun Plllflf 1000 mm Flmlly Blbh School 1100 Manda Wonhln 700 mm Evening Service THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH Mlnlsur Phune PA mu Ru Cornell Don mm DIVINE WORSHIP moo msunmv scaom Tu In hell In June Church ll Crown Ell JOHNSON ST SCHOOL YOU ARE MOST WELCOME REV EUMMEM IA Director ol lnln Mn MtKlnnnn mm Dlvlu Wonth AIWIFH CREEK JulII hrlll llll Only Sol our um mm hunk Brhool Nnmry To Benlol llrpll Your lvlvflru lu Walk 6011 WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH Rnl Pllcu ll Slate ul Mind um Sandy School Carnal In Pmmu WESTMINSTER 1121sz And Good Mu Go To HELL Cnlller Shed Nul In rm Olllu Thu VIII field 90 In Huly Communion Ilu Lmlxludu um IUNDAY CHURCH ICnDOL ll mm 01hr Uralmun n4 Nlmn Mnl llrnl luhllc Ichool nm Ayl quuumon SERVICES HELD IN EILLCREST SCHOOL 1000 mm Sandy School Senlcu TRINIIY CHURCH REV WELDDN BULL Pulor PA 737 1100 and 100 pm NAZARENE IN You An Welconn ll MULCASTER 51 CHURCH From The Book OF THE Mlnlller 61 mininu mm Jukr lll Inlumedlllu IOfllllll MORNING CHURCH

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