AALLISTON Staff Highl ecr Willlnm Ainley Colllng wood hobbled in council chambers an cmlchcs Thursday nlgm mull cwncll haw hing were going on the Church slrect bridge over the Borne River In leg injury had nathinglo do with the brldge he explnln ed Instead it came min gluing accident near ColllngA wand cnrly this month SIml delivery is expected next week he said It will take tour or ï¬ve dayxto bolt it to gelher Then pruparallnns can go ahead for pouran comma orkhe brldgeAdcclr This will lake three oi our days and must be done when theilcmzlcralure ls over 40 de mos Mr Mnlny explained We dnnt want any chance of cracking or splminl later on because low wmperalum pouring llmo Impaired the qual ity of mg concrelgfji THIN lnllln Ilmllrd lhmnmy nM Imam lnr lm ul yfar Ile Drrnnhrr 31 N17 nmmmlnl In 700 um wr nhm rmmmml Mlh mm In IIIM In IMI 11w mnpnny my lam nl MM 11qu all mum mm drvnllmllun nl Canal 40 Inplher wllh cunllnurd nawmmll pmwrl rm pmlud vlm hmth Alum Ihl datum mnlnuu input hlmor mud mum Aml In lnlnihqull Nlrrtvll MINI lellafl 1M1 any Aorllmi quer and cl mu wwuh Although Ihe brldge could open for pedestrian traffic few days after concrete is pnur cd Dior Lrnlllc would have to wall or monlh alter the pavement was ready council was tnld Thls much llma Prcsldenl the local NDEA Collins said that the FM4 nral Civil Service already em ploy apprentice In the Naval dmkynrd on the wcsl and ens coast and the extension or lhls mining plan across the whole counlry would beneï¬t the ser vices Album Your Ami IM Ltd Ncl lucnmn or flu llsml ymr mtka Doc Inf1 nmunnlrtl la MJHQWA or WM hnre mmvnml Hllh mmmu at vcr mm In Ihu lust larnl yrnr Knlln wrn per cenl m7nm nmlnnu pnr rnmman nhum In lmh ymrl rnlculnlul nllrr xlh lurllnn Lle dlvldrnlll l0 Hll ï¬lm of mm 11 tlvcrmm In emnlnul rrflrrll Ihr Impact Illikn We tnnlnlnrr plnnln lhu nhmr an of mm up xxum mu lho mm lnwr nlllng pvlm lourr PM nnldl le lllrnlup nlun ul lnwrr Corp nmmmn IIMK ulvlnx ul in rrnnl 10 or Ill um III gwr Ihm nl Jimmy ma rnmpnrrtl Mlh um Ill Drrr Mr II lnnl Mala VI MIMI Hrl IIrlnnlmry ml Inmmu llu lmnl yrnr maul Druth um mummlrll In mm In nr IIMI Irr Ilmrn rum yumd ullh mm mu Ihnm In IMI Hnlu wrll 11M millinll ulnlnd M39 mllllnn nl lhn nuwluuu omcm oi CnmpBorden and District National Defence Em pioyccs Association me With lo cal union ropresenlntivc Victor Thaw business manager of Do cnl 598 the Plumbers Union Don Carmumrs oi the same loc al representing Camp Borden and Bill Pickering Local 2450 Cmpcniers Uninn also rcprc qnling Camp Borden in plan formation of an Apprenticm sh oimcil Simcgé County NDEA wants the Government In employ npprenlices in DND dcparlmcnhin Camp Borden and other establishments where it would be applicabll ln lhls BITS Carmlhcrl remindcd the group lhnl the majority or trad csmcn are In their or 505 and snmclhing must be done In Jimnut nnd lraln young men In lake their place FIRM FOOTING TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Mock Yield Inlcrnnlinnn Ulilillcs Carp Dir Crlorx nlcd In xplil lhn com mon slnrk an lur one basis Slnckhnldcn wlll vale on prnpmnl Al the annual mccb Inn nn Aprll 7A 1w Goodyrnr Tl And Iluhbu to Inndn le Prcllmln my not ncumc fur Hm flxrnl ymr rmlrd Dctcmhrr 1062 Ilmuunml In momma or 51 wr Alum us campaer wilh LIIID or 29 prr nhnre Int lhn lnsl ï¬scal year m1 mrnlnns Include nnnupcrnl In mum at mum COST AROUND$99000 rim lnhnrfl and sum mun mauqu Mmmi Apprentice Group In Planning Stage Mr ihéw agreed wth this EXbGdTO Cï¬rlljléltet Bridge Near MCI 15 CompIIrd by Flynn Dunlap 5L flurla smxuul summury or nu wm mam rm nun 1mm BULLETIN MEI3 Mailed to ensdru lhat all mater lals have hardened to their per mnncnl strength The rnlllngis an urdcr and should be here early in March Mr Alnley uld iie luld public works chairman Beanie ihal the cost of cement was included in he ar iginai 594000 estimate lbs bridge cost Extra since then included 20 yards of concrete in repair soft spot discovered in Lhefoundnlion Mr Beanie observed Total estimated cost now hnv er around $99M both Mr Ain Iuy and Mr Beattte axrped The hills in between are steep enough that Moot pro iectlle would be rlsky to handle The department wouldnt let us try it Thats why we had to settle for two sections one 70 RAISES COST Switching from one to lwm plcce beams contributed lo the jump In bridge costs The Dc parlmnn of Transport wont al low anythlng longer than 70 feel moved west of Highway 00 into Alllswn either by road or by rail Mr Alnley explllned Bill Pickering pointed out the he mclhnd ol increasan estab lishments might hinder the use of apprentices in army and air force uniis Mr Collins amend this might be true but he all that ii could be overcome He said the employment nnd train ing oiApprenlices in DND un its would not Interfere wiih the present practice employing undcs helpers 2m MIMI Ilmllul Eslilnnl od nfl mum or hr mun year rmlrd Drcrmhcr II 1001 mmmlul lo 419000 nr HT Iver Ihnrr mlmmml wllh Nib 117 or 12 per Ihnm In IML 1m nrl lnmmu All change In rnrnlnxl nl n0000m lnr de lrrrnl Inmqu Inm lrmlllnn lnr llrprrclnllnn nml detmrd drvrlnpmflll wfllu HI wml mime nsnlml 31011009 In Iml Nn Inmnw mm were par AMA TM mu mllltd Immml NI In 312000 In he IN yrnr mmnmd wllh 1mm lam In mu In thnll IJmIlnt ll Mm lrulllrnL has Ilnlnl lhnl lhu mnpuny upul um ml lnmnw lnr llw llml year milnl Am 10 In wlll uhov An lnurw am 01 pnvlmu yurl vnuHI Iluulll Var lh your will mumlldnle lha or nlkm nl lhe null nrqn ml Banyan Builnl no or nnd insisted We must take uclipn in gel nppreniiccship training on firm fooling in the county and with technical training wing nearing comple tion on the citys high school and lhe same thing happening in other communilicthis is the prime lime la stress ap prenticeship lraining We will need inure and more rained tradesmen in the near future Mr Thaw nullian the uclion lhnl lubar gmups could take in arm an Awrenuccshlp Council for Simon County and NDEA ofllccn assured him their uupmrt Also In attendance was Mor loylioflmnn prevailing talc rcprcscnlmive for Camp Bordnn or NDEA and Tom McLeod RCAF Station Camp Borden NDEA representative puynhle March 15 mm In share hohlmt rrcord February 28 In 932 the cmnpany paid mnl numlnl divldcnd of 00 onrh year curl extra 50 cents wn nlm pnid mm rum JJIIMI MU prlcc lar nuld Inc In In hlklm diamunl nn he Cnn ndlun dollar In mm lho U5 dullnr run an Incrrnwl nllvrr prlce um nlhrr lnclnu mnlylhullng ln Hm lmpruvrd rnrmu IMHIII Cnlumhln Tami Im ï¬nd lhr umpany Ill clurd In Incvrnml mummy lllvlulfprl lb per mm rm nhlc May IPA Ilmrev mnlm maul Mull Im inuly Uu nmpnny wltl II IN lelle Mrlulyre lnuu pln Mlan lelltd lnIlminnry ml lncnmu or Hue lisrnl ymr ended Duo 1110 II 1W2 nmnunlcd to A1an or $2 per Ihnrc mmpnrrd Wllh XJJBJJMOI J7 per Ihnm In IBM The lncrcns In nrl lnmmo wn primarily luv In lhc rise In lnmlmcnl lnrnmu Muuntlln ll llpl lan lnlllmnnry In mm fur Hm llunl yrnr rmlml lucrmlwr um nmnunlrd In MIMI or per nhnm lnnmnrtd wllh MmLm or II NIH ltr Ihlrl In IMI 15 Yur to in MI Jae Sidewalk will be built on both sides of tha bridge not just an one ride as originally planned Govemmenl adviser suggested two since lhe bridge localed in the middl lawn will attract an increasing vaiumu oi ped estrian traffic emu mum Small retaining wall may he needed on the bridge approach es in protect premises nearby Mr Beanie told council l2 inch sewer pipe will run along the west side at the bridge un der one sidewalk and lo watcrmnln is to be hung under the eastern sidewalk Cmt shar ing arrangements or these will be the same or the rest he bridge80 per cent to be Enid by the province 20 per cent the lawn Target date or iinilhlng the brigge is May 15 Mr Ainiey 58 MISS BETTE MDCRACKEN Miss Bette McCracken pre lidenl McLean and C0 Tarunlo wax guest speaker at the meellng of the Central Onl ario Sales and Advertising Club this week Mlss McCrackcn has been as mcialcd with sales and adver Using or number yearn llld she lslhe Immediala past president ha womenx Sales and Ad Club of Toronlu She snake mnKnly on ha 1thch ol the failure at retailer In nb low up on advertising mud win dow display Comdinalinl this parllcular them she expounded on the re xulls or addan lolInwup alluh es and the lack knowlcdxa clerks lollowlnx up on advcnir ed merchandise Mr Jusflce Rogcr Ouimc ad laumcd unlll Mundny ll Inn of George Mnrwlle 34 cuscd or being the man In the Santa Claus mil who IICW Iwn autumn durlnx hank rob ry nilcr Ionmlnu Um umr Paul Gnudrmu hnd lullcrcd nn nllntk ol numbnm In the lam sldc IIL wnnll 00000 or umpc cillul personal lnjunu dur Inu lhn ItInl Foumcl nnd Julrl Hum 29 Ma nmlml nlnnx with MnrA tune npllnl murdrr In um Illmllng nl lho lwn pollumtn In whurhnn St Laurent lkc when brunch hi Canndlnn lmpuInl llnnk ol Commem wnn med Their lrlnl ll scheduled lur March 29 Fnur lullllwl under pmlw llun ho cm In Mnrrolli mm klllcr or he pollcmvn Mr leolln ml 00m IM Im Uw mlrur In Ink II lnllh Ilmulrlnl Imllod and ur mum nun Hm roman in mud by them Addresses Sales And Ad MOMEAL cm11w Sanln Claus murder Iris has been unruplly interrupted by the ill ness of Juror In mmlller lwlsl lo lhn use dcknrc lawyer Trajan Conslum lln Had pcllllon In mpcrlor mud or Aummnnsu ngnlmt Mn Julllu Ouimct Crown Imuclxlor Clnudo annnr nnd Crown wllncn JenMnul Four Ml Mr Comman rcpnunml Fuurnrl In Hm rnrly IIIch mm bul hnl Ilncn lelrhcd In nu us romnllnnl lo Mar tollel lnwycrabrccord Yvu Mnhnnd nun wnuld In pliln In wing Hurlde of on or mm um moulh Candim IMIxIrnll he EDMONTON CW MI nnurllm 14le mllnnnl lenl 1mm Imlrr ml mun lh wppml Ila Irmvu mm hln man Mil whrn he II ullurkrd by Ilnwmnmrn amll pa Al rmku Amlrr Ind 51 leuchIgIv he InmlA lrlll am Mr rum Im llmmnuh Am murm mund gng In Rothl Cmm but no nus Inilhl pally Inflpmlrd Mn wlwn he Rdmcnlul xllvltbnd pnlnwnln Murder Trial Interrupted Sacred Defends Real Caouetto New methods of rehabllltallng patients are being employed by the Victorian Order of Nurses the board director the Harris branch was Informed at Icelan Ihls wegk chrmosa nurseincharge and the new techniques were discussed an area conference of Collingwood Ormla Gravcnhurst liunlavilla and Barrie branches Example were given rehnbllllnllon pm grass made by we patient Ona patient had nuttercd mm stroke ihe nflwr from multiple sclcra WMlss Herman uld Btur10 branch nurses mud 9a visits llnIIlurlnn Tillmunml AL mm vrurnm Norm lln Eml llllry Haull Hui Ml lnllly cloudy wlh lrw HIM mnw Hurrlu Indnv um nnlnlvl llnl mm In am Sunday malnly nmmy Wimh KM mhmmu Vhlio Ilhrr yum Mnhllv UN lunï¬ghl and Humlny mnllIIIIim my mld Wlnvl mm mlnly FMHIII rmpnnluln Imv lnnllhl Illlh HUMy Windr I0 ll Fl I1Ivmu lnmlnn II I5 Kllrlvrncr In In lelmm 10 I5 Ilnmlllnn 11 linthnvlm Tumult ll an Fnrrcnnll luurd by he Tur onln wmlhcr ofllw Ill 430 nm bynnwll Soulhwu In an producing nHKhIIy mmlrr ltmncrnlurcl nvcr mall ol muller Onlmlu Hula rhnmza uneclnl In Nurlhem 0n lmh whm unusually mld lrmpcrnlum wlll prulxl Nnrlhem Lulu Huron Irm lnu llny rnIun Luke Dnlnrlo realm IMlly rluuvly with Icnllurul mnwflunlrl lunl wmu mamqunlll nrnr Hm lulu Ihnrn my nml Innme flun dny pmlly cloudy wllh mul lrml mnwnurrlu um null In roll Wlmln decrrnnlnx 10 In hmle and Humlay VON Employ Lake St Ilnlr lnllllllln Lalo llunm wultrn Lulu umln nulnnn Vlmlmr Inmlun um um Tnvnnm Imlly rlnmly wllh lrw lluhl unuwllunlrn lo nluhl 5umlny lmllnly sunny vlmls wnl ID to 15 lnnlnhl and Sunday Lnlu Hrln Nlngnrn nuhmI lnrlly rltmrly ullh rw Inuw mm mm ï¬mulny nunny ullll II clnme Irylmll Wlmh hrrnlnlnz KM lnnlnhl Am ml ls Sunday Camp Bordens winners In the ï¬rst Army Central Com mand Olympia Judo campe mm held mud31112 at Camp Borden were Front row left to right LOpl Ralph Ewan yellow bell the Royal Canadian school of 1nnhy Cpl JoelMcGralh New Methods Rehabilitation UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO CHORUS DURING ONE ITS CELEBRATED PERFORMANCES yellow hem Canadian Pm WEATHER BOBDENS IUDO CHAMPIONS CREEMORE 51am Vill nge councils Feb 19 medlng was cancelled when clerk Jack Lemon cnme down wlth the flu Extensive illness In the communlly moslly flu and bad colds also lowed cancellallnn of the annunl pancake mapper sponsored by St Lukel WA which was to have been held on Shrew Thesday Feb January 15 less than In the pre vlous month Sixteen new pal lcnls were admitted for rervlce aiglbelng referred lrpm hospllgfl It was announced that Mia Rose Marla Hachey publlc health nursing student from the Unlverslty at Western Onlaflo will rerva our week with the branch starting Mundny lzlulmnumh Tlrmun Killnlm Mmknln leh Hay Knulhury liuvllun Knlmlullnl While Illvrr llnunl Iml nmmm hull All MIII Clerk Gets Flu Meeting Cancelled Tm xlllplny In lymll lml Iupplrmrmnry nadlnl Imlu II IpnlllMNl by the nnmllnn Hmk luhllxllrn mlnrll Mflfl lllun 7n puhllval ulll In npmonl nl 11m um our Ike Unlveh ally nl Tornnla charm begin In llnnlu lnxllxm lhu Nnrlh Cd lnulplv Audllmlum 11m 00 vulrr mm null 60 Indlvn rrprrscnl ulmml evrry nvllruo and Inrully on UN cnm run Thry hnvu performed lulu Tmnnm and mm In Hnmflv lnn prlnr If lhll our Immrnllnns and plum or lhln lnur begun lul May an HlDllfllll Admlnlllrullvo Cmmrll luulurlrd upenul In Mnrrh Thu lnur wlll prrlrnl Inmlc lo oulullnwn Ilnmnl Fnrrnll lnlurlnl In nlvlulm an nod Vrmllnl or 0er chlhl ml will be able In we div vlny nl Oakley lnlk lubllc Erhml 5m lurulnm TM Irl Iiplay will he hold lur lwhm at no pm And llv fund lnr lmlh Mrllrl qu pmnll pm 3110er School Sgt mu Richardmn yelldw bell the Army Physical Training Centre Cpl Norm Gull or nnge belt the Pm School Back row mm lea Pie Don Miller orange hem Pm School Opl Dave Molluy 2nd Degree Black Belt and one lwo mmbera Invite Parents See Text Books Of Chorus Performs Tonight 15 THORNNN Special Kei lha Benny was elected presldcnt of the 310me CMnilnalc 4H homemaklng club VIcLLpresi dent is Maria Black Ion kelect Ing hc pattern and preparation of material The leaders Mrs Dixon and Mrs Finkbelner de monstrated straightening the material and cutting out the pat tern properlyi WAS FIRST STAMP The wurldn first postage lump was the famous penny buck Lssued In Britain in 1840 yuu haw mm mun buying 1m mum you Md hull lid mi Ikml mm Mu Hum1M nu hmllel Ill lrrmtly nimble fly rulon with nun pinlvlcm In wu Inlml In lulu pm May llvmx llumuh helm Manny III lml Roll call at the last meeting held at Mrs Dixons home was answered by stating One point to consider when buying couon lorsummer separam TWays Tq Hear Better Thornton Club Holds Election uluru of gradual ll LII alUm zrntrnl public Thu Can upcm lo Alnx in am 5000 people by In end nl HI lawn Frb in rum pnrtd lo 1000 who heard 0mm 0n mhy lho rhnml on In hinbomunhl SI Luhu hurth no pm and lulu Uul evenan Onhnwn In um 54 lkwxnl Mogmgrinl Chum In the Canadian Army to hold thls honor coach of 1M wlnnlnz Pm School team Sgt Mllu Marcredl orange hell the Pro School and flip lullka lloko yellow bcln ol the Camp Borden Provost De tachment National Deleon int Ilnpourlhrlr on in the ï¬rm HnXl um Noun In rnmnm unmmu thm nmnmu IEMHZ ION Ir IUIDNYO vu um ma lm bani Nun Mam LIll MAICO NEW FREE BOOKLET lm mmnm EXAMINER SATURDAY FEBRUARY No local organizations vlll be making wrltlen request or granls 1mm Barrie City Council and they will be cnnsldercd lhl Monday It pm when council mgel qr lsrcgulnr sess They Include the Battle Kem penlelt lrum Band and tha Barrle Publ Llhrary Thu trumpet hand along wlth he Ontarla Society or the Prcven tlon of Cruelty to Anlmala wlll also be asklng councils permlzv slon In holdn tag day later in thg ycnr other communlcatlanl wlll be ready rem the Barrie Plannlng Board One letter with regard In proposed nub dlvlslon bounded by Blake struck and Peneunzulshcne road The board will also be glvlng coun cil notice of ulure meeting and what appointments hava been made to lba Planning Board Mr Klmle exmnyor of Bar rle prapriclar Lakcvlevl Dal ry said today So far have resisted nll clfnrlu and laid No all approaï¬cs Whether Willard Klnzl ywlll tnlcr he political race In Ihe orthcomlnz election sllll $64 questlnn Mr Klnzle salrt was ap preached by one other party besides Satin Credit both fed ernlly and locally Although he decllned to name Lhe party Mr Kinzle Bald will say thls il wns not he New Duma cmlic Part Ruvicwlng his political Msb Dry Mr Klnzle said My par mm were barn and have been Conservative Eu aflcr Ihomugn study of all the parties mllclcs do tel that the only policy mat the Social Credit Partylho Sada Credit policy one reg enlerprisa and Is complete 1y opposed to all forms cialism and he Hooping web Groups RequeSt Council Grants Will Kinzie Run Is $64 Question lor Inlannllan IA MI BARRIE UNITARIAN FELLOWSHIP APPLY AT YOUR LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOY MENTSERVICE OFFICE FOR CANADIAN VOCA TIONAL TRAINING UNDER THE FEDERALPRO VINCIAL AGREEMENT mum cnnrmm mm mum C91103gioi$oud COURSES BEGINNING IN BARRIE MARCH WAITER AND WAIIRESS MISS GRACE COOKS VOICE OF MEN SUNDAY lilnln VMWCA Inn IIIIIE TUITION PLUS LIVING ALLOWANCE ACCOIIDING IO IIIIIGlBILITY 00 mm IMPROVE YOUR OUALIFlCATIONS YOUR CHOICE OF 40 COURSES GIVEN THROUGHOUT ONTARIO UNEMPLOYED MEN WOMEN Flie Chic Holly Irwln wlll present to council the annual report 01 the Slmcoe County MI lual Fire Aid Assoclntlnn In other buslncsa council wlll consldcr slandlng re art mm City Development anus and Fire and Tram commuters There will also be report from the General Gnvemmenl com mlllee ll lsexpecled In deal wth how much lnIormallun should be released In lhu pres prlor lq mcellnz conncll Al the Inst regular meeting some councillors expressed lhl oplnlnn that may were some limes cnnlmnled by people who knew mare about councils al lqirs than lhe alderman because these people had read about it ln Thu Examiner Councll hu consider lam mm lhal all the other parncs luv been proman to brlb9 us inn elpcflnx them It knnwn Ihal pressure In In Mr Kimle lo Nn was am only local but also fmrrl In nallonnl Social Cradll header Robert Thompson 1Fa 85 54 721 1123zxa rat Yx NAM WILLARD KINZIE MAkanLua Commm Ith nunam Your Illllldny Dulu Bryco Eownlm 37 Shirlo Ave III Illan IA lHl no bylaws lo mam