TORONTO CF Jackie Parker chnckcd lnlo town from Edmonlnn Tursduy nightn happy mm or mlnd and anx lnus lo Ialk conlrncl with his new lnolball employers Tur onto Argonauts The same could be sngd Ihe Aynunauls Parker Argos Set To Talk Contract nlncymr rl HI mun ulm Irrl Ill ucslcrn Football Club In lhm mum Guy Cup Vkllulfl In mmbe 1d In mum to lw nhlr plny nl lop IleI or imlr or In mm Al lenxl th In min mum mi unl plny Parker rd by runny pen he grcmm nilmund pluyrr pulorm In Tnmuin IBM he nnlhclpnlu lulllc lrnuhlu In nurrcinn In mm want It tnnlrncl lhal rnlvlllln ucu xily or Mm and ham to Mun tar Inc or mm rms Ill YEARS MOI rirkcruiu nuclhcr wnh managing dncclor Lew Huy mgln gal Mums Thu alyraruld grid Ilur was wdmmcd lo Tumnm in Mylo uwnlly mmcd or dignilnrlu Mayor Donald Summcrvlllo Ahowcd up in lhe Argo omu ujlgcl him press ontercncé Ho nut Argus will 0an contract nem IIIIUDanFfMfly Parker triplenu qumlcr wk lmdld In Arnnnnms by Edmnnlun Hskinm nl Hm Vrab cm Conlercnce 1ch playm was man here to nppcnr on lclevlslon shaw and lo nucnd Hi Hamumn job wag nflued ta Ralph Sazin Ticals assist anl coach the last ll years Satin wu expected In reply It Workman med Perry Muss Argos hcad coach and zen he ireales appnrlumly Ive had in pmlcssiunal 1099131 Reliable sources hen say hls Monlreal con rue provldcs about 322000 annually in addl lipn in bonus payments lnr licle sales In excess of 10000 me and winnln ellort Trimblc all an Whamayeml job at Hamlllon wllh unnum team left in fiveyear cum lracL Thcre are Incentives sald Trimblc Tuesday press conicrcnce Hui he declined in reveal conlract terms So did Ted Workman 30 president the Ainucucs MONTREAL CPI Jlm Trimble 444 oncllme wonder bay coach in the National Fool hnll League has been lured away from Hamilian TigerCals by Montreal Alnuelle fur con lracl believed to call or piece of the gate at home games plus other honuscs Lurks Catch Trimble With Impressive Bait JIM TRIM BLE lam lhakcs hands with Ted Workman president of Mon no Indication lho Argnnlnl plym wuuhl rrluu In from to Edmnnlun nllhnuxh Mllrhcll wu unhAPIy bmum he nald lhc clubs um 1an In ndvlulng Um unwed plnym Ibnul lhl duL The veteran undo un tondillunnl Ind Aland regard ltsl whtlhnr he Argo viny cu upon lo Hdmnnlnm Tho playru In hullhnch Joe ller nnndn Jnn Recliner and Mike Vlrklum And Human Ill IllClltll and chu Smllh and wwu 71b lnvohcd In the deal hul llnymln dccllncd lu haw muth Jackie hua lhnl lmklinnhle quulfly la lend and he nlml lo luck Inn Huymnn said nut hal not In have help mm null going In slnp trying lhe playerth nucdrd lo the Job dorm 157 UNCO DITIONAL Hnyma mu coach Nnbby kl rcnlizLd Purkcr hnt palm to make Ar Ko canlendcr In lhc Eaxlum Ftï¬mall Conlcrcnce all hy him IC used Ill pack up Its hardcr In play nflcnce hen ynu reach 35 km guy wxlh any manual nbillty play drlcnce can to an unlil hes 10 Ha reiloralcd lhal he reason he asked Edmonlnn In lmdc him was that playing In Hm as would npln up hrUcr buxi 1m npponunillcs or him und help him lnwlds ncuin cunrhing jnh qlually Vurkman said Cam was Huh upsel about the mm of developments CahIll wasnt at the press cnnlemnc but he said later in an lnlerviaw Hell yes was upscl tell was lhe logical guy to take Trimhle native Homes part Pa and laihar 01 six schoolage childxen said car Iier he wanted the two Jobs Mos held But Workman said he general managers posl will be abalishedhe will inks over the wnrk it emails with help mm Dpnny Picknil 24 the chili ctor develnggnpm Workman processed 115 lo candidates or the coaching job lncludlng Leo Cahlll who came to Mammal with Moss as an assistant and gut Ferryl endorsement to uh over head coach cguLL IS UPSET Wurkm usday lrlm ll will take over the clubs director nl player personnel scuulinx post Killed by Alhrechl who quit the Al lwo weeks agoylo Jnin Oakland Bald ers ihc American Football League as husiricss Ker ernl manger Jan 41 alter over But hid tough mm policy disagreemenL In beat out and Im really Workman sald Tuesday lrlm gratified about 11 iuppon um 11 11 Ink the clyba ans gay ma anyygayt real Alouella of he Easlem Football Conference at pm conlemnce at down town Montreal holel when ll Them um no knnrkdowm Mnyrr urlnhbd mu poundl and Hnmnulnn mu HONOLULU MP Denny Mayor Innlnnd Orr re lnlnrd his world junior mlddlr wrlum bnxlng chnmplnmhln rumlny nighl with ISrnund xlctlnlon mrr Honnlulul Sun urinfllnn Im happy latmun lha ensl cm Inns will he lumimt up In druvrx Judd But Im nul happy that hr wlll he play lng unalnsl us II Roll In have My bad days hnpo hay all happen In Ollnwn OQulnn nlsa mld In in him vlcw he Is my happy lhal Tor nnla Arnonuuu ohlnlncd nllsnr qumitrlmk Parker 1mm Edmnnhn ltsklmnu of he Wcslcrq Cnnkrenrc Ttimhlc maimed Tuesday coarhcd Hamilton Tiger Call or sexVon ynjnrx The club really nucdrd hit mama guy run things and lhcy cnnldnl have made bet ltr Chaim The inns ill be taming out In scc how hi1 Jim hamllcs Hm duh Moyer Retains World Title They had In have somebody he Montreal inns would have cunllllenrc In or Susan llckcl sales would hnm been in Hou hlu lhu general mnnancr nl Ollnwa nuuzh nldcrx lald Tucsdny OTTAWA CPlRed OQulnn my Montreal Iouellcs had no choice but In hire Jim Trimbla cuach of Ike Eastern Foo ball Connmice club onetime tackle wih Unl varsity 01 Indiana he slflllfld coaching at his alma mater In 1915 and went la the Eagles an assislnnl In 1951 Trimble was named coach the year In the NFL with Phil adelphla Englu in 1952 an un reccdunlcd cat or big eaguc ronkle an maybe they can get coach who can beat Winnipeg coach and Grant said TrimA ble 1115 Had Little Choice OQuinn The Timmam mde Into the Grey Cup game in live lhe seven seasons Trimble steered them but they were shipped our times by Vlnnipcg Blue Bombers In the EasHVesl 1151 Reaction Io lrimble nppolnt mom was highly favorabl nmung he Aluuelle player who reside here He said he wouldéénler with lrimhle and than decid wllclher to slalom was announced Trlmbla ha left HBmIIlon Thor can to take over head coach of the Aloueue CP Wiremoto Under an lnhlule pain sys tem cample by Ike US Pm csslnnal Geller Assoclallnn Fence colltcted no hits or ï¬le Victory to boast total to Knudsen wlnner ol the Panama Open has points wllh Ernie Vassler Oklahoma my ollowlng ll The swearold Ferree moved ahead George Knudsen ol Iomnln by winning an extra hole playafl ram John Barnum of Grand Raplds Mich for he Maracaibu Open nner each in hed with 72hnXe score of speclai prize xuesv lo the player wllh he most pnlnls ans Ive lournnmeml CARACAS Venezuela AP Jlm Fï¬me of Aiken 50 cm ries onehall mlptlefld Into the Carma Open third of the Caribbean nrafeulnnnl 101 tour marlin Thursday Fence Carries Half P0 111 Lead Your participation in this safety program is appreciated Please assist an to tender the best possible service by reporting ANY STRANGE ODOVUR to us quickly at any tima of tho day or night llvu ulllhu be operating an it should Basement floor drains should be checked to ensure that they contain water Sewer gnaw natural gas and other combustible fumes can enter homes through basement drains if they are dry Pour pull of water into dry cellar floor drains to ï¬ll the water traps and prevent the entry of gases Gus leak detecting crews constantly patrol the area checking streets utility manholes sewers and buildings In addition to this safeguard we ask your cooperation by reporting ANY UNFAMILIAR ODOUR to us promptly In addition any of the following circumstances should be reporch without delay Where our new gas mains and services have been installed reï¬lled trenches will likely settle Any resulting damage to lawns walks roads and driveways will be adjusted as quickly as weather permits Under these abnormal conditions the possibility of natural gas leakage is increased The Gas Company therefore requests the assistance of all the citizens in the community in guarding against gas leaks that might otherwise go unnoticed Any indication that your furnace regardless of fuel does not appear to 44 The severe winter weather experienced this past year has created deeper frost level than normal When the frost comes out as milder temperatures prevail ground movement will be greater than in other years The Works Departments of many municipalities have warned of the damage that has already occurred to streets and paving and that more damage will take place Repairs to broken roads water mains eta cost thousands of dollars each year and the estimates this year are greater than ever The many miles of gas mains buried in the ground as well as sewer networks hydro conduits and telephone cables have been installed and maintained for years in accordance with the best known engineering and operating practices All of these facilities will be subjected to pressures and movement as the ground begins to thaw Any odour which has no readily apparent cause either in buildings or out Any noticeable bubbling in pools of water on the ground and streets of vital importance to you August and on elm In December at In no right Leewn said He said meellng was held ï¬r Tomnln hlcsday nlghl to de erminc melhod ol choosing the Canmflnn represenlagivcs the Harvvnuld releua lha deciglan today he said the meeting with Leesnn He menla Moyla chmn August chnlpe He salt In In Interview hes day night the Nntlunals had never Lean ulilcialy chasm He was replying to stalk menla by wcslern ofliclnl Luke Moyla who said lhe CABA had the Lclhbfldge earn In CATIMWNES CFM Leesun president ha Ca nadian Amalcu Basketball As loclallnn Ma denled but CAEA lencued on Its orizi decision lfljcml Lnlhbrldge Nallonals in me PanAmerican Games later ml was onsquISCflas Dénies Rem533 Decision Again in the Spring of 1963 Y0ur Gas Company asks your assistance 67 TORONTO STI 1m whalermzn whlled away the tedious hours between catches by canlug sctlmshnw whale mm and other piece Ivory mil and Prahle reprcscnla live support plan to send the Lethhqdua learn tulhe Games In note In Leesnn Mnyls said he was demandlnz on be hall ltw West that the all star Lethlrrldle team represent Canadmbath at lhe PanAm Games and wurld champion rhlps BraziL He suggestcd normal lnlcr provlnnal playom be schcdulcd to determine Canadas 156160 chamgionshipleamr mre RehMltchell national sco retar or lhe CARA and Dun Paul chairman the Canadian Game Committee Moylx land In Vancouver last week the West objected tn lhe national hodys prnposnl for Iournamcnl In Lech brld March 1315 which would arm lhe Canadian nucleus SCRllISIIAW pARVERS mm ELIZABETH NJ APIPhil Riuula former New York Yankees sharlslap and now spans annnunccr suffered com pound Iracluru or the auH fingers of hls right hand Tues day when he caught the hand in snawplow Twn Ihe ï¬ngers were crushcd but nu amputation was necessary Bollpn mavet nxo ï¬radmrd Arena and bumped humu tawners A71 in Ontarin Minor Hockey Assoclnliun Norlh York group ï¬nals ï¬ene Fewsler led Ihn anack mm hat trick while Bryan THE MIME Lfl ll DNESDW Bolton Bumps Hometowners Former Shortstop Rizzuto Injured PA 6655 EAsr OFF THE welldriven wll hall Yens 1hr er al abou 150 miles huu splnnlng a1 between 3500 and 400 revolutions minute McCulirL ad Cook ind Hun ILl ir 15h small on 30 71 Lalllcdrlhe in Bradmrd gnul Prlte for your car when you rude DANGERFIELD MOTORS TOP T71 YY 11