indmlm um mm 53 OAKVHJE Ont CHIII Wllwn D7 ulmn Onlua hurlmun Ind brood dlcd In my day Hr Wnum rrllud mu um but ll to ml won lhnl lwl all llwnuuN hvrds undrr lhl colon ul IN lg Impmuq lla qullv III mm or guy make living play lnu hackoy the only way he now how but nnl when it means caunln Injury in nomconc elm Ind lhnll lho slury of Howln ounz bad by delencomnn Howle awm or lhl number of guy nflur his head but he never lols go of the nick long enough for Iomoom lo cut hIm down to 1110 Should ha ha lvl my onco Ixaln 11 ma he hell conllnuo his battle wllh the world Veteran Horseman Dias On Sunday Ha nlnrlcd lhll year of wllh different nlllludc Huck lo hockey and won re ular pot on the Detroit mrluurd car This Iaalo right up until Young look of after hnl Chicago mllhlp Ho lillud to show ug or workout In midJanu ary and mor ndmlllln had been on bingo was auuponded Ihm days alcr he was sent to Edmonton the Wings arm club romllnud on the Ilralghl and mrmw or awhllo and then becamn Involved In lculflo wllh an ollduly ollccmnn Ho was found gulty Ind charged with mnu ï¬ned $100 In his ï¬rst nu with tho Wlngn Howlo totalled 108 minutes In the jug an avmgo 372 mlnules per pm The following all he cut the count 10 07 in 30 games In Ivern of 223 By the llmo lhu New Year arrived bolh Sl Abel Ind Jack Adlms decided some lhlng had to he done Its been said that hes capablo of good hockey when he put his mind to It Evldenuy he Isnt Inter ested In plnylng hockey lhn glemlly record appears to be much more Impomnl to 1m ROUGH FR9M THE START This isnt the iirst time the defeneeman has been in hot water this canOn the heels oi oor game in Chicago on Jim iiowie deserted the ub in three days but was reinstated by the Wings without even re ce vlng fine The NHL hosts crew at additional tough guys who hit as hard it not harder than Youn but they do it cleanly Howie has been called the rtiest play er in the circuit because oi his cruel tactics lie takes great pleasure in hitting guy from behind and crash n3 him hendilrst into the boards There have been many instances when Youn has caused injury to opponent and escaped wlh mere penalty and fine lie has been In trouble quite oltcn and last year was sent down to the minors be cause of an over abundance of ridiculous penaltiesr couple of weeks later he dumpedsubgoalle Cesare hlanlago ln the same manner and tlmu had to be called to ut Manlago together Cesare was bl luckier than war but he too had felt the ruthless ness of Howie Young OTHERS ply CLEAN Young seems to take extn special delight in put tingi Toronto players out of action In his iirst year wi the Wings Howie charged goalie John Bower hehind the net and received five minute major But Bower came out second best ulilng hamstring musc1 in his left knee that kept out of the nets for three weeks Most NHDen have little use or the Red Wing buii but it doesnt seem to bother him He goes out of his way to hurt somebod as he did with Red Kelly in Tor onto the other even rig He grabbed on to the red head and sent him iiym icebound for just the plea sure of it Fortunately elly came out all right other wise there might have been pandemonium to pay There are number of layers with the same bad habits as Young most of em never et near the NHL some do Hes real hard rock wt stick In his mill or when he can char on opposition player from behind But take away weapon and let him meet the other guy face to lace and Its another story No gs Eon YOUNG Many present day NHL layér would be glad to have Mr Young taken care food and proper and foglggtflclyn reason This guy l7 seems would thlnk mum luaoull uua Tu wems wuulu Inan nothing of chopping uy hali with his stick And Lord knows hes tried more than once Perhaps it would be wise for Mr Campbell to give this case serious consideration and come up with something which would stop Howie Young once and for all before he really does damlge The earlier major comes with $25 fine the misconduct $25 and game misconduct $50 NHL presid ent Clarence Campbell may decide to review the case and either add further flnes or suspension To show his displeasure Yqung felled punch at the referee on his way to the anally box threaten ed him verbally and then phglsscally while under re strain by his teammates oulhuxsl won him misconduct and then when he refused to go to the jug and threw his glove at Udvari the official bnnlsh ed him Item the lee FlNEj NOT ENOUGH He started his nirhis colleciion with fivemin ute major for high sticking Montreals Irembiay opening up dandy cui on the laiiers head few minutes later he was nabbed for spearlng minor by referee Frank Udvari call which Young figured he didnt deserve Sunday night before hometown crowd the bull shouidored crowvcut rear ard errupted in his usual style and finished the ni with brand new penalty record The 25yeer oi youngster drew 27 minutes in penalties in secondperiod frazzle and now has 210 minutes shatterin the former record of 202 held by another pleasant ap name of Lou Fontineto BEFORE TOO LONG Howie Young Detroit Red Wings bad boy defenceman will et the idea that be lng hockey hatchet man em les him to take his turn on the Ice with an axe clutched In his glove in place of stick YOUELG MEANS TROUBLE 111 Mm EXAMINER MIDAY FEBRUARY 1m SPORTS CHATTER By JERRY GLADMAN ML Wllnn horn In lldm In om mnlnlnSmd ml mmn whlrh Ilurlunlrd um law In mmrumu hnnu un hll 150ml mu In lhll hum midway Mum Torunlo um Imllloa tampoled In ml or Nmuu an Mm Ihau wllh Ill dlnl mm hovm II pvlu rmhnru wu lha lnnllMl Mmmnl lddu whlch upul lm mm wllh vklnry In Klul mm In um Wlium who would hanhun ll Walnml IuHmd mulc llpla Mad lururlu and Amy our when Eclm min run no ruluhnled and InnIINI nu Mm nhllr mu hy lru or lulld mom al rm ler Am GLENDALE CIHI MP hpmlhol dtlvrr any nod Wllwn unmnklom Ilncu hll Iml llpr mllu Ill hour Nuv Ind mudy In how pl 5mm lxmua MINI Cooklawn Thoman lurnnl lbs lrlck whlo PM What hid pllr And Ilnllfl will Km Imam le Monk Ind mu McAlllIlcr Don whom Icwunlcd or bah nuornlnn marim Lulu Mudlul OF gum Arena lllonl bombed Woman 11 Inuer 01mm mu ourKm ptrlormunco by Don 1mm er Cnmoron Speed Driver Dies In Coma Dunun Campbell picd Slmudl wln over Exbcfl wllh Ill lwuoal mm John Emdrlhwnllo nnd Selby llow mnn knocked In Ilnglu Junk and lnuln Mlmll urll mud nlnzlu 01th Expgm Lum lendlnl stroud and umnd plnca Lanna bath ro corded vlflnrlel In South Elm me Hockry lulu doublehud er ll lhI Allluon Am on Sunduy pair of Mb by Luke wu enough lo llvo am In nemury mnrlln la but lune Murdock pound Ilnglo while ORtllly kept lha Spokane new from cum plcle mutant Greg Dowén and Mumy Per ry tumblntd or live on In Stroud Loretta Still Top Loop Marking up lha lecond the days three shutoula North Bay edged out Gmth 14 Bob belle and Ramall provided Ihe xanls Klnsella turned on the power maxn lhrte on Io lead Sudbury lo win over Kilchcncr Milne Ind Pnlmrr notched the other whilc Nobln and WHWII counth m1 Kitchener Scott nipped In Iwo Allin to help Kingston nip Whitby by score of 42 Milchlnmn and Dwinnell dnlpped in silk xlcs Whilbys lwo goal mm from ALnd Hlclllp1 n4 Montreal notched umph aver Winnipeg on mark or by Jeff Mines Terry 5350 12 Ron Kelly md cm Wollendtn Elllx Owen Ind John Spurn scared tar tn lax ers so sFuloul Eve Congal 15mm added single lo lid In the Bulldogs cause mumm marksmen was Bannermnn night the Windsor orward muck or our Imam Lo pang hls enml Gary Mcger David Read and Grez McKnight each poued pair to give Springï¬eld dog av Cleveland SBIIH 111 Springï¬eld ltizgermen went work at the Barrie Ar ena on the weekend once nah moving why they Ire lbs strongest team In Ihe Barrie Legion Minor Hockcy Leaguz The trade ï¬t nicely into Parkers plus The brlllllnl year old bamlzlder who llashad Imn surdom In Cuna dlan loolball whan he Jolntd EdA monlon nine years ago asked dlans with that In nabla somelhinz needed or loadmhl on tho ï¬eld not laxgellan hs menu which us well known Them wu speculntlnn nrfler that an trade can Argos Hva or six players and cash Named mos Inquently during negotia tions were centre Nonn stone burgh defensive hackflclderl Mlko chklum Joe Rechner and Jim Rounlreu guard and place kicker Bill Mitchell end Bruce Cluldza and oflenllvl end Aubny Linne All hm gaunt and June Ira Cana F115 INN PLANS mas An enthusiastic Lew Hayman Arlï¬nnaul manazlnx director In Springfield Stars Highlight Action hlm Mler exhaustive talk that mned last week In Arm nula ï¬nally nabbed the treat kle Parker Monday nigh In lradawllh Edmonton Elk TORONTO CWToma Ah gonauls football leam wllh nul Ieadcr last season has arr qulred lhe lender An unnounca mam expected Ioday Win In reveal whelher Ihey lrnded lway the loolball team to gel Afghs Aquirex Leader InQuarterback Parker AEvaulu 04 mm Gills were Cleveland 10 Hfl 11m mi FIMII wlll llm mu mIIllylnl Am mm pluy mumy BmTu Curlml IM Mu Knmody Monlnnl nm Muphmon Milli wimr min ml All Aim flmnbury mu Smirth Width and fllnrkq KM mun nanny nut Wnlvr Or Ind Dr Nlrnl lelll Spcnml qualllyira day In Hur knlint LMn mklonl mxphl II lmnormw with In mm vioan or Mom Enlllu 001ml nr mum Enlllu mum nr Inmnb mwn play Imlnde Hull Allh urn Ilumher Nlrlvlnmh Al Milton Own Emmi km an Thomlmy nay Hmmlum Hunr Norm 1mm nmm rm nmce Edlmndl KHNNVI Dr Jim Nollml mn Bonk 4l loner clnlmed km rlon lulled la give Smhlflfldl Jlm Andmnn In Iddlllnnnl penallf Hunnub man lo penny box pre mnlunly In folIn lhI prnlul BI mer Id PITTSBURGH MP Pm dtnl Jlmu Bllmer nu American Hockey Lulu nid Blondy hn mud pnr llled by Clovolnnd Damn In tonncclion with Mr um qu Sgrlnflluld Indium III Second Qï¬alilying Day 13 Tomorrow Tomnln rounded out ha dayl ndlon rlgMEflnl 53 ded alon over Boston Andrew chk slcnd led In way with pnlr hckcd up by Build ofldm Dln Edwnnt and Bruce smlc Ted Boynlon nod Kyle and lln ther Ind Bonlon murk Talllt by Don lllckllnl Larry llclmer Brlnn Kelly and Mumy Grecnouzh glued lrlll wllh wln over Cllluxo Wayne Kellay polled he llnwks marker Doug Youngv lnppcd ln holll oak ln New Yorkn LI shad In Dtlmll Sydnty WMwn mom or Una wlnzl HHL President Rejects Protest Martin produced in Irick to give iinmiilon triumph over SI Catharines Addllionni marksmen were Gibbon wiih two and Cook with one Pearson and ii imbinoil neared or he iosm Mimi performance pro vidrd Peterborouxh will 12 drubbing oi 5L Michaels iiubhani tipped in tha seventh 2in while hicLossen and Stephenson hit for Si Mikol Heels 11an the way or Burriel wln over Guelph with quoal mm Knith Ind Rldlcsan drilch sinzMons and Jnmleson hit for he Gurlph club In real sluzlesl Niagara Falls ken up the prcswra lo dale Marlborns by count of 74 Doubles went to John Chum Ln Wickslnnd and anp while Gerry Fulton click ed for single unynlnn Richardson and Mor were MarIIca sharpshoot Maiane cllckcd m2 13 19mm mumm n3 Buffalo Greg had lhe hat trick Murray red pair and Simmonds Md singler Goals by Kelly Fa vm 011 Ind Bemmse enabled Rachcfler to turn back Emvldfme la her was or 51 rk Hfrgpgya g0 whitewash mum wu sana Slala College Ilgned or mum think Parker Is as anxious to sign am to have him go as soon possible and that pcrlecux Arzoxiniu have amï¬er quari ubacklllfyml Mada Lou Human mum Puke will be In Toronto within cw day In sign contract He said they talked contract In xenernl terms aver phona Monday III my on PHONE 1mm has been wllhou lap quarterback since the de parlure veteran Tobln Rate who played mu his upllon Ian season and went lo San Diego Chanzen the American League mq Hayman expects Parker larmnllon quarterback have lhrea to ï¬ve goodyear wlh theAruonauu He Rives nu deï¬lh at quar terback Iomothlnz wava lacked his home In Edmnnlon Parker said heaxpecL1 go two or threeyear contract from Aruns While he hopes to play at quarterback where he excelltd during Edmontons blg Grey Cup champlonxhlp years In 19546556 Puker said lho Esk lwa weaks ago to deal him In Innlher club In zlve hlm helm business opparlunlflcs In the lulure flu said he preferred elther annnto ur Hamilton Tl erCnl In the Eaxlem Confer ence Hmhtf Goal um um John lulnu almnb Jllk Vnklli Ind IMO can PM why in Allin Km llnwllllb Ilium Willa ul cm an dnyA won Mon idealer In In NIIL flu am not mun Knumnw lho my ulth ukk allow or mm um um Mm 110 Mullah Ind lloclmlor boobd up In ml Ihrilltr mum mil in Iludlock In Du MIL lrowec mm fllll Kmya ml 30m Bunch Im nulma llmlllmrn ulvilo nob Muhu lcn ml Ill Hrynyk lazer at admin In lho moms Baum Alldr Itlnrbom knochd Imle 54 on on by mm Van Dylu nah emr lurry mm Dan Manon and In Val dmk John Sound ulllod or lb IMNI Don mu rm In In Junlor Squln wrinl In Hume lo In Ono Il vI dm In Mulbotu ob Illa olllnu umul 0n hu lflti ml Jnmll Vnnl Hy MM do 1Ie Vnwy Mud to of UV shutout hi mm lull ol lln blll 1th Hnnncrmml clicked lar our call in Sudbury 64 win ovrr flu lOflwa FA chquu And Kovm 00m linulu mm Mcbfln II Ind qu Doglln wanted or Hull nlo Drldloni Ind Dlnlrld ML nor Hockey Anode cnml up wllh another exddm Illetmon Ihlnny Drndhmi Am 011 5aurdny Erna of flu EPHL he cl mm lhlnn all ud dandy wllh Mom aver Klnguon Dnul Mmhmnn Ind WI bundy pmle In on ll promlxlnx lulu hoc key gnme belwecn he Barrll TV All Slnu Ind the Kuwlcln Comeu Thll game wlll prob ably set back hockry lo yuu but lar ml good fun and en loymnn Lhe Danla learn In rlnss by themselves 11m Toerhlp of North Gwlll lmbury hm uwunx bdllnd lhe Carnlvnl Commlllce lho Chnmhtr ol Commm lo mun Ihl lhe lmu Mum day In lho anmhlp hlxlory Among the Iflracflom will be speed skullnx Nu can curllng skibusting snow mm rndnz menl broom ball mulom thlhiu akin diving lkl bob racing and challcnze new race More Excitement Rt Bradford Arena On Saturday and Sunday the Carnival mow outdoor wllh many of lhe vents taking place on lhe Jcney River and Lake Simcoe Snow plows and lrnc tors have been busy III week pmparlnz the Inn for men Mnmenh ales One oi the many lealures will he Ihe selection of the Snow Queen at pm 15 rnlnuies afier he oiiiclai opening Miss Mary Lamappel oi Sultan will do the honors in opening lire rhnw wlih her skating major eilosl Mary will also war in an lndian number with ill le Barbara Railings Skaters mm the Nawmlrlrel Figure Skating Club will pm on number and will include such well known local shim as Karen Peal Maureen Pee vnr Kathy Gorgua Ind Melance Galbrailh iil proxram will be repealed nn Friday ninhi and will lcaiure many nlher exciling uiiracilona and specia 11 first Annual Winter Can nlval sponsored by the North Gwllllmbury Chamber of Com merm will get underway wlth skating spectacl in the Re wick Arena on Thursday Feb ruzuy 1963 Money didnt prompt Parker to requut trade Ha the Eskimo were wlulnl to meet III salary demandsreported at more than 320000 yen bul that was primarily In terested In huslncu oppomml uaeï¬ and coaching job awn Parker ha also had has trouble He mllud mural game during tho In two yeprs The Eskimo havu iwo Illusi cnllm ready for next remn veteran Don Getty produfl oi the University oi Wmern On inrin and rookie James Earl Wright oi Memphis Univerlily Wright signed year ago bu missed the 1962 season becnusa oi ifnea injury Keswick Annual Winter Carnival were getting from Toronto will help overIll but you cant place Parker Ynu star with quarterback and hope you on hulld the ml of lhe team but you cant replace Parker HAVE flVD READY The negotiation were curled on by layman and Enklmo gen eral Jae Ryan Cnachcn Nobby erkowskl Argonauts and Eagle Keys Eggnnnlanus ln mg 1h talks We mu nn Amndcefl xald Hayman Wavu go in have young uarterback Io bring AIM and II II he flril tingle one or yearfl the 1963 campaign When doc he mmlnto In piglure an1 mm dnuNn and Paul wll wllh alum dun Hum ugfnllog ho Duly Morri qua myan m1 ll Imhd bnvl lnr Mullnu vhm ho III loathed dawn In Hm mund hul he mum hurl In cm dorlnlan Ilulln Hunk any ho Ymmh long on mm In the null boul 1qu ha Mman ume avcr mm mm In lubllllull lor llllnl clubmm Mnnh DIVII In Hm iuorkr fluluy Julio MI dd of flu CInIdInnIlllhn nox Club TORONTO CF VII nlahl ol lwlm durlnl UM utkly unmet boxlnn card It W19 th coupli clherrlilulhuil Illncd or lm money ll ho alllulnl openlna nprlnu ruin Inn druw dam 14x55 cut Chitihflfldl who won Imu or llulllrmra In mo whun lha Odom Ilnhhcd uc to 5000 compared wlth lho csllnmcd I330 ay yccqlved 11171961 Everything was lavcydovey when mu Danll tho fleds pruldcm nnnounccd Jayl slgnlng yulndny Conlrnc Imus were not dlxcloud but Dqu said Jay wns glvcn very lublllnllllA rum The blu rluhlhandcr held out year Ila Imr hL 1110 ord hclped win lho Nallonll Lanna pcnnnnl or Cinclnnall In MI He didnl Illn unlll alter the sum spran lnlnlng and Illhouzh he again won Li gum the Red Ilnllhed third Night Twists 0n Boxing Card NEW YORK AmCincinnati Reds didnt wade any Inn dicksring with Joey Jay his wlnlcr Ho must carry ï¬ve pounds more than JGW Stablea Rldan at and six more than Hm beau Farms Beau Pu 10 al In the Hialeah teal The weight were assigned Monday MIAMI Fll APJBohcmll SlabIe Kelxo champion horse In the Unlled Stale or he In Ihm yam has been mlzned 131 pounds or Saturday 3100 000 added Wldwer Handlcnp at IV miles Rinks skipped by Mm Grace Ough and Mrs Barbara 5m romped Io lhree easy vidorles en Nut he dmxblerink ï¬lle In the Hnflwith Camp Borden Army Barrie on 234 Early Bards Mn ha District play dawns of Ontario Silver Tankard competition last night at the curling club hen Joey Jay Receives Substantial Boost Kelso Grabs Top Weight 1mm ls mamas dou rid Tankard play at the blennk wiry um won Dls Inca curling club yesterday Barrie ladies Top Tankard Pluydowns In IOEQIIH Imll um um téMi 13mm am In mommame Id um um DIo Am plmd lhlnl min In helhruqulrv lcr mlll Ind MM In flu mi flu mlla Mmln mu be Ibo Ilmlc 01M Wu un and Dull Ann Mm ol nu Imomdnlly llod lnr flulnl apal In Uu lnhrmodllle leln dlvlnion II II Cnnodlhn ï¬ned Mullnl Cmmplomlpl ll KH rhum on tho and Norm Coop mind the lam lo luv Jun Ihn shutout Judd Linden nl IrMord and Juan Kildwn Schom lm hookcd up In gullu durl In lhl Nor York Girl why Leann will In llllnrl mum wlnnmx on In lmrllurd Mom Dale Rnne Ties For Third Place lhlnk Key Edmonxml with lhnl In My hlx awn cluu ullh lha Arum Walk mln Wu nover uflmd lhvm In high lnr mu dell Mnybn cllhl nlmu wm men loned lrado ball lnuludlnfl thl III In lho nflunnl Mm bul hr cerlllnly werent all to bc Inc udr MONTREAL GP Ttd Workman Monlml Mourlle ï¬refldrnl Monday night drnitd hnd ever oilered elzht play In Edmonton or chkn lnrkcr Goalies Duel Ht Bradford LEITy relld pllcher or has Ankle Dodger last season lixnod or nportcd 522000 of $2000 It was Indi cnlcd howevcr that 11 Sherry muku good Illrler ha will lrecclve ngw conlracl Johnny Blanchnnt reserve catcher or IM world champion New York Ylnkcu aim look reported tul In 204000 and In lh American League but dumped lo 15 In 1961 and only nlno lust yur ï¬ned for In estimated 6000 cut or Ibpnt $3000 Als Workman Denies Ofler Army 12 rï¬vvnla la Barrie 27 Mldland 15 FINAL Barrie 13 Am Mrs Smflhl rink Included Mrs Mnrlon Smith Mrs Belly Nixon Mm Jane Young Mn Ough had Mrs Audrey Webb Mrs Beuy Clyne and Mn Mary Iiéinlï¬Ã©h Borden Armr Mn McEl my 10 Mn Tobin 1111 de feated 011an Mn Holme 10 Mrs Vlrley 545 SECOND ROUND Midland Mrs Walton 11 Mrs Hastings MD ddealzd RCAF Borden Mrs Reid Mrs Gray 1217 Barrie Mrs Smith 13 Mrs Ough 1H1 defeated Penelnng Mn Thompson Mrs Trflsbeck Zv7 Elmvale Mrs ï¬nney 12 Mrs Rllchle MA defeated Allislan Mn McCIxua Mrs Swanson 7H Following Ii complete list of mum it domed Midland 1715 and Pcnï¬ang 317 giant mm mm wmxm mu4 cum on Middle flunk rd clunmplundn III cluhl Wod nud mmrm In no un xml who unlkd back from Elmk hon Id In IIIM In play Maud Aw had my mum Coul ml Gaol Dims 511mm Ln IkI MI rlnk cl Jack Iynn Humans ml ISM look In lhl mmpluqdflp III gluhl Wod mnplwll drlnlod Gard NM lluml rink of an Simrmn Im dy Mumon am John Ilodlm on Sundry lnr mm In mum lurrlo In On Cam 00m HM bklppM 11 Jltk ml Ind Juik wm ellminmd m1 Cl F01 WIN mp mm Inul Merv Wku nml Chm llc Julrdl quaIIHM In HDNMM Harlin In no CA Calll whip emlon wlth mum plan nl Cooksluun an ï¬lurnlly Feb II Dlvlllnn rm Mayo wfll In nl Canm Honlrn Army on Man with pmvlmlal nnm Oak vllle Hard lllvlllon mm DIV Mm In Mnncr lIllnvnlo Mnrdl MI Max Slcclo ï¬t umpim The pmviminl llml lmolvln tlzhl rlnkl wlll It Olhnwn Mnrrh Zfl IN OLTI 11m Barrie rlnk 04 any Mldula Iklp Mrs Ircc Dual John Ouxh and flatly chle go In Midland lamormw ho DMIlon playofll of In 0Mth Curlinx Amcluionl Rm Dow mmpdllkm They hm ho rink or Dr nod Idmn nklr Mn Helen Idmn Hob Neson and Mn Dally Nelson In Um Inn Hum elthnnm playoff lnr lhu riuhl lo mm Unrrlo Curling cum In II III pruvlnclnl mlxed mm Michies Group 01 To Midland Another gums law Keno Ont wln lhe Long Distanc Trophy with vidary uvzr Kemville NS Thu trophy pllayed Iorby glgq teams from ihé polnls Mrs Dorothy Slronach wile the mayor of London 0111 piloted her team to cameblck vlclmy aver Wexford Tar onlo suburb less menu automatic elim Inallon with 64 teams lying or the final game Saturday Forty xllll In contenllan afler lhrce days of hockey Sevenly names are played during lha week Toronlo York whllewnslwd Ville St Mlchcl Montreal lub urh 90 and Scarbamugh over powered Troll lllvleres Once we while Toranln George Bell won comparative squeaker healing Montreal Laketh 5L Toronto Teams Open Victorious QUEBEC CF Toronto learns won Monday night In Una annual International hackey tvumamcnu here Front row from left Mn Marian Smith Mrs Barbara Smith skip Mrs Grace Ouzh skip Mrs Audrey Webb Back row Mrs Jana Young Mrs Belly leon Mrs Mary Hamillon Mrs Belly Clyne Examiner PM to lrwfdrély Icpanlgd LARRY SHERRY $3M