Ml Homemaking Club are now belnx ornnlzed in South Slmcoe this time to lake the project Separates for Sum mer Leaders representing clubs throughout the district at tended the lwndny lrainlng Schonl whlch was held In ha Muslnn Library The purpose the ceum wax to ncqunlnt the leaders with to project and In discuss enchlnz mclhndx and general 4H Home making Club policlu Plan war mad or the Achlcvemcnl Day which In Ichcdulcd held in lhe Berlun Communlly Hall on May mh The Trainan School was conducted by Mrs Margaret Tnylur Home IIrannmlst for Sleuth Simcne and Dumrln CounA lea The ollowinu leaders nllended the Tralnlng Schmk When February snow an cold and deep new spring hat can he as cheering as tulip This chapcau wllh it many lawn of nlflened kulle Alllslon Mrs Linpr and Mn Humid Nlml anlcr Training School Held In Alliston Tho mman Crnlxhum Wo mnnu Inslllule wnl held It lhc home Mr George Klrlnn Mrs Coward commcnhd on the 11mm Truly he whu laugh lnsll no call was nmwmd by Mlfllsllun or can mu on Each mtmhcr gun curv mu event PROJECTS cm llcumd balding mpper lo rnlso mnney1ho mul cr wm put our to the nu mcvllnu Mm annnl mm ran vcnrr gnu an Inlcmllnz Inlk an nod polmninl and poiwnlnf mm lunuschalrl lupplm Len lrlI nn nm nld ln cm poll cninz we passed oul and In mldulc kll dlsplnyexl quiz on Inle nod hundllnu brought Craighurst Womens Institute To Discuss Canadas Obligations SPRING CHAPEAU Na Mrs Edith Dickson Baxter Na Mn Neil Mar ris and Miss Put Morris Bee ton Mn Butt nnd Mrl Stephenson Bond and No Mrs Alvin Smith and Mn Bert Moor Bond Head Na Mu Huts Stoddan and Mrs Jack anp Holly Mrs Mom Ind Mn Fisher Ivy Mrs Rlchud Price nnd Mrs Gordon Sturgess Knock Mu Herb Shannan and Mrs Don Dunner Littles Hill Mu Stephen Furyk and Mrs Lac kle Newton Rnhlnson Mrs Roht Suttord and Mrs Harold Melcall Stroud No Mu Gordan ï¬x and Mn Nelson Watson Slroud No Mu Craig Hunter and Mrs James Guy Strand No Mn Jenn nos and Mrs Lloyd Webb Thornton No Mrs Reid Thnrntun No Mrs Dhmn and Mrs Ftnkbclner Churc htll Mu Ann Kempcn th ford Mn John Itlchlrdl forms high round shapa which is handed by Neck vein ribbon wonderlui lea hat in bright spring colors and sophisticated cocktail charmer in black very Inlmslinz and Inform Allve Pragrflm lg Is Fllnl or flu Drpl Azrlculuxre run duclnd course In Copper Tool lng Nclve Indies met at ho home Mn Harvey 0nd and under Mln Fllnls vcry capable lnstrucllon hm llmr uughly enjoyable llme crmllnl plm pendnnll pllquu and pILnlN 1111 WI be pot luck lupper mullnl And and mum mnvflcd to attend Thu lcbrulry mccllng will be hclrl on Thundny lhl wtnly Ilnl Mn Slnlonl hams Tth will bl lama diltuulnn an lhe Farm Forum bmmlcnll Frh Ind mlrnhlrl wm rrmlnded hrlnl Mun on Cnnndln Wovld 0blllllnnl Fcbrunry lb when Cupid 15 king for day 15 an ideal tlme In pas limit heartwarminl story husband proud of his Wlffll slimman rugrcss and just the lncenlve needed lo bolster hcr morale when she stupped loslng The wile re To help some other home maker Im passing along my progress repartl went on protectvs dlet and lost qulta steadily32 pounds In all But Alter that was hopelessly stnlled III is tough to keep BY lng when the pounds slmply will not budge Naturally my eager ness tor dletlny dwlndlcd to mere pretence 01 course you can xutss whst happenedml hsrd lost pounds started to crggp bask on KEEP IN THE TRIM My husband couldnt help but nollce that my appetite was lncreaahu He didnt mention the diet but instead quickly Iumsled that It was tlrna or me to hnva lovely new dress Well really good new dress lam event Imazlne my joy and exclu men when discovered needed dress two whole sizes mallet than the size had worn or years My enthusiasm or diet and exercise came back that very dny The good new young Borrte miss captured three Hm tn the Toronto KI wnnls Music Festival held In the YMCA CollegeStreet on Mon day Miss Shlrley Groh dnngh tor of Mr and Mrs Henry Groh Bowman Ave won her awards In following clams and accordion solo 12 yam and un der nccordton 1010 13 years and under and accordion duet with Ernst Baumgarten or 12 years and under Rex Hollett two llrsts or accordion 1010 or 11 yours and under and accordion nnlo lor 12 yem ayd under 1rd pH won by Ernst Bnumgarlen accord lon 1410 or nine year and un der Judy Patterson accordlnn solo or 11 yam and under Judy Fallenson and Ian Poll nlkoll uplured mini prize or Incordlon due or 12 year nnd unden Barrie Miss Wins Firsts The Bahia winners are all nudenlu of Ihe Canadian Acad emy of Music Crown Hill Senior United mmch Woman held the Fter ary min and elecuml of of ficer at be home Mrs Cough Mn Gordon Dunsmoro Ind Mn hnck condumd the db ï¬lml Mn Swilzor mad the minute and mm CIICQ Following are lha an leader Mn Dummore mistlnnt let legndy Pm correspondent And 55 mm treasurer Mn Cough flower commluu Mn 11 lldridkc Handy noan commJuce Mn Duns mom Mn Sutton Mn Smlth Swllzcr audl um Mn VIoIn Amnloy Mrs Ncwm planm Mrs hlck mercury Mn lliswflxcré treasurer Mm Mna Dmry Crown Hill UCW Elect Executive hoslcu Mn ll Swimr Imod relmhmmu IfDieting Becomes Chore Shop For Smaller Sized Dress IDA JEAN KAIN Cant Beat Natural GAS that have started lasing again and Inland to continue unfllI can wear my perfect size which 14 know can do It and now have jun pounds to no Incidentally when our Incidentally when our rlends comment on my lost weight and compliment In on my new sure my 11th look at me proudly Wanderluli There is an under standing hel mate 0i course it was small ng iar deeper than pride that mm led the hus bendl timey sit at new dress He knew It had not been easy lor his wile tn take all those 32 pounds and restrict hersell to small eervlngx oi the flood and Ihe cooked or the iamily We always more dllli cult lor thehamemeker or she la around sad so much oi the limeshorspinx lor load pinn ninzmee and preparing load He sensed haw deienled aha would feel ii the pound came hack on It was lovethe mast powerful iorca in the world that prompted him must ithnt his wile shop for new dress After welghl loss at or 30 pounds shopping for new dress alwayx flood idea Then nothing like lulu yoursel in drm size or two smaller to buck up your Ipirlls and give you the 11p needed to finish the job Sud denly you know you can do Ill omn BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY II 1963 You No very capable Brownie Second Anderson Pork WI up to Guides recently They are Jennfler Gllkl Ind le llodz Then why were pinned an by Mndnm Commissioner Mrs Nora Amber misled by Mn Rogers of the Second Gulda Company RCAF Guides And Brownies Plan MotherDaughter Banquet No niew slurs were ap pointed January Susan Hun and mu Hancock while Shaun Gllk and Pamela Guudct wen mnde mandari Karim Dur din was awarded her ucond year star The um Folk are busy mak lug Puma Men In one at helr mu pmjecll Ind plnco cards or the annual Mother and Dnufnter Banquot which take pluco later this month Memben lhlrd Anderson Park Pack have bcon having busy tlma Inlcly They In ten jnncum wllh the olher iwo Puck enloyed party wllh znmcz llnl longs skl and Still OTHERS FROM 50 50 50 EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS in nkumm uu ml 12M or $1000 PA 57 treats The iiiulhara Group Oommiltee mdor chninnan ship Mn Julia Gillespie was responsible or this Each Brow nie donated while Kilt which went to fill hampers or sev eral naedy families in the sur rounding district Sculptor Mrs Ethe Rosen fleld holds mm her works on cxhlhldun sale 01 can Tawny Owl Bianche Halikal was presented with her Guld Warrant by puma Oom mluloner Arum The January highlight con listed npcclnl presentath Golden Bay to Llndg Lam Inmnn and PM McNaumam Fin yum slm went to Pamtln Gntlen Pat McNan and Mud Lamlnman wllh sec and year mar 201m to JoAnn Dawson new Necnlc wns welcnmcd to the pack Diana Hagen 1h Fchnmry meeting of the Guide and Bronlc Mothers was held on if at 830 pm lnrlha Guide ML McKlNNON FURS le 111 Dunlap LADIES You Mu FINE FURS Heller For NEVER TOO LATE VANCOUVER CF VnnA cauvera new Swlu consul sug gggg that whenynmen won the xiih lovole they were pro nouncing Ihe death sentence on the an of chivalry Only three of Swllzerlands 25 canton have cxlendtd lhe Em while In women and alnce the question auflrnge remain an lune In his country Waller lflldlernmann undershnd fbly dlplomnflc In dlscusslng Womens Rights Killed Chivalry temnorary an the Mun real Muscum 01 Fine Arls Its nover too late follow Amicame urge says Mrs Any woman who pays Iaxcs CARNIVAL lllï¬lllJflllTfl FRIDAY wn Iudo pm mm Dllplny pan MornIn Hum II III III Wlllu Imh VII lllml onlnl um 11mm wmm unlul nun Embnly 50 DUNLOP 51 EAST Shnp nl Valkcrl winr gnml mn In nxhlnn no oxponslvn WALKERS HIV Fun The Cunlvul Thu Ennh WINTER CARNIVAL this applies parllculnrly to sin lle women He adds however heros an other slda to tha question Men try to be the muted orv but if women want to havn the mm mm men they dont need the protection any more and this could be Ihe rna son why men are less polite than they used to He goes on to suggest that mnny women lhlnk politics in mens busIness and um mar fled womans plan Ll In the home looking after the tnmlly But he concedes lhnt In Swim rlnnd momwomen will In time win the right In vote and that its pmbath good thlng all nmnem whd was 45 when she um picked up hammer 921 $1119 elght yam axe CF PM kaonm You To Burrlfl 1lh Annual Hal ol Will lrul park Ind Elhlhlflanl lllll lglmuflunll Do MM Rum pm omcm 0mm CIlfmunlu MTu in II mo Noon To wunm nub In mm EVENING N15 Em Amu mu Tm should be able to vale and FDR TOMORROW Samewhnt advme upecu make It advisable to avoid emo llonallsm and pet bickering now These enlafle In strictly mum pursuit should Ind III IpIrnuon under llne stimuli hawcver FOR THE BIRTHDAY rruwvlu our blrlhday your hornscope ndlcate that clrcumstancer whlch yau hava created yoursall through careA Iul management um and money nnw place you in pas tlan to reap llne reward or past ellarls Racognltlon ol nur skllll and talents Along nth Job and llnanclnl llnes In the liars wllhln two weeks and your praxpect hr the next twelvs months Ire excellent when buslnm and monetary matters are concerned ln personal allalrs dlrcct your ellmls toward mnklng new conlncll and cemenllng old Ilel Ilnte he good wlll olhurs can bring you much happlnnsa during lho comlng year Look or some unusually pleasant new of senllmenlal nnlura In early May and curly June also ln September Home and lamllyr matter should prosper or mm the year ahead but do avold anx lelyl and nervgus tension in Au gus chlld born an his day will be senslllve agreeable In per sona relationship and could succeed as must versatile writer considered sun he raises on ï¬nal qucsliun If women We the same rights should may not hnv Lhn same responsibnluessuch as military aervlcn THE STARS SAY IUNDAY ill 11 Your In New Couture 85 Roban and Sams Collier SI mm Mme Imum ht plul mil of IN Epeclll unmle mun loromuu rem Tan Onto Exchemem By ESTRELUTA me Th Lending Ell Etylllll PA 60211