Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Feb 1963, p. 2

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Mum tan uI flinlmn In Mm Imam VI unn ACTIVI Itll Alumlnlllm Aunt Avrmll Dow Ham IIIMIIIVII lhn Ilnudl mermn um vaI run lmhIlrllll nu In lull up UlllHIn an when noc Ilm mun Mumva 6010 ma om II rumM lmmlul run Im um In Im ram Conum lInl nl mu hl Mumn rm mum Alluml um Alumlnlum mm In nu vu The PIHRNMIH Conscrvullva nomlnnllnn cnnvrnllnn or film we Nnrlh will he lItId duran lhe wuk nl Mulch anom lnn 9chnl upld lmlny mll yrnr he mmtnllnn will hr lwld In IInrrIr Imdnnumbrr he Dielcnlmker cnhlncl II muran In nllxlrm llue Irin lnlu wlm nllrmL Tho munch aid Mr Cook Is nonprofit ornnnuallon wnnd and npcmlld by Onlnrla Happen primnrily or lho hand ling and orderly markcnnu he Iur lmrvrsl flowink bu mlu have In crmcd lmm mono lnr lhn hm Innsnn the orgnnlmllun The dclnga mm Darrin Included Mr and Mrs mu Slew nrl Pclnr and John Myers nnd lhcir winx nnd Freddie Pearson lrum Mincsing nlom with Mrnand Mrs Cook Murc lhun 1000 pcrsnn ab ended lhe gnla lwndny event Mclhods lruppinx and dis lenys of nll ur beam and mndlinl me ur wcrc nmun some of lhq major ex Llnyd Conk Barrie was cl eclcd President the Ontario Trunpcrs Assaclnlian lhe an nual mocling In Nurlhflny Mr Conk has solved on he ssociminns board of director lnr six years and last year was made vi ur rm mm r10 nmm PC Nomination Early In March Followinu this message orig lnnfinx in he slricken are were passcd an to the various counties requesting lha mobile rndlo equipment be moved to areas lacking lclcphnne communica Radio Station CHIC In Bramp Inn originated request 101 as sistance to Peel County Emer gcncy Measures Organizatlun whlch in turn contacted the Pro vlncinl Field Officer at Newmar kel which npcncd up the Pm vinclnl network and eslnbflshed communications wilh all counties VBIXFiPEi Operation Snowflake is an ex ercise in test radii communica tions systems in seven counties it was designed Io simuiam the type emergency whch could be creaied by cc and snow sorms which cauld crlpple leicphune communication and power lines in he Duifcrin Cuun SimeonBarrie Emer Measures organization swung In 10 actlnn yesterday in Operation Snuwllnkc Vote Barrie Man Trappers Head yesterday were admiring City Palm Ed Tschlrhnn he was trying on cw toque hurrying not In to the picture Unloxtunalcly he EMO Branches Join In Exercise Snowflake HIESE SMILING ladle mm Mal TODAYS STOCK PRICES nnwllrd mi 1m 1m ngt Em I1 Lllll II Filly lmm rm All KIM Flynn ll nunlnp FL Im Hll Inlll mm mm In mam Ilwml Ull gm Mln Mun mm Nu 1M Nlrlll mum humm rm Iy cm mu ull youum INDURTRIM MININU Ed Crown rrluminn nfllm lnr Slmcno North lnld It WIII rtporlrd Ihnl dtpuly nulcm rtulvc 340 allowance Thull more lhnn lwlte Mm lhry nc lually rrcr ha IIIIIL Tho Samcuhm IIMIK lhn llnz mmtone nppnrrnny lrlcd to make depuly nlumlng nllltcn nQthllr rlrh Buyers come tram all over the world at lhe nucllan sales held every month In North Bay when the nssoclnllnnsn warn house In located The nssnclnllon not only slrlvc or he hlghLst quullly nf workmnnshlp but also rmmmcnds seasons and rczu Inllons lo lho Drpnrlmcnl Land and Forms Mr Cook Wonivccnd prize or the but mink the mccllnu and Fred Pearson won flu Dunng as we yam Ihis nssuclallnn has been lhu driving power In holler he qualfly all Onmrlo lur lo he exlcnl hat Ontario wild fur nolad lhroughou the world or that same qunli was in operation about 17 years ago lo an csumalcd figure of 0va $600000 or 1963 ncpnrts on the ciliciency the Exercise were encouraging wilh all seven couniin being In camplclc communication with one nnnihcr The various coun Iy networks reporicd good can dlilinns and solid communica Ions Operaiion Snowflake was planned exercise with direct ing slaii knowing the iirna and dnie when evenls would take place it is pile exercise es iahlishing naiicrn inr iuiure activities oi his kind In he near Iulure an unan nounced Excrclse will lake tionx establishing link or emergency purposes it provided tor important information re ganting the emergency In be transmitted outside the are requesting assistance supplies and oqulpment to relieve the condition Operation Snowflake confirmed for several hours with the my bne radios belng moved mm time In time the need arose Deputy Officers Not Really Rich Pxnlninu his own pmllnn didnt make it in time But he wasnt alone Lwa of the girLs didnt make either But its the spirit of he mlnx um counts Mm the left Mn Jenn Baumhy Mlss nu muv in um nu Naundl NO um mu Mrln lolr KlIll II Tun In In Iln hum lnlIm nu wmu um umm Album gum puny Id Till Ended ler and EL nu lehd uv by city In llmk lhpy twannlly decldrd one IM In no enwuh Io My Ibmdnmd mu filmvilla car In flunk Ind unqum mm Cnnflnlll kll Medal II and ulnlml nmflwr me up mm mu Cum hm 1mm uvaIM would In mlm lnr main tu mnnufmurinl mmwmy lhcy ninln tlwm In mu IN mm mm llrurhvllll lo Hnrdu my lint alrlrd ntmllnl lo poll by plrllnl up lull model rnr In llpmlnfllr Mnr Wmtltlnrk and ddvlnl In mlnn Hum may mnmlnmed nnsy Hum picknl up mm Ilr mum ur later yur in lveflnn ml dmn In mmmnn why my mum vlwml um um only lo up nmflm Mr llm umc main my mm llnmu In run Irenl uplnlntd Mr Crowov lhe Allowance or poll nn IncaM nl our nu yrnr Ilo nlm rccclm lnr rnch advance rurnl poll In crfm ovry Mr Crow uld lhnl ol prank hum npplled or drpuly rum nnlfllonn Ilncl hurlnl IM mum mml Mr Crnwc said ha mclm 55 ccnu nr vcry urban name an lhe preliminary volml IIIl mcnnlnfl In III llmso Mrsgm In Dun and Culllnl prim nr lho heal hmdlcd no man pelt Juveniles Love Cars Many 01 this gron are native In the Amateur Rad Club and an Amateur Radio Club be ing formed In tho county In con junction wllh Slmcnellnrrln Emergency Measure organiza linn EMO headquarters Is now conducting further communica linns course under Instructor hues and is expected they will have warklnz team of no fewer than 25 qualified radio apexaims SimoneBarrie communicallans personnel will lake part In his second exercise and is hoped to use In their equipment in the exercisn place where the participant will not know In advance either the date or the time nclIvitle will cammcnce They will have no 1ch as to he area In he slrlcken or he movement vehicle Involved Thls will pm vlde reaflsuc circumstancns un der which to nsscs the value of the conununicatiou nah AD CAN SELL MANY ITEMS plane yaur ad simply dlal PA um and lrlcmlly adlnkor will nsslsl you In wording your ad Ida Rawn Mrs PM Owens Miss Anne Butler Mrs Flu Burrows and Miss Josephine Blair In the background Miss Muflyn Bmokea Rwy an 6in Hall employees Ex amincr mm Why not sell Ihm unwant ed household arllcle or quick gush with Want Ad Even sellan xenllnmana me 42 water is easy And In with an Examiner Want Ad Mrs advcrllscd lhl Hem rnrcnlly In lhe Art cle Fnr Snle column The Exnminer She rccclvcd our rrpllcs and sold the ml 12 qulckly as mull at her advefllsnmcnl Results such as lhis are typical wlm Examiner Want Ads ley Inn mum in firm IyquII Hmpnlnl lvmreru lum nmul lor nl mulhun Onlnrlu lnfllllll mume wllh ulwnl nonlnm wlmln flmwllll II mm In be IIIM um In mush mm IA Iulm MI man Hnnillnn EL Cnlhnlnu In Tmnxn Monmouth ilh Nixon on vncnllnn In Munn MI Nrulrk nklppml hh rink Art lnurll Will buy on lhr 0an Club mmmiflrn or Im mauled chlhlmul lwnefil hockey tuna Ilnnln ArtMu Lhprlll Hurubm Iklppéd hln rlnkrlor vfddry Imml will lnh mm Im ml uh mm rlnk mlxht lur 0w nemHlnnll ll Hum oclock Mm It now Craig Dr Cmulmlu mm lucklu SitHf Fuul mm on Frldny nghl Mn 00 up Frlrlly ukhl II llul IMIIN hnnl Hr II HUIy Tm and In lnnl orth neulny nldvl mup rham lumhlp Qunhlylnl 1M4 MEN or Inn llnnl Aflrr In Idmlulul mm mm illn umu Trawlanl nH Im Lynn 1m mp1 um mm mm mm mp my Mum WIN mum UM DuhI Km Skelly Mill Jnck Wflxh 104 Miller Crflll heat Fill Sulhorlnml Ill7 Art lowell bent Jntk Nixon 110 Cmimndm rink bent nrd Mlllvrl tourmme Thu highest murd rcparled lo lhe Cnnndlnn Jenny Cattle Club during the month January was that WIlInw Crack Sport lnz lrcnc In 06 day she prod uud H678 lbl mllk 7M lhl Mum cal 35 per mu lhorchy qullilylnz for Medal of Mull and Gold Medal Ccrlllicnloa Thlx cow dauxhlcr the bull Plnclm Spnan 1r for many yuan ln Um Wnlcrlon Unil Shu wnl bred And nwntd by Cnmrmn llundnrlch New llnmhurz In the underlinnll or OKedoTmphy Inst nlghl nt Barrio CurlinK Club lnnr rlnlu Im ellmlnulod in mend lngckmgt lay Shanty Bay Cow Is Top Producer OKeefe Curling In Second Round Anyone is years or older can purchasa ticket The draw 50 llcket will be held Satur day atternwn hy the Hun Brian Clihcart minister of travel and publicity for Ontario Tickels wlll be avallable stark lng Saturday It the lenlranca sales and on the in fur lhe cnunusy lllghl hy TCAl llckula can be purchased also at Ibo Camlul Ball on Friday nlghl Many cams are expected to be enlercd In the dog sled race this weekend One Inc cams owned by Robert Wehle mm the Elhew Kennels in Smlls vllle New York valued at $15 000 will no In Barrie comorrnw nigh This team win he led by Max maduke the national pheasant thampional Noth America The dogs are English pointers Stall Sergeants Jim Englgr and Buchanan Food Serv lce Company Royal Canadlan Army Service Corp School haulers will be out there to work an the carnival emblem lhe laugh on base wllh he inowrnan unofficially dubbed lr Br Flflcenyenrold Palsy Davie ol Grove Street East wlll also be dalng Mt of snow sculptur lng BaxHe Jnycee also lattempting to do an Ice sculp mt Barrle Ind Dislrlcl Assocl Inn for Retarded Children pmldcnl Jim ane right prcscnlcd an inllnn award In Map Emma owner Nlnxnrn Falls Flyerl hockey club Thu prescnlnllon was made for Mr Emms can linuud and valuable mlslnnca The Picasso In Ice will he ar riving mm Camp Borden Io mgfxyy or lhelg 1ce Isculplures lTflE BARRIEEXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1965 Ice Sculpturing On The Bay Is Winter Carnival Sidelight WEATHER RECEIVES APPRECIATION AWARD in Jamaica 13 MarIan wrll entertain Um shrdann at their home In the evening then Allard he carn lval arena show Sunday memoon Ihe visitor Ire hack ml ma ice helm gm Ing hack to manta at our oclock The slndvnls are torn India Pakistan Nigeria North 30mm Graces l1 Qucbgc 11 Ghana and Satulduy mnrnlnz entoup Ige will imu the Simon Coun ty museum to he followed by visit to the Ice Kempew all may to watch the outdoor cnrjnlval activities Th Unlvcrslly 1mm youths will arrive hem at seven oclock omnmw night to at end the Rotary meeflnx at the Communlty House Fvllowlnx the meeting the students wHI attendflm Winter Carnival Ball film Fmbauylclnb lo the assoclnllun The hnckcy boss has cnsponsmd benefit hockey games such lnsl nlkhll lgnlnlt Bay City F314 NIneleen orelgn student and one from Quebec will be guests Barrie Romy Club this weekend The flight wIll he hnld Feb 13 and the winners wul leave Bnrrle by Greer Trmsporlm Inn to Tamnolo T110 flight will take Ihem ovcr Barrle Botariahs Host Foreign Students FEATURE PRESENTATION SUSAN PAUL HUEHNERGARD OUTSTANDING CANADIAN SKATING PAIR SLED DOG DEMONSTRATION TUGOFWAR WINTER CARNVAL QUEEN DON CRIBAR BARRIE SKATING CLUB BEARD JUDGING CONTEST DON CRIBAR SKATING CLOWN BARREL JUMPING DEMONSTRATION KEMPENFELT TRUMPET BAND BARRIE CITY CONCERT BAND BARRIE SKATING CLUB JUNIOR PAIR ARENA SHOW WINTER CARNIVAl 730 pm OFFICIAL OPENING SQUIRT HOCKEY KEMPENFELT POWDER PUFFERETTES SATURDAY FEB I6II1 GIIa Family nghI Show DOORS OPEN 700 pm OFFICIAL OPENING 730 FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT AT FAMILY PRICES EXHIBITION BROOM BALL ADMISSION WHOLE FAMILY $100 OR ADULTS LOO CHILDREN 50 Mum monln MIII Conny Men we start talk about kndn we must relate our aclivitles tame and my free lrade policies proposed by the Liberals couldnt have much aired on tho scmndary Indus tries 01 this rldlng sald Mr Smith lle menfloned further that In th past year the Federal Gov He clalnu thnl devaluation has proved to be If morn Nb 55ml than any born pw gram free trade Mr Smllh eels thatlree trade ls of little or no value In lndusmes ln lhls area Haber SmHh Incumbent member parliament or Slm cue North will again conlcsl the April federnlelcdlon in mi rldlnx or the Prouresslva Conservg Mr Smlth tool that dwnlm atlon of tho dollar major ls xue In last Junes election has been of tremendmu value to secondary industry partlculnrly ln Barth Mr Smllh has successfully held the sank for the Conserva tives slnce he was Ilrst elected In 1057 He acknowledgm that he has lakun stand an nuclear weapon but adds that his mnln campalgnlng polan In the nu seven weeks wlll Involve what the party has accampllshcd for thy peqplq osimeoe North tons for sewn years Tha Rotary Club Barrle due work Iogflxly Smith Will Run In The ElectiOn said lhl mnmlng that he can dldales will be plckcd by dele zalcs Ihmughoul the rld lng There wlll be two from rush of the 109 polls In he rld lng It has nlrcndy burn an nounced lhnl Ralph Snolgrnve llunlm who lost In hls firsl bld or olecllon will seek the nom lnallon Perry Ryan Lihcrni member inr Tnmnlafipndina during me last sessian oi Pariiamcnl will bu guest speaker at the Liberal nominating convention to be held Barrie North Coilcgi DYE AIDS DDUIOIIS dye used In Internal mch cina diagnose so fluorescem ll cnn be dcleclnd when diluted by 0000000 parts In wnlcr naétéra Emmett mdéy by The Examiner said Huey have not had loo many calls about To be mar and the enemy the Asian flu the one Ihat hits two year nmnlng And according Io local medical men this Is the season for Ike bug to en its sgcond ycny If your throat starting Io Hold and your bones begin ache gel Nady or bout with Inlluenu adlan purpose mllflary lone malnlaln peace Ind ll ls agains this single purpose um the yequlslllon of any wu pon nust be tested Mun we must ask in and me whether the acquiring any parllculur weapon will con tribute to peace In the world Ryan To Address Area Liberals And ynl with his assistance as per cent oi the pwple of Cl nndn an payinglesa income tax than they dld iva years ago said Mr Smith and wu pay nuinlanliuily less than the United Sinai ernment has paid money to sis in um canslmclion or two new technical high sum in the ridinu two naw hospiuis Harms sewer project Elm vaias County Enurl finding10 Hons ume acnrl mvxrun Lbs Reglslq go and the If The Asién Flu Has Hit You Doctors Say Get Under Covers DUNLO ST 24625 Deluxe ltnckcrestln SevenHen Surtnce Elements Meltnl lllSpoc Elements Speclnl Im lleat Oven Conlrol Appllnncc Outlet Ktn Slte Oven Full Wtdlh Storage Drawer thtOt Door for Easter Oven Cleaning Removable lorcelnln DJrlQIl and Element rum MNHAN DrlSrIXowls and Elomonlhlnjis Nnlrp cram ed tango Inp ThermOGrlddc and Picture Win dow Oven Door Optional Exlrnn WINTER CARNIVAL yr smmrceh the CM This Is Brand New 1963 24 SUG 314900 $18995 SPECIAL HARDWARE QUALIW But while the doctors are not being asked to treat victims they are aware ihai influema is sweeping the area The big strike appeared on Monday when places of business first noticed some or their personnel was missing its been lncreay in all week report lodny Indicate the flu has hk lhsmllv loo and Is probany knockan People on of their rezular muflnc thmugh the county daclar said the way In com bal lhe to get to bed lake uspinns and slltk with the liquids the Illness We usually it called when Influenza hang on or more than few days said am dodor DI 5L Vlnun PA $5551 IIEBEII SMITH MF HOWEY ELECTRIC IA mm puu flle er Yuur tlccmul economicm Shocking Chances DONT Take

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