1115 mm wm canvlclrd In hm Anltlu lrdrml dmrld murl jury lvlnl May 30 Ml or nllnnpllng In Inwlc In an mnlmzl or Han Jonlnn when erlnn WM Mild wellmwluhl chnmlvlon In um Cumv 57 trcclvnl Zbyrnr pmnn Irnlrnco and WM Hnrd 0000 Fullowinl MI lvlul ho wan unl In Mmer Nan MI nupral alter Iho mun wu Alum hln prmncc In In An elrl nllkhl ml In hnrm lor ukln lmnnnl KM vmmn lrr who wnv malnr IIIHHI Al ullml lrlnl pm sharp For ERNIE WONCH him Concesdon Innlsï¬l Thwnshlp miles straight am of Hithway 21 or mile was of No 11 Hflghway SALE of mm stock impr mew hay grain and straw Also same household effects In cluding amiques Terms cash no reserve as the mm sold Hullotlawn Klnzslnn Sudbury SL lauiu Olhrrx Mum nrnlruru Nu upmm erlnrulny urnl Funk mum IAlrrmu 51 lhllldel lv lmllnz mannur yrm 010 up Tnlmnn ill Jr hlcuo lwm um rmlulrnl llw unw vr mlvunllnnll floxlnl hcyrnr msprndevl un wl 0000 ml JunHI Anlnlu mm 20 you nnduoooo Wednudzys Game Providcnm Wish Sprinifleld Cleveland Friday Gum Providence Rochester Enlem Pmlusloml Hullotlawn Klnzslnn Sudbury SL lauiu LT Am 3014 SWIHESG 2913 INNS 13191173620 N13 79 Buflaln Cleveland Piflsburgh Rochester 11m rullvl vnvrrml lhc um vhlinn Imlu Tum Drum nl WWI Cuvlnn AIHV II llh dunl ll Inurr mull la ruler lllmlual rnr Hm had Mn unlmced anm MN FRANCISCO MPlII 08 Court Appenln MI flmml Ihr rnnvlcllnnl ul Fran Cnvha larmrr undu umm boxing rm and Ihm mm or cnnuplncy and nrliun mm mun or dmd nl Ir Shulwm Ilnll Chltngo Ind Pllnle Manlnnl ImJIM Dcuuil mlnulcs Ont1b Senior Windsor 2111 1254135 Chalhnm 2013 1l9l IZHZ Woodstock 19 0193 169 38 KW 11 1N5 MD Ga 221 2216325 Vrdnudnyl nun Windsor Chanmm By THE CANADIAN PRESS standing Chicano wnn 26 Ian 14 lied poinll $6 Pnln Hucyk noxlun 59 Mnhovllrh Toronlv Frldnyl Gum Kingston at Sudhury St Au II Ilull0lawn Carbo Convictions Affirmed By Court Wtdnudnyl new HullAOllawa Sudhury SI Inqu Kingston INTERIOR Ind ulzrlor Wonk lnl Ibo In nflnhhlnl lulu Fm ullmm madam nm For In tunlm nlamullon lat mm um Younu mu experienced mm lndo Ind correct tho Illun mm Iho axperlulcefl wnn mm vnmhuhu mm mm mm pall gnn mm mu Box mm Vravldcnce Hershey Quebec Springï¬eld Balllmnre imhuiï¬ AUCTION SALE Sat February 23 pm Sharp CLARKS TRADEIN ANNEX 8335 Bayfield SL AUCTION SALE of full line of good used and new urnllum appliances and lam coverings No mserve Terms may be ar ranged Natlan Luqu Chicago 2614u15512666 Tornnto 2619 917214461 Mammal 21118163135 60 Detroit 22171313613857 New York 15 2810 182 40 Boslnn NM 16522536 Wednrsdays llullll Dehoil Toronto Tonllhll Cam Boston at Mnnlrcal Chicago Tornnto Mammal Detroit New York Boslnn EMPLOYMENT WANTED 10 HELP WANTED l3 AUCTION SALES By THE CANADlAN PRESS Ill Hellvuu Mantra NHL LEADERS AUCIION sï¬ Sat Februpry 16 IIERRY COUGHLIN AUCIIONEER may COUGHLIN Amerlun Lug Eulcrfl Dlvlslon Wale Dlvlslnn nd rgh er 3117 5173146 67 21 6168 171 48 15 30 3115190 41 17 18 176 194 41 Audioneer HOCKEY RECORD LT AN 2822117515360 2618 61851515 13231015116356 2323 32031735 1215 715719151 NIKON CWTom Vcrth Iommr lndhnn Unlvmil lemmcr now unending Un vnnlly Tumnlo II Cunn dlln record for lhu Mynrd nuler In Vnnlly deluded Unlvcnlly Wultrn Onlnrin HZ In an lnlrrcnllruinlu Iwim mlnl mtcl Wednudny nlxhl nu linl ur danllm Iludenl ducked dlum mu Vtrlh ahn pincer Inl In mylrd lrrexlyln nd Wu member nl Tnmnlnl vlclnrloul wontI Imnyll relay team John Bucyk the null mnInI an lop he wilh 59 poinl camprixcd null and nucyk Huston Hnwc Dtlrall Oliver noslun Mnhovllch Tornnln Bellveuu Monhcal nnlhgnle New Yolk Mikiln Chimgn The My Lea loll winger gained his ï¬nalscoring lead pumping in his 2th and 29m markers to pull two goals ahead ol Howe Hawa nssisl pulled him lnlo ucondplace lie with Boslonl Murray Oliver wllh 57 point Howe has 21 goal mi 50 mu he Bruin star 20 oak and 35 usifll The NHL individual scoring race lightened up at Ihe top the resull of Frank Mahuvlichl two goals or Toronto Maple Lea and Gardic llowel assisl tor Dctroit Ilcd Vinns In Tor onlnu 51 va Wednesday nlght Jnhovllchl mnnce Jumped him mm ï¬lm In ourlh alal In he statistic derby with total 56 points Niagara Falls Montreal Hamllmn Pclcrbom SI Catharina Guelph Wrdneidlyn Resull SL Calharinc llonlrcal Tonlhll Glmes Montreal Hamilton Guelph at Pelnrbomugh Former American Sets New Record VANCOUVER CF The question of how well lila United States has been able to come back allowing the tragic 1961 pilne crash which wiped oui ll ï¬gureskating team will be an swered here this weekend the Narlh American iguroskating chnnlploqshi Tnnllhil Gama Galt at KitchenerWaterloo Under international 61195 cam is usually limited lo eight enmes Canada Is In dillcrent pasl on Because at her line show In at the world championship last yearno member ï¬nished warse than sixthshe being allowed to send the full com plzmem of Fallawlnu um championship here ham teams wlll leave 1m mcdlalely at Corlina mly or the world championships Feb 27 In March as had an cnnr mans rebuldinx Job to do since the crash in Helgiumw Also mm of her lap skaters have retired For the lhlrd mpsccu llve year he US will show total of skatersM en LrIeswlll represent the US and Canada In the ledfly cogpguugn benigming Fglday The nddlllonal member are being allowed the US team to give that munlry chancu lo rehulld 1L5 squad SOME RETIRE Race Tightens Up Once More THE CANADIAN PRESS My wlfo will wlnl In know banjo get than Ipull all my ml maul What in In your mum Serious Question Will BeAnswered Thu ludm Onlarlo API 5611 517511557 2112 9161171451 2015 817414443 171410126106 44 1120 91351315 512922119 Junior AP 2115 2037 213154 ll HUBERT llo Idtlnl In nlnlnnunl II II mlnu nIlrcllun on he lnlurlly at he nlflcinll nnd ll clearly In vlnlnllnn the league JIM MONTREAL CF lrul den Clarence Campbell lhc aniunnl Hockey lknxuu has nod Monlrcal toad Tao Dhfl 3200 Int mnnrk nham Ihc flrlnllng nfler Cnnndlcm Ion In Tnmnl anls Leah hm Jan 31 Campbell laid nlukel mum Implylnx Um nfllclnll had be on tho mu he unmu were cnm lrlrly unwanumcd and unlnunm IAldia Power rrlrrtnl Illa Ilarmy ma In which mm drew hrmh pumlly fnr pru lullnl Tonmln unnl 11w ipokesmnn mid lhe lwo wnuld mm uxnln Indny An Dllm spokesman Iald the mccllng belwecn Ivy and Adam was nrccd In cm aller nboul lhrcc hourl In Ihn Adam could nllcnd mmlhcr convercnce unrind out ngnesgay Canadians said spare gonna Cesare Mnniaga whn filled In or Planle in the Mine games Inst week has been loaned lcrn pomrily the Aces The move was being made In give mycar 0111104 1w Iclurncd to Houslnn hm day rum New York where he mat with cfliclals of Momma Alouetlex 01 he Canadian Itague lo discus he msslhil fly taking cm as general mqnng wad lho AlsA MONTREAL CP Coach Tue Blake of Montreal Cana dicns snld Wednesday aillng Koalie Jacques Plant will in all probability play In the nets when Canadians mecl Eoslan hue tonighL Flame has been bothered by sore muscles In he hip and grain in the Inst lwn weeks and mlssed three games with he ailment last week The club snid Hodge could tum to his hnme in he Manl rcal suburb anhim and keep in shape by prncusing with Canadians Mnnlngns recent play has left room or critlcism He al luwed 11 goals 111 he three games he replaced Flame and men was beaten on live ol the 13 shots on hlm In his in game hlcsday night with Aces 54 loss to Hershey HOUSTON MPlHcad coach Frank Alop Ivy and owner Bud Adam 01 Houston 0i the American Foclball League conferred or about me hour Wednesday but made no announcement con ctrning lvyllulurc Blake Baked For $200 Fine arson 17 is spectam ular roeskater whn ï¬nished second to Canadas Don Jack son In me lreeskaling at the world championships last year He was he only competitor in receive perfect score from outl ludzc saiy who wauld replace Planlu the veteran goaliejs uqablc In play Bu cxhbs5kcsiï¬ah said niosl likely candidate is Charlie Hodgg Qualqec A99 ggnlieyaha da meanwhile has de veloped Inloa world mun power Lorraine Hanlnn 17 Box on is the favored USvenlry in the ladies singics She aces her slinesl competition In Tor ontol Wendy Griner Canadian Junior must in 1959 and senior champion or the lost our years Tommy Luz ol Hershey Pa US mens singles champion is up against Don McPherson SLraumd Jncksonhas since turned pm Iesslonal with new an scnlor cham plans No Announcement 0n Ivys Future Ailing Plante To Face Bruins with Canidien Mrs Woollcy who has 41 record will go agalnsl winles Mrs Pczgy Morrison of Nor anda In the sith round of he championships lodav win would give Mrs Voollcy her second provincial crown In Ihc last lhrcnuyc Mrs Woolleys lhrccgame winning streak came to an end earner Wednesdav when Mrs Audrey Braid of Ottawa de ealed her in the fourth round Mrs Fursth defeated Mrs Morrison 75 Mrs mm and Féréyu will meet in todays other NORTH BAY CF Mrs Emily Wunlley of Toranlu moved wilhln an step win ning Ihe Onlarin womens curl lng champlunships with 98 win over Mrs Elsie Forsth of For Arth Wednqsday In second game later Wed ncsday Mrs Druid sent the Morrison loursame down In Ila filth slraIghl Ideal whipping lheNorgucxn 0nlario entry 14 TO MOVE RYEESON TORONTO CPlThe hi toric Eyerson lnsthute ol Tech nology hulldlnge will be demol lshed bolero the end ol March Principal Ken nld Wed nesday Sludante wlll move to new quartere along Gerrard and Victoria etreete when wrecker desecnd nthe Ste Jomes Square bulldlnge where Ontarios education system be gan 111 years one FREE 0N CHARGE TORONTO cPlA charge of stealing newspaper was dle missed Wednesday when lllengA rate Joseph Addison eald the detendenl Oetlen Fisher 35 former Toronto Argoneut loot ball plnyel looked like an tIemnn 1h magistrate with am lncllned to believe you did absentmindcdly forget to pay or ll APPOINTS Dime UPTAWA CPDDr van Sieenhurgh oi Ottawa has been appointed deputy min Bier ni the mines and technicai surveys department Prime Minister Dielenbaker an nounced Wednesday He has been directorgeneral ol scien tiï¬c services for the depart ment since 1956 He is nnlive oi anelnck OnL ORDERS INQUEST NIAGARA FALIS 011i 1C Coroner Dr Nicholas Pahran Wednesday ordered an inquest Within One Step 0f Taking Title WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF CHOOSE FROM DECORATOB COLOURS PLUS SUPER WHITE 01 WHITE PINK ï¬ll GREY TyflQUOISH IILUH DAYSONLY FEB 141516 inla tho denim our men killed niesday when their light plane crashed into ï¬eld near the Niagara Parkway No dais was sol icdcral department Inmpprl investigation Inla the crash is under way PIflSBURGH AHArthur Hartman principal at suburban North Hills ngh School closcd Wednesday that total 71 students have been ans pended week for violating good groomlng code Principal arm the crackdown are short and Light skirts ugh trousers and wild hair Ilyles bolh male Ind female The Tigm acquisition TIL nude in trade that sent Dick Brown tn Balllmore Oriole Is slrlclly gamble Trinndas feels the bat lhiug that ever hanpcncd to him was gelling away lmm the Orioles guess my mental almude got me down said the alyear old catcher when questioned about his shrunken avcragc The Orioles must havu got led up with me know was led up wilh Ihom NM FRIENDLY ENOUGH NIAGARA FALLS OnL CF Canadians arent friendly enough the lirai vicepresident oi lhe Canadiln Tourist Asw elation iaid here Wednesday night Pierre Dciagraveiuld Ihe Niagara Falls 0nL Canadian Club is shocking statistic Ihat about 43 per cent oi Cann dinn have not lived in 01 vis lied any other province but the an in which ihey reside LAKELAND Fla AmThe figures are distressingn 159 batting avergge and six home runs They mprestnl the net output last season of Gus lrL Indus once lured Ilugger Forget lhem nys mana ger Bob Schefliug whna caunl inz on Triandns as the Tigers Na catcher There are some nlher figures that nremm Im prasslve Guss weight ls dawn 15 pound lo Hes trimmer Ihan Ive ever seen him Remember series with the Yankees when we won live might Well they let mo catch lot In that and hit pretty well thought was starting to some out of iL But then was back on lhe bench No wonder started getting so hcav Feared Slugger Looks Impressive mucxs DOWN Weim©i©© 35 13 PA $897 INTERIOR LATEX SEMIGLOSS HIGH GLOSS FLOOR ENAMEL 25 ONE PRICE PAINT SALE ll IMb The secure mobile is no on he ladder success Instead he rides an escalatnr The secure mobile has been Identified by Dr Wilbert Moore of Princelnn University who ound many cxcculivcs In hr days monolithic businesses suc cceding lo moderate degree while never allempling or ex pecting to reach dizzying heights Moore believes many secure mobiles came out happier and hello Adjusted in he carporan struggle Ollcn the secure m1 bila like hl Jab and want to slny II He is thus far muro scrum NEW YORK AHThe on gsniznlion man lhe man in the grey flannel suit and other husl ncss slercalypn haw been joined by another The secure mobile He moves steadily Inevitably elloruessly upward He is con tent He 1ch low risks He does not get ulccrs Such things he leaves lo the slminur nm of the earliest Identified business types who labor up he ladder His findings were reported In Ihc business magazine Duns Review and Modern Industry THEYRE HAPPY But success 11mph even the secure mobile HES SO UMBER CUTTING TIMBER Secure Mobile Better Watch Out Doesnt Turn Sullen Malcontent Paul St Hllalre of Leon near Quebec City crcdned his employers wllh pm ucï¬on rate more than double the average per man In the area MONTREAL CF lumborlack who cut an av arage 87 cord of wood day In 1962 probably world rehord says the Canadian Inlemauonn Pa per Company Desplle the speed with whlch he use the mcchnn Ical equlpment however Mr St Hilalre has never had an accident company spokesman said Mr SI iiiinirgs ex tremely high rate of pro duction is due to the akili and perfection with which he handle his equip men 29mm MM number WM MMMM yuu mm mm IVWWI pm lm cl mm mm mm oomph lMMIoM PictumOlaft PAINT BY NUMBER SETS $447 Reg Price $499 Reg Price $540 Reg Price $540 Reg Price HOPE BC 01040 youre mad at Inching along In your car during the mnmlng rushA haur Your nerves are frazzled and the acrid taste at exhaust tumcs Hes heavy on your tongue ASKS COMMON LEVEL LONDON Onl CPIDr Hall prcsldent of he Un versin Western Ontario Wednesday night appealed or cumman level of high schual educallnn and unlvcrslly en trance quallllcalluns Canada Mara than 200000 pcr sons many of prlmnry and high school use moved mm one pmvince In another last year he mht ml Grade 10 In Onlnriu wn no necessarfly Grade 10 In another province THE man EXAMINER THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1963 ï¬ve lhought than to Jim Epglish He goes to work in vchlcle lhul saund like train climb like plane and is called tram take him 11000 fee In 11 minute 5000 those tee Leigh up gan tnkinl the scenic route In work In 1957 he has logged 13000 811 mile without ever lasing much with the gmund Alter ridlng Ihe escalalm each day lhe secure mobile sometime leels his movement has slowed ur halted He must lhcn step all he mmlortahl escalator and become slraln er lllnore says Not all strainers can achieve success Therefore says Mauro some point many at them be come sullen malcanlems condition that my Luther r9 lard progress To ra achlnvo coalenlmenl Moore says the sullen mnlcon tent may balanc the penalties as well reward la stealer executive power Thls ha adds brings the once happy secure mobile ln llle brink al admilllng he is failure Three times week English rides small acrlal tramway up leashlike cable lied to Illa neckuf pug Moulgtaln Life lhcn becomes more com pllcalcd Aerial Tramway Is Novel Way For 30 Technician To Travel FOR 61 sac IaAL VARSOL mm THINNER AND HOUSEHOLD CLEANER 12 PLASTIC PROYECTS FLOOR AND FURNIIURE DROP CLOTHS VENUS PAINT IS MADE AND GUARANTEED IIY ROYALIN MANUFACTURERS 0F IKOXAIONI DOWNTOWN English Is microwave ladl nlcian employed by the 80 Telephone Company Hi can the complicated apparalul nlop Dog Mountain just was here keeps live televlllon programs booming In West coast home and ensure hat longdlstnnce telephqna connec tion are In arder The apparatus L9 one in microwave lowers Ihat Ipan UH province at distance 01 sawmin apart The Viram English ride to work cast 3600000 and provide allwombat access lo the top of the mounlaln 100 mile east of Vancouver me the base to tha lop iv lnwcn cling to the mounlulnr side and carry the cables that support the car momma endless cable driven by an elm lric mm with gasoperaled slaqdpy uuiEprquls the car At times 31m English trav elling alana In his ram 340 feet abgveshcer rock Ha hasnl had any lroubIe so Mr allhouxh icing and Mimi anhonr winds creals problem In winter He isnt worried about such Ihing as power failures Shuflld one occur heres rope Inside and the Inslructlan manual saysUm passenger Just straps on the hnflnesn nndslepoul TO START ERIE FERRY ST THOMAS CPILou Perrlcn manager of the Erie Prnnr Chamber of Commerce said Wednesday new ferry service wlll likely be in anew Inn on Lake Erie by midJune The smear Mpasscnger terry wlll run between Erie and cllher Purl Dover at For Bur chl on Ihe Canadian share cos1 £600000 éenlrlrugal brIflung dgvnca lowers the brave one at speed three cat second BARRIE HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 COOP BARRIE OAL