Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Feb 1963, p. 3

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nw uni mu Ind lodwflou Hrll mi of llIrl rummlllru Iprnrrll lwrurr tauncll Inal xhl mklnn lnr tmluntmtnl Irlnlulkm Imm llw mum urnrvl uvor In the My llevrlmnmnl mwnmrclnr ramlvlmilnn all numcll In loll llml IIIlulu mull Iv Imlll In nnJImcHnu wllh In MN Imlvrully luv lhr Ilty 11 ltmlulllm mm In How Ilm llnnlu Vlnlrr limplny mm Humnlllrl lInI lmumnru In Hull City lmlldl tmlnva Irwlann fur In rllnlxlllllrlwnl lmllluin I7 mhnnluuy Ilnr llIr In Hmmnflfllluln Do be Ilisllrsml I0 mulh do Dunlap mm lwmx Mllltnmr and Hnylllhl ml the em nixlu llnylirhl urn1 appear ml UmeI he IInxlrr haxnl hm nmuml llllnu The 51an hrlnu left on hm mm mmmu lu vmvldn pnvlvrr mung or will In Um IINI 1051 mm mm Hm many lmluru Hm lmcr nrulvnl 11m mnhnl nmmilm han Hm public wlll Mar mm It In lull low mmr day Rvquests Council Back Resolution For Tech School Mr Monrhmuc mm llml mnncy was no lhn IM im Karim lnvtslmcnl by lhl mm the rnmhlncd mun Marl lnleml and loyully xllsplnycd hy Leaving Snow For Dog Races The sponsoring insliiulion church service club pnrcnlricn chcr nssocinlion or communiy group is him In l0 learn iinnup This is followed by Dialan Council serving ncmninn in itsignaled nron such no rily or rcxian Tile fiilh mnmbcr he sold in lhe Provincial Council sup uvlslmz lho dislrlcln and ions Lastly Um aninnnl Cuun oil is rcsronsibic in he dove Olimllll Scouling in Cnnmln slxmcmbnr mm cams the numeral storm The most Im porlunl member of mi lcam Inc boy second he group made up of 01h Puck Scout Troop and when possible Ravcr Crew Hr said Scuufing Is no dif ferent than any omcr group lodge or club run on national InnL or nallonal scale II lnkns planning orgnnlwlion and money cslnhlish and maln tuin over 6000 Well Cub Parks 4800 Boy Scout Troop and 500 Raver Crews 0Y5 FIRST Mr Monrhouse spoke mainly on the financial aspect smut lng and Had to answer lhe prnvcrblnl question Why docs muting require money Jim Greenough Introduced Mr Moorlwuso He said Since lL lnncpllon over 50 years ago seaming has gradually becomo an cslnhllsllcd lnslllulion In our national life an Integral part almost every community in lhe country mun atthe Rompenrelfxlfifiié Club In Barrie Doug Moorhuusc president the Kompcnlclt Dis trict Boy Scout Council was sgvfakcr ynslenjlay aller Boy Scout Week will be Cele brnled across Canada beginning FOIL 17 and nver 100000 Cam adian Scouts will participate in various amivilies during hat period ROY SCOUT WEEK receiv ed its first recognition In Barrie yesterday afternoon the Kempenlell Kiwanls Club dinner Jlm Greennugh left MEET PRESIDENT Explains Finances Of World Scouting unulu 11w 1y DNanmanl Cnm Iann In nlmdy wnrklnfi an llm MM Mlnlfllxhlnl unlvmlly lnr 1mm and In umlul MI rnmnlmrv III uh lulwl lnlrr In Hm mr mm thin th pwwll ru l0 In rslaldhlmwnl MI Immmu mhnnlm In mum uhlch ImlM Ive Men In lnllurnra Mun onvplnymrnl ul ullr nlllh and flu nmm nlhmlna nrw lmlullrlr nflw Ihhlrl mum pmrully lmlnl Inlllnlnl In llw LIIY vrlmmv mul me my nbmln In llnnlr VIMrr Irme Hm nmlvlrrnllml lm liv 11m rmmrll 1an ml lulvo dlslrlfl nfllcc or mldlllonnl ex Irnm Thin la 100 lmr rrnl mlunucr ntlanllnllnn Imd we mm In krrp III It nn 11w council llnunclnlly lup purls Dlllrlcl Sin whnsc lunc Inns are In prnnlnle looming In uur Dimlul IL Iva munbcr mull Mhlrh all ma mllnns plan lmlnlnx rourm rumlncl Importh nml krrp Smulimz hlgh lcer Ir Moorhunm mm ho mm til now owns loonrro mm loo ynnlx mm Inml bond on Imminn Hay whlc 1x all nmum wllhln lhu dlslrlrt vqglvmml 11ml Iy we had lo Illk linnnrlnl nsslslanco lrum he Unfitd Appm We are Ilamplnz nu type fund mixing whoreby prod ucl endorsed by mu unl arm We hm nIlcvlnle the ex lm burdcn from the groups Mm certainly have lhrlr Indlvldunl problun In rnlnlm momy or summer camps cqulpmcnl harl xm bnaka llnps nnd olhcr 1r xscnllnls uumu Unili ctniiy the council re iind on the Barrie groups iar ll iinnnccs To keep pace with the inertused growth oi scouting his proved inadequate and it I150 Ind in questionable fund rnising nmiccis by the groups to mccl iimir commitments uuuualnp mum Ins as undodale material campsites and Inulitlu la maln tnin membership and other cards where Dlslrlcl Conn Into the plclurc The stulcl Councll sols budget ouch your to cavex necessary expenses In order to hare rigamus conslnnlly expanding swullng program lherc must be leadership lr He armed Fur one patrol ll coals about $150 In lcns conk ing and camp cqulpmcn MANY VNEEDs The sponsoring body through the group committee and mm ladles nuxllinry undertake to prnvidc each sccllnn with an adequate mcolinu place and as scnllnl equipment Mr Moorhnuse said training In financial sellreliance In car ried Into the group whlch plans ils own budge nnd raises funds through waste paper drlvcs d1 plays concern and so an loo he added The boy pays his annual reg lstmtlon fee buys his own unl fnrm boaks campth gear and pays weekly due to his film He is cncnumged lo earn Ihls money himscl Ihcse person making up the general picture Without the help oi the boys and more 1mm 30000 voiunlear loaders scouting in Canada cnuig nul exist was former secretary oi the Kempenicil District Boy Scout Council Doug Mo house president of the District Coun cil for the ins two years ll sols up In raver In order canslnnlly Imgrnm up the VHNON StartaRefiromontJ Savings Plan TODAY H4 CANAflh TRUST HM Ilnxlell Army lhynlcnl Trnlnlnfl Crnlna llw mm wlll srl umlrr way nm nml lwlll In npen lo lho grnrrnl pub lc Suman Wlllulm lWIllle erlcr nnllunully lunnm nm The one dny mcrl wlll Include cnmprlllmm In lym novlto junlnr lnlcmmllnlo nnd unlnr dhlnfnnl In lmlll Imllrldunl and lrnm campcullom Gymnasts Meet Ht Camp Borden The Cnrnlval Pnrndo Fr day Mum and vnrlnus unltl round the clly nre prcpnrlnu During the past year he Na llannl Scam Hendquarlcrx In Ottawa produced over 3000000 The Nullonal Cauncll through ll cxecutlva commlune repres enlallve of all Prnvlnclal Coun clls dellnm the pollclc of boy xcoulsl The Provincial Council is mmnsibia or the organizatian expansion and supervision of scouting in the province Monty for he vaincini Coun cils operaiinns came mainly irom disirici quolns and is sup plemented by grnnlsi from tho vaincial Gnvernmeni and by bequesis said Mr iiioorhnuse IL Mniu hnlda dis lay 5111 dénoh In the varan members of the Nallonal Boy Scout learn The cub George Coulis Third Barrie Cub Pack and iflll LONG mums ON ME Ink 1110 mm wlll ho Juder by Amnlcur Alhlcllc Unlnn an uh nIrlclnlx ram annnlo Imd Ilufl momhru nl lhu Ihyllrnl Trnlnlnn Crnlm under Major ll HIM III nfllccr mmmlnd Mnic cvmptlllnu will vlo in IIX Olympic MCMI width In Nude lrcu cnlllnlhcnlu hnrl xanlnl hnr nrnllel bur Ida hum Illll fan and Hm lunl harm vnull Eunu lnr lhu zlxll Inrludo rm rnlllsfihrnlrn lid horn mull hnlnnrl beam uncvrn pnrnllel burn and vnulflnl J4 BAYFIELD 5T mm who II an lualruclar II he lT School wlll display the mu Ilnu whirh tor live you his mndo Mm Cunndlnn gymnast chnmplnm Hundrodl Pmerm To Choon From Many Slylo Colour Barrie len WWW um muul wnl dcplcl weed lknlcr llxtd in lhclr MIL Th mm ahnwn nlmvu In tho Junior Chamber ommerccjlqnl which will mm mm lng to grow 1mm cw scat tered troops lo its present strength of over 300000 mum bm In Canada and In pm lhe largest uniformed you mavcmnnt In the world today year pcflnd hm nnMed scout um Funds or pmvldlnz lhcse services come mm our maln sources he explained pml from the stores department pmvlndal quatas small od ernl grant and Interest on In vestments and sundry bequests This giganevnlvedflvgr 50 REPAIRING RESTVLINO REFINISHINO pieces printed material Over 500000 pamphIeL and 350000 pieces of mngazinu wen dis trth by tho cuqncll the mu ls Paul Ayme Queen Smut Tnhd Barrie Troop Mr Momhouse Was guest weak Examiner Photo UPHOLSTERING FREIATHOMI ISTIMATI nfllccr mmmnd Iron ha Haulbod with black bucklmund and leur lnel mum on ll lo pom1y winlcr cnmlvnl theme Thu cnllra bed will be lco conltd Man In charm of 0m prujocl in Whllcy Everlan Con Ilruruan the ml Mn done at Smith Fnrvn Dnlry For elderly nm con ml allcnu lIxrrllrnl lncllll or prime umlrpr vnle nnvl colx water In mm mm ul Num In numdnnca PUG Ln also studying by law nelxhborlng communi ties as Ihey apply In the water department Commisslnn mem ber hops to find helplul hints In them that would aid In up dating Allmonl waler works bylnnl Reports mm the lawn audl an are usually nvnllahle lulu In the spring sometime in May or June she sald Slnce ha PUC needs the financial prevlcw sooner Tomnlo nccounllng firm was engaged by he PUC la do This actlan came special PUG meeting last week Purpoxe of the report to learn whether or not enough mnney Is Ivallnbla to Install wa ter meters this your In he towns residential seellan sec retary Miss McLean ex plained ALLISTON SlamThu Pub llc Utllllles Commission hem expect financial repan on wnler dcfarlmcnl fund by its next men In March 11 was announced at tho Febmary meeting held last night at the FUC office STAYNER NURSING HOME smvusn om DinIn Ins nigth lengthy mule Ald Earl Williams who mumed Rte sale said development wen belnx close ly watched by other Industry in the city to see what councils attitude was when it came to misting industry PUC Wants Early Report MARSHALL Rog PHONE 11 wmv The turmoil arosa last night mm Finance Committee le commendation that Lakevbw Dairy be permitted in purchase pan of Paynlz street to Incl ate $250000 mansion pro llam Btlhe dairy operaludw exmnynr wmm Klnzie organs mmmiva anu uum ve ogmgn Ign ycmjsAto come Members Barrie City Coun havn tempered their enthus iasm to mist lndusL to ex pand 1n Illa city with Um no ugn that they shouldnt sell mad allowance heme HIE Xplzlgtmeed or lake rant T0 5911 Of th Sell £ouncill Problem Exnnilncr rhomi Mum torVIaka PIONEERED RADIO PAM ALTO CnlIL AP Cyrll Frank Elwnll plm ncer In dlmveflng and dcL choplnu rndlo cvmmunlcallnn dlnd Monday mu long lll ncsx Elwcll and Dr Lee do Forcsl Inventor ul lho vacuum lube In ma tnrrlcd an In first mdiolclcphuno test 51333 whilfilulituhlli mama comm up mmmm MN um III II In CNN nmclul vcry nstula business omunls said Ald Frnnk Hersey aw um um cued loo much at point because we still havent mlv cd of our plfcr The Canadlun Natlonnl Rall wayn has upped by $6000 It price for the sale of land lo Barrie lnvalvlng the property mm the old CNN statlon tn the loot of Maple Avenue The additional amount brlnz the Citys otlervttrpurcbase to nppmxlmnlely $126000 ll the sale goes thmugll the land to used for mmallonal pur pose and dountnwn parklng In mmmending Ihc nddlllannl amount last nlghl the Finance Commlltu stated that the cost was or the mlocating ol the communlcnllon win on llle CNltA right way When It appeared that some members 01 councll wen golnz to bo crlllcal ol the new prlcc Mayor la Cooke mmcrxcd dont lit to see the CNN 1m Man all BELL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES SOLVE MODERN BUSINESS PROBLEMS UA mm mm val Ik Heres how three more IPEAKIMHONE CNR Raises Ifroperty Price Md ra Hersey chalrmnn of finance would not present recommendations made by Mm 11 the land purchased In 1954 mm the my umu um Ads To place your ad sim plr dlal PA Hm and endly ad taker will assist you In wording your mes sage mum 12 fee or Poynlz street from Dunlap street to the OMB fight ofway The commltlee also recommnndcd that the ally re move the covenant Imposed an he deed preventing Lakevlew Dairy from bulldlng show gfound an the northerly 45 eel wu muu sum Mrs 13 You too will be pleased wllh the us ImmWam AD BRINGS EIGHT CALLS ww CH anged wiih pmpasa to send Mn Kinzlen request back to tho Finance Committee im urlller discussion special meellng will be called next Monday nigh in give innthat consideration lo the request me Finance Committee wen inlo council last night prepared in Ivcommend that council sell Eight calls were received Mrs Barrie 014 Iowan Inner Ian at an apartment or rent ad in lhe Want Ad secflon of The Examiner The apartment was quick ly rented Its not the lint Hma The Bani9 Examiner claa lined section has brought good ers 13 HowcverAld wnnamé nlonx majority coun 55 may member of mmons It In commonly mum that Iudl an Important post In trade and mmmcroc mnku ll almost mandatory lhal Um minister be Whllc no ahQquter 5an chlneE mlnhlcr be Senator McCutdxeon was ap pointed lo the trndn and tom meme post Monday by Prime Minister Dldcnbnker followinv nun mmm nlcimhnflr follow the sudden resignulkm of lormer Genrlo Heel Cummm Ml milw Mmuph Ia mumm The nomlnnuon mnventlon L1 lo be held In swme ngh Schnol darting at 130 pm We nr Phillips Shelbumc acting prcsldm the rldlnza PCA while Norman Wanilaw Sn II vncnlkm making program arrangement or the mnvemlon nacayr momma Nat wuph linu an yaw Men YIaubv Iaullny you mil Earl Rowes retirement three weeks bdom lhe Kovcrnmem fell gave his riding rm edge in mommame demon he added vuuuu cur spokesman for 1h Dul lcnnSmm Progmslva Cox scrlgnllygAssqcinton laid mw mum ghoul Hon Earl Rowel career MP forlho fldmg no candidaies ever owned him or the mm Norlmml WM WW mumxw as Emmi farmer and Gordon lawn Mll DIRECTOHI mmu nutum UllnIEVHIfl lnsuram agent who Is ram of Mono Mnsplp aqd immedi unul at inst warden Dullerix Co Jagnoa Mchgpe nEée men tram $53141 already seeking the nomination Eire Ellunod Ornnzevma ORANGEVILLE 15W Posshllme that Senator Waller McCulcheon newly appointed ed ernl minister of trade and com lncme will seek the ngmssive Conservative mmixmlon In Du erinslmcoe ovenhadowed pm partitions undemxy or the norm 115511 convenunn Feb 16 Slmllar calms wen voicod by Ald Charles Newton and Md Charm Wilson Ald WiL son said the day could come when the city might need Poynfiz sum as an access In the Day from ive had to do all ova again we would have never McCutcheorg May Make Bid In DufferinSimcoe Riding yluyfllj Al Smith suggest that the city Inlth ml the dairy the feet that absol utely needed for It expanxlon mgram andthen prepare covenant um would pemil to use file remaining city man 5741 my Klnzle purdxased 15 feel Inches of Poyan street from the city Now the dairy wants 12 feet mom leaving feels Inches 01 clulyL pmpeny mu Ev he rough sum and In re cent years It has been looked Mterfnllrely by Mr Klqzle Aid Munay Miiia viwchair man oi finance nrguofi that ii council went lhmugh with the sale it would mean higher sessmeni more employment in iha city and beautification oi the am He argued mom that ngnlx xireet would never hisicommiuea and Mnyor Les Cooke said he pnsumed from this that Ald Hersey was volins against the mommendntlons mm iwould lever mm In an ummll hlm Aumhvnmnm lqu IM wad II Iflr rim Nu Wnlnmtmlfllm Mldllulmluuma wmmv uer INmln Imamm wmlmvu uupu plmm unit nah Invanlory col1mm flow In amWI WRITE BY PHONE 15 POIIlka lives thou Comm uywnmnflKm Earl Rowe Unden nnt Governor 01 Ontario 11w Conservatives wwld wan to ensure Mr MnCulcheonI elec tion and DuflcrfnSinmoo In 12an been regarded an of In uwuu Commons scat hawewr Dul leflnslmcoe ls mgmled 100d Wflibflny as hu been bx hWWflfld lull some oiher appointee ii the Conservatives an returned on April In other words his rm urc Trade Minister may be only an interim one between now ang lilo election wnvuvuuvel 11le another party would appolnt ll own cabinet 01 he nun as minlgtgr Infam answerable in the Common or his own depmment Mr McCuldmn may bow evcr Servo Trade Minister only until the eicdioni At that time the Co rvnilve mix hm Md Hersey or having nothing to say on the muer think it time he cWm KM moving said Pressm groups at to be threatened Into com Gnlng said Aid William but the matter ls simply Do we an to he ind wiunnE took time one mm flze dismsslog to him Mr szie has stated simp ly that he has 100 employees and 11 L150 of expanding or Minx new Includes and he says that Um indusmal section just Isn¢ mitable Ald oy arsellus Indicated that was Ill oplnlon am Mr Klnzle was lrylng Ia apply pressure on councll because he lndlcaled two weeks ago Illa If mundl wouldnt sell hlm the necessary praperly then he would have to consider male out of Ihu dly Ha said coun dl should reconsider the bylaw below am lhreexnonflu ago Ihal processed milk sold In the clty must also be pm ed Mm dosed on the John sired ae cess lo LII lakefront but few years ago we dldn dream that It wnuld be Nah an In pendant mad said AId WM sags gamma am

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