Pop Ivy Denies Head Coach Iob 11 Inlkl um Ilvlrllv vlnmlnry Ill um Um ml mm Ive III lbvmhl valufly nuvrr awn rm rd runlurl um IN he le IVMII olltrrd lhl mu mrvjln mule Hun mun In New ulk with quHV erlllrnl Trd Walk um Ihm uwnlwu ml ul dlrnlnrl mi llwy miml ImI IN erlnlv lw Ialll NII hva Honda OiIru lwml ranch dtnlrvl Mï¬lldn Amplorl lnh hem ranrh and 1mm mnmur Mnnl ml Mmqu mu mullln Foulll nine lln rrluml AW he luv lwm olhrld lha Ammu Ihma nlun gum rhnncr In In lhl mrvvnll cm are 5ch Kmncl lull yenrn Onlnriu rhnnwlml NM Yulmuy Huhwnllnhl HI TIIHI Minn MM llu Inn 7mman npwkknlrrn In he IN low yran have hem wnlrrnm In IIIHlInK drhmlm rhnmplm oh llmhm Smknlmn nnLl Durml Ilynn nl Edmumnn Mgr unnt rnmpclu nl Kil rlwncr Thu Kitchmr Scrlumn Club Iponmrlnl he champlonshl an hualllycnmlmcltd Inc ll will mark Hm nm llma he dumpinnship nwu bun Ic cldcd In Onlnrlo lllln lhcy wen held Sudhury In KITCHENS CF Speed skullnl Indlnz man In Eml crn Canada In rcccnl ycnrs may arl modest hoasl when IN Ipmlskmlnz hnmplunshlm are held hr Silurdny and Sunday nu ma fly nu mm tllulfledl bc man nu nunlmr vmmu mumum jIQUï¬mx Mm lo you th Thurlan In cunt Advenilinl Deputme In mm In Idveniun In kindly nu that MumIlium im mmIIuly In InurlinII In ordu um my mm at omn I1qu my mama man in order um mu mum or In toutqu day lmeniun mm rm to YonI um um Tm Inm him In In retnnnlibit In only on Incorrectly vrInIea lnumnn on my Idvlmnment ma IIIn only ta In extent or nonlnn III II III Invnlm lhl mIIpnuL Error nhlch do not low lhu In In Idvullnmtnt 2115M cnmcltom by no Coming Events 5c per word lminlmum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices $150 for up to words over 25 wards 5c pcrextra wordl in hicmorinm Nance Ma i1 vcrw used Sc per word extra ann urnm IIerqu lnlnrmunn Nllminl Advutlun ulinl Blind huu flux Numbnl min tum Iincliy mm mm Ipllu la utter Ilnxu will new anif In mu IuI any pnbiullun Classiï¬ed ndverflscmcnu and notice ior these pans must bo meivcd by is um day prb ceding publication with the ex ception of Cinsiitnd Dispin advertilmtnts which must be In by 1200 noon nrcccdinz day Speed Skating May Get Boost 1km In 11 nnvncilwl and llwn In lumrvi flown anon on COMICHONS Adv mm nmlnm um nu on lumen Amy Condensed and clussllicd adver Lisemenfl an Inserted at the an of ac per word Insertion or one and two umes 3c pm won or thm four or live limes and per word or or more human 10 NHL Ham charge If pald WM 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS IF PAID WITHIN I0 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE INSERTIONI CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cerï¬ticater Hughes 20 Years Experience with Livestock COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE 25 Lorena Streetv South of John Barrie Ontario AUCHONJALE all house hold aliens Including chcsleb ï¬eld elecirical appliances din ing room suiie bedroom suites dishes silverware TV and many other articles Terms cash No mcrve as Ihe home is sold JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTIONEER Ia AUCTION SALES AYRES 27 HUGHES AUCTION SERVICE Ayngs with Auction PHONE STROUD OR 46 FRiDAY EVENING Feb 22 1963 630 sharp for JACK PLANT at PA 82414 TELEPHONE AUCTION SALE oi hm class jousehold umiture CAMPBELLS WAREHOUSE Frank HI Emmy mu lnlucnll MIAMI mull mum mun lnlllrollulll MnrDAMM Hr lea WHllnmI nnluln Junior nllmlnn Slnmlmd Wnnmhnru Delmll lnllldwvan Junior MrIVHM Mnmn Jim Flln Film Huhan no mm mm Sydney Northald hulAvfntna Ilaninfll Utrl HI lnllldvlln lullIr Sullllmn Illdin Tlm Smnko Ellin lrlnl heal he collealnlr rum wlth pauth pntlern lml mun mun wm munrpm nml nlhm um Innzcl ollvrr Amtmu llurlr Hnw canum ramblnnllanl IVE lhc allnlnrl llmn In rumuu null xrmk up Ihc play npllnlnhluvtl In llw unrhl luumnmrnl Wt nlllllullrll lw IF CIIICKIHM wlm lrll la allrr lho llril petlml mu LI nllfr live IICOHII fly NIH CANADIAN llllM Kllthcner Wnlrrloo Tlxerl drnmurd lha Smoke Emu Thundny nlnhl nnd fixhum Mnroum on wln Friday In lwn uhihlllun mm an Inn rrnlrlrs hrlon comlnz In lnrla lhf Snmlu Halrrl lull III WI niprx Mnrmm mul hrnl nsknlnnn Qunkrm Trnll IIII no game In llnlflnx hrfm lrnvlng nr Fumpo 11w nnmllnn nnrrlrnlnll HOCKEY ancï¬ come Im conctrncd he mid Just cant rxplain lhln one He mid lhe cluh plnynd wcll unlnsl Vlndmr Dulldnns Sun day nlzhl when we did every thing bul more Now Ihll out is one will hm In collrxc all nlnr learn 11 ml lecllnn pl mm he Klsllnl lnlnrcoflrxlnla Lenguz Wlndsnl but Tull alter Iwn niher Onlrlo Hockey mlnllnn Srnlnr clubl look Trnll luml mumre TORONTO CPI Coach Enhhy Kmmm or Trail Smuko Eater hnd an obvlnus answer or his club bound for ma warld hockey lournnmwl In chdnn nut month Mnndny nlght nuflcrcd HI mm consecu llvo loss running and willing Ilium now Ilnyd worklnz hard here 116 not doing much bulhcl Icing lot Dan no the farmer cham pians lralncr old The Asso ciated Press of Pattersonl plan In telephone Interview Monday mm Highland Mills NY Palierson own camp lhcm We havent go place Iain in Florida yet said Flo Trail Smokies Drop Another Th light scheduled for My for NEW YORK CF Floyd Patterson Ian In to lo Flurldn ï¬nish lrninlng live weeks before hls rclum Ilue th with lifatvywelght champion Sonny Dn 38 who came from the us In 1955 and built up Puerlo Rlcos biggest chain of supermarkets said Mnnday hI chain guaranteeing or $50000 Orllz signed the con met at press conference The World Boxing Assoc Inn has warned Ortiz New Yorker to defend the title against Kenny Lane the Na contender mm Muskezon mm or face possible loss of M1 crown Floyd Headed For Florida vhnlam cuTzEfuve in Minml SAN JUAN Pucrln Rlcn AP Harold Tappel San Juan pm mater aald world llghlï¬elghl thampIon Carlo Ofllz wIl de lcnd his crown agnlns Doug Valllantfourth ranking con la ere Lurch 30 Leyton Orient and Hull Clty tled 11 in thlrdround English Foot ball Association Cup soccer match Monday night The team will hevc to replay with the win ners et home to Derbyintha fourth round Eighteen other cup games wero postponed be cause bad weather Monday WINS WOMENS TROPHY ST PETERS RG Fin ABMickey Wright picked up her aemnd victory in three pro lesslonel soil tournaments do entlng Mnriiynn Smith by nine strokes in the whole pinynii for the St Peterrhurg Womenl Open title Monday Misr Wlllh carded Iwounderpar 69 MIL Smith 78 First money of $2325 went to the 21yeamld Miss Wright Miss Smith 32 picked up sham BRINGS TOP PRICE MIAMI Fla AmBlossom Stehles Glass House live yearold gelding brought 342 500 to tap tho iieid oi to home Ortiz To Defend Againét Vaillant scrssonnn spoï¬ nhm lhey lulu Mr Tlmmpnnn Inld he ml nnlltm hum mu DIdrnlmlrr rnhlurl Saluulny Trndu Mllv lllrr Hm mu Amulnlfl lrmu MInlmr Hovlgny hm Ivrrn urcrud nr 10 day ll wu rum Inlommllnn In lnllumrnl lhnl II III Inm lllnntlulvo Cmnrrvu In Mm Indy In lrnlzn he Inhl Ho Mnld vml ho Ell miml ll mum rrmmllnn mmuum rd nm hmml will lnnlrd unln hrnr mmrlly me nnnldlmu man In lmir In hr uh Mr 11mmpwn MM II pm ronlrrcmu Hlll pmrm Ar unnrmrnln oflrr no mmin In Ihr urllnrn lunnrr lunn REGINA lCIlm Nallunll Sodl Crcdil puny leadrr Ho Thanmnn New lnlo nralna Monday In lmmmtr nu wllh Nmlnrlnl nnd levlrrnl rally nlllclaln uhnl In Anlll wlll Ilmnl lmlrln hm plnb drplrlmcnln lnvullg Hun uld Iha lnlidlou cnm pull of maMllly mlxm hnva E3 The dnparturo he inur uld physician mcnnl lhcra II no doctor on hr rugged mulls tom ram Donne Day In Sl Anlhuny nmo In dmrlct mm and nunlnz Ilnuon In lhu Aru Says Farmers Arent Secure In commenting on the spy charge Dr Mcuram laid Una Sovltl Union must hnvu plenly spin II it can Iflord lo uln Hun one at place rcmolo For Saundcn About 300 residents he nnrlhrrn weal cunl lllhlnl communfly slzncd pclilian dc mandmg Dr Audal removal from the Im Saunders nurling Ilann Dr Audc Cuban IBM ll returning to Jam to be nssikncd In some olhcr pm at the province He II cxpcclcd hm wllhln ho nut day Mr McGrnlh In an lnlcrvlcw Agreed with lhc health depart ments Investigating loam lhnl lhc charge wan Innmsllc Ha snid hll nuiclals hnd also laund nothlng xuppar charm of incompetence ST JOHNS NlldlCP vainclal llullll Mlnlsler Jame McGrnlh said Monday one charge levelled anulnsl Dr Salim Audc by mldculs nl Iho Port Saunders Nlld area wu that he was Sovlel spy mlh DOG SHOW OPENS NEW YORK CPI Rideau clifll Lady Jula exhibited by John Treleaven ol Todmarden Ont was named hex of win nan no wlnncu bitch cairne lerner class of the Wash minder Kennel Club Show which opened Monday Clim danin McBriaandl Healh ex hlbllcd by Mrs Belly Hyslop n1 Brnckville was chosen winners do In the lame class Doctor Leaves When Citizens Lay Charges TRAIN HERE LAKELAND Fla APJJm nnese baseball players training in Flarlda or the ï¬rst time are lnlrlxued most by the rlch nod and all the lancy equly men at their ï¬ngertips The uanshln Tlgm Japans Con tral Dengue champions ar rived in Lakeland Saturday night Theyre guesu of Detrol Tiger wllh whum theyll play in two exhlbltlon games nexl weekend VAULTER 0N CRUTCEES PHILADELPHIA ABPole vauller John Uelum who attained muscle In loot when hls glass llbre pole snapped Saturday la an crutches todaywooden ones not fibreglass he qulppedl ilhe Lualle Ulllvenlty student lint man lo clear 16 eel nld he expected to slay on crutches lor lhree or laur days Hell probably mlss the nnllanal MU indoor meet New York next week bulhupns Io be back in shape in week or lwo were mrpflsed the early line but said hu odd will drop the light nears Oddsmaker Jas per Martin said Fullmer strong and never aim up He 1mm Ith minute ol every mum Park MondayI Glnn Hausa owned by Dive Feldmnn m1 editor ol the ChImn America wn bought by IraIner Frank Merrill or Rule GIIn who racer mostly In Canada Glass House bu bean In me money In 41 01 Ml In 45 mm MADE BIG FAVORITE LAS VEGAS AP Middls weIghI champion chk TIEcr II HM favorite In bent Gene FuIlmer In Ink and 23 Oddsmnkm md Mound him on 12 Hillm lllmilltm larmcr unwvalhr rnlJIMl mlnluler drloalcd In Munlrul Nulu Dune In Gum In June any lhe Burial lmlll will mnllnuu In Im nlunglh lhll Ilme lllll Mini 11 lb mm 7mm mrmlwu lhrlnsrheï¬ In Ilmv Wives Ihl Help mu UIIIIVE In 1hr all rlrrunu he Inu um 1m in mm In 1min Milton mm nu llma lhryuulll They new nndollnm rmnmcnlnl INmw Imimlhm Mllllurr llmlry nn llvo HIRIII Junl In winn Social frulll plrktd up an at Qurhccl 75 mm Nam Im Um mmllwr rnnumrnn Hm uhIrr wlln Mr lntlmllnl 14ml lmil lhelr rnulxvnlgn plnm Qnrlwc lylnnvl Chuvrler thrul mrmhrr lur Munlltal mumr IMI HM nuhlrly IN LII null CnVIIMIf thrill lell main loe Hum Ih nnmu llvn ll It Innle In lllILnl rmlm ml Um AMrah and Irvmnulw Lmvwnnliul mulcmllmnlnl Um uhrnum of ht lrrml luwuuln llle Einrlul mm ml In In June Itc lllm uan Nu hm IMF QULIIHC CI Soclnl Crcdi pnrly In Quehtc II um sz lnlrrnl rlrcllnn cum pulxn Mm wmrlhlnz ll dldnl lmvo unlll llw Intl works 01 lhu June In cumnnlxnrcwxnnlon Ivy lhcr pnllu lhnl II II lom In be urkontd wlth Mr Wright argued lhnl lha Hldtncc thalltngnd lllc cm hIIHy Mr Hunks who hm luHHcd that In new Ihmd Mr anIima ycar old Monlrcnlcr snld hr dld odd juha around Mr llnnkr homo In 1952 1055 and 1050 and mu rnld pcrwnnlly by tho unlnn cudcr Imevcr when he did ho mmo lype work for lwumonlh pcrlod ln 1959 ha wnl on the SW payroll lar mo week They Grew Like Dandelions Is Comment On Sacred Strength mm propose lo pmve through lhls wilncss ls Hull he woman Idcnmicd by Mr Bank Josie Chnrlvbuls as bclng his nurse was In Incl hl mistress mid Mr Wright ODD JOBS Mnuncc iawyer or he Cnnndlnn Labor Congress wanted to gel Mo lhc bedroom Issue during hls qucsllanlng tumor SIU handyman Lou anllercs he 9601 session the lcdcml lnvcsugallon of Great Lake labor mile and 1h disruptions have said on many accu sions hat am not concerned with the private conduct of wll nusscs In his Inquirysave to he extent that such entails im hurgcns on union hind mm ur rclnlcs In some nlhcr mal tcr pertinent to lhe mnln Issue bcjpre he sald The Vancouver jurlsl ruled Monday ngnlnst evidence about the bedroom ncliviflu In Mr Bankss luburhan Poinle Claire homelun Morphcal Island thehame Hal the Sealarera Urgpn Canada WAWA CPIMr Justice Norris my he Isnt Inc AlfresLteg qn whyst yihqro Monlca Rugby 20 of Stock holm Sweden holds her 52 000 check as ï¬rst prlzo after winnlng he Mia United Na Ilona cnnlest in Palm Maj Bedroom Conduct Not His Concern vuqu 39 Hal 911m 01 MISS UNITED NATIONS International NEW OHK MIflw Inrlzlul Im Mmldly but uummnuc dulrnnlc murmur lnlnulnllou lummhllml ol major Uï¬ Hunnclll Inulclm 1mm um mm pulor Momllyu Ilotk mlllfl mum nullvlilu wm mmlmd II mood mm wnh mum TlanIIflnn mm nmu tllllulllnmllll II III do mnhel Man and mu cum Med In mlnulu man Illh Ia mlnuln when lnhlu rm Miami and IrlnsmIllPd manually Nu mam Imlml lho lublel rIIhrr by lelllypo or ulclyw lulcrul In lha puny appurl nI hlgh Al and 01 Mr Clum rmn lhrrn mnllnn whlrh llzlll hrrn Immrd wtrlu um nml um nol nlllrlnl rnmpnlxn medium lhu lmIII um jaWnrll Mr mm uyl lho fly Ill lulu of flu ymvlncul 75 mm Mull bhrrnl rnhlnrl lnlnlm AI nr Iho Knmcrvnnm Mr Cumuan HM nl mm mlnl Hwy Mr llnhlml In Que Stocks Tabulatod By New Computer Camel Um plflyl drpuly lender nId ha Almfnz Al lhl Hlmnl mul Imlirnlrd UIM Mr hmlrr will ha ha partys mnlu lnnzcl Ill Ian ru 11 may run mzlmnl Mr flurvrlrr lormcr Htrrnl rnlvlml llllnltlcr Mlur comldcrlnl lhc Imu mcnl Mr Julllcl Norm do cldcd Hml cvldcncu Iboul 0n bedroom Icllvlllcl at the llankl hmno mlgm poulbly In uniIr In the SIU ltndcr and mind um ll would no bl ldmlllad Alivas nld hll Irgumcnl about who sleep with whom wnl put arm on hypothal cal ham uallre horrls said 01 kc lo Accepl 1h pxoposlllnn lhul III Inribulo of nurse ho Alcrps wllh he pallcnl wcréuscd only to pay her ex pense nurse and mu any nlhcr relationship wu not rclu vnnl to flu Inquiry No mld Mr Nuss tay she ll hi nurse all the Ume ll she Is somelhlng elmal suman lhlsan olhnr amnion it Irrelevant 1may In lbe Yoga argument about Ihn evidence Mr Jusflce Nor ria asked the uyearold SIU counsel whether he was aug Rcaling that Misa Chnrlcboll was both mistress and mm on cumlawn lrlpa CA In jamavm Mr Bank had testified but he retained ML Cirnriebnin ll hlr housekeeper Ind his nurse and mat sin accompanied him on 50m outnIlnwn uninn trips as nurse to rent an aid buck Injury wiiil the SIU covering her airline Ind haizi expenscn SiU inwyer Joseph Nun arr Jacling to flu ilne oi quesilan inn said would suggest uni an inquiry looking inin mai Km urgency shouldnt delve into his Pnrtlcyiar question hcdmm with Miss bull am truly yesterday Monica prolesslonnl model won In competition wllh girl ram olhur countries Shes ï¬ve feet seven Inches tall and weigh 120 pounds AP Wimphoko Churlb TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA mm Lasiyeur folk had In fish out Inn childnn who da woulï¬ mnkl emlr Irenlwvmdlï¬l The planning lirmx Ice or dcsIKnInK flu pools was um but he board decided to order report he clty sollclmr Ind clly nrchllec before cou nldcrlnl paylnx he balnnco the In Board membeu let the dc hm lml right Not only lhnl he nunle dont work The pooh they way Are roccpmclu or II and gman The pools pm £40000 complex designed by lecrt PlInnInd Assoclalu lelltd of Toronto were described as Iwo black holes by Canlmllcr Ad Prllchnrd at board Conlrnl mcellnl Monday HAMILTON CHNo laun lalnequlpped renecllng pooh In Iran city hall are providing the cilyl board central wllh cw htadachu ppnnenll nhauld remember the paper Iddl ha Oppasmon Leader Pearson by nu mum am clear majority The dil lertnce between meets and allure or Pearson might well 11 Quebec where the So ummu Dlelenbaker should not be lilhlly dlsmlssed Mr Dltlenbnker ha been wrillen of by mnny Cana dlnns It says They should nmember that Harry Truman was dismissed with equal cer tainty and ulrvlved lend Dewey Into long 115a nixht Black Pools Of Hamilton LONDON CF Efliish llI lam In th Canadian eieclian wn maintained Monday with an edllnrini in The Evening Standard and enini aflicie in The Daily Mai The Evening Standard nub ilshed by Lord Buverhruok Primp Minister He leaves his wile Dr Helen Wilson Iiuea Ions Dr Bmce Wilson at Sudbury David Bryce Wilson oi Paris Ont and Donald Wilson ol Welland dnulhter and i5 gnndchildren mm Decornird by tha government of Brazil and Egypt Dr Wil ron was consultant to the US unseengeneral in the Middle during the Second World War and then headed the Rocks ieller Foundations Middle East region retuminz to Canada in 1950 Dr Wilson was born In Mer rlckville ML and graduated mm the University of Toronto Medin Schggl in 1920 British Press Says Diefenbaker Is Force To Be Reckoned With muuu um He naked his life In the march In canquu yelan fever and became the ï¬rst person In Blrnzll to lake yellow fever vac ne He also did research on hook wtum 15ng 3nd cholen Medical 0111m of health or luburbanSwlnsea or no Ian 10 can Dr Wllmn served as 21 ofï¬cer or he Rockefel ler Foundation or year In the United State southwest Brltllh Honduras Colombia lhlMltIt1le Em TORONTO CPIDr David Wilson 63 warld amen planwvln the prevention or yellow fever and other topical dIseasea died Mondly alter log gglness MD PiOneer Dies Aged 88 The paper le0 carries lengthy article mm Washing ton analysing the male Can dinnAmcrlcan rclalinns But only really doc ll because he know cases and the more Irritable the Amcrl cam gel the man he know lenses which mnkc hlm re dnlbla hi1 effort The Sunday Telegraph In an editorial dlscounled Illa Idea Ihal nntlAmerlcanlsm ls likely to be Illa mlln theme the hustlnga Dlefenbaker an sound Ilka General de Gnulle or when he really get gnlng lllgngfldgl Calm Iddon say he has covered Canadian election or quar ter cenmrybul nonlen MEL on Is pugzler Don Iddan The Daily Mail corresmndent In the United Slam crosses the border to ro port on Ihe pouucal Illugflan and reports from Montreal that everyone hm ls turning men and more lawnrd Erllaln CARL IT PUZZLE cial Credit party will make fur ther nyeamid Pnrtuxuue woman accused of keeping her lame husband in pigst for eight yem has been churned with kidnapping mislrcaimeni and cruelty Police charl lint Maria de Andrade kept her husband Paula also 53 naked 5min This nmarl brdroorn spill Irch bunullow 11 Jul lamp gglrlerllervlce ll you urn thinking hulldlnz LARGE on GRAHAM BEIIEII MONTREAT NC AP Evangelist Ellly Graham re cupernlinz his home follow lng an allan of pneumonlu reported leellnz better He was liken Ill last week whlle ln Dal las Tex psuedamonu vlnu had settled In lungs and In recelvlng special treatment Miss Wander Merccr hls decre lnry reported ANOTHER HOUSE BY 1Tb royal commission on pilo lage opened it crorwanadn hearings hero Monday with Hmony from Princu Edward Ir lnnds government olflcllh Ind parlllma pflols DRIVEN OUT BY FIRE QUEBEC CmAbout 25 par sons were driven from board Inz house Monday night when Hre raced through the structure One person was rlIghlly Injured learlng from the lhrculorcy huldlngr THE Mm EXAMINER TUESDAYHFEBIWARY ll 63 mm mm mm mm 139mm mm HEARINGS oPBN W9WNWN cm CALLPA 60761 m1 NEWS IN BRIEF GENERAL coNrRAcBR ED MILLS GET FIRST TV KINGSTON APD Jamai cnl iist television station to be operated by the xovemment owned Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation is expected to he gin bmodcaliinz in August REFUGEE RESOLVED MIAMI Fla AP Forty our Cuban refugeu packed lnIn 23foot open but were picked up in the Atlantic Mandly he US Cent Guard upwind They were taken aboard the tanker Heel Dies nu up Miami 113mm messazed um the exllu scmed In good mndlllon SHIPS CDLLIDE YORK AP Two Americanflu vanell collided In the log of Plulsbom NHL Mnnd nlxht unchlng hm holes both 115 the Us coast Guard reported No In urlc were reported Thu col llxion was betwun the Steal King 49mm vessel bound or Baltimore Ind the Atlnnflc Trader s72 loot milltex bound or Revere Mun except iar shirt Police inund him liter mde upon mm neighbor BEGINS HOLIDAY MONTREAL CF Ball Clouane dcputy Sadl Credit leader flawtn Jnmlicn Mom day an In 11day hoiidly to catch my breath heion his partys federal election cm min which opens Feb ini Emuuni II dun hick Feb DIAMOND 2113165 Dunlap Blrul am WIN IOYEAR SECURITY BOND Our Repnullnn Your uumnm PA um ll