Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1963, p. 7

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39351 in Minon ml mix will I7 Inltllllrnl mmnal In lulu lhlnklnl Ind ulmmly will um You will lmu In du yuur pm ol comm lqu lvclnuw Ill lhn Munrlnnn ml hnmllluu drlnlll you Ilmuhl nnl haw In Irlvn yuum Im hull In nulrr In map Ill llm nnlm lmlltnlul Yum an lnok mm In My Inm In wvsoml Illllnnlhlm 01Hch nlly run nvuld lrn dendu luvmnl Inlluhlllly dur Inu Alllml llul Inn mhmr un Mynnm In My ml Vlmmlhl Im mmanre Mu JIMI and Ms mhpr Them II Aim Ilkclllmul nl mufllluz lluuuzh sumo nrw 1m lad F0 TIIE llIflTIIIIM II lumormw II rant hlrlhday yaur Imrmconn mllcnlu Inn the nu your wIll he one DI the ImI you hnvv Imll In Ion Ilmo nmI mm in ququI ma Inm nvllnIIm cm every nvnlI nhIn opwlunlly II ynu would lnln II the lunch ponlblr Ml unly Inluwn FNmmry um uI Ihlu yrnr nmI Fchrunry nrxl Iml emu Inlrr wher urc umlnry mum uI pmwl rIIanI WIII Im rIIcnl IIrIMNI mm and mu mum lry lu mlnpldu unllnIxhnl lnskI lhnl you run nlln llm Ilrllnr romlu mod IlnnmInl and £71 hudwuy The mm wife who asked Ia he uur anonymous dlclcr has real cournnc Mnrrlcd only man llmc she 1m gnlncd 60 rum puundx llcccnlb she Iurnud In her mnslcrnnllon that hcr husnnnd is mpplnn aux Thll II llmc In nhlch In mmhmlxr your orlaInnlIly nnd splrll rnIrnnlm Yuu hlll In MI you llnlsh IncnmphIul tank In lIm curly mornan nnd hrnIn wnrk on more nmblIInun plnnn In the Inter nIItrnocn IusncInIu uhonld Iw In nn utnlnl nmml nuw no slmuld he htlplnl In your rIImU lo nd vnncn ynnmII ll lake caurnze la he xInrkIy honest In making penonnl as prnlsal lhnrc strum len dcncy In gloss over onvl short Domini Instead Inclnu the In In mnlgrc My Hcr uznnd lulltr shows 3hr hul come lo grip with hnr problem nnd lhul she Ink F0 TOMOHROW bouquet of red mac and Mushde pendam The pafly was mnvened by Mm Burt Pom lfighllghu the ovaan Wem amt dances Imwball dam draw tar door prize and twist comm W9 95 guests were ML Ind Mm Georg Mlkxtn Mr and Mrs Pow Juno K01 man and Mia Norma Dean MB clan Kecskm and All Tilt Mr and Mrs Cal Calder Mk Cam Findlay and Al ConA non Mr and Mn Merrill Mr and ML John Lovell Mr and Mn Jim waounm Mr The cmwning of the Valentino Queen was the highlight ol the annual Valentino party held by the sislm the Bela Slums Phi Sorority and mom on Sat urday waning The annual event was held at the Bayslalrs Painl MB Merilyn nudism preuy bluaeycd blondc was crowned Queen by Mrs Ellen Whla prqscnted win KEEP IN THE TRIM THE STARS SAY Muilyxi Meielszm lefl re ceive her crown tram 13$ BlueEyed Blonde Is Chosen Queen VVALEN QUEEN Miss Honest Personal Appraisal Takes Courage In Facing Fat By JEAN RAIN Dy EHTRELLITA 110W Iloulelll Comlln rnIn recently has dam nod much the ulcly munl Anrlnlrd wllh Elunnl 111 Mm an up Mr MI rim and Ike III In If uululutd mu nmlnrlm lnvnlwl In rolll lion vln ml lmlullrl In IIIer III unl umwnvhu Ind healed Ar Your Irllrrl pm you hm ulml ll Ink In mrrml nol hallway Iml In nunml lwyond ynur mum wflnllnnl You an 11le In llllnllnu hm wllllnqncu In Ink urllnn wrluhl Invm hlllmul HmIII wlll hwlv yml In now an per nm In yum my thr It wuuld hu wlu or ynu lo wk mural ald Your um um may have phynlrnl hull nleu hum Hm burden ul wallhl Nnhovly run do he mluclnl far you hul ynnr Ioclnr rnn he an In many wn Do rm nr an will vmmunk You lmvr lul lhnl llchd fiurh camplzle honnly II rm Indeed Yen nol Irylnn mun yourc wllllnf um In accept mmmlhlllly Trent he In ralullnq your for Ad on You may or may no wan to pass lhls on In your rcndm Hut wlll tell you my lhOulhll envy women uptclnlly lhox ho aura Iim when um mIr rlcd aomcllmu my ll my hulhand truly loved me then hm Ihnuhl luvs mu now Im ml pmon TM ll not run fully who wnl larmuly Ilhn II no really lhc Inme perm Not only do ynu lDuk dmcrrnl you da no nu Ilw lnmc There II dulln llo ptnonnlm change lerhlm Mn lhu ullcamciauxnrsx nul Mllh hy llma you btmmu mm wlthdrnwn You hold on Io Amnll hum mnnnllylnn hem Yvu Me nal ham and no II II enly In he lnllnhXc You ler qulckly wiHI lha nddml weight mm It luml lo llh loo much Hull la mp Yourell your ham and your dlnpoxlllan up vnr As you will In by my chm hnva Ion Ie pound Ihe Ins lhrce eh My wclzht II now 17 pounds bank you lmm lhe bullom my heart for nuswerinn my 11ch and mp0 cm Hvu up In my mm 30 Perhaps my person prob lrm xo dccptr than just my wright bul by taking ncnon lhls can help me lo tape with lhcm loo In needed acllun Wu salute hurl 01d NI and Bill Crawford Miss Kay Buckley and Larry Woodworth ms 10m Nthanis and Mnc MacEachem Min Domhy flmmons and Henry min Mr and Mrs Don Gram Mlsa Mullyn Mikelson and Bill While Mrs Sandra Gillllnnd Mr and Mrs William Petey md Mrs Terry Dennehy Mr and Mn Bruce White Mr and Mn Gerry Knapp Mr and Mrs Cy Wilcox Mr And Mrs Gerry Wllllmm Mr and Mrs muck Wood Miss Baum Dolmn and Ken Donovan Mn Ind Mn Don Menard Mr Ind Mrs Denny Ziegler Mr and Mrs Nmrnnn Rankin Mr and Mrs Ed Wlnmler Mr and Mrs Jack Mme Mr and Mrs Frank Grlccy Mr and Mrs narry Clarke Mr nnd Mrs Guny Beaulien Mn Jean Ballcrsby Mlsx Penny Bewzy and Chuck Waflon MLsa June Bmey and Shh Sphoenhpfgr and Mn Hur yearl While musén RAIN RM ROME queen Mrs Ellen Miss Mickebon was queen the annual 11w orunlu Ill Ronald Jolmdnn Turmln 11m lwhk II fin dnumer Mr mt Mm Ullbul ldwrfl filulrn lhmwlln The MO Imn In In non of Mn Jnmu SlMlnir 00v and Uni Ia Mn Cow ol Windmt nflllML OOWN film In mnnlnn by Inflwr um th um rum Ivmy Flunth nunva ovor pm 59 Min The km In minimed WWI wwqw at Iv llllv laco 11m Ivvlrlv HIM lmmufl 1le nl 1h VI and maldrnhlirflun Duke mln flowm puny Wlllww and umnwy ulomed 5L lukul Anuuun mum Cmle or In wNL din MI Kathlmn flavour Imn Elndm or lhmdln Ind Nubia Mcxnndcr low of Tor oMo nv Douala Glil mist n1 lry Hm Gumwonhy mk Mills Klhmmd lhl lo morme tummy Jun Pas chairman ma bureau Malcnlm Knox uld lhal In Europe the broad square as still is popular and most heel Inches or law Children msy shoes will hnve cwcr bows Ind omn menls For service footwear sales will be made polyvinyl chloride mulonlal whlch wears well and does not mark floors ee will continue to be fine because the unbreakable steel used In heels Stacked heel will have Ihglr biggest man this spring ranxlng In height from Vang hglIchh In two Inches MONTREAL CW1113 tine poInled In womenl shoe on the my out In Canada ol flclnlx ol the Shoe Informflan Hugnu ol qaqada say Represena leading Canadian shoe manulaclmra Bald press confluence Thursday lha oval finger up point and square toes were re placing the elnngated polnud Inc In spring Ind summer styles or 1963 The most popular color and Imhcr combination on wom ens shoes In the orthcnmlnl season will ha black patent leather Son IeauIm In bone midbrowns blues and reds will langw In popylarlly The opened up look still avident with openings at lha sides sling pumps And more per1nulctnnd nesh flylzsL 1m rook anrd lhn huh Inn wary Ihlp Sowmdlmk And In her Animal GowSladen Vows At Winter Bites New Shoe Trends In Patent Leather Vahnflue dance party held hy member Beta Sigma Phl sorority Saturday evening WOMEN COOK FOR RUSSIAN SHIPMATES Thu tendon wM MM ll In homo 01 lb Inldll mum lvdnr mm Dunevm flu flu lulrlol Mlhn Mm Duncn Allon oi 1mow In mu munmm unh vme Dr JWI Mink lomMo lhc MIMI Ivmhtf MDoumm Evy of TM brid wu mandul ivy Mrs Drum Mchmnld of Tur omo mum at honor mu lnuy low ml Ml lhvnnla now both erkhnr um lhc Irrldommlth Tl Ham lirl wu Mlu Kalen mumch Mvnlo an lrldon mt am nu numlnnla warn ownml In dlouu at anh Ink hm mk They cmhd bouquets mm mm In puny um owl whicde mm galld in MM In BKCI IIION Ive been manled live yam My salary Is almns as as my hushnnds He doesnt me one penny of my check He give me me week to run the house He waved your slu pld column under my nose nnd said See thin what Ive been trying to tell you He thinks we Ihould ponl our check and put somelhlng awny every monlh 101 out mlrcmml my Nothing dalngJ Im pul llng my money away or me He can lnke care himself DUMI LIKE FOX Delr numb Fax doubl lhal your hulbnnd mnrrled ynu lo glam on Io your Inychcck Ila pmbnbly txpecl lave cam pnnlonshlp and underxlnndlng Your mm august he ll get llng nothing out or this mar neu Ann Lnndem wnfredl mother domlneering woman Ive tried my am her wnyjucluaa Ihu ha sharp hung Ind hot emper Gunny th back 115 your 11le rllhl but ha W11 mm We hnvent mm brown eyed blonds In our Iamlly for hundred yum My husband heard thin and said nothing ulmusl blwled When we no homo told W11 tnd he should hm spoken up but In uld Shu In my mother Ind must alwnyl respect her Grannys Sharp Tongue Needs Blunt Retort Last week took our chll dun lo Grnmya hmnse The Mumold hold an Ish tny Ind uaned to hunt on ma floor When look may 1mm him ho bean in cry Gunny hunched the Ish tray out of I13 hand Ind lave to the fld laying he brem In what ltlunly In ash my wu Irritated and replied Im lrylnz to tuck the boy raped 1m mpmy He my child Ind dont think you Illon Intelfora Delr Wile No husband should allow luuh damning remark to an unchallenged It wu un manly Wfllred to remain Illeul Your husbands reply to hla mother need not have been disrespectful Bulfla angle len tenca expressing complela con flgfm 1n you was clearly In er almost awnllnwed my gum when you told lha glrl who was planning Io he married lhal she and her husband should nwn everythan Jointly You said The less lhlna and mlng lhe helml husblnd xuppased lo dap port his wife lmt he nol what does she need him on Wu ha 11th or wrong to re main Illenl1CflU5uED WIFE Deu Ann Linden What us you trying to doaat females back 50 yum WHO NEEDS W110 lmw pm the rumor they In ernl or hair Ihlpmun rourmn ANN LANDERS 56m sz lmn lm Tho newtwad or hon mm In Quuboa Guy Gutu IHDIIM mm Mont ml Tmlbonm Ind Mnnm vim OHM WIndwr 1m Wm fimflum undo mu Ink emlmkkrld In tone of luld Maiden7mm mum mic and Inmxlun Mch II Outolcily gutsu extending the open house murkan he 45m weddlmz anniversary Mr And Mrs Thomas Klrk John Street Saturday aimnoon Ind Torhormw your Fhme What did he need you or WEDDING ANNIVERSARY flueand paying $110 week or ll Dur Ann Llndunx Sk month an my niecel maze ment was Innaunced Thu wed din was not or March We were all dellzhled The younl man came from prominent llmfly and all the prospect for good lye wig present Severe nnrtien were given In honor the couple and my niece received some beautllul wed ding zine Lu week the mother he hrideitrbe wrote arm tic threeline note to nil mem bere ol the Immediate Inmily min the engagemenr hu been broken This morning the am wereent we reiurned No one in clua do why PEWQW to be let totally In the dark and treated we were nnn gers eel they owe the lam ily an upllnallon Do you 8367 SLAPPED IN THE FACE Dear Flee do not The ru mnx are none at your business Inavllahly this painful ex Eedence at the yaunl girl and er family and you want to make the ordeal mum bearable dont ask my questlons bgm 45x guambm THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRUARY ll 19537 women nboini ml bl min now mum fiydnvy Nova Wln TIW EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAIN Nam In blended Io cover the cum Incll the any Ind amch Weddlnl Ill nlvemrlu hlrthrlayl hrldn panu cuminom yu ues lellnn Ind Invellm In Menu lnteml to women under or pile Your help In lupplylnl In new Ill be may lpple clued Plum phune The flnnle Examiner at PA H531 Ind uh for Ellcen Dixon ur Audrey Cunllon II he Wom cnl Depmmenl AWN McKINNON FUR Lid Ill Dunk Phom Eileen mm or Audray CouLmn PA Mm PEOPLE AND PLAEEE lADIES umde In mm bill Ind II Alum FINE FUR noun QUEBEC CPI More than 10000 wlldlytmhullasuc pcoplu rmwdnd lha Quebec mu lrack Wednesdly nigh lo we lho cmwnInK of Quebecl Winler Cnmlval uccn and flu omcm cnln In 0koch car VII The Ilrgul crowd In ha car nlvall nine year Mllory nw Lm Mcrcler pretty nyear 0Id from In Iuburh Slllory plckcd mm Imonl Icven duch me lo rchzn ovar Quebocl ullvuL whlch and on Mud Grulho avg 01 Lent Mr and Mn John Mano Jr of £52le Street lefl rem Mn on on Saturday for wuka vacallon In Nassau Bahamas WIN IPEG CF About 100 parent In Wlunlpeg Are sendlnl out plea or help or their proschool children avenlaz included Mn and Mn Jame Frame Bunnie New York Mrs Wilbur Dobson RR Barrit rcprcscnlnllvu oi Midhum Loyal True Blue Lodgm MrL Archie Duckworlh Mr and Mn Oscar Linton Mrs Gearfe Faulkner and daughter Debi Mr and Mrs Duke Lee Mr and Mra Frank iligginson ail Angus Mr and Mrs Lambert Wilson of Thomlan Thama Klrk Jr Toronto City guest Includcd Archdeacon ReamMrs Dnisy Frame Buiiala New York presided at the tea table Tea assistants were Mn William Klrk oi Bar rie MLss Marion Dcrmaii at Cookslown and Mrlr Edgar Dar ion of Tornnlor llDLlDAY IN NASSAU The children All sulfur from congenllll clan alum and thl paranll an see an math thenplst to come to Winnipeg Ind help Ihelr chlldren talk properly Until last car there wu web lherap at WInnlpell Children Hospital When all It for other work here wal nonng lg 1511 the an speech hexspill tome llme an when she wank lo the tha Italian Hospital where the II worklni wllh adults Roblnfifiéipm ml 910 nyn nca we no word mm Lheraplxl tn Australia who wanted to come but Ihl chmled her mind Another llmu wa almost in lomebody mm Scounnd but she broke la that chgnxgq he mlnd Ho armed with the parents um ha be time to min than children More they start achool but Mid continual adven llsflm has lipid Litth enact 119 parents Ire desperate for help for their children wha they toe could lead nearly nor mal llvu 11 they could be given some lulned he before they enter the come five world ichaal Carnival Queen Chosen In Quebec Parents Plead For Therapist TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PAM FREE 15 LBS Of Juicy Tcndor Dollclom STEAK Untloulvmlly yuu hIVl been mnlldellnl Jnlnlnl our Food rmur llul er now II lhc mt In do II In one our Food cmulunu In you Inc Fond Aflllylll unor It you gum In Mn you mom II of nut NO MON DOWN CALL now Mas slncn hb nlimnm the brldegmn ht boa able dame mom Ilmo umIto hobby whldl ll zudenlnl just lave lo mid hlnu now mld Mr mm mm year ago Mt Klrin 4mm um lmo And In now hu mull 5mm houu ndkceb MI KM Following Ibo end of the war and Mn lekl discham mm the Anna Farce the m1 brnnu remained In Bnrrle when the bridegroom became chm umkvy all he 51mm County Jail III 1954 Mr Kirk mind from Mn podium and wu employtd by tho Commm lonndm until his Mlmmm In 1359 Mayo par hOIIUI ha outbreak of World War Mr Klrk romllslcd and wu we posted to Camp Bor don more he spent our year In imlmdm with the Mo Training Centre he imp lived In Barrie during ths tlma there wen no permanent married quarters at am Bardcn In 1919 Mr Kirk returned to Canada with his bride and their baby daughter Jessica On arrival they sewed In unst lngs but Xalcr moved to Tor nnm when the brldemoom spent lhree year In Christin Street Hospital result at Injurirs remind during the war Thebrldcmalls he mix 21 on only slx manflu to live the time hm It show what strong will can conquer she added No we wouid believe then that would be celebrat lng our nnnlvemry An open hmue celebration was held at Ihe home of Mr and Mn Thomas Kirk John 5L on Sahuday anonnoon and evenmz marking the cou ple 45th wedding auniversary The celebranta were wed In Wishmrd Wlltshlre Dugland on Feb 1913 The Rev Mn MacDonald olllciued bride is the 0mm Lucy Grny daughter of Ihe late Mr and Mrs George Gray 01 Wishlord The brldzxroom is lhe son of ha Me Mr and Mrs Thomas lKirk Sn Birmlnymm Eng nnd The brldegmnm came to Can ada 1906 and jolncd he Can adian Forces Aug Is 1914 and served in England France Belgium durlng hla overseas tour Follawlng he war in 1918 the bridegroom returned In England and the couple were mmrlcd RgTUflN 10 CANADA MR AND MRS THOMAS KIRK Couple Mark 45th Anniversary At Open House Celebration They have Iva dilldrm Mn Edgar Hanan Jessica Tm omo Mn McCabe Sylvla Vlmorla mamas Town to William Barrio mad Deon nrd ol Vnrmxnskcr 111m are nine zrmdchildrcn EAT MORE SUGAR The map the Soviet Un lun are eaunl more run than ever belowabout 70 pounds per person year The celehrnnu haw lived the pnscnt nddnss or the past five yum and prior lo moving were rgsidcnu dflmlcyust Mrs Kirk has been an active member or Inn Loyal True Blue Lodge or many years and was insirumcnlni in organizing the Angus brunch oi ihe MB which she Ls now member She has had in hanorof bein Past District Mistress and now Associnie Provincial Danu iy Mistress The bride ls lnoklng forward lo lhe Lodges conmnllon Mlldl will be held ln Barrie in June and she will be lnklnx an adv ive part In amlvilles The bridegroom is past pro ceplor of Royal Black Knighu Allandale member ol ha Loyal Tme Blue Lodge and past county master of Simon West in the LOL L85 year Mr Kirks gmen humb won Mm first urIze at the name Horticultural Show or Lhe most heauliful flower In the show and fire Tr Eaton Trophy for he most polnls Mrs Klrk sham with her hw band In hisrzardoning lnlemsls Mr and Mn Klrk are both members 01 Hwy Anzllcnn Church Barrie age guess we might say Jusc lnvo digging In Hm dlrl said the bridegroom GREEN THUMB Hinge pmcflvuou nu Immune mm mm have my PIIAIIHAUV ll human MI com It PA Hul CUSDENS

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