rluluv MN NW lulu Iou um MONDAY nznnuur Thuln Tm Mary rIu In Tum rry Mum Shaw uum In vuw Cnc Tv mu Wulhcr 51mm Nun nnurou Robin Inn rum moo Tm mum 1m Mamxn swan ruly Nwn loom lopIy llxl Noon Killed Mom um Anlmfl Nmanu School la You shov Tn Thlm InII Powy my nu um Mmurr Andy wmnu lyom Inn rnxn MONDAY mum II on This lelnl World nuy Nut Wnlhn 5pm mom hy Dan we Dlnny Thom nrry Mam Shaw ruum Wm TV gnu Elmvale public school has enqngh accommodallon for grades mm the flillsdalc school which was deslmyed by flu memly The chlldren are being transported by bus and he didnt open his mm You have two chance in millinn ï¬nding pearl in an oyster MFand METwwlamnot mum and children have 121 tor vacation In Elmda Mrs Beardsall left to spend few days with Mr and M13 flakes Toronto Mrs Ray Srgley returncd home alter spending week with her son Bob and Mrs Srlglry in Barrie saloon PUPILS By ms TERRY Mr and Mrs Chesley Peach have moved mm the apart ment above the wmhouse In Lfljrflw homeon Lorne VSt Mis Emerson Adams vii In with ï¬ends Stone Cngek AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY Chrlslnphcr Columbus first brought rice In 012 New World on his secund voyage Incidentally slznalure by Columbus ls worth up In 350 ooobul one by Napoleon brlng only About 350 on he Iulngnph maxht Hansehold hlnl Ihc hes my to tuck mnbc stains on your tablecloth ls mmch atcly tu rub the spot with an Ice cube anlne mm Dld you know that cow drinks between 12 Ind 15 gallons water dny Merchandls In gimmick The bingn craze has spread to service slaliuns In Brllafln Motorists are given num bered card when they stop for gas The ï¬rst cuslomcr In Re card mulching one on dis play in the gallon window win prize urvey hand that ths average US male girl walchcr spends our time as long looking at girls ï¬gure as he does her lace HEATING FUELS lenn PA 66531 Ngw ypmg APTIng ll ynur my In no ule Ivy pic And fun WI 10 Dllnmi You Mme YHERE IS NO CHARGE FOR TH IERVICI mu Mun 71ml rum llnllm Mu mm mm nrlmm COOP DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK TELEVISION 930mm ELMVALE CFTO CHANNEL BARRIE CARRIER MISS YOU VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL RndFour On Figure THE LIGHT TOUCH PA 82433 One Minute 0h Face My no lMNfll AI Vm III In Iv m1 gm IN In Ivan My Mum 1m norm um um AM mnlmu Ilm nun Wm Tun HI NIIL nqu nunnun TIMI Ilw Hm mun Hm By HAL BOYLE T1 sund July mu no mm llauv Ion you Hm rum nun mm It IINKIIIA nnuufl II no Kmda inmlnl Io Innul rm Kuy gum Inna mu In 1130 15 um iv um spon Nun mum wznnzsmv mm mm ma ms 00 Ten Pum Gem Mumlnl 5mm Pmy IIIom raw rmy Nnund Repwl Mam cucuun HIM mu Amund runmy Glml Lo You an mny Sm Inn mu man he nan nu mun minimr1 Hound vchlll Mum in Cu in At Elmvala District High School Board MumAl meet ing in January Hugh Rilehin was elcded chahman the board or 1963 Roberta ghallnnan magngemgnli Ray Pl PW 8m with Howard Grier Inch chairman The meeting to be held on the second Mon day 91 caghrmomh MINETS POINT By ALLAN INGRAM the last meeting the Residents Association the re signauon of marker treas are conunulng Lhelr studies with their own teachen Mn Canon and Mn lumen It ll expected Lhe children wlll ab tend school here untll Junel HIGH SCHOOL John McCéhe of 11mm gluedme leaching mall on Enlinz an apple day really does help keep the doc lur nwayi Iln experimnnl Michigan Stale Universiiy shnwcd Ihai sludcul who ate apple dnlly suffered one third icwu voids lhnn olilcr members oi lhe sludcnl body qnollbl nolnblu The more see men he more lik dogs Madame de Slael The mean or silkworm contains 1000 yard of silk thread which he creature splns in three days silk was such luxury fabric that In 2640 BC the Emperor of China decreed Hut hencetonh only he¢ould wear It Courtshlp is ample among the Panama Indlnns It girl otters you her loin cloth thats slgn she like you and you accept ll youra mauled Northern hazards Troops slatlaned In the Arcllc Iufler nearly three lime us many Injuries as mops elsewhere mainly from lallinz on alip pery Icon One of Ihe worlds major copper dcpnslts under the streets of New York City it conslsls more Inn 300 000000 pounds of copper bins IORONTO rm Ind In xman Our Hou limlvrfl on me 1v Nun wmh Ipuru Nun Mm Prulnmdnl rmnt Pun Chlllenlo Inquiry Counuy unulau nc Im BARRIE rnnvml nun lhll hand played bo Iwoen France and he Unlltd sum In Jan South or France at tho am lablc nptnrd the bidding wllh made an and Truel were playing cana pc yinnamely bidding Ihnncr lull nut TM hm pnccd Wcsl Shy manb In an nwiwnrd aslllon He could dnuble Ind rll dln mnnd mpnmu lmm parlnrr Opening lendnee olcluha Most blds urn plnyx you mnka in bridge Irv clearcm nnd lhere only one pmpcr eholcu to make In given sllunllon nut unhrtunnlely there are llmcs when what you nhould do nut nI all clear when the Inswer nnlmcr blnek nnr while hul decidedly gray Il hue hand bother you dont eel Innesomu youvn got plenty nkenrppan DAILY CROSSWORD Mr and Mn Jack Galbrallh and son Brian and Inn of lhvnmill vme guest Mr And Mrs Harrison Ken bails oi Klngslon was here for he weekend He ls lbs 5011 of Mr gndhlrs Dwi Several of the young maple ol Hawkcslom attended lo boggan party as guests of Mr and Mrs Bertram Guthrie The Young Peoples Union held mming GumrieUnl ed Church Hnmld Husband Ispake on stewardship and train Sympahy 15 extended Io ha family of Mrs Jcmlna £11m for rggcntly Unitei VChurci Vomcn met the home of Mrs Lorne East dealer Both sides While iishins during the early hours one morning Ken Dun can Ernie McLeod and Hank Break had Just compleiui mak ing new hole in the ice or hair shanty 0n stunning to the original location get warm flame was noticed in side the Ihnnty Withln min utes it had burned dam Ad ual cause is unknown How ever iishennen not easily discouraged so they proceeded to get another shanty and start operations Dnys catch nil 13 at pm The Miners Point Associa tlon will not hold its regular monthly meeting In February instead skating party is planned iollowtd by Mmsh menu and social evening at Bayslalr lodge Thl will be on the evtnhu of Feb 20 People who do but skate can 10 right up to Illa lodgel flle association II Martin sales of euchre partle every second and Iourth Wednesday at the mohlhv to be held at Baysxalrs lodge The ï¬rst euchre is to lake plan Feb SHANIY BURNED mr was wanted with regret due to ill healm Hank Break was elected in his place EUCHRE PARTIES It Owntn 0L Wkllnlfl was mar no VA v2 03 OQB AIM ï¬KQJOSI BOUT an vqlos mom cl ry Mnlmr xo umu mm Unlmpllnd urmpm jugsan ma amum purl It my uni mrn II lwlyl DOW ll 11th Ofllclll nun gnunu muhlnl leII num Tho blwn Eut DWIh 1h moi LWo omch xmi HHWKESTONE umpcm awn West North vulnerable CONTRACT BRIDGE mum Wilt nmum Aulru hp 15 Huntn IA pm anl To lm Inan 1Ju hum lonu Ill IL I1 ll couponn Melaum Liuiuliihu gnmvigw By JAY BECKER Elam It Unbnngfld do nun mm IO 71qu rim or make risky Iwo club bld or pass and await developments Stnyman chnsc to pass North responded one nov lrump Ens Solomon passed and South bld two dlamonds which everybody passed Ens might have lrlcd lhrcc clubs over IwuflnmondLJmt he really didnt havomuch hum Wcsl opened the ace of duh and Trczcl mada eleven tricks scorinx 150 points or France nim Mela THY EXMIINEII WANT AD PHONE iA lNM lL III There were close dcclslam 1th lnbles hul France mm and lhv but nl the ex than Tomorm Gnlrdlnl unlul bld dlnhlhlflhu Vcsl nachnrich mld our nnlrump and lhcn passed lhu live club mponse Norlh Germ gloublcd llve cluha Saulh led Ihc kin din mnnds and shlflcd lo hum hm Ens played ho hum vmll nnd mndo llve club doubled or scorn 750 polnll anca xnlmd W0 polnu on lha dcnl miwu lhc mam the second Inhle wilh an Amcrlcnn pair NonhSaulh mu Baum 39 Dble un pm lil Pm Pin 17qu Em thmmb aponud with Ihrcc clubs South Kuhn had prnblcm at mm whether Io overrun wilh lhrce dlnmands or double tar takeout havan mp porl the major mils He dnuhlvd 2mm Ronnie Douglns spent vmkcnd with Donnie Dn of Moonswne Mrs Frank Harrison presidinl Mrs Ophle Lem led in Wr ship Mrs 60 responded with the Bible wading Mrs Earl Soon was in drama oi the program and introduced Miss Sham Gray secretary oi the ibronio Conference Young People Miss Gray gave all on the action and aims ni ymmz min or he United Church Mrs Mitchell wad 10 suggcsllons to make ilng membgp By MS ARMSTRONG Jamie Armstrong hpenL week in Soldlen Menuin Hol all prim with inlech In Mn and Mn George Fleet accompanied by Mn and Mn Ernest Langley of Prlcel Cor ners went the weekend will Mr and M11 Bill Mongols Sympalhy ll extended la Mrs Joe Booth and anflly In the pawn 01 Mr Boom Prize winners at the mklnole party in lhe school were Miss Lois Beard Howard Dunlom Mrs Barry Anushvng Lnrry Balkwell AIIWIEY croklnolo party will be held in the xdlool Feb 16 at 330 pm under the ice of lha HobartCathy Mr and Mrs Glen Johnston ware visitors with Mr and Mrs qum Bylaw of Drillln Re Beard has accepted Epsiljon as cook in the Multan The president announced Ihl World Day Prayer would he held in the Anglican Church at pplwi¢h Mn um wife un Rexent Park minister as weaker Plans were mmplcled or the Valentine en on ma 15m Mrs Ivor Pa Vancouver is visitinz her moflm Mra Joe Booth Jdnfuï¬n he pmjégnh lamm CARLEY IhIrl Illl Nun Vail munn to 0mm lulfll anan an the Dnuglas F0019 um mum mm mm 15mm wt 6202 mg ï¬mz mufzbd ummuoz Am 896va 30610 wow mmwwi mm BEAT MY rxugggggï¬up THE BARIiIE EXAMINER MONDAY FEBRï¬ARY l1 1991 1mm nunmm Wllll mu aumsZ Wm 1005349