Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Feb 1963, p. 1

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Walnw ny urn nnl lwlnx tux flllrvl um HDNIIN unllkrly Iva lultlllnl Sln 10M Illml In IF Him IIIIIHII In hlmur llny IL Mr llrrn ulm Irfl Xlnvm flnlunln lnr urrkrnfl ul nkl In nm In nnl nvnllnhls lnr rnmvurm wllml my lhe inll dlflrlrncfl rmltllrly In II eh mlznnllnn Ila um dump In Um gnwmmmln rimm pnllry nml rlunzq In nllllmlo nn ulnllous wlh ll Unllovl 5mm IZVIUNV Wlfl Whnl New vallny Im him Mr Hm In mllnw Wu mau Saturday lull lhl Why did hr rnlxn nu lrmlo mlllllllf on quulluu prln rlple nllnr mylllll nnly lnnl nmmlny ml rrmvlnl chal Imgn lo Prlmn Mlllflh lllrlrn halurl lrnllcuhlp wnl nvrr xllmv clmnrd up aml llnlnlmi wllh am my ulcrmlully In Aruclnlu my nlmrly ml ha Minimum 51 MN Ill outer Irll llml umrnuklnu Im vuu ulvm In tlulml pally rum MP nml annnlnrl Inn rmva lCl Why Ild Grum Hm nrrmlugly dc lllml In much he lap In nll chumn rum pollllcl realm flnlunlny rum llm cublncl nnd nnnnuncu Im will lml hr cnnll dnle In the mvrll Inknu olcc llun1 1hcru was no Informnllnn hero about he dale ho arth bhhapa release lhc reason or ll Mr mode or travel across Europa lo Ilnly Vallcnn om been heard mm In yam 11m Inst puhIIc nunlion hm hm was In February ma when Ihe Vallcan anIy LOsservnInn namunn nah II hml Icnmcd Inn nrchblshop was wmklng In an ukl pconlcu lmme nl MukIIn kayn ccntrnl SIbcrln IDEIIM archbishop was brought lo Valium Cfly Sunday Vallcnn scum said the Pope was visibly mavcd as the lwo embraced at he doorway the prlvnlc papal apartment HEES REVEALS WHY From Last Europe lhen can Inst night most touching mqsolnllnn for which we are mus thankful lo the Lord tho Pope unld Sunday during an audience wllh Glovnnnl mum Cigdlnhl MonlinL Inlian that an opening ub a1 ValiannSavlet rclallnns might be In the Wing Pups John personally nn nounccd Archbishop Sllpyls release after lhe 70yearold archblshop nrrlvcd in Home and received pnpnl nudicnce There was Immediate Inlian that an opening ValiannSavlet rclallnns be thnugting VATICAN CITY APlPope John has announced that Soviet auumritles have Ukrainlan Archbishop Sllpyi pronounced Ytrsll Slee peet who was sentenced to med labor camp In Siberia in N5 Archbishop Freed From Labor Camp Singer Jane Morgan cuddlns up little clnsen tn perennial Peter Pan Jack Benny as lhe Waukegan Wonderboy notes COUldnt on Hgnor At Stake 99m Your Na 35 For Examine Want Ad Tas phone PA 52414 me telephone number lo call or he Bushes 01 Editor Dept PA 66537 THEY WARNED ME ABOUT YOUR wafifii Our Telephones In Add mini nu can nl flu mm In Me and It mm Ilnanmlulnl Eh Mn Hm App my um lhrouxh an unnlyln lrw lnyl marth hln doclxl err ll man all nvrr he lunznr lhn alluldr nmlmlrallw Irlrmlly mnn ht nd Mm lnr yrnn undvr my all rimmi plant Illllfml WM HEM WM drum and IIIIMNI nlgm Ilrnlu Likr Mr Hm fill xlrlrncv pollclu and My lrnnlum hul wrnl In her 111an he will no In rpl lllrlrnhnlrrl npln am mnlnl nur unlnr llcm Mllmuzh Junlor mnnlwr It Hm cnlxlnrl Mr Suvlzny hm an umlrmhlnl xrn lur ponllc nnluml inrllnnllnn Alma MI nllwr hm urvtd In Slr Mr Ilnrllrnl unvrmmrnl dur lhl Flm Wurhl Wnr porllullu mnclmu mlnhlrr nnllnnnl drlnnce and also hm horn ncllnx donnus minhlcr llnw llm rnlunnllnn Innl wcrk end Dnuulnl llmknrm Dauphin MI bulld urchh mum Archblshop ShpyI Will born In Ihe euslcm Ukralnc was or dalncd In 1917 few mnnlhs nor the IIoIshchk IIevquIIon and became blshnp In 1939 III see was Lvov Lwow PoIIshscIly ceded lo the UkraInc 194 informants said the arch bishop was coniinnd in rcmnte region Asia when word reached him that he wnrvtn be released livl was knnwn to hnvu been ransierrcd from one iacn tion in another In Siberia in i957 niter Soviet authorities accused him communicniing wiih Ukrainian clergy through sncrct letters Vnticnn source said ihn archbixhnp re iuacd in mm to niign himseli with the Ii uu Orthodux Church and become passihio successor in Iluirinrch Alexis c1315 mfused Io comment on whether negotiations had pre toga the Mensa mans ONE considerable change In climate between Calllornla and Can ada Benny now an expert on Canadian exchange rans 11m vrslzunllon III hm hm 11an lnr mnnllu My hlrmll Un mrn rnnrmml my rune leu plume nm wm umrmum Inn nlnmllnl wlmln lhn rnhlnvl ml Hun qucHun vl nrqulvlnl nuA dmr IMItmh wa In luvor lrll Alrnnuly lhnl Il wmlM not mve IM nmlq rnhUmnllI xMrm In harp hem mm hp lmnlm In In nulml Inlu Mnuln lnr mvlu nmlnl hwy um Ihnn In um In romrlul nho lhnl Mr llru lrll llml ll Hm unmvm llru snuutlrd an nnlenlcan lmlllo try In Ilw rlmlun um nlnn ll Inuld nnndn Imrk vm nr lhm drrmlrn rrqnnmL any Mr Hm nnd pomny nn nllmr II cnlflncl mlnllim unlkrflmd Iv lmvo lrll strongly lhnl Cnnndn nhuuhl honor mm mflmonu lo uccrpl nuclunr wnr hrmll lnr ultimo lndlcnl wrn an lur Camann um ATO nnd NOMAD III million hmknlly llml nnnmmml rrrrnlly nr lhu Lil ml pnrly hy lAllrl lnnunn nllhnunh Il Illd nnt nccmmlly Ihnru Mr Ienrlnnl vlew um Her nmIln Iln mmmllmrnll nnmln IWflfll mk In mlrvllnl min In rnnllnmlul and ml lrrllvr xlrlmca mnru mllllc than lhr prmul nm Buhid Wu no MI 010 in sum ha bl vlcvrn and our View would not In mm spcclamlncldo but think II llmmson twohour Interview Sunday with Sovch Prcmlcr Khrushchev lad ny called him must impresslva pcrsnnnlily mil human being He and In an airport lulu vlcw Now undersmnd why ho Is on man In the Savicl Union undoublcmy mod on NI nblljly MOSCOW flculmlA group of 160 lcadlng nrilIsh business men led by newspaper mngnnle Roy Thnmson Ion by plane lo day for London after week cng In Moscow in In London Sunday de layed he dcpnrlum the So vigg TUlu nlrlincr smile as she was helped ashore mm lhe tusslng barge whlchnjuuught hanwm the ancharcd Britannia 00 red earl Hcr alter mugh overnight voy age frgm Napicr but mgnqgeq Working under dmlcult can dmon an an outdoor shearing floor he shearer competed for prlzc led he Quncn WELLINGTON neub oralThe Queen and Prince Philip today watched the worlds top sheep shearero In aclhn peeling golden fleeces mm New Zenlund Enmnny rah shoe Canadian Publisher Wants Reds Return Visit To Great Britain 111 315mm Emmimr Queen Philip See Sheep Shearing opens lnday wIIh Mls Morgan at Torontna OKecla Centre In twoweek Broadwaybound revue 10p wircphulo Wlll Trlmm mm Im llrr mm uald armml Cummu nllu lnvmlnl nmrn lrlum mm day and Inn nlmul LEW Funk munhh nml rrlmlnnll znv nnmrnl mmrtod wllhdrn In lnrm lvom the hon wllh Kunll ml mnvln mm In nun Io HIM um Communlul nmrurr IIthn MP lmqu nhol nulma lnunhl Cam munlnl hnMrmu In Ing and Ill major poll Hum today but nppmrd In In mnlrnl at nm ruunlry Tn prom lhAl nvulhmn pm mlrr Mule Karim Knurm mil In lend the who nlwwrd hln Imdy on elevlllnn Trnwllnu nahl he IM lrlrd In Hm llllrMI nl MI nfllrn Ivy drum null Balunluy Mm In IN on lulu ml machine wan HI annullan or IWM llhcnl yrnr hnmz down lurl Ind ndopl cxpmulunhl nutn wnn lnkclrd Ink lho Ill unllnn uhcn wnrd mm mm Soclnl lelt Ind Huber Thonuvwn lhnl hll Kraup would hep Um mlnnrily Cnnmvnllvo govunmrnl In mm or 1m lam mnnlhl Hull wnulgl Inhh Country Under Rebel Control Vhllu an mi living here Inns am Lure men pldly It In Ill nnlumlly no nnythlnx like our IMndeJ Evmlhlng In Mmmw KIM qunlo but not luxurlmu or toler lul Thomson InM Thom did nu put Khrushchnv lo agree lo hll request that Ms newspaper The Sunday 11ch be put on mla In Moscow Du ho added wnuld hapa that In dud caursu the dlslribu Mon at mspanslblu Wuun rn newspnpors would be pcnnlllcd vlcl Unlnn lied that In Um direcllon He he gromlse 01 ml cvcnlunl cni to cum wnr very actuary Ihn we xhnuld get In know each nlhor beller and understand each nlhcrl vlgw aims mm uuvcr nxpmca any £75 an mu lam One the dead men slood next to one at my men and two conslnblea were brushed by shell Then the settlers the Inde pendent loggers opened Hrs with fine and shotguns he an IE said about 12 pollen fled to hold them back but were un successful Sta lnchctar Ralph Taylor of pruvlnc 31 police headquar tm at Knpuskasing said that about 500 Ioggerl approached the pile of logs on private prop arty Nineteen Independent loggers were arrested alter the shoot ing Ten rifles two shotguns and revolver were seized No charges have yet been laid Police sald the strikers were shot at Reesnr Sldlng about 37 miles west of here when they attempted to push over pile of cord wood stuckplled by In degengegt loggers KAPUSKASING Ont CF Thme striking loggers were killed and nine other taken to hospital with gunshot wounds following shoollng sklrmish In vnlvlng loggers and Independent bqghwnrkerq near here Thrée Strikers Killed In Shotgun Skirmish BurrlI om rla Cannda Mdndny Fnhrunry ll I963 man In hem mm uuul maid In Iha LEOPOIJWILLE nm Cvngo AI powerflll erm has clumped Iood blockmh on meoldvllla In mmo wllh Ibo cen lrnl xovrmrrmn for cnnlml ha mpllnl DIquomau lotr riotlnn may erupt nu hungnr Increase In llm clly Unually milWanna mums My ml lmnlrr Cynfla Arkmla hm nskcd llm UnuM sum to lly 1000 on rim Iwm mm finnlryvllle In Hm mflrm Oman Io try to break ho rm no lmpo by we linkomm lrlbc Nun wxnnnumu Yugoslnvin the price of ludl mmlnn vcrAlnk vnnlld mlnlln Um modem mvl dcdmd ha Poking Im Daily Voice It pnfl muu nlr wmmqnlst mum ruhumd Suvid over turn or peace talks today dcmnndinu mm ho Kremlin dump Yugoslavia the price lush mm on WASHINOIDN AN shock mm of Minn In the emcm United States and leapfromnu Inland In Mr ms IuMlc health oMchds cnnt say nr mm hut odd will mad In local outbreak ucmu tho mumn Maul Pleads For American Rice name quotation on be found In speeches by Conscrvnliw government mem bers Are Canscrvullvo and LI em policies Hm lame Thu lambbut with leer sure the reply cl one Liberal lpokcsmnn China WantsA YugoslaviaefisPrice awn nun lradlng wllh mlnl mum of obstructlnn between nations and between group nnflons certainly what we need today Mr Pearson said In recent speech In London Ont Nu tounlry needs more lhqn Cunnd Asian Flu Hits US Cities rv opedfar final multi nnllon man that would reduce Inrlf barrier run only on both lldu 111a North Mlnnuc but lhrou hour hi lrcayarld nu The Liberals ndvocalu gear lng Canadas trada polity clnscly la Presldenl Kennedys InflIcylung powergh OTTAWA CPlThe Liberal partys Irnde platform In the elccllan campaign as outllned by one 01 party Lender Pear sons close ndvlsm can be summed up as rude to win wldcr market The loggers who have been slflklng Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company limited since Jan tosuppor demands or new contract ml wood Mound Knpuskaslng about 90 mile norlhgns Timmins Underzumnls of potentlai v1 oIcnce have run through the No Em were killed instantly and one dled en route to hos pital were not armed with club or anylhln Liberals Boost Freer Trading MEWS BRIETS WELL DIDNT IT RAIN THOUGHI oi ludi mmlmz nwiv can be if Um modem revisionist Yumahrln ol Dniiy voim oi the Chlmso Commun Illu ls high and speclal unit 25 provln Inca clal pallce officer has been pa or trolling lhe area since late Jan und unry but up unlll today there hnd lle been nu serlnus lncldentr though there had been claim vl lhat unlun members were mm the lesllng Independent cutters In mm mum 09 ha mg ml In an but Some confusion on Ms polnl was mam lhrough reports out part Mr Pearsons Lon dan speech News storm cm phnslzcd rdcrence Mr Pearson lo conllncnlu con man market holwccn Canada and he Unllcd Slates Thls wnuld Involve cvcnlunl cum Ha Undo hclwccprlhu mum mu two plus common mm on mod ram ether cnumrm The spokesman said the le era are not advocating Cann dlun membership in any made xrgup Another diiiercnce was the Liberal ndvacncy oi govemmenl help to tide over Canndian in duslriu adversely inflected by cuts In Canadian luriiis plus matures in give helpiui push to Induxltie nbla in lake ad vaningc oi new upon openings The Liberals he said would work more vlgarously to gel monnlnglul lnlcmalional lnrifl cuts In the mullilnleral nagoklu Hun due next year based nn lhe promise freer trade held out by tho US Trade Expan sion Act Ion strike which began Jan 14 when cnmpany and union ne gollalgra were unable to reach agreement on new contract to replace one um expired Am ulnnd In Mr as Km hut odd nm um turf hll blltl MP Mr Churchlll anchor nnd lawyer who hm lmn claw pmnnnl Mend Mr Dldcn lmkrr nr mnny your In mm or both World Wan WM lrallu mlnmrr III ha er1 rnMnn armed by Mr Dltlen IJnlur In m1 and mum he Culrhcnm your old clxnr smokan Ilnnnclcr mu the one Im lumrlw In lmluyn nn nunnccmcnl 141 week du Ila Ms rcnmlml dcnlnll ha ad Mun Ilnkrd with group min Islm rrporlcd on the palm ol tcsiunlng Thu them allowed by less than wok dcpflrlnro n1 Donglns Hnrknm nI mlnhlcr national dchncn nll ovu dlsnxrccmcnt wllh Iho prlma mlnlstcr on Ihn question ol nu clcar Mm or Canadian force Le nus or he llmo being was he voltqu at umclnlu dcfcnca mlnmer vn cnlcd Saturday by Ina mlgnn on of mm Sovigny chlgm In nlong wilh Mr Seleny Sat urdny was the tmdu mlnlslcr Georgu Hm In announcing Senator McCul cheonx nppoinimeni he naid he had chosen man who would keep Ihe economy rising as it has been rising Sennior Mccuinheon former managing dlreclor oi Tay lors bin Argu Corpornllnn was inst brouth lnio the cabinet Aug 1962 as mlnlxier will out portian and given in task oi planning or Cunndnl eea namic lulum lie lnier wnn put in charge ui implementing rec ommendullons oi the Ginssco rayni nmmluion on zuvem men orgnnlzniim SEVlGNY IIESIGN Mr Dielenbaker announcing the nppolnlmenu as he left hls home or lhe nlrport to keep Tomnto speaking engagement snld other poinlmcnu would be announce shortly He said these would tnvulve appointments rem Quebec and cine provlnguni numInally Independent member representing he armed laxcc In 1946 He moved Into the Iedera Hold Domeni atlve candldate In 1945 and was defeated He was first elected to he Summons In 1961 In byolccunn In WInnlpel South Centre Marcel Lambert Juicerold MP for Edmnnton West and Speaker of the Common In the last Parliament look over the veterans nllnlrs portfolio held by Mr Churchlll mm October t11960 until todays reorganiza DH Mn Churchill was born in Coldwater on near Orlllla on Nov 1898 and was educated at Port Arthur and Winnipeg Ills entry lnto politics was thraugh the Mnnltabu lellsla re lb highflhe gm elected OTMWA CWGordon Chur chlll was appointed today Canadas new minister na tional delence and Senalor Wal lace McCulcheon was named trade mlnlsler as Prime Min lster Dlefenbuker reorganized ministry shaken by three reslz nufinns inst week Churchill McCutcheon And Lambert fire Three Chosen No Mora Than Pdr Copy mm In dlkw in nu mafia m4 World Wu 101 rim In 550 nu km In Ibo Dim nu An MP ulna mo um Illen nwnlluncd ponihle moonor In Mr Dlelruhalrr ha mld ho would nn run In lhls elculnn Out of mm wln Mm wunl MI uncullve nulllanl ml Jnck an mm lgnruul mlnb Iull Mu Mr Bunny II the Ian IJOMHWIUVI blue mlnlmr AM lho party mn man Mr 51 MI lln cnhl nrll lmul Mo mlnlnlpr nnkln behind Hxlrnml Mlnlu Mlnluler umn Jmllcu Mlnlm In lhmlnl Mu Io prime mln Mar Hnlh nlw oxprruul tnncrm Uml uovrrmncnl In bending lnlo In tnmpnluu or lhu April general clcdluxl on an null Amcnmn lhume whlrh wlll damage roluIlonl wllh ha Unlh sum wmk lvw world dckmho unlly nml Inlum Can mln empmnlrnlly IIUUI Mr Hm and Mr 50 vlany lvllrn nl mlunnunu Smlurduy lmllmlnl hellw ml Um unvemmml In Inulna cot on culnmllmrnll an ulro nuclear mm or Cnnad an umIL Malnty cloudy Mule change in temperature Low anlght High lommw 15 For lull Iummary turn to page two MI Int nrn mulh In lml lnrlhmwnL who was erfd In wulhillly fur Ir p051 Nut lMIudcd In mlnyl an nounrrmrm was Inrdml Chap my Idllduxlrlnllsl nml lus oncmus veterans anIn In lhe all mm In mn cnhlncl nhume no hns been uuvrrnmtnl Homo lrndrr In he Cnmmnm Into mid1053 nwflnslhla Inr dlnulhm lho dayllodny hush nm lus Local Weather MARCEL LAMBERT thennl AllIn Mlnlnlrr WALLACE h€lflCIIEON GORDON CHURCHILL Dun19 Mlnlslu ma nunuier vM Page Hm llm

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