Christ 1s Spurned By His Neighbours First hnwevnr we witness the curinus piece oi human nn turn by which Christ the Divine is spurned by thepeople who hnd knnwn Iiim only as Jesus lhe mun Christ returns wiih iiis discipies in Ihe lawn when He had Eflgwn up Nazainlh Presumably In Mary still lived Ihm this was when He hnd Icamcd and mac Iced the carpgnlcrs Irade As we continue our sludy the Gospel uccurding to St Mark we llnd Christ sending out His disciples or he first lime to preach the cenlral event in his weeks lessun Apparently the people whn had known llim bclnrc He he gan is mighty works slmply could run accept Ihe lac lhnl Ihis erstwhile carpenter in mm midst was nnw the honored wonderworker They rcscnlcd Collcxlnll lnnlnum lrlntlpal Ar lllur Murch Mild 11Iundny ha togrcllnd evrnln lumllml ln Hm rnlxnnllon be ml flu ï¬lmmc County Communlly Hr onnllon Bench Ila pmgrnm hcnrllln chlld Ila vmgrnm hcnrllln chlld ml In In Ilml lawn and rum am 01 ha cnunly Im polntul cm IN rrrnnllonnl pnr ram Iullru no wlll lhry Counriln nrllml In annulan nlmll 0000 It lhan mqucxl In Hm mo rrmmlnn mvlr lulufl was ulrlmmmlnhlr Inl luld Ifllllfll he tllxlnl tumc ullh um mnvr Ilrurnllun An hummihlo hlnu ll Inhr llmr mun ln slmw MUN mlxl uundllnn vnhm anKl an urn Iuth runll nml hrl Olhrr Ncrulllu In fllfl Iluwnu llw nrnlu winn Id llw mlll mlr Mn lie nrallnn lulu hentln Olmmllhm mmr ruunly enuncmuu la den new at the rrmnliml pmgrnm 1le lmve hml lnrlur loo IL rllNl lolk dnnrlhl mmzmml lnr mlulu nu ma bonu am lonllnn Emma llmu 00 lIVlmcl In Ono lhln llml uunlu nm In ruunclll no 196 la uvrrlly wlulrh mm lhovrngrnm In In Iw rul In Innlrll llw Nmmrlnl yvnvlalum lw Inlrl Hint nalhlnn wan oullinnd mume Stuyncr Seniors were lead ing their visiting Bart1c St Joseph High School rivaLs 414 18 with three mth to go when this photo was taken Principal Says Children Suffer ScrlpmnhMIrk Gil56 By SPEER JONES Shynlr Colloglnnr immuio Prlnclpal STHYNER SCORES AGAIN ARTHUR MURCH the net that lle had been so chosen they did not understand it and they resented even their lack of understanding So they look nflcnse at Him and as result at their lack at lallhl He could do no mlghty wurks therelark 635 In verses 713 we have the ï¬rst account of the prenchlng the twelve rnen Jesus had cnllnd as helpers They were ï¬rst called disciples later npns tlcsr He had been leaching them and lrnlnlng them and now He scnt them 0th or the first time It is important lhal they were scnl ln lwos The companionship thus provided servedand sllll serves where ll ls employedo bolslcr flagging spirlls ln time nl stress or dcpressinn also serves to balance lndivldunl persunnllllcs hopefully brlnaing out the best In each by can trust Thus for example Hwy umlcd lhc lame mmm Ill your Inst whlrl would Im llnnndnlly lmpoulblc Na IV Umll wjlyliluilall null 11 lot bad Illnp hnvn mm In um mm he added Having worked elm wflh Iho mnnllon mvlrn lnr mrnl ymrl lm MI flu work vllnl ta um runny Swlmmlnn lmum rm Ha mm vnlunblc lcnlum In Mr Mur rhn opnun my pruvldo or rum rlllhlrrn whnl rhlhlrrn lnrgrr lnwm mm mvlcu lulu YMCA nnd lmlxu vm lmnu 11w numr mm In HIE lr rrrnllun mvlrc rflnrll yr muln lnlmn hmhy rulnlnl lhrr nrllvlllrs hr ild Mm lmlvrsblp lrnlnhln mlrsuw vruwn vl yuulh lrmlm and cnlhm lay cnlnpn lnr chldlrn ll mm lmI In cullan hark on any nu ma ncllvillrl 11 Ire had lhlnu lnr In munly lw mnlinllul Im lib lrrrulnl Inclnl III ll Thm In nlwnyu mlnl mull lwtwrrn my and nunl children ll mml Mldrrn nu drnlnl 1va mmnlllu In nln wmh IHIII lhm he gull wldrm h1 DYI lmlul II lml III II nlIIIHy lo uh lllmu lhnl munll lll me mnlldvnc hm mm mm whlmlmz uncu clrcle hlmln and Wining In xrl nlmn tlIII nthnm ml nmrrlnl mu Mr Mlllfll umcludrd Herc Ben Carmlhem 55 tries to lab the ball Into the basket for Slayner while St Josephs gum Garry kerton tries to Inlercop Examiner tha The following ofï¬cers were elected or 1963 rectors war den Mel Money peoples war den Henry Dnvls vesuy clerk Wanon Downer sldesmen chairman Wllmer Wllson sldesmen Dick Price Kelth El lis Hlll ParrvElmer Golnes Kenneth Smllh and Joe Wilson envelope secretary Mrs Arn old Banllng superintendent of Sunday School Mm Elwood Jenneit Thur Iméellng dosed will lunch and social hour HOLLY Speclnl llolly Home and School Assoclallon will alter teaching dcmonslrn Ian and lounders day we enlallm at IL next meeting Feb 13 pm In llolly School The shaking lbs dust from the dlsciplcs lee In owns that did not receive them ml was lo ha lullmony to those hwns that lh were commend heathen hnpefully provoking lhuughl and repentance Mler Ihe dlsclples ï¬rst suc ccsslul journey Chris led them to welldcsened and much needed ml in peace and qulel rebath nur nethsnlda uke 910 The mlrncle nl he lecdlng lhe Ive lhousnnd ls Ihe only miracle of Jesus whlch ls re corded In all our Gospel Mume HHS2 Luke 91015 land John 0115 Members of Ike HolslclnFrlb nlnn Anodnllun at Canada will be cmsldcrlna mmml or by cmlsui or ham roam Hons and random nwncr ship the annual madlnz be held Fcbnmry 13 In lvam Mlor holding um llnc on fees nr en yum Inucnslnz mu have oronl thu ndhm IVY Special The annual veslry meeting Chris Chmch here was held In the church hnll with air attendance Schnlnrs have lrled to explnln Ihe nppnmnl discrepancy be tween lhe instmclIon given lhe dlsciples In Marks account and those elven In MaIIhewa 109 15 In thcII sandals and stall are Inrbldden They may have been lwu set InsInm IIons on two dIIIerenl oceaelons Ihe words translnlnd sandals And mm In Matthew may really have mean good shoe and an elaborate walkan stick Mark may have meanI that no new 5qu or sandals were In he purchased Inc IorhIdden stick may have been he klnd car rIed by shepherds or sellde Iensc rnlher Ihnn Ibe one car rled lor guldnnce Miss Hutchinson will de monslmle how she teaches lmon lo prlmary mlldren Ar lclcs on loundcrl will be presented by Mrsl Johnsonl sllver collectlon will be ken for the Counlce Memorial Library ll was announced The Assoclnllon executive urged the while lolurn out In forceto the mlng Kind the Ihoughllu philosophl cal Andrew pnlred with the Im pulslve zenious Pcttr About Loon member nu ex mud lo nllmd nucy will cl lelcm dlrcdon to um um Onlnrlo on lhe Amocln llml Ilannl my will nlso hear Dr Kmndll Vclh Vmh Innry mmlvrlmml lot In lxxnlnlvn Health Anlmnll llrnndu cxlvlllln In ddnll an new pollcy at dcpnflmem wlll nlnn In Atcmlilul llmh lot 111 and lYu Listed lwnln or humlion lllgllldn ol Illa day will In In mltlnm on Um loinl mllrlml aan Hi by mm ll llnmlrr Dr Ken Wells Is To Speak At Cow Meet iirnllicinh Vchwnl SKm My oi mo iiuisicilriIlninn Association oi Auxtin shlold will in KmMu mm new Mnkier Hrmlcrm 11w Iiuodnilm lmidmi II Dunlon Hmnvinn mi lln Hmrinry Iimm llmmlloni ilmi milm oi In moclnllon wlulm mum in iiinv at our Imian duh7 tnulnl am in Canada 11 fliirnmlnni Church IOHicials Appointed At Ivy Parents Can See Teacher At Work KEEP IN TRIM VANCOUVER 1UP 01m Mllumu hm mam card mlrnmln Hill unwn In their mndlllnnlni wurm at women One Innlrutlrm uhl mm of lime lull Hm mum an Immrlnnlou the Irm rlvnn lo nvrr Unhhuu and unl In It back In lrlm TIW EXAMINER WANT ADS HIONE PA um GOLDEN TEXT Truly truly No ynn he whn believe In vlll lllo do the huh Hill do Ind ruler worh tlun lheu wlll he do betu lo the InlhrJohn Law dld luch KM 10 In handllnu Iho camplnlnu hose who objected lo the lwo mill uummcm lo parllon the Strand and dhmcl men or the rink that am correspondent qu wmlcn Ill nuyiui lhnl ll though Mr an hm lwo hwy omsidm Mud nl pub ex mm to look after Ihe Inter uh or ha community mu Iur Fm hu did Iplcndd lleprmnflnx Luka ndl group who had turned nut well nu ma mcclhm wllh about hull ol lhcm women Mr an wul quch In manntr unicel nluL The heading which credited the County with reduction at the mill rate would lead most read ers tn ice that they had cut some expenses to do this The tact is that they have evidently absorbed the additional revenue which has developed through the increased agessment oi the yard tau municipalities Simwu Conn ty generally has grown and ex pansien has added mnslder able assessment llowever as long as the Council can come through with IliKhtly lower mill rate they receive credit ior reduction When their record is read over again it will be aeen that the only cut that Ihew are grant to charitable organ atlons such an the Sea Cadeu Canadian hicntnl llenlth Unit which last year they agreed tn set up Sunset Lodge Oriiiia etc The Federation ot Agricul ture not rhown in the lint receiving donation thin year llnwcvcr when the County Councll can Allow each member your or poslnzel plus ndA dlllonal dnlly allownnce mud in crcnscd mllcaxe one cannot col that than was any dcslrc ln economize when lolnl $34000 mare belng Ipenl lhl year than last does not look as If my nllcmpl In bdrm made to reduce Counly lovammcnl COS Gm WRONG LAW TM wrlltr on on Io lay lhII llnmld llammnn chnlrmnn ma Conummlly llnlI Board Ind lha Rink Commflln Ilm wnl very Hldan Ho old dlflluulllel ul mow rrmnvnl on Um open link which delnyed hochy plnylnl Ind 1ch Hull Minuerl on anngor why dont yw lluhl ngnbut your WM or m1 Mm yuu In gumlï¬l flllnk your wilt Tonque TwiSter Mme llMMlnlly Wu AW um ï¬ilï¬elydmu 04 tom INNISPII NOTES SMILE AWHILE In he Hquï¬ She 33 night good nl hl gnodnlght rd Taylor said he re plied TM Lord Taylor speaking What It you want flu voice the Mary end asked are you asleep darl lug inn Tn ylor said course Im not asleep jug woke me up Lord Wednesday nlghl haw he was awakencd In Moscow hotel by strange woman 9n the telephone The woman giggled mi or Taylor sald the lncl den happened whllp ht was In Moscow on World Health Organlzallon our and he re counled the conversnllon In Fl colleagues the next morn Ill They told Mm they also had been called up In Almllar manner and that some had tried la make aslmtlons but the glrl did not turn up larllAlaxlnlgnld We ma 1y reached the cnncluslon that Russian wives In Moscow ordinary respect nhle wlves are bored all There nothing whatever to in in Moscow of an evening BURLINGTON Ont CF CPIPonce got an mer gcncy call from Mr Ash ley on Cumberland Avenua His wife needed last ride to hospital Fuur minute laler they l0 another cull This LI Mr Cumberland at Ash ley Avenuu HIV you sent lhnt cruiser yet The cruksér wen mm Olmberland Avenue lo Ash ley Avenue and look Mm LONDON Realm No Beduttions Made At County Level GoodnightGoodnight Whoever You Are MONPALF9MM coo FELLOWS HALL chLIEn ST PEARL BOTTOM LINES 19 NUMBERS CONSOLATION $1500 Pmoodn Ta Humanllnrlm Servlm By 1168 ODD FELLOWS $22000 um You BINGO and JACKPOT None of tho rimlo we lich received so inr even tho good ma page one by Examin ti have given any credit io ihn Iwo luwym contribution to the public at the hearing Mr Jim lcon Chairman ol the hearing and rcprcsenlnilve oi in Municipal Board wns given credit or grasping lhe vnrlour rim brought out We like it rcmurlr when discussions not going in Die audience that ihll was Mario and he would like to hear lie nuurcd the alluring Ihol um lionrd would give rcni considcrulion to all Ildus and ruling would he hmdcd down in noon on pos cl added Ina taken in by the now was will add ratepayers to those mntribuiing towards the rink who did not come into the area Com munity iinli lupportnrl The petition circulated was raid in have been pmsented to all of these and yes or no ior or against this levy record ed flw argument is that the Iran was extended without ï¬rst having the Approan at those ni iccitd covered rink would Increase the length lime Dim nnturnl lca could be usedl The rlnk is planned primarily In be oi ser vice to children from to II ycm of an he said and sured that none would be turned away even it nutslde the areal my mo nxrlculmml lollu mnslderlng trip to Flnrldn and wonder when and whine In mmc we would sup xtal lhnl lhl nut on day wouhi be ml llmu lo be In no Gull Clllu nrca Florldn Slnla Fnlr II on In Tampa and wmpnrca wllh our uwn mu lnlr Vtlock 01 he hcsl hm Flnrldn products nn nhow and dllplnyl mm vnrlaul xuvnm menu are In be there The anpnr Assoclnlkm will hold Ihclr pnrudo nrxl week nller the plrnlc IM hns muted lnln hi Port of lmpn nd Invndcd In city Thm LI urnndnlnnd IhDW everr nluhl Ind Hm II hauled mod unlhvr lhll In wandcrful mman 51qu the mm In one In inlr ll you In mman In Flor ldn hand or lho mm cltlrl Them in plenty commodi llon Ivnllnhle ANCIENI MWIIONE anbono an unknown pri mnu dlncnvmd by Ilrllhh nn lhropolollnu In Kenya In not In bun osllnmlcd 900000 yuu old Unlucky Break Round And Round Freeloading LONDON MulefllSo vie parachullsl Majnr Ev gen Andreyav who dropped 15 miles last November set world recn record has broken an ankle In sired hi the Rusian news agency Tnss snld Ash er Cumberland hospllnl where she zav blrlh In sevenpound ï¬ve ounce hoy BERKELEY Cnlil AP University of Calflomla freshman laudmnnut claims 1151 revolutions In dryer In world recordcf sol1 Lawrence Scanlan xald today his big spln look 21 minute and broke records Established at Texas and ML and Mlchggan Sgnlg Ponce Iwked mid lhécny jail Tuesday and Dund an prjwner Il éild nulslde man replied This office Gel on The pollceman obllgingly lell and locked the cell door behind him Police indi cated the voluntary pris ontr would be charged with being dnmk chual buddies Scan lan stand by with the dryer door partly open to see that he didnt mother or mast What are you doing here policeman asked the man we who has ap peared In police court sev eral times mow Km m2 the THE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1963 The lollnw am at the Barrie Public Ll luun uurmg reuruary Accidenl Dont Happen demonstration at how mlnnr carelessness in handling mach lnery may lead la major 9ch denls Glecn Girdle colou taking bus Jondunera leuva he with and noise the city and enjoy benulliul country Richmond Hampslcnd Healh Epplng Fares elc How Bicyclv Is Made The various processes In lha munulncmre and the nssemlr ling of bicycle Story 01 Petu And The Puller visit with Peter to the Dclchmnnn family whn make pottery Three Rand To Tomormw calour This story the laur neys of three ngerinn students mm their homes to Ihldinn Un verslty shows what Nigeria is Ilke Iaduy and what 01 power Is for it Inlmduclnl Parlnnl The beauurul and mile country of Portugal when the old mari Ume traditions are still carried World In Minn colour How nature mainlalns balance between the inhabitants of pond mm the tiniest insects to the snakes mg and birds Animal Unlimited Animal mm In lhelr natural smla In Saulh Alrlcnn Kruger Nullonal Park uelween The 11ch colour lntercsllng animal and plant life are found in the rockwol and shallow water amongst the bmedlngs ground or Brilnins sea birds NOW SHOWING Show It 700 900 pm Conflnuoul Sal 1mm pan Llll Thlnk Am Chlldqen discuss safety class panel meeting iiiking Declslun In The Family When high school girl preicrs gathering of her awn iriends to going in family gathering her parents object The result is clash oi wills The question of what might have been better nppmach is leit lo the audience ï¬nd or Iran The achieve mums the men who went into he wilderness ol Northern Qut bee in build the runway In order In murkcl the rich 1an are of the Ungava rcglon Sndlul Wells Bulletin The story at student ballet her training and her first per lormannc Colour The Chairman And The Bay colour Ernest mm enha mun of the Margaret anley Cape Breton wurk on one his muchprizcd chain Calm 01 Min colaur Shaw Ihe ones which bmughl LIBRARY FILMS Annnuwxim IunllflllflflnA moun Alm GUINNESS DIRK BOGARDE WHOM QUAYIE jurme FILM councu IMPERIAL cqyygylmlyv Locmonrnowmpwflfmkls Sale In about the colour difference mong primitive men in various geographical region County Magistrate The ad ministration oi Justice on the lncnt level In Canada shown by typical cases which come betorc country magistrate Cnllsmah Walk colour Nava Sculin craman do trad illonul handi pottery weaving carving and melalwork flow Televlslnn Works survey lelevislan transme on and rccepllon Llllle Chimney Sweep story of chimney sweep In 1am century England who meets young heiress raises the lnnn when she ls kidnapped and becomes Ihe hero lhe hnur Price Fire film about the llrcmen In Montreal fight Iug lite ï¬lmed on the scene Tnulm we SATURDAY AT NO M0 560 11 M5 Vnuay Gold Afllm on JABKIE mason AHBIEIIT DONT MISS SEEING NEW JOY HAS COME Tl THE SCREENAND THE WORLD ISA HAPPIER JPMCE IO LIVE INI ES AT THE CODRINGTON SCHOOL AUDITORIUM BARRIE ON 51m FEB 92 AT 745 pm COME EARLY AND BRING ERIEND THE BARRIE CHRISTIAN YOUTH FELLOWSHIP ElkDc the developmeni of mlnlng Ind he gruwlh of the town Val yonyen Quebec Walk in The Forcsl cuiour reconnaissance team in anu and New Guinea troubled with sidmess native superqu linn and awmiiu irek through the Jungle to hospital $7950 =1 SIMCOE BUSINESS MACHINES 69 Dunlap St PA H824 MATRON IN ATTENDANCE New Ind Um ADMISSION