Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Feb 1963, p. 4

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EWatei Pollution Is Serious Matter To General Public When the Ontario Water Resources Commission was established in 1956 the provincial government put upon its shoul ders the responsibility of seeking out and putting an end to pollution of ublic waterways Under the guidance of Berry whose resignation from his post of general manager took effect February the OWRC has done wonder in its few years of operation It was estab lished alter water pollution had become more than just serious matter and it has found its job one that has presented more hurdles than smooth sailing Attempting to convince municipalit les to spend vast amounts of money on cleaning up waterways used as sewers has been trying job thatDr Berry and his associates have handled patiently But there must be times when they wonder if the water pollution problem is really concerning others Recently the Onlarlo Water Resources Commlssion laid charges against Guel dalry for pollutlon creek by dscharging particular waste materlal into it Among the loudly trumpeted triumphs of the present federal government is the socalled completion of the TransCanada Highway The huge undertaking was last year formally opened on two occasions in September by Prime Minister Dlefenbak er and little earlier by British Colum bias premier Ar Bennett who somehow got the jump on the Prime Min ister TransCanada Not Finished lSllfl But with two formal openings the job isnt finished checkup made recently shows that four provinces have completed their al lotments four others are well on the way to completion and twoNewfound land and Quebechave still long distanc es to go Newtoundland has completed approx lmntely onethird of it 540 lmDIEl UAWnun an Que cc whosg portion amounts to 399 miles couldnt get started on the pro ject unlii it got rid ol Premier Duplessls and has finished only six milesi However motorist driving from St Johns to Victoria or vice versa even if he doesnt find the TransCanada rouie fully paved will find paving on ailer nate roads except in Newfoundland where gravel is still largely ihc order of 10 VEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 1003 Barrie Fire Brigade responded to call from May or Graydon Kohl oi Colllngwood Fire discovered at am destroyed an entire business block lioy Klghtley appolnl ed Postmaster on retirement or Thomson Town ended year with sur plus oi more than $25000 Council took entlre evening to discuss with mun icipal oiiiclais growing problem at sew agie disposal Barr llyers beat Gait Back llawks 41 ln Junior hockey Fred lletselt and Tony ioeta tied up Galts star dim itlcliurneyi llap Emms Flyers followed with 63 win over Oshawa General and moved close to first lace lllnrlboros LLCol il itl Gander ED oi ltlcaiord appointed com manding oiileer 45th AntiTank negl ment Foreslem on retirement at ltColr It Kennedy 050 ED oi Owen Sound Barrie Lentennial Com mittee announced man attractions ar ranged for Old liome eek Leadln Cadel Garnet Bass selected by Sea fat cts or month cruise on board illiiCS QuLbec Joo Miller rolled 822 over nne at ilarrle Bowling Alleyn In match against Orlllla llylng Oiileer llclcn Tnklng mm mm nmon olhm mor rflclnnn who med lo lm un crlakon and cunlndlnnn whu uml lo be jnnllnrn llm nnlluna lmwllng proprlcturn mo wtll Anlhnmm nonm1 mu null rvl olnu luv11mm and In lyIMIII II Mlll II nnln iundlyl Innmy nuny uuphd mam WALLI rIunlm MIMI Alum numl mum lelIlIlflN Muull null mum In nun MAN IL10 Aanflmll Ill 10m IlnIJIII clmmm flnhwllvllnn ml lull by Iflflr IIW Ill IIIM 11 If Mlll In an In Mr munlhl uov hm mnuu ll mum IM lull0 nunan III HIGH Hill In TMW mum 11 mm vol In mm Ammm Aunn lumn ol no CIAfilm in In public cmm TM ll MIMIu In Ind byh vhllummM mm In an up mm 01 TM Aw m4 mm an All bu om pound Mun KWalls Publisher Ill Inn ummu plumu nu The Barrie Examiner IMAGE OF WORD tlnrllqnll Orrmmlnn Published By Canidlm Newspapers Limited 16 Bnyfleld Street Barfle Ontarl DOWN MEMORY WE mushe Bflan snugmpdz FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19 91 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Dr Be has on occasion warned municipal es that they can be fined up to $500 day for each 24hour period that they gut off startin sewage sys tem1tist eretore unlike that the mag istratg fined hls concern anything near what legislation permlptgd Actually no one would suggest that an overwhelming amount should have been levied but thls was not case of an innocent oversight The Ontario Water Resources Commission is not cutthroat organization and had Embany extended efinite warning to particular dairy but it went unheeded Minimum penalties are more than lust ifled where an offender has been in ola tion of law wilhoutkealizing mistake but when an established business con ern knowingly commits wrong mer ciful penalty is open to questioning the day or in provinces where recon strucan is being canled gut on some Leglsla uthonzing he highway was enacted in 1949 The federal govern ment pays 50 er cent of the cost except for the most fficull 10 per cent In each province on which It pays 90 per cent Ottawa hears the entire cost of construc tlonr through natifma ks In nnmnlnfnfl uon mmugn llduvum PM The road was to have been completed In 1956 but the deadline has been twice extended and Is now set for December 31 1993 flunk nu on raw Prince Edward Island Manfloha Sas katchewan and Alberta have finished their sections The other provinces are mostly engaged in bringing their ahead paved roads up to the prescribed stun Ur Mmulmmdlanfl wharp the pavuu mu my ards except for Newfoundland where the route traverses dlIflcult terrain that was entirely unpaved Because lts pavlng rohlems are uniquely dltllcult New oundland has urged the federal govem ment to pa 90 per cent of lts entire TransCam acostsnw Meanwhlle the federal government has pulled at the unlque stunt of cele bratin the completion of TransCan ada llghway that is still unhappily long way from being finlshcd Rryson leit ior Germany to be nurse incharge ot RCAF stat on hospital in Zweibrucken Lloyd luiiord elected president Community concert Association Sandy Coutts again heads Chamber 01 Commerce Jin Seto 0rillia and Robert An eloti Bar rteI head district branch Canadian Restaurant Association iiolland Marsh residents set $100000 objective ior Dutch iiood victims Rev Null meyer called to ministry oi Collier Street Baptist Church Ebenezer Todd oi Churchill Reeve oi innisill and Warden oi Simeoe County in 1010 died at age 07 Mrs 1i Volienden Mrs Parker and Mrs iomirel in charge of annual Valentine Tea at Trin ity iarlsh ilall Winner 01 Range Award given by Instructor Geoit Jones to liarrle Moose Squadron Air Cadets was Col David Rrett United Churches oi Barrie all reported good years in 1002 at congregational meetings Rev Ernest Lewis at Collier Rev James Rewell at Central and Rev Eugene leech at Rur ton Avenue were min 51ers New chil drens section opened at Royal Victoria OSDHRI included ital ih Robinson Mem oria Ward Icompieiey iurnlshed by Charles flobluiori nlong In camEalgn to have thrlr places or recreation nnwn howling lanes ner llmn hovyjlng anyn nun One well mun however lllnt lhe lmwllng men wlll have lholr way and llml nllcy wlll lmomu obsolcle word or NJ hardwood palm llut Um word we whlllhc bowlm Would dress up la antler whlch la lhc common nnmu fur the me that calchu munl of our bowl lnz Ilillll How much nlccr It would um were lo he called my vnln or dale LAW AND ORDER Brannon Expoznor The Mrlcun counlry knuwn In Tngo Ichlcml Iocallcd Independent In 1000 pwpll or mm of lhum hnvn now dcmonnlnled lllclr Inclpnclly or nurh Ilnlul lovarnmun l1 nunInna on And nvalullon In Soul Amcrlcm alyle amounts to nvmion to Irlbnl tyranny worn than any French colon Inllsm lean th Frqnch Impaled ml and kept otdur Ieral Manager ighway Hy PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA The most hlghly treasured packetshe map In Ottawa 15 IveInch by three lnch piece or card hearing flu cnpllon The Press Gallery Dln OTTAWA REPORT ner nu Thls admlsslon llckez cast sxo Around 400 lhem are printed ll admits the happy and proudbearer to the select elfthawecord annual dlnner at which members nl In Pm Gallery on Parliament Hlll hosla la thelr raw mnlerlnl The pr ceding begin wiih reception in the Railway Com miiiee Room in the Parliament Building This is always iinrn boynnily decoraied with cui ouis cariooning prominent aii tlcai figure and dcpiclinz apl cal poliiicni events Though one ytnr we did have live moon grazing bewildered among the higballs Then follow dinner In the Parnumcnlary ncslnumnt xen mlly Iubslnnllnl Ivecourse menl whlch mlghl equally be dcscrlbcd as ourballle men wine scplch rye 219mm Up to that palnX nll largalcly and bonhommle anhinx an at has been cxccpl lhe bch Du than comm the enlar Ialnman This canal mull nkclche and dialogue urlzlnnl compnsluun even lhauzh old favorite tunes am one borrowed or the locnlhcd lyrlcl The theme loplc pohliml and highly specialin In lhe audiencu nnd parlarmm lnc mood is all bonhommle hul he pollllclnns ulcmd or whiting em up do Speech mm In hcud luhln mu usually allow Then lhu gatheran dlspcnu bnck la the llnllwny Commlllee Roam whlch II well Ilockcd wllh ruhmml at In Ilw pnrllnmrn lary olllm cl hospllnblo Mlll OFF THE RECON Press Gallery Dinner Best Since The War There limehonored um dulon lhnl Ihll nnnunl puny lhu record The mom in clude the GovernorOman lha prlmo mlnhlm Iho lendrn ul nlhvr pnnlu cmhlncl mlnhlcm Ind nmbnundarl my can all he conlldcnl llml nolmnz that my my or do wlll he Hpofltd In lhc pml ho hum llkuwhc Imuw llml nolhlnu llml llwy my nr doelcnplini nnly probably any lnlmcuon nl lhu Crlmlnnl Code nl Cunndawfll lhmnilcr be puhlklml Km deal dull and hmwlrduu ou Inln In mn Hnn ol the onlcnnlnmenl much SOME DAYS YOU JUST CANT W11 If you want drink that is wonderful magnificent glorious splendid amazing Serye coldon the rocks or With your favourite mixer Ume and dim nel ano re homing It and considerable men is needed to plan flu whole party an that not all monthly So outstandingly witty and popular was thls years mow that most at the guests And the welleulertalncd hosts ulreed lhnt thln was the best perform nnce and the smoothest party stnged by the Press Gallery at least alnce the war The prlnted song sheet cnrrylng all thosa nrlglnul lyrlca will lung remnln treasured souveulr Whlla lt would he brculrlng the trndltlous surmundlng the ucculon to do more It would Interest render to learn the unheraldcd hrll llnuce exhlhittd lu lhls unlamll Held by those who are wldely known otherwlne Auch us radln and TV commentator Geo Scott Journalist Walter Gray lV newmlnn Norman DcPoe wrller Jean Paul Char bancuu and many others ALLOHAWA FAVORITE it is yearly mum of wow dcrmenl lo we how many poll llclans and civil servant and outoltown visitors and newl niun and Just plain Canadian personalities manage Io squccza lnlu party which only hold 400 in total One small bomb exploded in the middle ihat ghlhnrinz would wipe out lha cabinet he newspaper and brundcasllnz lrnlcmlly ul lha Idcml pollilcal field the top brass me mvlm the crown oi the civil service and the manageman ul rnllmnas air lines and nlhcr Crown corpora Ian and privaio bunlnmu llm aniy wuun whom one nmcr ml at the Im Gallery Dinner in live or ul chum it in IIIIK Ihow Especially la llloio who do not lnlmr dnlly around Inrllmnunt III an In vllnilon remain Inuzhlnller Ilnlu Iymbal nlwnyl In my slum wpply Thnl In why hm sun of pnmbwrd an highly mu um hero Ind cuum lllcrA nHy wunh muzh more Hum Ill wvluhl 1n told nuywhere ll nu up thly hundl Illhoul Irllh Ih doubt luluI Tlmolhy irnycr cnn fro muunl hruuflnl hut ll MI In only when our mntcllu nur woxdl BIBLE THOUGHT will mrvrlorg mm By THE CANADIAN PRESS Queen Eiiznbclh oak the oath ni accession to Iha lhmne 11 years ago today ln lsfiZloiiowing the death two days previously King George Vi in the Canadian pmclamatlnn Ihe became Supreme Liege Lady In and nver Canudl the tlma oi King Georges death the then Princes Elizabeth and Prince Philip were an hoilday in Kenya They Immediately new back In Britain The King hnd died in MI sleep Sund flnflham and 56 after An ilinm oi some months CALGARY ChM rock noaecone package are being assembled ml the Unlvmily Alberta here for Clnldll Ipnce research program Package Records Cosmic Particles Drl Wllmn phynlclsl hm spent two yem dealxn Inn And usscmbllng package whlch wfll mcnxure msmic ra dlnllon will be launched next tummLr on Black Brant rnckrl lrgm Churghilll Dr hump mcnls ln lhe package xylll men urn lhc Ilrenglh ol neutron pur tlclu In qppcr Amos We must know how Ilmnx Inc pulllclll Me because my will constantly bombard Ipncc nlulns he Inld II they no dense enough In mnelrnla fpnccship UwyIl klll nnyunl in The second project luntr vlsrd by Dr Burkmnslcr to menmre the Ilrenxlh ol lhe cnrlhn mnfincllc Held In lhe Kw nlmoxphcre Ill lcnm ydclm has Ilan hrrn WMHDK lwn yum on In new cone Im Slates sled mo Mohawk lndlans mm mm troops lacked Schenectady NY Hum 60 Ind capturing 30 Wem rnplnx am way In npnru muncheach group In In awn It1d lullnx mmurlnu Imd druwlnfl concluslunn he anld nlcn wt in 1mm Ind Iry lo lh In home lhe lnlovmn llon wevt amnmd Ahoul outr nu llm lmtnlmnnl nncknm lnnnchbd lnlnrmnunn nbonl rndlnllom nculmn demlly me he mgflnflic licmym In Ur llon Inld Him or Mr his Adv mun lhflll In lhn Irrch will he wllll ll MM llllm llnl ll luccmlul Sam TODAY IN HISTORY The In United bank wus lncvrpor TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH 37 109E MOLNEB MD D24 Dr Mullen am 15 yearold girl who wean glasses Ive been til contact lame but my parenls are against them tn tense that they might lrrltale my eye alter Wiggins Do you fink mnlacll are lamMg lawnunu Cuntact lenses pmperly fitted wm not harm your eyes 1th may or may not lrrltate them but that use the trrltaunn wll mnka you mp wearing them They do bother mme people but not others There In between cases In which peopll can wear Contact Im num ber hour day but not at the time you or nther yaur par ents cnn Allard the Idded cost of contacts and will not he un duly altected In case you find thll you cant continue to use them quxest that you try them Deu Dr Mnlner Several weeks ago read your nude on em Mine had been dis charging lnr more than two years went to specialist and he sprayed wme sort medicallon hr my ear on three occnrlnns And that ma lhe trlck wonder could you tell me the name at tho may than belng usediCJ Wants Contact Lenses But Parents Object QUEENS PARK By DON OHEARN TORONTO Premier Rohml doesnt mm to be 11 euro as hlr transport mlnmer Hon James Auld that the Liberals have been ewlplrrl Tory plat lnrm polnu Mr Robnm look the same line at pres wnlerence Mr Auld had earlier He was nde whit mm at the polntl In quesuon were He er mentioned mtdlcare But then ha admimd um hh pronlm wouid include rivulu lnsunnce companies whla the leeth wouldnt He lhen manllaned Junlor Farm Dom Bu than he had to um further that all purtlu for name um hld llvored In exunaian of mm And also um ha leflfll had dlflennl apprnnch in nu they would make arm loan dl remly from the pmvlndll 1an am nonmrs ATECHNJQUIE Aclunlly ll ll no In kuplnl wllh Mr chart In use lhln pollllul technique He XI more on to decide whal he believuln and hen Ilnnd or 111 by It witness his lnlen nnnl ruwrnllon 1h label Ha Tory bellcvu anylsm ls Ihe right phllosophy for lha prnvlncc ll ths time and so he will do his bcsl to sell the people vn MI convic Ions In Yollllchn he will plny Man pol llc hey are only will Sell Toryism To The ElectOrs fiéilgcnlul lean ifiuiisrlhu rqgrcuorllhe has Mn am olhcr Man at cabbage Hc docs mu have the drpul lhc ptcmlcr And ll would seem that In his can he pm nhly appolnlcd hlmull do cndeg ol his puny ll auolher ncllvap Inhd young defendcthohn In or London who your use mm leml lender Wlnlermcygr lho openlnl lo npcll hll crlml Ipmh ln publlc Ind ltd Torlu Into Ihcir moat cmlmr nqu momcnl In rmnl his lary Such mm cun lurh out In he lrinl TORY LAIle bpuklnx of Tory mad KM oldguard mrmberl ll lan not nll my about lhl Inlwl Lu In In lhm Ara probably cw nulnlde Mr Hobnm hlmull and his Adviser who wally um nooucm Ivmmn mu uunm mm ammo now Ammu mounuout 0mm Um memhm wouldnt éonldand cant ThanIs no 5111319 mtdia catlon used or thla purpose devends on the cue ml the right medicine on the wrong case can do much harm no treatment at nlL Medici can just Isnt that simple werenfa woul we mm dado In everyday practice diagnoals Is the most lmpomnl pan ol medical care Dear Dr Molner The docldr look urine test my young earold sun and discovered that had phenylketonurln wm the boy hnve to stay on spade die his Me or jug few years W11 he alwaye be slower than other chlrlren because the brain damn to IarfMS um The spacial dlct may be near essary Indetinltelr The candl tion detect Ihe enzyme Iystem whlch we have not yet lound way to comet The next best measure there ore to change the He tn compensate It hard to pre dlct improvement in mental ablllty there probably wlll be mm but the buy may Ilwayl be slower than others It now Is known that treat ment cnn he started lmmedl ntely brain dnmaie can be prevcnled and or that reasnn rude to golnl dong with out loy 1qu But you dont no many pro clalmln 1mm um rootmp that they Ire Toriesfl And others mum just lain don like and pray ng that their npponen In the election wont be this to make too much time on tha hnsunu derldlnx them VICTORIA ICP Ilnglo Ineeu could wlpe out the cum petunia plnnllnzl in Vlclorlll park at 1963 nun one the hmrdn of Rh nnllull md ordering chore that keepl parks ndmlnlslrator ll Wlmn busy MI um n1 ym Costs More Than Penny Pinch My wrer or fancy lypo ol petunia mm Chlcaio much any zrnwer Iolnls man an ounce The Iced Ilka llm pow der Ind that mom It wouldnt even cover dlme but llllggoduce he ycluniu wn Cast lhlx llny Amount am but will produce nn lure pcrmlltlnz bcuu lhnn 1000 plants or June blooming For lhoso whu like figuring om nunce of lhe med would cost $576 It um rulebut it wnuld produce 165000 plunll un der ldenl mndiuonsJ Begonia Iced Inolher lltm lhal come In liny and expen slve qunnllllesmmc vnrlcllcs runnlnz lo 55 Ior pinch Our lam Iced urder or type at Haw under 1m pound In wulght and at guns mu up to you of $200 Inld Mr Wmen From Inch null Invest mcnl Vlcmrlnn And nmu maintain an Inmnullonal Icpulnlinn HEATING FUELS Phono PA M531 COOP BARRIE

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