istates Refused Direction Tnlilnx about plmr 0n InnIr ll lhu hm mm mm have Mmlml htIr lwnnlu In nnl mm 11 MnhMl or rillrrlln hum MMth 11w nupnhnru ul II nmtmllmru nwllmluully lrlmnml Mn dll Inn and lhnl nllnnuplwo nr mu up up Ml ll bunt Am llw much llw danqlr Mal Wllhr No III mlm Hu mnullu nn lhrlr nmll nfllwnllnu mmm Irlm mlnm nth nmmxnl nllrnllnn nrul 1m ml npl Iml Hu lulurr innlnn llunrh Ivrll Jullzo Hm mm ml mlnptnmnty In Ilylo Un ulrumy rul Ilfr mg llmhmkm mm llvo dun Thu mun wlll he Jmlurd an win uyxmfluj Judy Mn Jnhn Wrnllyl Hkh Blmll Judge llw llllmzl prtrl In unmru Tn llnln mnny wu mrn ml nolnll will Im unn In Huh rnhgnry my nu men who have gmwn lmnnl lor Um Inrrla Wlnkr Cnrnlvnl cnme lurlh uml HIIMI ymxr Jun mum uuo hnlnnn and two mm juxlnn yuur nullmml or ml Iprclnmlnr evrnL JUDGES There was considerable dis cussion about the recmatlon service in 1962 and in Novem ber of last year the council voted unanimoust that It be continued The recreation com mittee prepared budget and ymgram lorlW which pm vided or an expenditure $39725 of which amount $25 152 was to he provided by the county and the balance from government grants and mis cellancous revenue In accord nnce with an economy program which reduced the budgets at mnny departments of county govemment the finance com mittee recommended that the recreation budget 10111963 he Gather rnund yn mun mk In courage yo unmvvlnx lnllh Ilnunth rcnlism ye wlm huvr dam lho wrnlh womm nnA grown lhy bcnnls In wflo ol lhclr mullllingunl lhrquls The day mkonlnu mm be hero on Fm nml Is In be red llmll Minn Um pm llm nnry heard Judging will lnlus rlacu nl he nnrrla llntn la bu ollnwrd hy lhc llmll Snlmduy Alum In Hm mun The Humour Mil Details of the committees decision were outlined in press conference yesterday at temoon alter the closing of trundle It was the commltteo that proposed earlier In the week that their resignatlon he accepted WITH REGRET Speaking or his committee Bernard St Amml chairman sald It was wilh good deal regret that the recreation com mittee recommended that the resignation be accepted Following Is he statement of the committee Simeoe County Recreaiion Commiiice of Oouniy Council has llnniiy presented reason behind ii decision to accept the resignation of Miss Louise Coliey director of Simcoe County Comimmiiy and Recrea ion Service and her assistant Mrs Fiorence Fish chcnictnycar old Ellen McKcvnr dollcalely real hrr linger on the saw to Its In sharpness before Mayor Lu Cookn loll und Aldermun 100 ENTRANTS COUNTY COUNCIL GIVESITS SIDE Beard Judging Starts Feb 14 TAKES MORE THAN SHARP BLADE Ilul In nll renllly his jud glm ln 1m should Im quila nlkhl lu 5m Iran 50 men wll Imus ha ha Jullml Thum xlny and Frldny nlxhl ol nnl until and WM bu Aomrlhlnx lo nthrm ll lllml up nl lhu Plum he Clly linnln who hnvu had he nil in mm Her In divlduill lmnrds They deserve lrcmtnduu amount mill Tlm me who llulnkn ml by lhu My In gnawing lmm hlm ul Recently he Regimental Scr gcanl and Regimental Warrant Officer and wives lrom Owen Sound Orlllla Mldland Calling wowDurham and Barrie got tngclhcr for smorgasbord Ey recreation pmgram we mean to have emphnsls on what we mnsidered were the essentials This Includes swim course or mscue instimori was held last nigh at Barrie Armouly This was followed on Sunday by concentration refreshes training as laid down by the Rflimgnlgl ergegt Mn We explained this situation In Mlsx Colley and suggested ta her that she carry on pmzram slmilarto last year In lie of our urging and masan she refused to do this and ad vised us that with the present 5m this was Impossible Miss Colley refused In cooperate with and to carry on restricted program Grey and Simme Foresters Squadron has begun new course First session of the 313000 with $15000 pmvided by the county This recommenda iion was approved by oouniy council and the recreation corn miuee had no choice In do otherwise than accept it Lu JolmIe 51nd chir prnc lise stroke or lho lag snw fng comm be held ncxl week nw Ham and Alden man Jollinu tmlsmi about Um Grey ï¬nd Simcoe Foresters Training Rescue Instructors The Indles auxiliary Grey HOT WATER TANK ONLY FFFFFFFF ys BAYFIElD sr BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Try Hydro Rental The Iron loving pcoplc of an rlc hnva nolhlng to car as lung ns Mayor Lo Cooke and AM Lu JollllIu nllrmpl In pmch for ma challenge lax nawlnx compclulon ol the nanrim WIn lrr Carnival This llnlnmcnl was made yu hnlny duran the rlnslnx mn mcnll Slmcne Cnunly Cuuncll Ivy lltcvn Gmch McKay nl 0m Tuwmhlp flcrve McKay and Drpulynccve nnlnn Caldwell my Huey wlll am be kae Jolllfle rhnlltnï¬n fur llm lug Inwlnx mnluL ll lulun NMC um Kempcnlvll my on Snlurdny Frh lflv 0m will he Inwlusl flying McKay Oro Accepts Les Challenge euchm party 15 held eadl month and next months pro czcds will go to the senior cl izcns The last two years has pmved um Ihe Valenune party not successful when held during Iha winter carnival official 931d It is the committees inten uon to hire qualiï¬ed 5N and my 31mm him wï¬mHuIe 1mm 61759 money available or the pun pqse the statemm canduw Omcials said the Grey and Simcoe Foresters will not hold Valentines party this year be clause of the Barrie Winter Car val cily for couple of hours ycslurday surveying recs hm nemlcd culllnz down Any slumps vlebIo lhls mom inu might be mull umr work Examiner Iholn Miss Conny has been avn1 mad and dedicated ofï¬cial of the county fox17 years and has done an qmllent during that period We mgret her de cision to resign but when she refuses to accept direction from her emphyerg Inaur opinion he emplvyers had no choice but la accept her msignaflon and Simm Fomsters held successlul euchre party Ment ly with Ihe proceeds gnlng to the Rammed Workshop min classes and youth alums and was Ant thls polnt that shelendeml her mignntlon In addlLIon Io he commit be In lhnru wllh nu mld rum mm mm hmlhr John mun um zu um Shrub 1mm ml ml an nl nu Anlvlnl mm mm mull lama sum Yumnl Mm mum rm jl Inlumont nnszN munn Lpsuddam ly Im Norm1 on Thund Debwuy ma wnum 19rmxlypmmug Ant Miln ItalyLento Guerrl Ilnlyl former world open mud bicycling dumpian mm the human locmollvo by mu Damnnuth NS Gcollmy mavens 72 former pmvlnclal health mlnislcr and longtime member of the Nova Scam leu lslnture MonlreILEslall Leon Paw nnude In HeulcnanlEavnmnr Quebec between 1934 Ind Nu Yurkqlohn Rohcrls 60 Associated Prcu new analyst and columnist of heart attack Toronto Ruben IL Guskln lormrr secretary to ma Into 0n lnrla lecrnl Premier Mllchcll Hepburn LondonArlnllne Countess of Clarendon 7B widow of the PIan Clarendon hm lecrlnLuu do Scum Bundcrn Ilruxlll lint nmbax nndor lo Nigeria hurt al nck The tooling of Ibo excwuvc will be discussed Ihlx Saturday night when mcmnflre Simme Nnrth riding cxemliva menu In dlmm plans dale or nomination meeting will arise mm Salunlaya dhcunlom 111i executive 01 KM Darrin Ubenal Association met last night in the dining rwm ol the American Hotel to map some Inca matey or the upcoming chvrnl Electlon April Reeve Lloyd Pridham and Deputy Reeve Will Doer were named committee to carry on the ï¬ght against an nexation township pmperty proposed by Wuaga Beach The next meflng ls sci or March in the New law hmrhunily Hall Barrie Liberals Discuss Plans By THE CANADIAN PRESS 1M council can only per form It obllgatlons It does the Mk which is oomlstent with the revenue mmlng into the mflnly The mum committee will mono to undlon with the fund whldl am available and these an the same as Km concluded War den DeCookey Mr McEachom takes over the 1963 contract on Much the day aflcr the contad held by Edward Goldm Wasaza Bench expires SUNNIDALE CORNERS sum Sunnidnle Township Ooundl yesterday hind William Mc Eachcm Sunnidale Corners garbage mllector or Oakvlew Beach Clerk Herb Barker In terms of the bth the allocation money Ix mi cut mdwewulganyonhtm of III bylaw with new 51a which will work wflh tile illocah gd pudgaxh said Walden D9 leea statement Wander AL VbenDcConke sald sham be made aucally clear to In public Lhag wrean the Mimi mg been mum Comers Hires Garbage Collector DEBTHS DEATHS Albert Mmllll of Orangcvlllo has already stnlul his inkhum ol mum tho nomination Mr Mmml nn Inwrnnco nnlusmnn was hld Hamming Olfkvr or tho rldinu rhxrlng the lust cloc lnn mm handily by Mr Howe whn relthcd mom than 10000 11m 10000 ollgihlo mm PC nomlnnllon mman wlll like place Fflv In pm In Sholbumn 11qu mo Indlcn mint wllhin the Proms slve Conservative Aminuon shaplng up In Dumrlwslm mm In prelude to any clcdion inluo among the various par les arises 1mm lhe silunllvn whim hm dcvvlopcd lhmuzh um rcslznaflon of the Hon Earl we who has been up poirmi In tho posmon Lieu cnmï¬Govermrr at he Prov Ince Mr Ilowel nppolnlmeM bccmms dlccllvo on March She is made piasllc and when inflated breathe Just as an unmnscious person brentir cs when moulhmmouih msuy citation is applied Rususd Ann is so constructed thnt it she 15 not held in exactly the correct position no air can be forced into her lungs through her mouth or nose But when her headh held mporiy thebody kin the cvrrcct position and turnout resuscitation is flaxenhaircd dummy lha couldnt speak word was the centre of attraction last nights Emergency Measures Organization John Ambul me first aid course Charles Chuck Lawrence lnsImdor of he Hm nld murse borrowed the Inflatable life like dummy mm his empioyer the Bell Telephone Company Resuscl Ann that Is her name is used demonstrate moulh lomouth resusclulion LIKE HUMAN Duï¬erinSimcoe Conservatives See Contest To Pick Candidate dcnt of the Snmcoe Nonh Liberal Association 1er spec lal service mm hostess Mrs John Stewart and the com MOUTHTOMOUTH Em chm19 DEMon First Aid Students Learn Resuscitation MAN AMONG WOMEN In llm Liberal cam In Iqu rdnSImm more Is nmplo rv llmllan that um chosen cnmll dam ls ngnln llnrvvy 54mm Mulmur Towmhlp tanner dm mnslrrod mom than 0000 mica In the Inn clrcum MI mldorrd good In lhls Ira dlllnnnlly Tory rldinz hnnl win in pmidrd of the Georgian Bay Dewlopmcnl As socinthm Andhcr 9055qu cundidmo Ix WlllInm own sun Earl Rowe who wn suc ccsflully elected or 11 Imus ofï¬ce In Ottawa The only one In mllrm am he 13 out or tho nomlnmlon Mr Mn Than Include James ML Cague an AIlleon armor and 9mm mum 0c 01 mum Um thne two or three other men will permit their names to stand or nomlnnllon along with Mr Madill Elijahvbréathlng mum son and 10 Abraham Lincolns lifobcing prblongod by mouthwmoulh resuscitation allot he was shot in theatre lobby In 1865 NEED PRACHSE But he stressed that to be able la apply it pmpcrlm you must practise Just watch someone else mx enough and Mn anmnce said the man ucqllin had Just recently been developed He emphasized the importance of mouthtwmouth resuscitation the best meth od at ms1ming bmnthing lie said that although it is one 01 the nldest methods it is sklll lhn He said the Bell Mephono Company had pl $400 value on her to shlp her by express She has two sisicrs In this area for ï¬rst aid inslmcflon or com pany employees One of the students asked whether tho plmic was to pm lest the dummy or the person applying moulhtnmoulh re suscitauon Mr Lawnmca said he ralhcr thought it was lo pm tcct Rcsusd Ann slit forced though the plus flcrwlth sterile suck plcle mch of speaker Mrs Joan Newman Mr NeMon was one m1 gm lemon who called 1n the annual meeting of Barrie Wo iiorcrmcd the blbllcal Following lIm InstructIon Mr anmu showed ï¬lm madn by he anIonnICommIlIm on Film and SJIdy cnlIIluI That hey May LIvc The ï¬lm made In Saskatoon show ed mponcr bcInu mndudod on In tour through hospllul classroom andch on mId way when nchdmI such as mam shown In the ï¬lm ndunIIy hnmwncd The story Ila In the hmry wIIh prnclIcnI mIIca uon TM 15 ha Mid week of an elghbwuk ovum ln which 15 pmplo nrc cnmllcd This la llm muxlmum minim allowed In one mum Some the class nm lnklnz mcuc lmlnlnl and some nm lullan wellnm Semnl wo mm mm llm Cnlhollc Wo menl manna ln Innla am en mllul ln lho mum good deal 01 um was taken up with instructlon on lrealmcnc or burn and scalds Mr Law mncc oummd the various types or burn and mlda and cover ed the lrealmcnl of each 110 also included frost bile Emergency nsum Organ lzallon casualty simulation cams ndcd pnllcnts lor simulated bllrnynnd scald The Jinn sxmu 16qu team consisting ol Mm Maryflgcy Mrs Ann McClymont nï¬d Mrs FlorencE Steele made up he pnyqxgt cgsunlilcs Mr Lawrence then instruct ed on how to handle broken back lle demonstrated how to got the patient off the cold ground nnd on to blanket and then to stretcher lln also explained how to lmpmvlse stretcher ll one were needed ln the husn and none was nvnll ab If your an going to tma someone with bmkcn back you need help Dont try mm It yourscll ho warned nqnns AND scans Last night the class reviewed what it had learned the prev Ious week about banduging broken collar bone and bmkcn Ll you dont prawse and you need it you will not be able to do itcorrcctly held in recreation hull at Collier Slmt United Church 1m evening Examiner Photo Nulloully Murillo IM Mun thanan cnmlmcum or 14an tlahluly lu Ilrklnm MK and protective mun lln Ml um lnuthrr II lu rlnl mint the mummln prnvrnl fell nhlll wr Mu If you are lnloroslnd In THERAPEDIC MATTRESS 0R BOX SPRING 20 YEAR WARRANTY MATTRESSES UNLIMITED WHY NOT BUY GENUINE SMITH and RUTTER IHIS WEEK AT CHANNEL SERTAPEDIC THORAPEDIC POSTURAPEDIC In closlng Lhc malter Reeve Isabel Post OrilHa miously summed that council shouldnt Jun lilo the mm nwny but It should also burn It Several Hm lummi thumb down on Iho letter on the grounds um the Ontario Provincial Fallen already do ing super rum Anthony Bock of Was nm Beach iald it would be just on big job or he cmmty tackle may police unll rather than individual munlcipal pol lce forms However County Council agreed wllh lls Legis lallon CommIfleo that Individ ual municipaliflcs were bcflcr suitcd to look alter their own policing pmblcmg Simeon County Counciiihas decided file letter mm Clerk Hamid Nash of Elmvuie urging that consideration be given to flue esinbilshmcni oi county police force In his fell Mr Nash ar gued that helm pmflecuon would be provde um was Mary Lou Risk and Mary Berlheloue paced homean crew with three and two xaaLs respectively Corkon and Fawn added singles while mdlow ï¬red are lone Alllslgp tally The two teams will go agnln on Saturday at 330 p111 at the Mllston Arena Should Ne sull lha playofls will be de cided by goals The ï¬rst leg the Lake 51m cae Ladies Hockey League seml ï¬nal playoffs was played at the Barrie Arena yesterday and Harrie sent Allistnn home wth 71 Meat During the last Election his municipality rejected slate of officers composed of collage owners Many other members ol Ihe presem mundi were or could be similarly challenged during campaign since large number oi collagen cs nblish residence in the county during the summer months Tho resolnuon which was passed will beforwanicd an other munly council in the province Simoce County Council has adopted resolution requesting the Ontario Department of Municipal Altair to prohibit anyone from being elected to municipal office unless the per son resides in the municipality or six month prior the aim tion The motion was put forward by Arnold Vanclse deputy Neva of Notlawagaga Township Earner In the meeting coun cII reï¬ned to endorse mo Ion by Georgina lbwnship In York County asking that mun Icipalllys panIime resldcnts be Included In census for his purpose of aIIozLIng pmvlnclal per capltn grant Says Bum Clerks Letter nimm EXAMINER mum FEBRUARY Would Prohibit Summexf Residents To Be Candidates Barrie Wins Girls Hockey MzKlNNON FURS Lid 59 ll Dunlap st lADlES You Mun FINE FURS mm Fur