Germans Ask Govt To Aid UK Entry mnoum cmamt in three new universities and plum or fourth la meet an ex pected astounding Incrcus In student cnralmcnls by mm were tonlulncd In he lowM cducnuun bu ct prescmcd Thursday by Provincial TMle urcr James Allan cl Ontario The umvrr luuur comlqln nl rrwvwnlnuvn In In Ilnlu llml mnlm mu Wul Ummmy and Mrlrlm an Impullunl woke In lellslnflnn nllhmuzh Um Iyl mrlmlml Ivy he Ilundu In later hausu noNN lClMTho uppur hum ol lhu West rnnnn Inr Alllflll ludny unnnlmnmly pnmrl vmlullun rnlllnfl upon llw gmrrmmnl In In Ill Illmull In llvllnln Inln Hm Cnnlllmn Mmkrl Surh vrmlullnn In hlghly unmunl ll wm amer Inlllcn llnn ul Hm mmmlluz mmun lenl pul nn DunnuIlnr Mm Ill In up mn MIIHI Firmh lrulllml hull ml Hu Inu hh cnlry hum MAllKIMLE CPI IAglllnlhm pmhllxltlnx Um Inla Imnfl Mend bean thmvah mmmunlly nalu Im horn urunl by um Grey Mxnly llol Pmdlmn Anwdnlllm Produer also deck Al 1er nnmml mmlnx lo Mk ho Onlnrln Farm lmdum Mmkfllnl om to How Hm Onlnrlo on lnlduml Mmhflnl lkmnl In vary Hm ncrvlco charge lmlwnrn l0 nnd 10 mm OWEN SOUND 01 Mal Ansell mlmlnlï¬cml by he Vc lorln and Grey Trus Comlvany Incmscd hy mum Ins ymr In recon WMZMW Emmi Mnnngrr ll Thoma mmri nm amoral tramo fund sham $115000 lnmmo to $2M COLLINGWOOD CP1 Mr and Mrs Idor 50mm and Mr wo children escaped nnharmul today In 10olow weather when Im drslmycd InIr Mum humc Mr Alinn said the record 370000000 university allocation nn increase ui 50 per cent on he current grunt Included iunds 101 slnrt this your an unlvcrsliy milrxu in Scarbor ough and Etoblcokn Toronto nuburbs and lhe iullynuiuno mans Trent Univmiiy in Polar harougll All three will be in llhcd MIle no aaki plnnnlng In wcll ndvnncod for Brock University No Sale Of Unregistered Boats Trust Company Reports Assets 99m Yur No 33 Collingwaod Family Escapes Fire FIREMEN rush ladders gains from westend Tor onto home gafly tndax In Vain allempl to aim lives of eight children flle chlldrcn and our l7 wen asleep in bedrooms on Iho second flour Universities Get Record Grant hr Exnminer Want Ads Te phona PA 84414 me teleyhone number to call or the Businm or Edilmlal Dept I5 PA 56537 NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephones The 11mm lumu HWNH Ilu nnvrmmrnl ln nmwmlilm wllll Ibo unmmnruu the UM mmle lhn Im an MMHI and HI Inllflullnmu 1le MPUUIIVII Ilul In nvnltl lhil dunm an lulu nlnml Hm If rrlmnpllnn In 1w Kuflnllonl 10M Ml mum nlmul Hm tlnnnrr wnuhl mm ml up wnuhl he dlele lulu lwn rcvnnmlr him Ilocmm IN lhu mllllcnl vaaHons at us nu mponn rmmlrlu In rmu annlhrr wnulvl nocrunllly mlvenrly Inllurnml 11 upper hnmm ohwrvrs wllll Rrrnl ï¬lntlm llm Illlllrul Hen lhnl hnvu ucLurmI hrcnmn ol Hm Inlrrmpllun nl lhn ungo llullanu 1m Hm my 1m alu llu lrwlullnn anlvl to serve UléNlngnrn Peninsula and the lnslilulinn will receivu ï¬rst grunt In next budget The university is scheduled In receive H3 first freshman class In 1965 Mr Minn said In budch plans also Include 11 new lingual leathers college at Sud bury star on work of an 0n ann College at Educnllnn In London for secondary teachers and plans or almilm Insula llvnprobnbly at Kingston He said present Dnlnrlo unl vcrsfly enrolment of 35000 ls uxpccled exceed 95000 by 1970 11nd he Increased grants are part of nn expunslon pnr gram lo meet lhls rapldly In creasing cnrolmcnl They all died Thch lather Bay French repnrledly laid neighbor the ire starled when he let an electric kettle going when he went to sleep on um main floor Mrs French was work In post office at the ï¬lm CF Virepholo 715m Examiner Fire SWeeps Homes Eight Children Dead nmmmlnn ul nuznllnllam wlm Ilvllnln This wuuld In mnlancc wllh mu Cmmmm Mmhl only whlrh mMnlns an lurHMlvm In All Mh Iiumwnn mvplm In Immune mrmlwr llmnlu hll Ivmz Ilnw Mtlnllnn wilh Um Flrnrll Illml Ihu rhnnwllnr II mm MM In llllfllnlflnl In Mun nlmul llllllsh emu llmn Thu British tmbnssy In llnxh dud rcparlcd lo Iondqn Hm lunlnr omcm lmd rlsrn nunlusl Knmmn pollco alnXo rrximu bm did no mnlirm Immedi nlrly the report that lhu pm mIrr lmd horn xlnnlml In 11154 rcvbuuun whm Rumm Izod pomr lhu llrll 1le Ethnuy wn IHCKNL The lllnnlml nlrpm chle mdlo port from lrnq mlle lnu Hunt 1111 nltllcldn In lhu wgnlry hqd lwfn sign duwn Ilwltlmls tnlllnl lhélniélvél lhe anlmml Cuvllrll the Iluvnlullannry Command nn The nmmr huuu will he lhu flul lo mmlllor llm ml ltmll FrrnrhMm lrnnnn mu rmllnn llml Adrnnurr II nerl In In bun umlml Maw Mn ullrrmrnl wx AH TM Ill lral hnrllu are unlnu ynlllrnt Inn In In Allrnnurr In lnlm mm tlrnrrul plum I0 lmnr lllfllll nml nunInl lll llmlllr mo populinlon naghdnd ltlcll la qulcl Hm Embassy llrAl mpquuu lo lAmdnn nahL TM nirlnn all In 10mm mld Ilrllllh Amhnnudur Slr lloucr Allen rcmrml um Hm mlmxsy Ill wluufe Putty organizers met party leaders Light burned lulu In the Parliament Buildings as hull lessluns developed hclare the pallkldnns headed home In Iheh constituencies The rebels announced at one point we have destroyed the tyrant The broadcast did not make clear lhnl lho 43ycnrrold premier had been klllnd but lhc Iranlnn Rovcmmuntsnld ll hnd mccivcd word from lho lroql cupilnl conï¬rming Kas scms death In lho ddnncu mln lslry Turkeys scmlnmcinl Annlni Inn new agency nlso rcporlcd that no prcmlnr had been 113 Mmhmlul ml 19 Iraqi Army gcncmlx nrreslcd REPORT UPRISING TIAWA CWAll four pur lles sinned rummaging through Ihelr campaign closets Thurs day scarchmg orslralczy and money and platforms The planning will continue in the weeks ahead and it may be late February hciore chosen routes to the April election became known This much seems clear so for The campaign may be shorter at least at the local level Though the time between dissolution and election is just no long this year as lost iew nominations have been made This contrasts with 1962 when on election was ioregone con clusion or weeks and even months and sloies were prac llglliyii BEIRUT Lebanon AP Junlor ailicers In Iraqx armed torus staged vpmmssg van today ngnlnsl Pmmler Ab del Karim Knssom nnd clnlmcd lhfy had destroyed his dirty rue iiinringEgypiinn marlinl mu sic mcr Baghdad radio the rcbcl cinlmcd ihcir planes and ink had destroyed Knsscms dcicnce minisiry in Baghdad where the premier lived under heavy ganï¬ Bu likely will be no less flamboyant Allhuugh the 1962 campaign strained party trcns Iraqi ForCes Say Premier Killed Parties7 Start Plans For VOte Campaigning No mm nunr with Hm he run Innn ming In Ylililwll Iiwï¬ leI nlmn Ihe nllomq or he lrlu Mlnl mum nounccd Um nnllonnl guard had been up undcr nn nrmy colonel ldcnllllul Abdel Ko rlm Mustala Churchill Curling Chm won ho In gnmo ul hrslmblhrcul lulu In Ihe Urlllnh Consoll nlnydawns hm lodny Slapped by ank Kt Um Churchill crew nlprcd ln Sound nklpgcd by mm hnpo ll7 Accond game 01 Du hnpo IIJL Segonil unmo Vullho Irl wm unedulcd lo mm at lwo oclurk ward In public wmml ln mm Ma Yxuidui wIm ha numbing wlluyo uml nu llmmrno nnil IN MI llm lnnly wmllu hrln Gunman Imlly nnl Mmlrr 11m Mn Mrlc dmrndn In trying lu bunk III will AM yuu eyor lager null fhurrhllll rink Intludu Ion Knmhnw Gold ded and John Hull Conservative MP and senior party organizers met behind closed doors with Prime Min lster Dicienbnker and many at his cabinet mlnislcrs cabinet meeting was scheduled today Mr nieienbaker is due to ad dress the Cnnndinn and Emblro Clubs Iqipmnlq Monday night urles and whlle there have been only eight months to recoup as against the normal on ycan between elections early indica tions are that spending will be lust as heavy The Liberal party or one has said cast will be about the same Liberal be de Lester Pearson worked at home in Oi lnwa an major speech to be delivered to the partys na tional council meeting here Mnndnyl lie also speak Satur day in the Canadian University Liberal Federation During the day he also mnierred with party niiiclals Tic Douglas New Demo cmlic Pady Inader spent the day in sessflan win the NDP Vlrhurrsdiayrihere were these de velopmenlsi Churchill Wins Opening Game Blllll Onilrlu CInIdI Friday Fabrhlry75r1963 HERES ONE PREMIER KASSEM Allnulnnld Zfléfaaféflow Cancel Paris Trip Thu niwspnpcr Hiya hes ae curfly screcnlng hns begun of thousands 01 worker at the se PARIS AP Pnor Mar gmll Poor Tony Politics has obliged them to turn lhplr backs on us Above this cnpllun In the newspaper Pm Jour was picture Princess Margaret and Earl of Snowdon with their bucks lbs camera 7177 was lyplcn riacllnn Ia dny In the Park pm In lhu gnngcllgtlan 3h yogploivlsl IL was generally nssumcd by Frenchmen lhnt Um oflchnl reason or calling all the trip was only prclexl and that he ml rcnson was In touring of Frcnchurlllah relations over Pruldrnl Charla da Gnullal veto Urlllxh entry Into the Common Murknl SYDNEY Australia Reuicrsi New securin measures wday were reported In have been clumped on Australian buses allowing government charges oi spying against Soviet dipia mat ivnn Skripov The Sydney Sun say Skrlpov was the mnslermlnd bchlnd ring trying Ln steal secran on new US Navy cnmmu Mullen base bolus built In northwest Australia Il national cxecniivm party cnu cus will be held today Mr Douglas is working on speaking mm and tentative inn call for Toronto addresses eh 13 and 15 Robert Thompson Socini Credit leader held threehour meeting with Ontario and Qua be warty workers He leaves here Salurduy or Regina and preliminary discussions on tho partys campaign in Ontario and the West Mr Thompson and Deputy Leader Real Cami etle plan to open their Quebec camign in Montrcai on Feb harm erla sumlen It napoli 1170qu blah um mind when to lelrvlmne In her ï¬lm the nu in van In In Cmdlnn Juï¬lor Womennluul muu Screening Of Workers Begun After Spying Charges Laid irnrlarschedulcd or Maxd DID ITDAD The pudgy curlyhalted SkrIA pov Thursday was ordered by the government In leave tho caulry within scvu any on charges homndc elaborate preparation or espionazc The Sydney Suns Canberra correspondm ï¬led to lMcrvlcw SkrIpov may he dmvu away mm his home In Cnm hell Carqurn lubu wllh Is WK The Russian diplomat who appeared under great menial strain old the correspondent he did not know when iw would be leaving Australia He rcluscd comment an the spying charges The diplamnla wile also has been ordered la leave the cam m4 Voomer rocket testing base In south Australia The securlly authariuel have evidence ol scrlnus leakaga of lop secret Monnation to an unknown Russian agent 1110 Sydney Sun ndds ind nlneyeamld son The Sydney Sun says Skrl vu mnln job was lo organ zc Ipy tcnlncks lnla new human U5 Navy communi cnllum hnsu In northwest Aux lrnllu Al Woomcrn the newspaper my SkrIpovu network Irled lo slenl US British French and Australlun chcnco seems Tho newspaper quulu nulhur llnllvn mums flying It believed Mosan Wfll Up ed n1 Ina Tunduy Hm krlpav know lhu game wnn up tlmmplumlfln 11w ma II nuth unreal munch vlcm an IC 1le mum on lhq In 1331 Ihq In lhlm In wlnllu mm um lllllnkk cr whom 51 N0 BOURBON IN BOURBON BOURBON Ind AP Theres no bourbon In Enur bunsold by the Int legally that Is and them Isnt golug to be any or at least Ether year The can Legion posts request for lhrce my permit was lumed down Thursday by he Mnr shall County alcohuilc bev erage board or the Shah year It cant come up again unlll 1964 but In the mean llmc the musk can continua serving beer and wine The Iown was settled and named by migrants mm the Kentucky county or whlch he type of whisky was unmed WI ul min In CanMI Ken mid lhu lulud Hwy and Europe wrmld hue lu do mulluni be mom In In lslll mm Ugh III lmnl an cl WI nude mnlml lï¬wmwi dime InIoIme mm mean Idem Kcnncdy my luv bcllcm lussln wnnla In who puwcr wlthnul he risk war mu wnmnll Um new Soviet nu tlcnr mlsxllcn Introduced Mu Cuhm lhu United slnlcs wlll knuw ll nml he world wlll lm Inrrd with hmmya urrnlul cflsh The link In lurh nllunllnn wnnhl he no nlnrmlnu Kennedy told hln prul conlcnnre nmrn dny lhnl lm lrdluvrs lhu Sn vlrl Union will promd wllh cnnllon nnd tnw TM wu Mm an Amrrlcun mm ndml rclerrod In mmqu with French llul denl dv Mull ml In mme loner IlthlIy dlllarml Illh the Dlrlmhnhr lawn Jn Cungdng duznn pieces of Ira equip cnl laugh he blale in 1cm cmpcraluru The Miller Street house was In row 10 two stnrcy structures scpnraltd by wooden walls Fire nmclals cvacunlcd man Hum 50 persons rum llw houses and rum lhrcc nearby houses hmund In the Wadsworlh Park section Tur onto The lrxldrnl Inhl Hm lame nu or Hm UIIHNI 5mm whlch he um must nnl ho WASHING CWA Whllo nun Inlormnnl drmllwd lruldult Kcnnrdyu mlvlmn lwlnn llchlnd Ink and um mldtnl mu Al ed nn quw Ian ha CnnmlmUfl nu clear fanImvrny In the mmlnuls mm cnnlrr euro lhrm 17an my hrhl mlmncc Canadav8 dil lmnm on In nurIznr luur Linda Billy WORST IVE when Mm French arrived the scene was male of fire nicks hose and Iceshrouded fircmEn Her house was In humus He on Hodge 11 nclghbar uald Mrs French came up and started chIng Annie Annie She started screaming and than she enllnps nclghbor Jenn edge 15 MM Mr French told her hdam ho wax Inken lo hospllnl 11ml lhn llm xlnrlcd nflnr he It In clccmc kcllla going when hn wont lo slocp Mr Frn was mad back by flame and smke as he vainly sought to rescue the children from their second slorey bedrooms He had been aslgep onuthe mud floor Mn Ema French 32 was at work at Torontos central post ofï¬ce when the Ire broka out around am Fire Chief Cuakwcll sald the blaze snarled in the kitchen dinlng room area of the harm and spread to two adjoining dwelllngs Tho French house and one the adjoining dwel lings bclgnglng to Elmer 11 they were guuod flm other regivzdfllpor damngg ren wen Identified by police as Annle l7 Mben 15 Eileen 14 Allison 13 John Linda Shunon and VA llre deparlmént captain sald this In the worst Ive ever seen She was taken In hcsplm as wu her husband who sullercd threeInch gashon his leg nolh were suflerlng from shark hnspllal ochlllu said Mr French beer delivery truck driver EVACUATE 50 TORONTO 1UP An early murnlng lira swept through row of Iwmslarey frame houses in Torontos west end today and took the lives of eight children Ihe entire tamlly at Mr and MI 1anv Hench JFK Warns Russia Not To Arm Cuba WASHINGTDN CF Pru Kennedy Tickled Pink At No Canada Questions Worst Ive Ever Seen Says Fire Dept Captain SEEN NorMuro Than Par dopyM PugI clear and cold low IonW lo bgowzemv Egg humor4 row 15 For canSlaym mary please tum Jopage two Local Weather bihiud ll RI um mph mu mm In mamrum than heard arm Iho kids crying cant help wondering which no was calling Im daddy ta come Culm MII Ihc crnlrrphm dlnrusalun prnlmhly lvccunm lhu mlxulnlxlrnllun hrltl put on hlu lrlcvhlnn nhnw lhr prcvlmxs nlxhl counter lkpuhllcnn flnrxru thnl nflrnnlvo wvnpunl tllll txlsl In Cuba llm mmdlnn luuu hul be unlrmvl ml nlnlrmrul II II nuth nnlhrrlna MY AIN LO KP Jml Murl mu mnrrrrnm or 9va 1m ulllrlnl mid Ktunny wnnlml in play lhr Cnnmllnn ll nw In low kry Thln nunml wllh vlnw upme Muller th wnck Hm Um pmhlrm wnl muly la main IlnlcmPnl on he lune Nnu that llmn nlmnl was dlnulml and Canndlnn llecllnn talkd 11 Alden nlrcll he rare tn whom qllnlinn In vll mm by pnlnllnf Hm and mddln Usunly about drum ï¬r um up an my and the pram mnkrl mg thtltlmleh Mrs Vern Hutchinson an other neighbor said she hacked an the wlndnw and saw the French house across the Alreel ln flames In shame Everyone 01 alga3 wm Manda and goodrlook was waiting for Elï¬n his win tn came hum rum work ao as usual put the keon on ma gas stove an Id have cup of leg wajilnz mj her Then wont Into the llvlmx mom and must have duzcd Suddenly waku up cauld smell smokel mmpcdcd Intu rnnh udlnn nn Hm hauls of rumor and hennny cnncvmlnx Sovch Ilnnglh In Cuba urzh U11 nrwnpn lmvo lnr day lunlurcd nlur on Ihu CnnndnUS nutltnr mnlru vmy he pm cnulcrcnco drnll maluly with he Culmn and Europrnn Issues Vclrrnn Muman nnld II was tamnu um Hm Cunmllnn nun ms nu rnhrd children were found in their hcds four In tron room twn in cenlre room and lwo In back bedroom It was tough one In ï¬ght he chic said as he surveyed he scene mm nu lccmvered side walk In from the Indus Someone outside and cant guitdlhc French kids out she 5a Frbm his bed in SL Josephl Hospital where he and Mrs French worn tnknn iiir Freud said The iiiomen wuuidnt iel me go back in but might wall have died ioo ihcrea no use living without ihcm PUTS 0N KEIIIE Chief Ooakwcll saId an LINDA FRENCH One at eight vlctlml