Hm TV ma Mun mm mm mm llmon um numInM VlllllUMu no Kldflo namlna 1010 mm nm in And 141 Inn Kldrio loo rm no ul In nnmrl no um 1mm lddm mm no Luann wanI rmnuuv 400 mm rumw Manny no In Law an Spam mm Nu 1m llumh rhu Meme Andy Wlllhml llm Gun Will Tnnl loo MIMI lllmmdl n1 lhl nnkmmu IN TV mu mu Maln mu Hm Plum llnmn Hom Aiter skating Saturday Fem lhe Messengers gathered in the Sunday School room for their regular meeting Refreshments were served to ihe children by Mrs Fllkey and Ivan hiclirthur expressed appreciation ior this kindness In ihe absence oi the president Louise Bird conduct ed the meeting worship ser vice was led by Suzanne Cum ming with several lakan nart The theme was Friendship and was built around the wards oi the hymn Can Little Child Like Me with words oi Scrip iure and prayer suitably chosen The olierlng oi $252 was dedi cated by lvan 22 children an swered the roll The February issue of World Friends was pre viewed by Mrs llarvld Caldwell and ehnrus oi very old child rens hymn was taught by the leader This was followed by an exercise using eleven children who each hold loiter and told what the ieiter stood for and when ihey were assembled it spelled out Serve gladly 1am Newsml ulno 1030 Exvlorlllonl 1m cnc TV Ne vmhu Spam Nw 1130 Chum Chm xllunsnAY rrnnuAnv mm Tut Plum ms Goad Marnlnl In sum Imy New Romper Room Pawn rmy Nummy Report uqu mmer Tull Cum Mary Lomu Voun shuw Tll Thmy Sum unl Inlun Rum van Bur Mn and 22 E= More Information about Korea and Sun me was old by The leader using chart showing the Moon of Korea he monlh February helm the ï¬rst moon and this year 1963 buan the Year or the nabbll In KOMHThD next mccllng will be held after skating Snlurdnv March using lhc Chlldrens Day Prayer Servlca or me AROUND SIB1903 COUNTY Mr and Mn Denney Mu Nueworlhy Toronto Mr and Mn Milford Flatt Ornnsuvlue Mr and Mrs John Denney and Mr and Mrs Denney Falt porl Beach vlslled recently with Mrs Denney SL Judes WA wlll men at Ihu home at Mrs Peter Mahor on Tuesday February at oclock Congratulations lo Linda Mar row and Walter Peacbck who wnn first prize Int the has skat lnl at the annual 31100 In stituleaknllng party In the Bar xiu Arena Linda also won first prize or has skalcr in 106 15 mm 030 Nu Wu The ma The ll your unln luu not mind by pm pluu plan And tn Will mnvma Tl You Homo THERI IS NO CHAROI FOR THIS SEIVICI TOP QUALITY Cull Don Koopmans PA 663M By JEAN CAMPBELL by JAMIESON VISDAY nunulnn smlm lllll lenzmon PM non nuxln mul Huckleberry llnuna lonl lushLen Nm wmnu spam no iIlnmoneI Swry My rhu Sum Pulde Exvlorlllonl cnc TV Ne Vcllhnr Spnrll lel Chum Chm DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS HEATING OILS THORNTON TELEVISION PROCMMS GUTHBIE CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU BB VAllEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL PA 82433 You Irv m4 Mada 7m m1 INvll In rnnnd crown Hm Lm EE on Jul Pm Ihuw mm lel mu Mom mI Hm nun amun all rnnuv nnnuMu no man no namlno low ramnu IIW Irv um ma Mada no 700 Chmmu loo Th Dlllndul v00 mm mm nu Union In um cnc 1v Nun ILM Wulh lpam Nun 130 MM In Whch smc FRIDAY VIBRIMIY AQW Tul Pnum H7 Good Mom 130 Sudn Plfly II New 00 nnmvu Hanna 11W PUFIIGA Pl HID Noonng Ewart 00 Mom Ill LAG Slnl 7an mum l5 tltndll Dllnl Imam You II Th mny sum lull mun Wthr mm 7a Imam ggumry llnedaln Sixteen local rlnks were en lmd ln Cookslnwn Ladies Club hanwlcl Saturdny JIIL 25 al Conkslawn Curling Club Nlne oclock draw wlmwrs Emlly Ramny Freddie ll lplmnl Mary Chmler Sandra Rosa Alice Baker Mildred Halve Anna Roblnson Terry leon Joan Russ Donna Huzhts Anne Qulsl Frances manner ll oclock draw winners Shirlcy RilLy Mildred llulhcrt Isobel Cnulls llelen floxersan Bar bara Edney llulh Metcall Mary Lamb Ghana 55 Hllh slnxle triple average lqdles Lena Nicholson 274 755 135 men Jlm Nay 265 lrlple John Tw lor 699 average Paul McComh ma Team male and lrlple Slrlvcr 1271 3682 hzrkey wln nor were Slrlvers Jenn Cook Hazel Murphy Lena Nlcholsan Bill momuf Paul Knrclluck John Tnylnr ngh Ilngle Ruth Pinlmoy and Jlm Ney ulple Mary Johnson and Paul Mc Comb hlddcn more Ev Dole man and Dee Coborn Conkslown Lions Club halo lhelr bunsplel Cookskown mm in Club Saturday Feb Teams were entered from Agin courl mama Alliston Maple Weston Cannlnalon Orangeviuc Shelburne and Cookstown Nina oclockdraw wlnum were Human Cookstovm Nell Cameron Weston Fred Taylor Maple Eleven oclock draw wln nera wen Lennox Rawa Cooks town Jerry Josephson Canning nn Bud Gardner Erldrord Lucky draw John Smith Llsle Art Kidd Cookslown Bruce Butler Barrie Winner at the Llons Tm hy was Harold Mo Killlcans oh Don Smith vice Bob Riley lecond and Ben Pauli lead LADIES BONSPIEL warshl The roll call to an awere with verse ram the Bible on prayer and all where the Vern found Team Valandlngs Dee wuu s7 Shiver Cookies 07 Pin Budgnw an HUNTlNG kgomwul fly DAUREEN ANDERSON BOWLING CLUB mans BONSPIEL ol lull bu Snmhm In lehlnl Suppllu Burl Govt Surplm ll Dull IMII IA mu WI buy UM Ir Ill null Ind 11 Ilel In onnlel lllnnd Thu mm laollnl AI Yul Lm ny runs ma Johnny In JIM Column Nu mum Ipqu Imla nu minu um mm YlnI rum nmnn nut TORONTO Illllmln InnInch lhll Mum mm ï¬lm mum on imam Amhmn Wlnlfl Conhnnn mm W0 Not Mon COOKSTOWN BARRIE Hm an exccpuannlly line hand plnycd by Mrs Hnydcn ISoulhI In uhlm we dmlon Ilrnled hnr mastury avtr nu curds nu linul mnlrm was slighuy amhluous but at man In lomhcaryl via ranched Westinshca the Hi 01 clubs and um Imch nnd lhrn led the dlnmandl played In tho opcn paIr chumplomhip wllh Mrs Dam odly Hayden of ulna on Hudson nnd we wnm lorlunllc enough to win he mm In which no mum palm camplclrd flu blddln loukh wm North cut Dbl Redhh Pun av Pm openlng lendking nl clubs The American Contract Brldxe League held its an null all national championshlp In Phwcnlx ArlL lls Deccm her and even though most lhn cvcnu were rcshlclcd to master layers were were nerch 55 6466 tables In play durlnu Um mum 1h nlne day tqurnnmnnl DAILY CROSSWORD South dealer NorthSoulh vulnerable Mr and Mn Vern Abrams of Toronto spcnt the weekend with the latter pmnlx Mr and Mn Mel Erayman cqwnunm nucmu Friday evening Feb In Community Euchra Club jour neyed lo Greenwï¬n Gardens Downsvlew4 where Ihcy were ShellswollEdqu Badger Elm Ross Jean Huuhex Carol Fu dbz la pngnelb Congratulalim to Baverley and Teddy Mankmanwho weru successful In paulng uleir Grade II muslc theory conducted by lhe Royal mmmllory of Mu sic hmnlo They are tudent cum M33101 Webb ARCT um mnmd Mr and Mrl Shaw span Sunday with lhelr daughter Mrs Lorravllle Richmond Hill dinner was held at the homes Mr and MrsHWiHllm ï¬ller Saturday evening Feb honor 01 Mrs Coles 91rd birthday Atlendlnl from out at town were Mr and Mrs Wright Oak Rldzus and Mr and Mrs Cole Aurora IVQMENS msmuu February mcellng ol the W0 mens Insllluu will be held In Cookslawn Town Hall nzursday evening Feb Topic In Heallh wllh Mn llllln converter Malta Blg lmuhles can hutch from little much Roll null Name woman doctor Speaker will he Mn Mc Faddcn uslng Heallh and Mo lhercrm as her topic current events Mrs Cookar Con lesl Mrs Kldd Hoslum Mrs Monlunnn Mn Tmllcr Mrs kaleE Kldd Miss McMasler Mln Sulllerland Ind Mrs Tlllln Cnlvln Madlll has rclumed home from St Mlchaels Hos pllal Toronlo where he was pallcnl gr lew jays rs Norman Dakar spent Thursday In Toronto where 1110 Visited her nialcr Mrs Ray Hackelt wha patient in he flnrlhqulern ll9qilal Bobby Prinz Kitchener spent Ihe weekend with his par enu Mr and Mn Vllllnm Prjflz latland 11 Will ll Inn of Odln mhrh Wu noun Ham Wm it In In tommidlly lumrpomd liman wm mmlh Wm crmrvd It Clpxm NAM TIVIm In mu mm 111mm unwind 1on It Chlncu gnuum Mum Inlndlant Douala ll Mllnuo IIIqu mm 11 Aclrul muons CONTRACT BRIDGE Ko vAxmu 5512 +01 r7 mm Ofllnl flecmmfld 10 MI mumtut mlJ In lhll Mai mum or DJ mum rpnmiriu By JAY BECKER ANCIENT CHAD hormhnre cub lho unly member ol lhc lrllobllu not Incl has oulllvtd lho ml of IL movie by man mun mom 000 yrnu Mrs llaydm now cashed he en hmrls and dlscnrdcd the Inn nl dlnmnnds East could not allard lo dlscnrd Ipndc nnd lhrcrlom discarded dlnmond Mrs llnydnn thereupon land dlnmand la lhc ace allowed by made In he klnz and lock Ihc lml lwn lrlcks wilh ol dlnmnnds She made only one spud lrlrk ll la rue hul nlrnnxr ly enough mo made our dla mond lrlclul up In In ulvmu Enlrmud l5 MINn mmuxiu aux Eu Mrs Hayden decided against the lintsse She saw Ihm was annlhcr way makan lhe hand the cam were Immath dLflribulcdAo cordlnzly Aha look In king of diamonds and drew our rounds of trumps Wllh the load in her and ml was then the poal on ui1n This was the crucial paint in the hand for Mm Haydzn She could have played the an in he hope that West having daubicd the openinn heart bid might have Ihu 04 in which case he dauhiu incur wnuid chcccd ducted 39 mun 21 51mm Hnue to speak In public as step toward future goals Thu subjects were varied and inter esting Gods Wonders In Nature What Cnlholic Education Means In Me Electriclly In Home Freedom and Trip lo Museum winners will go to compela 1n Orlllin next week Mr and Mrs Bab McDannld of Rosemanl hnva moved Into me hams vacated by Mr and Mg Mun1y Mcnowall The Agricultural Society are holding euchre in the Oranze Hull Newlnn Robinson Sahib day evening Feb By MRS MARLEY Anne Den and Allen Craddock wére winner St Patricks CWL nralorlcal can test mesdaygvening Judy Col umbus and Brian Stone were wlnnm fur Elmvale the same evening There were 12 speak ers each as gand the other Chairman for the Judges Mr Xerwgod rilnclpylk Elmvale guest Mr and Mrs Cecil Andrus in their new home There were ï¬ve lahles In play and menl high Icon was won by Randolph lemon IadIu high 11th Jenna consolnllnn winners Brian Elma and Ill Dlmasrwho played as ndy Dalnly refreshments were 5er ed byMra Andrus Rnndnlph Jenn thanked the host and hostess lorjihdr hospitalityv Congratulation Mr Ind Mn James Ffldey an the blth 01 ml Wednesday Jun 80 at Stevenson Memorial Haspflll Alliston ogs EUCIIRE Pinems Chapter 0155 held another euchr Thursday eve nlngI Jam with 18 table In plny Winners were ladies San dra Allbeak MrsNurvlllc Young Mn Mildred stawam men Mn John Rohlnsyn PM in McLellan Lloyd Connell door prize Thelma Wllliams Next euchre will be nundny evr nlnz Feb Trlvl mien unlll mm PHELPSTON may Am Norm Mum Km I5 Ilmlcll mm 30 NI my ID Illver lo North in GI Illhr SM 10 UGN ROUTINE 5AM SAME OLD WW giï¬Ã©Ã©Ã© THE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY FEB 13 iiflildlflélfl ff 3552 WW M156 dousems ml IS AKIN BEEN KIOGIN EVEme WHO COMES VVITNIN REMN