Now this invcnlar discovered that because lhe shape of in siandard blade water was dispersing along it and nwny leaving you wilh metal against hard ice So he maden blade with tiny nicks cut across iL They main Ihc water and crtflle lmooih fiuaiinx clicci There almost no resistance The blade was developed Inst yeï¬x by Detroit cnglnccn SllveIthbrhefléxpléxnc Yau Ice Iha bnslc principle Ihal you dolgl 5km onlce pl but in Water created 73157 Indian Inglis lheflice under he hlndc Dennis Silvcrlhurne mach at the Slratiord Skating Club says the new blades have Improved ho 17ynarold McA Phcrsons skaling by 25 per cenL STRATFORD0nLCPDnnl Thu diflcrence Silverthorna McPherson already mnl said can be noted In perform rank contender for the triple Ing campulsory school ï¬gures crown in figure skaling is being where no 50much push givzn even more chance needed In start and In addi since he adopted revolnllonnry Hana speed where Its needed up blag his Skim And theres nnthimz ulnml Members of victnï¬mu ms unto East York TC May team lndulgain mumal ton matulaIJom after winning the Adamsi GOLD STRIPE Adopts Better Blade McPherson Odds Up WHISKY KEEPS3 Evmi melting loo aulfu cant dllénn tho true mntovof Adam dolï¬ Btriboï¬t MN koop tluvéln to nu vary bï¬ctom this glansHm murk grant whlqkyl Bu noxt tthu you buy try xinéllow ouetoHIPlnhdod Oold Htripo youli 011on In hating rlnvcui manly mm £1fl1y WELL WE WON DIDNT WE 510 McPhersun entered 1n the Canndian champinnshlp at monton Feb 79 the Canada US mm In Vancouver Feb 15l6 and the world tournament at Curllnn dAmpezzo llnly Feb z7March FOURTH IN WORLD skater sinceerheiuxe or our McPhlrson Irailcd Jackson or Even without Ihe new run ners McPhersnn wouid he prime fuvorile Io take the lhrce championshlps Icfl vacant when Dunald Jackson Oshawa OnL turned professional last summer They are the Cana xiian North American and world lllcs And theres nothing Illegal about It the coach anid All the rules or skating specuy the two edges on each blnd Tho nicks dont change them ClubArmed Service zmlln mlay the Inquirer track meet in Philadelphia on the weekend From left to right Slrntlord hope that same day McPhersnn padre will hang at the arena beside that Mr other local sports lmmoml Huwla Morenz Community leaders quickly arranged lo mnka eight hours of ice limo available to him each day and saw lo ha soaring lravel costs and coaching lees rcmaincd within his iamflyl mach one point report cropped up that McPherson was being lured In luxurious Ml clly club whcre he could practica lpisure and In comfort The yaung skatera career cummunily matter In sum Iurd In much the same way as Ihe Shnkupearean IESIIVIJ In whlch McPherson usch In per form as choir singer years He wa runnerup or Ihe Canndlan Mlle in moo6L8 Ind with the but performance hi IlIe earned fourth plus in the world meet at Paul last year at the age 15 are Dave McClIIrE Jim Sny der Bruce Kidd and anchor man Stan Worslloldwinning lime wasjzszï¬ AP Wire Photo MARGARINE Tomato Juice Wax Beans Choice Tomatoes BURNS DELMAR JAYS FANCY BARRIE CREAMERY NO GRADE BUTTER Jelly Powders lZ MOUNTAIN VIEW COOKED MEATS 252$ 49 YORK CHOICE ILIGESTIVE BISCUITS SHIRRIFFS LUSHUS BURNS VARIETIES PORK STEAKS 100 CHR 5T HEAD CHEESE LEAN SHOULDER BOLOGNA BURNS BURNS STEAKS PORKROASTS 49 LEAN DRESSEB BURNS DAISY BRAND lEANTENDER 51mm WING on TL BONE FRESH KILLED Eviscerdted RINDLESS BACON 59 68 LB AVERAGE 16 DUNlOP ST BUEHLEBS lBS 54° 48 OZ 1le PKGS 10 OZ TINS 28 OZ TINS BY THE PIECE 3m 99° ru 99 Pens Toilet Paper Filmy Cookies Cake Mixes YATT MANNINGS COTTAGE DUNCAN HINES Head Lettuce Cranberries FRESH GREEN CRISP Snv Apples OCEAN SPRAY FRESH FANCY FRESH PRODUCE REG 39 SAVE No purchue nqulml depasll your mm In billet box dnw mud San Feh pan BARRIE TOM GARNER 10 OAKLEY PARK 50 Weight Bologna 33 lbs 10 Gum 33 lbl 13 ox SAUSAGE 85 FOR YOUR BOY 0R GIRL lAST WEEKS WINNER Giant Bologna Contest TASTE AND TRY BEFORE YOU BUY FREE SAMPLES THURSDAY FRIDAY HEADS FOR 39 33c HOBBY HORSE Bum Campfire Pork SATURDAY WIN ROLLS 15 OZ TINS PKGS PKGS