Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 5 Feb 1963, p. 4

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iBarrie Ex miner Published by Canadian NewspapersLimited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager TUESDAY FEBRUARY 1961 PIn Quebec EnjoysBightsOiAfl Not Entitled To Separation There are forces within Quebec work ing toward the goal of leading that prov ince out of Confederation Their activity is undermining Canadian unity This spir it of separatism within Quebec has at iastsuccecded in drawln the attention of political leaders and ere are indic ations that some steps will be taken to remedy the situation about which that province complains it must be remembered The British North America Act the act of federation contains no right of secession And Can adians as whole certainly wont agree now or in the future that there is any such right All Canadians agree the people of Que bcc are entitled to the rights andprivileg es granted them in Confederation There also will be sympathy for the desire of the populace to play their full role as Canadians egual in every sense to their fellow Cana ians But the separatists should be told thatseparation will not be tolerated The difficulties cannot be heated by re drafting the Canadian Cohstitution as has been suggested On this issue all Canadians have the right to say whether or not it will endure and there is every belief they would unite to preserve the Constitution in the opinion of The Montreal Star Confederation is Quebecs last chance All that is unique more most of all that is worth preserving can survive only un der the Canadian compromise Without it the land would be here still and the people but the people wouldnt know what hit them Possi ly the Canadian compromise needs to be revised un doubtedly English Canada needs to mend its manners That is where the Canadian examination of conscience comes in But unless it is conducted honestly without oratory heat orprejudlce on either side even this last chance is doomed DeGaulles Grandiose Dream President Charles deGaulle has been successful for the present time in block ing Britains entry as member of the Common Market It was de Gaulie who was responsible for the breakdown of negotiations and that breakdown exists both in the economic and political fields it is noted that the negotiations have not been broken off but sus ended But it has also been pointed out hat only su permiracle could save Britains hopes for entry into the Common Market The situation is that de Gaullc holds the opinion that Britain is not capable of entering the European Common Mar ket and despite the pleas of Britain despite the opinions of the other five members of the Common Market that Britain should be permitted to join despito US intervention on behalf of Britain de Gaulle has held to his con victions And if this attitude on the part of the President of France continues Britain will be on the outside of the Com mon Market looking in but it will be rather fragile Market it was Jean liionnet who created the plan for United Europe and who re cently said it must be realized that to arrive at world peace it is im erative that England should unite with com munity and that relationship of equal partners should be established between united Europe and the United States of America Undoubtedly de Gaulle sees Britain as an impediment to his grand designs for militarily independent Europe withits own deterrent And this new Europe would in de Gauties dreams have Frlance with de Gaulle in the leading ro DOWN MEMORY LANE l5 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jan 2229 1048 lla dlotelephone highway service opened here first in Ontario to help keep roads open in winter Waiter Middle ton ltccve of Flos elected Warden of Simcoe County President Ernest Burton reported at 25th anniversary meeting Victorian Order Nurses Barrio branch had best year yet Rev ll Reginald liotiilcn leaves Trinity Church to become rector of St Michael and All Angels Anglican Church Toronto itllss Margaret lilacLachian senior public health nurse reported to County Council on Health Unit to he established next year lfoward Naphtali managing director gave report on past years work by Childrens Aid Society to Town Coun cll Ross Cowan lawyer pre scritcrl brief front company wishing to establish seaplane base on hay at foot of itiary Si Mrs it Wattcrworlh clcctcd rcsucnt Collier United WA Fire Ch of Cecil hlcliiirlkin submittctl re port showing last only $0400 in 1047 Among those attending short courses at intario Agricultural College were Joo McLean Alan Brown Duncan Moore and Margaret irwin of harrie Colonel Duncan Todd D50 40 of Vancouver succeeds Colonel Michael Dunn Oliii El as garrison commander at Camp liordcn Jack Dyck meat campaign for funds manager at Store purchased Bay vlew Grocery from Lox Gordon lion Ernest Drury former premicr oi Ont ario stated in address that urban folk had gained an artificial advantage over farmers Womans organizations met to hear Rev Ernest liarston field sec retary of Red Cross deliver address ask ing support for Barrie lilcmorlal llospltal Dr Sidney Smith President of University of Town to addressed Womens Canadian Club here Vallcy Taxi first local firm to install twoway radio Ma or Grant Mayor presented graduation dlvlomas at RCAP Camp Borden ircsi cnt ft llodgcrs at second annual meeting of Bar rlc Community Association said 27000 people visited Community House in 1041 and there were ill clirbs now affiliated with this community enterprise opcrated by the Town Kiwanis and Lions clubs ilalcomson said plans were underway to resume the annual llarrie Fall Fair this year it was ans ended in late war years and property an to Cari adian General Electric and Barrie Arcna Commission New fair grounds on Essa lload will he ready for it exhibition Gordon lloach wellknown oung sporlsrnarl left town to take posit on in Toronto with Jack Fraser mens Itorca oach llcil larrclls Barrie Senior hoc key tcani brat Orilila NIrvoI by 03 with boot Ncsbitt firing three goIlI OTHER EDITORS VIEWS RCMP WAGE INCREASE Montreal Gazette No one will in the least begrudge the acrosstiiehonrd salary increases that have been granted the ltoyIl Canadian Mounted lo ice Under the new salary schedule re rniltI will he paid 337th ycar Ind the top class of constable with sevcri years service will get 85000 year First year corporal will start It 35000 year Even with the new Increases thcrn ralnrlcl Iccm moderate enough Anti while it is good to see the RCMP gel The Barrio Eireminer ArrtboilIJ uer run run Npsrimrnl or III Will It IiIrururr irnuar IIIAII warm All wiLImi Murtt ltlllN norm rlmfattII IIIrm liilivrlpliril duty by III III IIIIIVI Illltl IIITT IIVIITI Tr In Brit rm mm on rm hr ninnlh itirtlldt Drill IM IrtttIn IIIIItJII Ill on and 1mm mu yur lifters llftitetlll anmiinl IIO Cihrsfl ltml Iliumtr iru rm ileum sum intern It on Candim mny rterpmr htt innn mumu ifInIdIIa rm and the Atrtiiltllisttlif of lirrialctt Tho tunI II hm in rIrliMrIl minus To in cation or III om Irrltrhn rm aw in turn II Manchuf Press or mm In also the but IIwI whim suit them it is not without interest to note that tiio superb morale of this force has evidently been built through the years by something more an tiio Ittrartive rim of the Ialartos In relation to the rigorr and rim of tho Inrvlcc SCHOOLS AND UNITY Brandon suni Canada is constantly searching for definable character common unricr staudln and national irrrlty iiitl it ll Iurci ittstltlahia to ask how cart this ever achieved when we deny ottrsciv es the basic luprcdlenta nnllorinlly or ganized educational atom or at least to be iir with uriiorrn cirrricirluoil Tom etc educational auloiiom for the prov llt may have born out able 100 cars Igo when the llrltiih Norllr Amerv can Act was laid down It is no longer so today TENDERFEBT CANADIANS Detroit liaiiy Newsi Our excellent but often touchy Canari iari neighbors tire sure to thn their groundless inferiority complex reawak erred upon reading book by Miami chlro oittst Dr Simon WIlker writes that to hem Canadians in FlorldI uch winter and they have the worst feet in North America Not from chtlblalnr bill because CIoIdiIn mothers improperly Itioo their young it QUEENS PARK Old lige lit The Top Government Problem By DON OHEAftN TORONTOThe government wants to get to the people he fare fcderIl election But it doesnt know how it will be Ibis to do this Some PCI think they would be better of waiting until Ifler votethey have the theory right or not that any antlTory venom will be expended in the federal campaign But the party leadership sp pIrently doesnt see it this wsy lts tidnking is that there Is strong dangcr of further Dieters bnkcr losses and that this could kids back agIlnIt the pro vincial party This is the informed Mord here these days and it seems to be more rcilIbie than usual it also says that money is not factor in the timing of the pro vincial vote Presumably the party war chest is already well cushioned UPJITLL FiGlll The government today has In uphill fight ahcad of it And lo the observer it must be given no more than In evrn chance of making it it in faclnt the hardcst type of fight in the political world old are Despite the fact of an infec tion of youth at the topold ago still is the biggest single factor in the election mum of thI party it is not In obvious thing but it II there it is there in the party think lngmost of the young men at the top have not been able to break from tiic thought habits Ind nhlbitiona of the old goicrru men Cant Support Dieienbalrer TORONTO tCTl Frederick Stinson iorrrrcr Progrcullil onIarvItivii member If lara llIment mIde llmlllllyr worded ItlIck Monday night on the governments Itaorl en nu clear lrllll for CInIdlnn torcri Mr sttnrun member for York Centre from 1051 until his ire frat inIi June by therIl JIran l2 Walker id be fluent Iup port thI recent statements on delitire by Prime Minifer ilirf snooker nor hlI Intirltmerlrnn IrntlmInlI llo said he will not rim for Parliament rigin It Ippcan that these Irntl rricutI will he part of his pro poied rlrrtlnn campaign lllr hliriinn told the rlilriigs Conscr valle AIIerlntion lir Iniil lie lrcltricv nriniil is committed to acquiring nu rlrnr wrnpooa inr crriain do fcuiivI mum and that hav ing the wrnpom would corilrit rm to CInIdII rirfsnrs do not bIltIvI thIt having such weapons available in the llnllrd State for use by Carter dinnbIIId rIrrlrrI Irr cm of crirrrcrnry it prIrthIl pol fry he Aalil iiirice the Rrrnmf World War by Ircurily of this murrlry hnI depend on the military power of the United Rtntrr ltr view of this it seems tn Inc to be yttr lrctly proper for tlir Itntri dra parimonf to make public tire views of lhe li8 government when it bottom quite erro rrmul IrnprIIdnn has been given in the ndlnn lIrlln merit of Iirir ercn CanI Mr Minion uld hr hi to tcmetn within the pIrty and is work for the llllluuu rieI which britciu will be of benefit to CInIdI nild ll TOSSUP ft is heavily larded in the mo chincry of government here which is overweight Ind carrcs pondiogly inefficient And it has thinned the blood of the party organisation Ind rankI throughout the province with now tired men of Inothcr dIy Ititl thI march of thwnariy and inevitably flabby one DRASTIC CHANGE Premier itobartr and his poll tical masterminds can try Ind counter this They undoubtedly will make In extreme effort But what they Ire lighting in effect form of blight And experience is that rid dance of blightcalla forvdrIstic stcps Steps which it might be only an election defeat could bring about SIMPkAfi TODAY IN HISTORY run CANADIAN pness Feb 136 Queen Victoria instituted the order of the Victoria Cross WI years ago today in two toward the end of the Crimean War it is the highest British decora tion for conspicuous brav cry or devotion to the coun try in the presence of the cncrny The decoration iI bronze MIltere cross bearing in he centre the royal crown surmounted by lion and with the Icroll For Velour The decora tion has been Iwariicd to so members of the Canadian forces Ind to Canadians serving with British forces In Belile ifymn oi the Republic written by Julia Ward llowc wIs sung for the first time lathe Ameri can Clvll Wll by Union troops is cold wave in Europe clIlmcd it llch arroairaou uk Tourists Interested In Thaiched Cottages by hi birlNTVRE HOOD LONDONVlrlton to liritIln Ind tourists who llkI to seek out the lovely small villIgu of which there In thousands in this country uh IpeclIl in tereIt in the old thatched cot tang which no to be found in many of them cm of the vil in in which touriItI stop to admin the oldMorld type of thm ItruciureI lI Stockton near SIilIbury in WiltIhIre not far from thI fImouI Salisbury PlIInI Ind the ring of man It Stonehenge But leitorI to Stockton who Ilop to admire the mmlnliy old thItchcd cot tnIcI It onI end of the villntte rcccivn quite Ihack when they read the phone denoting the III of those cottage The dItI shown on it lI i061 ThrII cottages which oter built only mor Yet Io clouy do they rest his the ancient typI of Ilmi ar dw lln that their chIrm Ind IIteror In in harmony with one of Will IhlrII loieitut thItchcd vil IIraI IlllLT FOR lAllMEll Then two tIrm warkerI rol tIlcl threobedroornrd dwellings with their interior provided with Ili modern fit on and conveniences thI burn built at of 1000 for the two by ttoiuh WiltIhirI fIrmIr Michael titration Thry been built on the die of air of tIth crntury cntirm lch wrrI demolish cri hIcIuII of their poor cone riition iiut they In In almost Inrt trprtxlitciinrr of thI two Inclrnt cottages which they have rrpiIcId lilrruriinr the calm he hwtl Inulil Mr SlrItton uldr WI lhoulhl lhIt whllI we had thI money from these farm IuiiItrilrI we might will spend IomI oi It on building Ioth rrnli nlrc mtluh If this heeuiiul llllle villIgI of Stockton When lure my norm in tin mornlnr thm coilm wmnt iovriy Ind Itmllillll right The rirrlritrd Ind bullrltl Ire in be mnIrItulIird and wr Ill lrrl that we hIre achieved something worthwhile in twin lriI lo pillfltl the traditional English Inne ler at Iurnc Crlich who thought the diI IppcarInce of the WOOlillili thatched ratinch might spoil the villus Iccnl hlvs been dis lighted with the new homu with their whltI wIllI wedg woodblue doorI Ind their deep golden thIlrhcd roots The architect war JImrI Burford of Codford St Peter Han TENANTD First to move into one of thug newold homcI wII MrI Joyce Dudley with her turn worker hlillflfid Gerrard and their thrrI children ThtI lI thI ftrII rcIl homl thI hId in thm years of marriage said Mrs iirIdley Ind of room have fIllcn in love with it it is simply wond erful Ind we the envy of the wholI vil Yet visitorI do feel bit dis lllurluneif when they the if too over to cx hown on the hoping to two to three hundred years old it is bit of shock to rrId the TNT ContractByMail is The Sill Policy rTlAWA tCPi mt ownrr lfaerif IlindrnIn Ind IfIr IrI Union rhlet llIi BrinkI conlrlluct their labor relations by on Till ityurcld pmiitcol of filmian Transportation Com pany of Owen Round uld Man by tho SerifIrIrI lnlrruI tfonal Union of CInIdI mIlll him the cabinet for his sailors and cnIlncrrIInd he IIgiiI it Inrt until it back If Mr bru our policy over number of In thIt when the iIrIcr rompInlrI sign their contracts we II it the unit roulrul Mr lindmIn trail flcd before Mr Justice NorriI onIrnnn lnvutllIlion of wItIrfront letor mile on tho lrul LIkII IIuI you Iver IIl down with the till Ind fought out trIrti IIkrd ChIrlII Du ti layer for the federal Inquiry commlirlon No said Mr llisrlmnn it said the SIU not him contract by mail few yIIrI vvv in your on HEALTH Trailing wago Sign Oi Alcoholism JOSEPH MOLNER MD the letterla fact th9 several startlingly like itfrom wife whose husband insists that he isnt an Ilcohollc be cause he never drinks in the daytime Only in the evening He insists that he can stop any time he wants toBut he never want to Every night its the same story series of dou ble shots of liquor after which he becomes sensitive to Iny re mark he thinks is criticsl HI argues becomes positive that ho is right about everything and everybody else is wrong Now cant say that such ma necessarily is In alcoholic but the personality changes Ind rha touchincss and the asserm lions that he can stop but doesnt arent goodIlgns Alcoholism doesnt necessarily mean falling down drunk in the guitar Ilthough that often is the cud of the story it simply nteInIdcpendcncI on alcohol For some it is de pendence at night Eor others it is periodic dependence So briety may condone for days necks or even months but time after time the person is It laIt impelled to return to his ll uld crutch Many of these alcoho for he insist on that they can to it or leave it alone and cite the periods of sobriety Ii proof But the real proof Isnt the occasional or even the frequent dry periods The proof lI in the repeated fIlilng off the Wagon it is candidly of scant use to tell this to alcoholics They refuse to believe it They con tinue to kid themsaives They think the advice applies only to the other fellow They cant bI convinced that there are potential dangers in overlndulgcnce Brain deteriora tion liver disorders loss of work accuracy They have to encounter Ionic real cItIItrophe An accident to themselves or someone else first weekend loss of MI gra duIl economic decline ion of friends Ilienation of family They often but notalwoyli Ire unaware of the misery of their fendlies They are partic ularly Ieuvcentred while drink ing and dont remember this after they sober up mlxtureof physical and emo Alcoholism is disease tienal factors but alcoholics Ire Ialvuble However you cant preach them into reforming until they have acknowledged the prob 1cm Usually this means reach ing some form of disaster or crisis before at last genuinely making in their minds that they have to stop Dear Dr Mother would so Dilclll information on to ye aorta with possibility of an aneurysmMVc The aorta is the main artery carrying blood from the heart Mere enlargement might or might not indicate serious rou dillanit would depend on other tlrdlngs iiie IneuryImlf there II one ia another matter might best compare it to the inner tube of tire with weak place in it which bulges Should this weak placetire aneurysm rupture obviously the result would be highly don gerous Therefore your doctor will make every effort to deter mine whether it really exists and how severe it is if it is present he doubtless will take steps to reduce your blood pres sure if it is too high and pre cautionI to keep it normal it ll that my DeIr Dr Molnar is it harm ful to use magnifying Iiasias that are advertised nowadays for class work and resdlngi am in my EDIAL No theyre not harmful They do not however correct for other faults in the eyes Iuch II Idimathm it they exist Fact And Fiction On Big OSSINING NY tAPilea Iomcthlng right out of an old Jimmy Cagney movie on tele vision late Ihow ThutI haw Sing Sing prison Ieems as your train hurries erd then under its lurretcd grey walls Ind bleak brick buildings This mtyearold penitentlIry mlch up the liudIon from New York City has housed 130275 prisonerr among them LoulI tLrpkei huchIlter head of Murder lnc Lucky Luciano Willie Sutton Joey My Ind FronciI Notion Crowley which Idded up Ind big house to the American lexicon is blend of stunting truth and um maniic myth in true that the New York Central mllllillll tracks tunnel beneath the prison yIrd that the exquisite ItIlncd glIII window in the chIpelr were mIdI out of pharmacy bottch by convictx thIt thI first of pemnr executed then wII In unImillrrg rnIrI aImcd limiter its not true thIt convict Iverucaprd Uh Huh EVI over the ice of the from iiud Ion River that the winner to the execution chamber is little green door tltl browat or that the lights in the sur raundlnl Im iiirn when the electric chIlr switch inputted CHANGED NARI Sink link the indlIn word thIt In the rim ill name nieInI prophrthliy Itone on stone Authority for this lI MIyor JIIII Collycr Jr of Orrin ing when vtilIII took thIt mm In the Int 1900 when iongdutfrrlnl IntI tired of IIplInIlionI every time they IIVI thIir home town II Bing Eltll NIw York an rruryor It is clviiiIn vo cItlonIl Instructor It sing sing From thI IpotlIII prtIori Ihapl he hII lumcd out way firItrItI trIflmen liII Ben the powerhouul luIiy Itom whlItiI Ilgnrilr IIiI prison work dIy Ind Iiro IoundI the 0pr0 IlIrm it hasnt served lhIt function data itti when three prironm one with only co dIyI to go tried to shoot thrlr say out One wII shot dud in lite It tempt were guard Ind In OIIlnInI pollmmsil The other two were rIcI lured Ind lIlIr IiecirtrdIt rig Ring For molt of Bing ElngI moo rum Ibout 1500 of whom an housed in five rrId maximum securityrellblock it long leiIot wIll for IomI company tI flooding call which rd wll Ir cttu not unusual for mpwny Illey II to thI III owners Ind IlI diffeirnt nImrI doing it priIoii llil tins is rcmrmbmd In ImIil our the It mi ago for the PM on his fpsInd he Igned thIt too urn though he IlrrIdy had In agreement with the rirIl Nit tionIl Association of Marine Etta glnmI House Only Ihart walk may at the south cnd of the yard is the death house plain two storey red bricked structure where front entrance is mass of bright flowers Ind shrubs in mean Deputy WIrdsn Louis Kei icy who thinks he has accom panizd men men to death than any prison official anywhere more than soilhail the un happy tssk oi officiating at the execution of man he knew personally it wns my first execution he reads The follow had run coffee shop back in Auburn where delivered ville Al kid Kelley has stock farewell for prisoncrr leaving Sing Sing with 520 and Milhi50n made suit tell them fake toad look at tho plIcI Ind dont come buk ilI sddI sadly but Ioml of them do BIBLE THOUGHT Arid wires they win came Inc to the hours they saw the mug child with ittIry his run lhcr III fIll dew Ihlppld litrnr Iprnrd their unted unto III fill Ioid Ind frIaklIcIriu Ind myrrhMI ltli Our peace of mind is chtruyrd unluI lite ll rigorourly dedu trd to God id In Chrlrt INTEREST PAID ON GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES TERM yr AMOUNTS $i00 to $50000 VICTORTA GREY TRUST COMPANY OiillllA

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