Mrnnwhlloley nrmlllnn And anlnnl will cxltml nml Mrrnglhrn Hm rlnsc runmllnllnn uhlrh nlrrmly rxixln In Hm p04 Ural nml mmomlc lltlzh 1th ml Mlnlrrnl Inn and wllll ulhrrxlnlu whlch uhnn llm rummnu nlm lIumprnn lln fly It mnnumlquq Inhl 11w mmmunlquu uprle numml Inr lmldcnl Krnnnlyl Wm lur mulllnnlhm nuclear ATU me which Ilo Inulln qu pm Jcrlnl Hu Nnnll AllnuUc Mllann llvr hm pvllm mlnlulm Hrmrd lhrlr drtrrmlnnllum In mnlnlnln HIB IIKUHK rullnlmm llnn wllh lg Unllrd blnlu Anmlcn nm ur mum Hm 0r Mncmlllnn and anhml In In communlquo dnplorcd the limnkdaun In the llmmlA ncKullnllun nnd nurwl lhnl LL Inna xlmuld he mum to nnlvnno he drlvc or European unlly duplle Hm mhatk WILI EXTEND TALKH An Huculrrnulh murlly mu nhrllnn 01 um Irv Mull dw pend vgaw mom Hm am an In clear nlluslon to In Gnullc lllncmlllnn nulll lhnrc have been llmcs ln lIuropas hlxlory whtn one nnllon or one man lrlcd our control hul nrllnln ls mminctd such day nrapaxl Macmillan nppcnrod heart mud by ussumncc lhnl Pre mlnr Amlnloro Fanhml will work with uthcr European lcndA er la override lhc French vein Britains bld lo join In Eu ropean Economic Community have been very much en coumzcd by tho unnnlmlly ol the Ilnlan and British polnh vlcw Mncmlllun lnld rc poflm in Name xclbnrk no lhc end Dig Jqurncy ler Macmlllnn has rclumcd home lrom lhrccdny visit in Name with solid llnlinn bucklng lnr Brllnlns campaign to ioln llie Common Mnrkcl dnspllo ï¬rcsldcnl du GBIIHEI opposl Mrs nra mulling formu poslmaslcr n1 Simud or many yam and whu now spends six months the your in St Peter hurg undcrwcnt an operation Inst week and Is now said to be recaverinz as wall as can Filly new are to he built or Innisiii Park Thus with special specifications have bun up for leader Dr some time and me to be for the use oi pimickcrs and persons us ing the trailer camps RECOVERING ï¬ll BARK EXAMINER MUNUAYJEHKUAHY 1351 revnsmn nl the Act year mm which specially deal with such areas seems to give In nlsril justiï¬cation or its re quest ho have he area within it own boundaries NEW PARK TABLES This has been sublet discussinn for the past cw years Follnwlng vote In County Council which pmvcnlod Innis 11 from having Board Ar hilrallan set up It was again brought forward last year and was agreed In by he Educa llonal Commiuce County Council The hearing will be necessary before Ihe reassess men of the portion can he al Iucnlud su far as school taxes are concerned eilhor buck la Innlslil or continue In West Gwimmpnxy The committee was lo Include the School Inspectors In boll areas logelhcr wllh representa tives of both lnnisï¬l and West Gwillimhury They were to en dcuvour to decide an lnnisllls request or lhe relum ol lhul porllnn ol lhc old school scclinn which had some E0 years ago been placed as jalnl secllon wllh Iho Wes Gwlllimbury por llnn with the puplls nllendlng the Glllord schoall Following the eslahllshmnnl ol the School Ann lhe saulh section of the lawn ship lnnlslll asked Io have their portion relurncd but as thls por tion nnw Includes large scssmenz slam the lake Wes Gwlllimhury lownshlp dashed Ia retain ll Macmillan Gains Italian Support The Arbllrnuon Hoard set up In debale the relnm of lhe Gll ford school seclum lo Innlsfll area which was In behcnrd Jan 21 was postponed ludcfln IIer when Judge Carter In that lhe day was no wintry to drive from orima Pcrhans by now this has been heard ANTHONY WHITE LONDON APEPrime Mlnls INNISFIL NOTES Former Residents Recovering Nicely By mas ST IAUIJS lSpcclal Mrs Juhn 0ka was lnslnllnl by luv Tmnl III prrsldrnl the Mlcrnmn lvnmrh oI lhe WA St lnull church Olhvr nfllccn or 10m are vkcorrsldvnl Mm Gonhm qu necrdnry Mn 0an mar lrmsurrr Mm Gibbon Dorms Mrs Hnynmnd Nnly Dorm Mm Inrcna ltnnox Mm Fm llnm urnIn mrvlury Mu Jmn lmnnni nmhlmn Mn 111w cry Mrs le hlnis lunch mmmmro Mm Mnlun ll Mr Cnrr nnd Mn Jnmru honnnl Mn LN OIMMM 51mm was hour In tho Innl mm 1an han In Irnl nwny In Aprll um Illmxuml Mrn Nrrly dlnlrilmlnl Illa llxl clulhlnu nmlml Mu Drnlw nprurd Hu mrrl In wllh may and Mn Il Briluln and Iluly have agreed Io nccupl Polaris missiles from the United Slnlcs under Ken ncdyo plan but dc Gnulle hnl lnslslcd lhnl France will develop Ila awn nuclcnr striking power Injmpxs mum Do Gnullé so wmo under ul Ack from Belgian Farcign Min lslnr PaulHenri Spank Spank old the Bmsscls clnllst paper Le Pcuplo me In unasan nnllnnnllsllc splrit In France lhrcnlens Um Mn unified Europa whom the notion an Imposed leadership lncontclvnbl Spank mld Europe Md Dril nin mum hnn Her new um porlunily la nslnblish NATO multilateral nuclear tum In or dcr to enable the nlllunw Io mnlnlain pcq gecurily Before January was of the calendar we made the break and got Into the sen mm temper alure 58 and up It was run refreshing this with plenty of sun will ndd In the enjoyment oI llvlnz on the Gulf of Mexico 011 the emininc side at the um fly day Is nut wasted that ndds ram shell to the coil Lion SEA BAHHNG The report also dealt with many oihcr experimental pro eels carried out throughout the soulhern port oi Ihe counly in cluding weed control under the guidance of William Peacock Weed inspector There was also report on the various plots located across the county in which new seeds such as winter barley and new vnrlcly oi groin were tested All his when surn mcd up may no make much reading for the average inrmA er but does mid dollar to his crop plnnning when he knows what mnkcs the best seed and crop to produce the Assoch lion Is 51 per year and give the members access to all In Inrmnlinn um has been gained over the years as well as the Services or the dlrcclars report of the South Sim coc Cmp Impravcmnnt AssoclaA lion outline the program or the ast year and gives an outline 1963 The annual meeting was held Jun 15 when the spa ker was George Jane of the Fieid Husbandry Department he OAC whn dealt will the subiec Vny and How to Grow Corn Last years nxperimnnu with grain corn in many pnru oi Innisiii have pmven that in the average year in very suc mssful crop can be grnwn nnd ripcncd and that the per new productinn grcnliy exceeds most nthm grains Mrs Drake Heads St Pauls Women be expected Her daughier Mrs iiinurice Barre ni Barrie flew down in be with her mother during her Illness hut expect to be able in mrange or her return soon We Keel sure that ihe folks arnund Simud who knew Mrs flaming or her spien did service to the public will wish her continued pmgres lo hill recuvcry The Examiner teaches her home here in Flor idn dniiy GRAIN CORN born mad he llrhfllm 1mm Tho annual upon wan run and ndnpmi am In diacuulnn on chapter In lho Iludy book lunch sttcm wort Mn Drnku nml Mu Curr French Ambassador nerve Alphnnd nppcnrlng on me Inmo program sald do Gflulln want In anan strung Europe lhnl wlll be lhlrd me In way but ï¬n farce nlIlcd and mm Sir David orsmby Gore Dril Ish nmhussndor to lha Unllcd Slates expressed concern In lclcvlscd lnlcrvlnw In Wnshlnm on that de Gnulle seekan nssumn the min erd Iorce arbiter between Iho West and Ilusslu he dcmncmflu splm ls Indan In some countries and nallonnl hmwhlch we naught deadl nwakenln COOKSIOWN 8pc c1111 Water 5211er lrnlnlng canducted by the Cochlown branch of the Canadian Red cuss SocMy shared the spotlight with lha other activflle promoted by the local branch Report on Ihese were pruanlcd at the annual meeting held here at the home of tha secretary Miss Marlon Webb Wllh lhe wnlcr safely program In enact the mmmunlly has been true from wnlcr casunh Hes II was rcpoflcd Lust scu The 1961 Report also Show that here is considerable dil Hence In Net Cash Income he lween different klan al lnrm enterprises Out large sam ple of Dairy Specally arms the Net Cash Income Mexaged out at $247000 When plus or mimls Inventory Changes are taken In to consldcmllon the Dalry Spe clnlly arm showed an average Farm lncome of 3431 0n the same basis Feeder Steer Opfllnllall showed Net Cash Income minus $116400 and Farm lncpmo at $442100 There are no records available as yet or 1962 but North Sim coe hnd nver 60 Account Books sent In Guelph for Analysis in 1561 it appears that there will be approximately 1500 of the 1962 Account Books go thnough the Farm Economics Branch this year This all indicates that farmers are becoming much more concerned with Farm Rot cords as means of keeping tab on the management at the army and 5150 far Incpme Tux pnrpw BLG DIFFERENCE Bruce County had the greatest number of farmer who had their Account Books analyzed in 1961 there were 162 Account Books analyzed for weak polnta ln management at the overall arm operation Brunt County was second with 75 Waterloo County was thlrd wlth 45 North Simeon was lourth with 44 Talr lng both North and South Slmcoe together on County basis there was total at 70 Account Books analyzed which places Slmcoe County In third spot or the Province in terms at Farm Account booksanalyzad in 1961 lIcallnn llsl some average It ures from records of some of the Farm Management CMpernlms whn send their Account Books to the Farm Economics Branch 0A0 Guelph for analysis We recently received Public mm 815 which is he Onlnrlu Fnrm Management and Account Repofl for 1961 This pub Cookstown Red Cross Reviews Highlights 01 1952 Activities fly 1mm CLAY Assadlo Agricullunl Rennienull North sham Claims qumers Are Specialists CQNVENIENILY LOCATED IRVDOWNIOWN mm my Sililtiï¬tii maniac Llhmlll in mm common winn mmunn and run Duhmmll Call lulrlll mm woMIu Mulnlllllonl mumn quunuumm mm In All mm munx blu II in In ann IMMII um nwmnnmquu an an umrmmmmuuruun nun hunt ml mumnImhu uvunx no uqu MM no menu wire 375 orrwnrrkroan uppllss and $5 or mnlulnls or vIcllmL neuecuilvu lhnnkcd nu lund campaign murder and Qnmo for N1 unilance Clothing Included 11 chlldrcnl woman 12 pnln mckl 20 gel or pyjama and our pain mills Digxesl ms donation by Um Cookmwn brunch was 3750 am to lhe Mndqunncrs relch Iund 3150 went awnrdsflylnz or mmportnlion dull to mmmlnz cla cum pay mu blond donor clinic held hero but November 74 danallons were received and In rejected Mrs Don Munkmnn Rug and her nsxlstnnla con ducted project Wurkroam convener Mrs Cousa reported an the nnlclen made by her commmea during the year These were ll largo quilts and warm clolhinl for needy children ELADDER 74 DONATIONS son Ihe local branch sponsored transportation or 150 children lo 71mm sylmmfllg ppoln rvvl Alluton Volunteers Including Mn McKllllcnn and Mn Ed ney were Umnkéd by the exec utive or helping chnpcnmo ho children We sometimes hear farmer classiï¬ed as labourers In my books farmer specialist who owns and operate the inm ily farm with family mud or hir ed labour He him to be well read to keep up to dam on rnnr knung trend and the education al standard of todays farmer is much higher than in Grandlalh cra day These standards will likely be higher again or far mer oi the lawn The average investment on an average Arm today will vary between $3000000 and $5000000 and the amount of this Invest ment is swh today that it ls mall wonder that todays arm are also becoming account The Net Cash Income deler mines the amount of cash avail able to live on after all farm operating expenses are taken care This net can vary con siderably due to price flnclunh Inns type management dis ease quality of live stock nmuunl live stock labour av ailable klnd of lIve sunk lnnd available kind farm buildings and machinery etc Todays far mcr is busmessman much Inery expert live stock spe claflst and an ccanomlsl Dairy General or Cream Ship pers had Net $91900 an Farm Income of $290600 Bee arms cow milked had Net $66100 and Farm Income of $271201 Beel arm cows not milked showed Net of 3mm and Farm Income of $195300 Explanation of Term Gross Income $10739 Total Cash Ex penses $1007 com 3663 ventary plus £1049 Farm 111 come $2711 Interest on invest ment at per cent $1464 lab our Income $1273 CAN VARY Cash Crop arms had Net Cash Income of mlnus $7400 anda Farm anome of $436100 Pnul try arms had Net Cash In come of $129600 with Farm lncorne of $396500 Large Hng operations had Net Cash come of $110800 and Faym Income $366900 The four pcrlshcd ulI Ca IIIomlmu ware Pllal Richard MchlIum 12 mpllol William Carynll 45 mum Anton 40 and Llnyd Mulllxnn 40 spokesman lul Sllck Alr wnyn aald lho cm was carry lnu clussillcd cnrgo but could say no more The cargo was 1m sugcdï¬caquycdl The huge surveng nod ship made In normal Instrument up prnnch nnd than dug ii in win lnin Iho ground at the aim oi he runway skidding into violent huii moan an The pinqo thn bum igipjinni Sic Aimnya Constellation cur rying classlilcd Us Navy cargo crashed Sunday in an instru men landing at log shrouded San Francisco inlernniiannl Air port and exploded killing our oillm glzhl men aboard Some 35 of the lujuxed were described as being In serious condition following the slum podo from an old house that was cared about to collapse Earlier report had placed the death all at 71 Tonerflc wetlAknown tourtst centre In the Intzest 1110011 nnry Islands mup nu um north west coast Mrlca The lands belong to Sgnlnt SANTA CRUZ DE TENE RIFE Canary Island Reuters me death toll msulung from punk Sunday in municipal ofï¬ce In nearby Grnnndllln dc Abunn today was omclally put at 23 with 190hdnre¢ Tho slnmpedo began when ho lmnse which was being used temporarily for issuing Identity card needed all adult Span lmjds bggan crank spokesmmi said the bulld lng dldunol comma Plane Crash Kills Four 23 AreKilled In Panic Dash sgumncxsco gm nowaï¬s HEATING PA 34224 real Iumitum Dchydrnllon Exmmvu Fuel Cost llnnnx Humlllllprly Humhflllrll Automlllcllly Sollrnl Mr yumt on Alr mm 131mm Nose and Ecnnomlu and Development STOP No mm wcm klllcd by po lice bulkla and an infant died nflcr being hlt by rock lhmwn through hosplml window MANAGUA Nicaragua AP Three mm and an mm were mind and eight persons were waunded as Nicaraguan med Sunday In extend tha Somaza familyl abyear rule their Central American nation The clash between National Guardsmen and 300 antlSomozn demonstrators erupted during cut and dried balloting which gave the presidency Io Rena Schick Gntlcrrcz candidate oi tha Somomrun Libml Party Dr Dcrnanda Agnew Rocha opposition lender who had called or boycott at the national elections was placed under hauu meatchnrged with In4 dting the demonstrator who hnttlcd with police and troops or three hamn Fitlcen rioterl alsn were Jailed OPEN NEW OFFICE Vote To Extend Family Rule Causes4 Deaths In Nicaragua Minister Robert Macaulay cuts the ribbon to open tho Ontario government filth foreign olflcm Among the more than 200 government ol flcian and lendlng business men unending the ceremony 1v qu Dynlop so lnl Barrio l0 DUNLOP 51 BARRIE TRAVEL SERVICE KJognsou co liiilifiii orId Wldo Tnch Servln For mm Aid cm unmllom um um For Your Rucrnflonl Call Now IMPERIAL Eight persons were bmught In Managua hospitals with bul let apd bayonet wounds Order was restored ntlur Ag um and lho authorities dc dared mu were Jule Leger IE1 Can adian ambassador to Italy and Dr Flavio Fadda mm aging dllrccwr of Massey Fer guson Italy The new pm vlnclal uflicu will serve Eur ope and the Mediterranean area GP Wirephoto policeman was reported killed in clash In an Interior lawn Aglastlyeleganoeflm suggestsTgmesseeWiIligml ADULT ENTERTAINMENT um MM mu WASHINGTON AWGm Haering bl annex US emu servicenfflclal and limb fly an the SL Lawrence Sam way died Sunday mm cap orrhazet nys In the past he Papa has had 113 window of his apart ment thmwn open to give Ml blessing ms voice sounded home as loudspeakers carried his words to 15000 persons sembled 1n the square despite temperatures Ibovo Ireczlng In New York City entered lire foreign service in 1974 and hcid number of foreign posts in 1948 he was made drier oi the visa division oi the slots department and was foreign service inspector 1mm 194751 From war55 he war consul goneral in Toronto mm the iarelgn service in 1955 and became special assistant to the admin lsrrator at tile St Laï¬rence Seaway Development Carport tlon Since 1969 he hnd been state department consultant on matters relating to the seaww am the Great Lakes wife and son VATICAN CITY AP For the llrsl time In his reign Pop John gave his Sunday noon bluslng to crowd In St Pe ters Square Sunday mm beh hind closed window He has cold Geo Haering Qiééjlmflay GivesiBlessing From Inside Jackploi$210 NOW SHOWING 5h Btu1 700 pm mums REGULAR norm LEGION HALL 7I COLLIER ST EVEan WEDNESDAY DOOR PRIZE lEGlON BINGO PA W74