Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1963, p. 6

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as Si She cnmnl WVva Ihlflo MI IIHHXW The ndmml widx plnl You Fnr hm swclnl lay llw lnldo chum Myratrth Alllflul guwn while rmlmwl nlfdn 1115 lillml Mlim ho uwn lonluml Mull mrkllnr ml My Dolnl filmv Hcr mm lip Illmion cll wn uimmnl wMI Ian nml caught 11m rnbhngo mm orunnm and NM St Andmwl Presbfiorlnn Olurth was he Aritan for tho quid wlntcr wxldlnx Miss Hurin Jenn 04mm daughter or Mr lmd Mu Cnrmnn 05 bomn bl Hdnuhill Drive and James Watson 5cwm1 son Mr um Mu Jumps Shwm Mnmtlion Rev on Adam olllriuml on Jan Zn 196 IIIUIMY GOWN Mrs Lyonngavc each home maker copy at Jhe Cauadn Fund Guide These rules were so up durinz lho late 1940 and Iauk lnlo cansideratlnn the mount or food nutrients for heallhy body lhe nmounl of nutrient ln ench pnrllculnr food mod on he nallng hnblls nl Canadlnns lcl he most used nnd lumillnr loods This uldc ollm good vnricly 11 good and also palm out the chnapcst wny to be well nourlshcdl II lhelr belle that special emphasis Ihould be on nu lrillun at he schaonlze level using the Canada Food Gulde as drawn up and presented by the Deparlmenl Nallnnal Health and Vellare Ottawa Nulrlllon ls the sclence and how it related Ihe body and what lhe components are that are necessnry to acquire opti mum health and longevlly Discussing Inc rs Mons explained how the 00d Ilulde could be used In planning hm mm mm Breakfnslmna During the past few months It has been the policy flu Homemakers Committee the Barrie Branch of he Canadian Red Cross Society In hnld rah Jng scsgions or he homemaker on lhe staff One of Ihese under the leadershl Ihe Supervlsnr Mrs crguson was held in the Red Cms rooms at 115 Dunlap St East Mr yonsinl the Mm Lyon the socialed Milk Foundallons came from Tumulo to speak In the ladies on Nutrition Thls Assoclnllnn nonprofit or ganizallnn sponsored by Ihe milk producers EMPIIASIS 0N NUTRITION HISTORIAN MARKS 85TH BIRTHDAY flll BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAYFEBRUARY STEWARTOSBORNE Married In Barrie To Live In Toronto Hon Dnlry celebrat ed his leh birthday on Sun day at family dinner parry held his men Hill res dcnce lhree generations were Irmscm or the special occasion Among the guests were Mrs John Unappel Miss Edith Partridge Ba rie Mr and Mrs Varley Barrie Homemaker Branch Hear Discussion On Nutrition PHILIPS onarclz Refrigean ulullu lace AMI uluilo Ian he Undo wnl plnk lnmvlmu Ill DUNLOP PA 059 mrpllon wnu held In home of Ihu bndol parents The hrkdnl moiher mvlml ueanK 11mm mm lvary tribunal rayon Deng lino Hrr nrrmmrm wom Muck nnl nlw mm wrung null FnsMon mm Mr nml Mn Shawl wlll mnklnu er harm In Town ally It Is Important to sum the act lhn 00d L1 mod Io taste mlhcr good Kori nle mum of honor wns nl llml In umeblrnxlh shenlh gown 11th blue cmhosml Inflvln wllh plclumlruma mllar and long doom Ilrr headdress mu hnndenu ol plnk Nsu and wilinz Her we wm pink lmfnlt my Lunch shnul balanced and Include same protein loads loostarchy diet does not give staying power Dinner lme should be the most pleasant time at the dayrelaxed nud leisurely when the family can get togeth er and discuss the days happen ings umlcably Meal should be attractive and served attract ivclymntrast ln lhe calnur the vegetables lrcsh llnen on the able Mn law odd touches that would tend to brighten up the able Aller school macks or the children have their plnca long as they do nnl spoil their nppcme for dinner Fruit Juice after school far bellcr than lxuule of pa and doughnul The general meal pruparallnn should have eyeAnppeal wllh mn lrasl ln colours as mcnllonud bclnrn There shuuld be cunlrnsl lumpcrnlure as well llol hlnus should he piping he and cool lhings dclltlnusly coal Eld erly people and smnll chlldren should be glven small servings locncoynge mllng Mrs Glofln Jenn Suezt ol EdamMI Drive was lho brldul nflmdmL Sydney Swat Nxddll Drhe was ummsmnn RECEPTION the must important meal in the day also une that is skimped on the mast oi nny meui it L1 lire longest period at timebe Iwcen dinner the night before and breakfastthat the body has to function Everyone needs int at nergy in the morning to get going To get Ihl good bmakiast should consist oi eggs cemais toast fruit juice vitamin Ci anumcsn mm Drury Walkerwn Ted Rige low Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs Howl Partridge Bar rie Mr and Mrs Gordon Dunsmore and lamlly Mn Carl Dmry and family and Mr and Mrs Hamld Dmry and family Hon Mr Dmry is shown above In recent pbom taken with his grand children Forclriulooa on chinwshouId Wu Service All TV Smoo and All Maku of Appliancu For The Best Deal in Town On All TV and STEREO PHILIPS One ol lhe blues problem ol dlal la the modern age 0b csxly Empl or glandular dis orders it mostly plaln case ol nvcrcatlng This lmmedlately luring mlnd thnt popular ward calories These are llmply lhe mcasurcmant ol the amount of food taken one wlshu Io loso wclnhl one must balance calorlc lnlnka wllh calarlc ex penditure The meal acnslble way to lose wclghl lo do to under doclnrl ordcra lollnwlnl Canada Food Gulda or wall balanced mills and culllnz down on Iwccll cxacss breads and Inlx Mn Lyon warned lhal pmlccllva and an very nefitsary whlla diallnz re hen naked or commnnll nnd quell Inns and most Informnllv hallhum followed when they were able to llnd tho nnswcrl In many Ihcir nulrfllnn pm blcml Willi regards tn senlur cllllens Mn Lyons pointed out that any lensinn surrounding mealime should be eliminated They us ually are gelling very little ex ercisc lherefare have small er appetite were ls dcnlum problem more so Ioods should bu tuned than ardinarily The next section oi Mu Lynn talk deal will the negative at illudcs lhni have ansnn recenin canccming nulriilonchleily sullinz in misinformalion Take lar example Vitamin pill lhe sale of these has grown into hundred mllllon dollar business pmpie are allowing good cab in habits lhey let all the wit nmlns required igr optimum health The only exception is whvn nllcr physical checkup lhu lnmily dacior primrin vilnmin pillsl Anoihcr inlincy is Kim idea lhnl cerinin Iced haw hcaling powers This can be l7th mslly and dangerous Sellmed lcnllun is most unwise and may drlcr person lrom seeking help from his own doctor nw memnn WANT Ans PHONE mm never be tried as they may not be hungry or may be lriying to exert independence By reiusing and they may be using this lever in get their own wny ii Ihi happens the homemaker were advised in quieily remove the cod wiihaul comment and lry again when the child is really hungry the speaker stated NEGATIVE ATTITUDE Dem Ann Linden Im be upset dont knnw where in turn My mother who Ilve mile ram here had stmku Ive had to spend In of Ilme rcllevlns my older slsler who lrylng to care for her When ISa to mothers my husband takes care our 17 manth ald dauzhlcr Three weeks ago when came home lound not saying my bus band had lakun the baby to the husplul She had ailen an of her high chair Fortunately no bones were broken went tn the hospltal this lng the doctor questioned me at length It seems he mm time in year our child has been hmught in didnt know about the other two times The doctor suspects my England has been beating the Can lhls be passlble If its true what can do Please help me am nervous WreckEDNA Lust nlghl found slmllar nuke This time Ihe baby suf ltrcd bmken arm When ANN LANDERS High Chair Is Blamed For Babys Bruises wanllo nsk herrlIslu wlll buy me horse and hoard ll would mean the world to me and think she could do It wllll no rouble What do you my UNDECIDED Den Undecldtd lay take your blx on grand mouml bunk book You dont ask people to buy you gm regnnflcsa how much money they have Am may well be that your imndmahlr need evtry bit what she has to cure or herscll In her roman In years Thu more see of horse the more yearn In have ham of my own know my talk cant ntfard to buy me hurse at least naUnr qulle awhile My grandmother shuHrL Sh was Injurcd jn an accident 1th time ago and never Km anyplace Mothur says she has lame bankbnok and ges regular lncnmc from some prop arty She never spend any many on herself Ia sh mus basavlng hut Bur Ann Laudm am yearold glrl who new about horses belong to rld lng unb and we meet every week My parents are no what you muld call rich so really nppmlale this luxury always thought Indlvldunl who dealt pmlesslonally with the puhllc had moral obliga tion to keep thulr mouth shut It seems unspeakable that they would use mnlldentlal lnlorma Hon tor Metal chlt chat ls hm Iamethlng one per an can dn to combat thln sort of blunt amllofilmIED DONT ASK Deu Ednn University of Colorado team lnvesllzuud the battered child syndrome re cently and lonnd 302 case In single ytar The parcnls ulually deny belting the child Th high fhalr excuse is the most popu If parent who would beat child ls deeirly dlslurbed emo uonnlly and the child should be pmlected Igalnsl such hnllal llyl Keep your eyes wide open and there ls further evldence by all menus cl lhls min an your homejnd lnlo Ireal man Last night another locinl affair nurse who is employed in doctorx niiiu revealed some highly personal informa lian about prominent woman who is patient PROFESSIONAL ETHICS nur Ann Landau wu shocked recently when social mheflnl an officer bank had one too many mar hall Ind began to speak upenly about the Hnanclal problem of two his clients 67 TORONTO ST The Worlds NO INTERRUPTION IN SUPPLY HEATS WATER TIMES EVER MODERN GLEAMING BLUE ENAMEL TANK CAPACIIY 25 IMP GAllONS NATURAL GAS WATER HEATER ONLY RENT AN AUTOMATIC onsumersCEjas ll youro no Ilmdy plug on llnd oul Iod Iboul III bmnn ndunlnml and oc onamy VII your mum on applllnu or or plumblng conlmlnr or Ilop In your loul on company Tapered Silhouette New LookFor 63 Bu designer Mun Bahan has made no attempt to revolullom lze ashlanu PARIS Reuters Christian Diora new tapered Illhoueue revlvu the bosom relaxes lbs waislllne and retains the knee cap hemllne Arte twn mum of tricky skirts Bohan turns awards ulga sjmplicl The tapered silhouette Shawn today wide at the top with prominent rounded sleeves titted In close to the neckline Bosams are emphaslted by darts and thg new sleeve cuts The new look or 1968 la yuung up to date and will look well on Maln Slmt an on gm Ialyllsh Avenue Monlnlxno in nu NOW AVAILABLE ON THESE 1963 PHILIPS TELEVISION SETS AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH PHILIPS FRANCHISED TELEVISION DEALERS Thu Momm lube II the havdestwovklng part olyounelevlslnn int And It Itlha must expcntlvo Mny plciura lube hum on pumI luraly wukenad by Man voltage surges caused when housuhold cunent flucmtu Phlllps nw Monluon than emu such uxcepUunul pmlecuon that the plclmo tube II now uannlend or lullyom Nu Phlllps anglnem have laund way lo slop excels voltage reaching lhn plclun lube They have developed llny elaclmnlc bvaln called Manllmn whlch controls lhu vollage ruchlna he plcmn luha and Maps ll at level The Idea lo Monllvon clmo cm the glnnl Yhyvlle Aneslau 2year picture tube guarantee YOU CANI BEAT NATURAL GAS mm 11 um Philips conquers high voltage burnout with Munitmn Television to bring yuu Canadas first STUDIES ABROAD Television producer Betty Zimmerman winner an Imperial Relation mg bur Inry In 1932 went to Eng land to nugiy ng 31mg cul tural aspeds telavlnlon wnrm Loom own m7 EXAMINER WANT Ans wmmvao cm Grnndmnl Gage Mrs Jmnle Gaga In often called wore whit uhan or her recent blrthday parly Balm Ynn Buy PM She claims It makes me lwk Company To more llxo an old wnmnn She warn was urvu Mnnltvon TV means great vlewlng pleasure longer plctuye mm lite tcadlerplcluw and granlerdependablllly Eykoeplnuvonagn ccnslanl Munllron ellmlnales Plclura SqueezaHha xhvlnklng plctura mu results wnln vellaza drops See your Philip Franchised dealer soon Wu plckad him or his ounasy his integrity hlubiliiy and his willingness lo provldu you wlih responsibla allow through servicu Ask him to show you in new Monliron TV with he 2year plcluve lube guarantee that protect expenslve powerllrje tvanstarmm agalnst Ilzhlnlnz Worklng wlth naw matevlals Fhlllps onglnam davelopad tlny de vlca about the slxe at headache capsull Mnnltran sensuvultnge changes and acts Immedlntely to protect tha picture tube MUSIC TO Duylop PA 3329 Clmlcnl OreII The Lliesc mu AllTime in 5h Mlillc See Us Far All Your Musical Needs PER MONTH KEENANS PLEASE YOU ADJUSTABlE VHERMOSTAT REHEATS IN AN HOUR WIEGINS FIIHS Barrie Company Ai Tn warn VLI Auavn All nu um lueullnn To mm In Eudlll Invl Mellon No obuuuun autumn ammma our IImmGl lhluunn nnmnma PA 66558 Burlan Exellulvo FunIn who make and gel an only Dunlap St PA H36 forum

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