yak speaker Mildécrrit the Un ited Clmd Womens meeting ninllyr Umlod Church ya 7o mmen rcpmscï¬ï¬ng UCW units all over South Simcoo nt umded the workshop CROWN iiiLL Spacinl Iin Moll Jamicson Guthrie mum convcnor of hcniih and homo amounts will be guest speaker al lhe next meeting Womens inslilule here Mrs Norman Tuck will be haslcss to the February WI mccling Feb liming Topic for IC meeting will home mm omics with Mrs noy Parlridxn convtncr Roll call will be Somclhing wish had not purchased and the mono 11m discovery of new dish does more or Ihe happiness of woman lhan Um dlunvcry ul star Asslsllnz n5 hostesscs will be Mm Vlnln Henley and MIL Wan Dunsmorc Members wm rcmlmltd the lam forum proxrnm Feb 530 pm nn CIIL UCW Workshop Ht ThomtOn Led By Miss Marion Thompson Name WI Speaker For Crown Hill mouthlul of maize flour curbs the gnawing hwgnr of child living In Noï¬htrn Dahomey one of several AL dean countrim hit by famine Oriana shortages food gown Spoon um um 3mm In nnml Md mm mnwmmlurmxmmmmhincmn mm muva mlywna 1mm In mm mow DwH IInII uuuqcyuh Itplow uunumut MIIIII IIIXU INDIE ll 10 WE BANANA WWW 10W WNW MING TODAY and SATURDAY mflxmcmon muMWARNIR ands 11 HANDPUI 0F FLOUR SATURDAY AI mu II5 v4 IlMlllllflN IX IDIGHW IIUIIV BDHTSHOW suggested Material or these were on display including cm books and pamphlcu The nmung started with short mmhip scrvim conducted hyMrs Mcgagqe It included group discussions as we in question and answer periods Topics included pro gram planning mission study mg mm gugy The sesxon closed with pray er was lollmmd by soan halhour when Mmshmh were served DaisLnn SpecnlM and Mrs Waller Forbes held open houso lo mark lhnlr 50th wedd Inu nnnlvmnry They accepted congratulations ram friend and nlnllvcs Florlda Ean Forbes Cnlxnry Mu and Sandy rm GM den Sank mm low thy wlth Mr ml Mrs Forbes Mr and Mrs Forbes mm gucsll of honor at family dinner at lhe Cedar null Mrs Uln Hartley Ezorlda an Forbes Mod the Food and Ang cultural Organization or the United Nation In send Ihe flour and other unerguwy supplim Io Dahomey and Toga last year CF Photo Golden Wedding Celebrated By Dalston Couple ulleMu nununpmum BOMBHOW FEATURE Miami medflng on ha Ontario Pol Ice Oonmkslon inquky Into the Elmvale police last November he said nonpoutlcal mumy force would not add under such presmre lrom the local coun cll In Bu Inquiry Ontario Pravlndnl Police lnspedor ReImLTMm mm hackvd Elmvnle Police Chief Horace Ewell in wand wlth Elm volo mac over law enforce Municlpallues wild not lose lheir Unis wIlh dye Pollen ed on may com11 by their reeves and deputy reeves The adnï¬nlsumlon could be carried mmubmndnollhemy the mm as the anfldmu Md Society and slmflnr grows VALE Siam Glerk Harold Nash elaborated mm day on bk pmposnl to county council that Simme Gaunty pollen me be organized He made um WINES to council Ely January If couqu submitted my opinions to council private cilizenfl Mr Nail said asked coun ty council to get the Ontario Poiim Commission to make survey of Simeon Couniy to set I19 county force and elimin ate all the smaii police iarces Mr Nash felt that county police modelled on the British adminisuaiiver system wwld wipe om the twin dilemmas in Ontario police work which ha said were political influence and indiicicnu pouée force wine sat up ire said It would handle law en tmun en tnail nmnxclpamiés In the counkv having polico or oes of Unit own N0 PRESSURES Clark rBriefs ouncil 0n Simcoe Police Unit Whorovor car goo it goal Fin under hood of grill cord plug nto clonvonienl onl to cop car power IEOIdhcd or 12 voln 45 pAnEnv cugnuEg HEATER EXTRA Gash and chryhbiiiéhourous MGRPOWER on hail of one olflcer sad em 91 mm FOURTEEN FORCES Now here are 14 separate municipal pally ones In 1113 county mt counting Ban1 Mr Nashs statistics show In addadon them are some munw panties covgred by comma with the Ontario valnclnl Par lice and other depend on the OFF but have no mom All mummies 1n the candy would have In subscribe to county Yam to makeh effedlve and Meal Mr Nm said county police om wwld be more economical and man wequ than thevpresent set up It would remove all the small potty pantie mm police work Palm morale wuld get muchneeded shot in the arm 0an moved from me can sum Meierence of municipal councils Training or pulice offlcm would also be much easier to arrange on my level he pointed out One of the reason why he publk ls lasing respect or police is the 1nd of basic training available new cults partialme In smaller mklpnfldcs AMIde He fell ELmvnle was lbscountys geographic centre Mr Nash plcked Barrie as the logical place or county pol ice headquarters The county buildings are then and so arq the Emergency Menuas DD ganlzatlon headquanersaf Branch ofllces thepoumy police one man spmd out aapgtheSl muniQQPalilles PRAISES COLLEGE police mnega recently c9 0T mum uh hlmn nary In 11 ch4 on II Ith em with unyll hndln n4 10 30 SUPEROYL u54 Iv IUIIIOYL FANFORCES The Idea of the pohce over haul is not new one with Mr Nash velemn police ome at he has been pnmng for police mfomu or the past yeam tablishcd in Aylmer Ont slap in the right direction but far from enough to in the need We have had an increase in crime and decrease in police pmtecuon Mn Nash said 01 the situaï¬on new prevaleni In Slmcoe County No adequate steps have been aken Io match the population Increase or the growth toudsm with the net msary addition of more police ommm added 5lhlx is chance or the county to move ahead with the limes he mnlJmed Il tho mumy doesnt hike the mug ï¬ve in living up to 1b expand Inx respomlbilitlcs then we might as we abolish it Asktd mm happened to his brief at county council he said dant know what theyde with ï¬lm they read it lwa years By he submitted lengthy thesis various lead em in he Ontario gammnt He said it Iorelunner ol the meant crime pmbe wgon THESIS Sinbo than several observa llWln IADIATOI SOLDII Ca CONVENIENILY lOCATED IN DOWNTOWN BARRIE 44 Plu Into convenient outlot and lung un or hood Keep motor cooling Ind lubricating lynom dry Win 5124 399 aord plug MOTOR WARMER this he mado In the heal have come Into bemg 111m include the estabï¬Ã©nmem If we Ontario Police Commiuée establkhmnl the DPP coll ege Aylmer and wrlum ex amhnauon for police offlcm have ought or the policies believe in he coma511 Mr Nash was pence knee or on the York IbWMhlp police force leaving In 1936 become chief of pause at Guelph post he held until his mire mm in 1950 Since ihcn he has rated sugnmqr mm oodland Beach nine malt above W89 aga Head In 1957 he was ekclui reevo of Elmvale rc signing two year Inter to make the post 91 clerkAtreï¬surer which he still holds MOMAW INGINI WILD VIIhulk lull 05 by um mum an REAL COLD STORE Insulated steel tanks are used OPEN ALL DAY WED ODD FELLOWé HALL EOLLEER ST MONnenrEa4anm Ann nu BOTTOM LINES IN 27 NUMBERS CONSOLATION $2500 Proceed To Humanharlan Services ELECTRIC ODD FELLOWS $21000 llQUID IADIATOI LUXM BINGO JACKPOT GRENFEL SpeclalJThe Ginh pmjed Separates for Sumner slatted mently 134 meeting held at the home Mrs Tyson Smllht THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 156 Leaders are Mrs Holmes and assistant Ms Smith om cers are Pmstdm Miss Reta Hank Secretary Ms Linda McGlrr Other memfma Juan Smith Mmgam llnrrLs Palsy Hams Murflyn Honms Shirley Dobson Donna Tracey Beth Holmm Shirley Saunders and Laurel Cole In store Ilquld hydrogen racket uel at 423 degrees below zero Gréniel 4H Project Starts Anuuldy nm to alcohol and oil11m llyul Ialuflnnl Linl CHROME GUARD In mu um um III Indmo 710 ANTIFREEZE TESTER munI um In an tum MM um BUICK ART Ilmu um UNI FRIDAY NIGHT dents in ééuplc club 13 the year ahead are Elvie and lg Fleming and scqrogq treasureï¬i Growler and Beih MacDonald KEEPS BOWLING ALONG REGINA CPD Mrs Eliz abeth Bridger Is 90 but sllll bowls three times week In league competition She rolled 356 or possible 450 fur flve pins when she was 81 he election took place at the home pf Stewart and Grace Mr Jackson conducth the study period on The Word and he Way IMPERIAL Failure Shawn at 910 pm Continuous Sal an mm Lelroy Club Votes In New Officers MNINEKAUWMN In EASTMAN COLOR AT REGULAR PRICES NOWADO MOTION PIOTIIIIE TO THE WONDERS OF THE W03 PEFEQY swuzalr UNTIL SATURDAY IIIIWI Ufllllllln nwmmm MAS Blllllfl MNINEKAUHMNN HELD OVER COOLING HIM CONDITION mm Tuanomfs