Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1963, p. 3

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mu Imulnu Ha IIIVIHVIi Quad Ind du Baum llnlnmulnn vulva Clnudy Ind mllnkr Rahudny wlUI Inlnmll lrnl lehl mow hulnnlnfl In evrnlnx Wind mulhnly II In 11 finlnnlny Nnmyem Lnlua mun Inulh louvulqu Hay ann nun NIH Mn lrEInnh Tnlnnln Ilnmlllnn llnmly nml mlldrr mum and Mlunlny lnrvmIlcul ml mow Rnlunlny pxmurly dunnle la nr Ivlmmlnl mixed with In My rmlnz Wlntll mulluvly Is Wilnhy nynnpulnx lkllnllu rem In lnlldrr wrnlhrr In pmer Ilml slumld he nullrrnhln Ivy Ral huhy ulwn mum lhnw IIII ho In mumI Wcl mm and mum mno mln In wunuml un mlllml my lm uvgclrd But Mr Smilh pain out that hain lmnsparuuan is of liulc use even to Ontario MP3 on the short wcckcntla In his own case he would leave Ottawa Friday mm und not nrrhe in Barrie until am Sawday He would hen have loan Mr 5mm has introduced private members notlce mm ion asking the govcrnmenl lo consider abolishing sittings ol he Commons an the scoond and fourth Mondays each month To make up for his log me he pmposes that he house sit Wednesday evenings on are now free time at FREE Mn PASSES 1110 North SimmeMP also proposes um mnsidcralion be given to providing two rec air transportation passes monih or members uhlch would am able ham to fly to Ihcir cor stilucncics and back on he long weekends ha present time each MP gels two rm air passes each year and has unlimited mi train Iranspor miion Mnclnull llrfll chch Hm Hum uu llm will watch pumnlnl In Illm Inr 25 yam mvlm The Luflln 11qu In Canada No alum willl TITAWA Special kang cs in the hours sitting of the Commons to enable mem bm of parliament keep in closer ouch with their con stituencies Is being advocated here by Haber Smith MP for North Simme T0 SPEND MORE TIME IN RIDING BY GEORGE or by scissors Barrie Junior Cham ber Commerce president Bill Braimwaile look nmaled Smith Wants Change InCommons Times WEATHER romafifi RECEIVES WATCH FOR SERVICE Townl Trm law Inllhl Mn Wlmlmr bl nmmnm hvann Kllrhcnrr Mounl Fungi WHIth llnmnlon 5L Callurln Tunmln lslulmuugh Tmulon KIHVIIM Mman North nay hullme lialllvm Kauukulnz wllh lnlmnIlIrnl lizle mnw Sonllurrly wlmh hccnmln In 25 anunlny He believes that while some business am he conduclcd by lcucr and phone here nu suhslilulc for the personal mn 1m wilh people in Hm riding Parliamentary session are gradually becoming Ivngcr and The Barrie lawyer makes point of 110an home each week end travelling by plane to Mallon He says lhls runs in to considerable 051 each 5c sion although most people up pear to assume that lhc gov emmcm is paying lhc cost his ransporlaliom N0 SUBSTITUTE lho mmnnny In low and mm hold ho millnn rhlr nr tmmlnnl Inxrnlinl Hm wnldl In Hnurk vlrc pruldrnl and rum unanngcr 1an lnnr llmlu hope my notice of mulion will point up the problem that members have in keeping in touch with their tidings Mr Smith said lccl it is time we recognized that the air age has arrival in Canada Even those members mm the lar west would have 48 hours at home lecc monlh this system was followed More lrcqucnt visits to their riding would keep them in closer personal touch with the pix loms of lhclr constituents and perhaps we would have 1955 govcmmcnl by Gallup Poll as result by bus Lo Tamnlo on Sunday night make connection backlo the capital by the open ing of the house Monday anar at what pretty glrl with pair 50155an can do In lie as his was gulliolincd on the horizontal by Mrs Roger Velsmana thean The lnci Truwcrl ml mu mm Mr Smiths notice ot motlon will be the bottom at long list such notices and he does not think there ls much chance or it mnehlng the debate stage in thl parllumcnt But he be lievcs most members will sup rt his Men In principle and may serve guldcpost tor ndlon by wmo uluro par llamcnt find it embarrassing that have In make telephone enlls collect to my constituents but slmply could not ullond to pay or all the calls myscll he ex plninsl averages about $25 month for long dlslanm calls Recently spent no in one day on cnlls on one pnrilmlnr prob lem or resident of the rid In GUIDE POST 0n the qumion of An in crease in remuneration or MP5 Mr Smith eels the solu don may be round In more ade qnam expense allowances in cluding lhc twice month no air lmmportalion many members muld not find it possible an bring their fam Ilics to Ottawa and malnlaln two homes especially 11 small childmn an Involved He b6 llcvc lt is important to mem bers morale be able to visit his family at reasonable inleh vals dent occurred last night lhe Jnycces Annual Ladies Night and dinner meeting the Community Hall Exam lner Photo 14 BAYFIELD 5T Hundred 0f Pnllomn To Choom ham Mlny Styles Colouu Barrie Ten Awning REPAIRING RESTYLINO REFINISHINO FREEATNOME ESTIMATES Would Sponsor Swim Classes Claws wlll be held at Hm Ddlln pool ml hum will lenvn Harris 730 pm lrh and mum al 1030 pm Wiillam McConnell 37 Dril iin Win lined $100 and $3 mu by Magislmio Foster ycy cniny alter having been iound guilly oi hnmlmi driving Mo was charged Dec 1M original charge drunk driving was amended at the mwnl request Evidenco mowed um bumble MacDonald OPP was mulb bound on Highway II in On icmLship when he saw north bound car nmnlngJionK the shoulder the mad pulling to slap he 011mm and unva dump and in Min to the unstable saw lhe car wmvlnl Idem me mad nm Darrin YMM has an munml nixwrrk nwlmmlnl mum of men mm ll your unf up Surmn lhu mm dmmlx on whether mnuh mm man up II mmh hnvn not ru lllrml run th 15 he mum wlll In wflhdmwn 11m majority ii the Issues discussed revolved around the principlu 1155mm and Incnl ymldenl Gerrard Mor an askcd or delegate tojo to Ottawa next week hr the lust step towards possible legisla uon in this matter By this they meant that whcn they build bathroom or wave driveway their as sessment rises Dom ammo wintcd out the assessment rul lngs as stated by the Assess ment Act Ind boLh agreed that only by legislauon could tho ooydjuqm be altered He went Into the 20year hls tory ol the cstablfiuncnt at directive county manual pre pared by this county assessor and lhe eventual adoption of the provinclal manual by some lawnullips which led to assessment of those twnships One ol the Drgnmcnls pre sented by mambo at lhe Ion revolved around what they called this assessmmt of In 5tlve at nonproductlvo un 1n opening remarks Mr Trace rdch to early World War 11 days and the assessment problem township assessors wen faced with We had no guide or manual of standards go by he said and indicated lot of wnumn sense had In be used It was pnxflcularly so when you could not get In farm 10 mfle away because of lmpIownd wads and You had Io asses land that was buried under two out of Impaired Driver Draws $100 Fine Guest panelists wow Milton hace Flo Township assessor and Murray Coombs partUm Vespra Township agessor Sim coo County assessor Eric Simp son was unable attend INTO HISTORY Snip went the Iclssors and droop went mens Lles as men Joined the shoflLie club at Bar rie Junior Chamber ol Cnm macs dimer meeting last night study and evaluwon of farm assmment and reassess ment was undertaken by Local 112 oi the Ontario Farmers Union in tho Mlmslng Sdnol lasg night The tie cilpplngwas scheme to put the visiting ladics guests the Jaycees lnln the proper frame mind or an evenings entemlnment Last night was Ladlea mum Jayme resident Bill Bralth wall It was an appruy rinks way In sum the new year thn with Eur wasnt Momma Emu mlky Ont Famers Union Makes An Evaluation 01 Assessment Miss L°iSTellsClub 0f FunWithxKiddiefs PA 6437 SARJEANT E0 LTD PA 32461 TIIR from nu moaer lrce mm the Inn Burma ll um 10 Imul leprosy KIRKLAND LAKE CP No man were kllled when struck by all rock whlle Ihey were wnrking In the Km Addlson Gold Mlna nearby Virginlnlnwnjoda Dead am Roy Fletcher 34 ol Vlrginlalown and Aksel Me er 34 harder Luke Bolh men were married Fletcher Ed two chlldren and Melam rce Hurry Adams one of the or ganizational dlmctors said the Farmers Union will eventually try gay thzg gwcvgnmgnt sxder the buildings So far Alberta Is the only province whom the buildings dr now pmducive units an not Th accident happened at the 175Moot level chinn 0mm who play td anor 1qu In lldylng up my retard of Cunndlnn prisoners at war Major Trnvls CD wlll communes mlrcmcnl 1ch0 um monlh after 32 years Army mvlce Army llcadqunncrl announc rd An nmccr of tho man Cnnndinn Army Pny Corps Mnjnr mm wlll vncm Iho nppolnlmcnl ol Scnlar Pny muslnr Camp nnnlm post ha has held Ilncu July 255 Aso taken mo mnslderalion assessment 15 the arms distance mm the local market areas and available transpon tatlon or produce Clam lulvnmlsuflmfllVlllinflM yumtn yum lmllmwn lnnnm ll uuuy wwwl mmw Iumnmlt um cu lav Sumo my how they as applied in differ ent farms Mr Trace said that they naw have card system which giv es soil classification bulidkng measurements and established Values of machinery along dcpljodaqon 81710 by giving Jnycee wives and girl friend an Introduction into the lighter and mm humorous vein at this civicmindedciub She selected the world of Ihe children an her program as her presentation and began by cit Ing many examples of varied pmiem carried out by the Rom per Room HQRIES 0F KIDDIES Grurestlpeaker or evehlnl was Mrs Roger Welsman mare popularly knuwn as Miss his SUNUUU noon mu UNI nun Rock Slide Kills Men HIAIINO OIL FIGHTS LEPROSY T0 RETIRE Somo he xcouls from he mlrd llurrlu Scout Troop wlll recclvé Queen Scoul budge ln nlght cmmnny nl Ihc Fol lawshlp Hal tha Comer Street Unltcd Church Mter hearing two and hall hours of testimony Magistrate Foster msurved Judg ment or one week According to evidence pre sented by defence counsel John Cockbum Koenders nnd Willis had made lonsenrrangcmenl law weeks below the incl dunl whereby Koendels could have Willis car Will Become Queen Scouts They wem rged WM stealing Eric Willjs car lust Dec 13 This appammly was be cause Willi bad damaged Dont try la sell car wilh out the owners written consent You may wind up mun ac hga ghargepf lhctL Thats what happened to IE yeamld Ronald Koendm and Rde Dickie two Air Force man living in Camp Burden yegcrday in magisjmteg cou Mrs Welsman related an ex perience that invotvgd hersefl minor and cameraman an the Iandnn QM Romper Room program She said that this mir ror used in Magiclvumr time In Barrie was sparkly on both sides but not an thflandan one Meeting to be sparkly polnlerl the other side towards the camera and began the care flny for Magic Innor and She was remarking about tom articular selment oi lhesbnw nglnalion time and she hair hadinsinlcled them in ihink abou¢a Ireo in ajungie and asked lhemWhat do you see in that lreel an child ref piled nmnmemi This she said servcd Io pmvei children were malterciiactiy phservanh align thingsz Ad can be used ta buy at sell any type of Mm mm goods or run estate to him help to locate employment vr accomlish many olh er abjedivcs To place your omnomlml Examiner Want Ad simply dial PA NIH and friend ly ad taker will mm you In warding your ad Should Maké Sale Legal In Writing Eight calls were received by Mr of Barrie foll owing he Insertion of an Examiner Want Ad to loll his used car The car was sold quickly 1111 Is typical of lhc re null achicRd by uscl oC Examiner Wanc Ads EIGHT cm ABOUT can nolonUCol Jnmu cp burn 59 he Salvnllon Army Mmmchuscu divisional com mnndcr erlm Hum 72 paper you Oakland CnHLOscm Vlll 72 lonncr Cleveland manager whose prolesslonnl baseball ca reer spanned 30 yum HnlllnxKonnclh as fluke Caldwell 31 CBC program producer In Hullinx erlm Clly Rodrigo do Hum 72 editor of lhc news paper Excalulor or many you hem nllnck nmkvllleStanlcy Jay Ray mund 67 retired Canadian Na iunal Rnllwnys cxccullvu Monkn John Mchtrlck 61 Montreal stockbroker Ewdence Indicated Will or ginally wnaled to wlmdmw 0m marge when he found out who had taken th car When he 11 charges one lhcm um he loaned his car knowing thal it was not insured or mgistmad in his mm name And that tho Unsmlglfnd Judgment Fund was my lloncd Kocndcrx m1 lhe manner of pa mcnl and each time Kocn er replied that chklu would pay as much as possible inlay dnyz ncnpf log him he was Jemi not paid Assistant men Mode John Murphy Izmught out the Wonnation that Kmdera and Dickie had made amngcméms to sell the molar wuur cu lo gimme erlse Koenders had testified that Willis had given Mm Joosemr lhnri lion sell the car This he defence said ex plain why he gave Dickie hill of sale or $75 when he wasnt Vhe owner By Mr Cockburn estab lished that Koénder had used he car wlth cvgry color of right on the nth after he tried unsuccessfully to locate Willis am tell film about Koendcrs cm before sald kaum much to my hdmr quad nul the cameraman hadscrawled who do you think youre kid ding on the other sldel Sheyrelaled many 61 tha 811 11g me has encuuntered as hostesslnr this prngram and delivered anecdote alter anec dul about he guests Mrs Welsmnn also mentioned the Innclionnl up Heatlnn nf Romper Room In slplng pre pare arcschool children or Ihclr first year In school This shq sald normally accomplished by asking them to leenth the pals or objects from horns and Ielllng same thlng nhqul them James Rennie was named winner of the InterubMaxd contest The big show will ha at Battle Arena Feb 16 By THE CANADIAN PRESS DEATHS Rev ncll chose or ill sermon loplc Disclpleshlp lng llm slnry of he llln ol Dr Albert Schwuilwr wlm at 32 years was college pmlcswr Inlenlcd muslclnn wrllcr and preacher Then hu went back to mllngo In an MA mcdlcnl dc grw an he could scrve mcdlcnl mlsslonnry ln Mrlcn lllr llolla challenge wlml am you dalng wllh ynur lllcl Wlmm do you serve gnvu food or selfsearching ml anly for our yuung pcaplc but all nl ha con grcgnllon STROUD Special Chrly Inn Ymflh Sunday win It theme Bound to be Free was observed In the Presbylcrhm Church hero with Mlsses Dnnnn Walson Mnrgurcl Cownn and Jim Maya conducting the ser ca Demonstrating lha normal child In hla age group each the film He Am lll Age followed by From Soclable Slx cs to Noisy Nines and Ten Twelve will be augmenmd by short dlscusslan pcrlod Threa film on child develop ment leI ha shown during the Fchmary meeting or the Oak ley Park Mum and School sacintlon to he held In the school audilarlum Monday at 815 pm 1H HARM EXAMINERQ FRIDAY FEBRUARY 1563 Trenton and annsview tied for Ihird place wiiir 40 retards Niagara Falls skipped by Mrs Kcisali Mrs Onghi oi Barrie and St Thomas ended with 34 records and Scaionh was inst with ROUND Six Granite St Thomas Unianviiie Dawnsview Trenton is Barrie exira end Niagara Falls is Seafoth ROUND SEVEN Unionviiie 11 Seafortir Barrie lo Niagara Fall Graniics ii Trenton St Thomas 15 Downsview rvTORONTO CF Toranlo Granizes and Unlunvme meet lgdlaxmfldecldu the Southern loday to decide the Shut ern 7anens Cuxllng am Mrs stE Wolleys Granite rink extendedjla winning streak live bywlnnlng bmhilu matches She defeated Mrs wmlnm 01 lvm at St Thomas 86and Mrs Bowdery RCAF mm 115 Mrs Kellh Jewetl olUnInn ville also skipped two wins 124 nver Mrs MacDonalm Seafonh and 72 nvefllxfis Narmgn Fletcher 01 ROAF Downsview Mrs Flegcherhad led lhe campellllon hrough the first live round but lostlha last Duran matches Strand Obsefves Youth Sunday planshlp The rinks finished an clghl rink roundrobin series fledlor first place with 51 rccordnl tiergrcgular play ended Thurs ay To See Films 0n Children Granités Pla Unifonviller InCurlIihalé

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