11 ms FRAWLEY MOUNT ST LOUIS Wa hope WJ members and their friends will listen Farm Forum on Monday evening Feb on CBLradlo broadcast en llled Canadas World Obllgn ions Woman See Them Mr and Mrs Genrge Gaueu Toggnta ylgifcd yllh Several car ionds went to Barrie on Friday evening for the Publil Speaking Contest Mr and Mrs Garden DeGrnm family Dunnvlile spent the eekend with Mr and Mn Ggqrxe Dgtgam Mr End Mrs Russ Marshgfl Eady called on Ed Wm mun rummu 1M Sunu mu so 1100 15 It mmv nuAu Dn Up nu humour Ina no rum um annny new no Jlm cox no mt spam we ml 09 Th nImu loo Hm lllmdld 10w lIull Vaunl mo Nun hpnril Ma Mlln mu NInnrk ll mm nulnn mu Nun hpnril mu NInnrk XI mm nulun mu nnmnu nnnuuy IN Irnlnnu 7mm rmy moo Mn Inunu mu Mov um Mann 1100 Mnmum nl Au Ilnwk mo Klnl tnunplan no 77mm mum mu ann coluinms mightHevnr know he didnt open his mail en 1herunhappy mi and to see his awn mum in the other fellow Thasa whu are happy them selves psycholaglsls havo laund are bcsl judging correctly qualiï¬es of nth Women generally are also better than men at slling up other pcnple Exception Love blinds them whnls WWII In their own husbands Nightmare warnlnz Many doctors now agree that tho first signs ol an approaching Illness otten rhow up In dreams long before the tual physical aymptoms ap pear Lira balances up survey by the Esquire than polish Inn Iound that mom women than ever now shine their own ohm 0n the other hand about one fourth of all meals catch at homo now are pre pared by male members of Ihe family Odd legislation An air mi in in Washington DC mnda it Iliusnl tor guy to marry either his rundmolhcr or his molherinlaw Whatii inw mnkm think up to be against an mm mm mlmngs ll your unln In not nde It nu mday xlum Tomam Terrilan Nun wmnu 5mm Kudm nlry lloednlm Tommy Ambmu mp1 Ilcnnue Nm wumzr Emu lPrld hi anI gin And fun III In ntllmol You cm THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS IIRVICI TOP QUALITY Cull Don Koopmuns PA M314 TELEVISION PROGRAMS HEATING OILS DRIVEYOURSELF CAR AND TRUCK CFTO CHANNEL BB CARRIER MISS YOU THE LIGHT TOUCH VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL Role Of The Sexes Shifts In Kitchen PA 82433 By HAL BOYLE PADDIBDN the euchra held at 111 com munlty centre Nzw Damn prim were Ladle ery Wlnel Mm Murdock Irene Scid Florence Emeflan Ind Marlnn Prldhlm WM 1100 IMO mo MIND mum 1050 wnum um um nu ma munm HM mun Th In pg lull1L lnumnr Congratulations to Mich King who wu In In theslm County Public Speaflnl In Barrie on Frlday avenlni Maï¬aHurry Plum George Schell Leighton Campbell Ivnn Holmes and Huh Barber Open hoist wai Vliela ll ho parsonnge Wednesday Jun 23 1mm 24 and In the evening from 1000 mm um no In In bygone limes Dur Ing the lath century homes of the European wealthy often had two tub In bathroom ane for wnshlng with way thy ogh inning lt oIL per cent of Ihose who die to lose welsh manage to keep it all The slmplest my to keep your welth constant II to cut down the amount 01 food you eat one per cent each yehr ether the ggq pl 15 Quotable notables Th more man know and he lnrtller he travels the man likely he la marry coun try zirl Gems Bernard Shaw An Item doubt mysell The average US family spends onky $255 week In my gums news tor Ilnxle men The journal of the Amerlcln Medlcal Association note that scienllsls now tell there are 1600 mm munled man can worry about bachelor has only moo thlngl oworjy about Inflallnnary note Hunnry once optimistically printed bank nala valued 100 mil lion million million penm iu iinnl prim nn ho world murkcl washail Ian HUNTlNG 5991mm ol In Fnr anotth 1m Fllhlu mwlln Burl 0M Sumlul nuIop rhoo IA um Wu buy qu ull all mIm NEW LOWELL TORONTO Wondorful Wofld ll floll Wruumn ILLnm Wllou mu muny 1mm Amman rmormm Alum 11 Wind Am mu lmm Inumu Amund an world Tudor ï¬g mm anKIM nma mullr hum rrv Nun Inï¬ll loin My um ifunl vim mm 5m BARRIE It would wrong In bld Ihrea nolrumy wllhoul dln mom mapper and It would llke wlu bu wrung lo play at Jun Hun pm with 15 highcurd Inu ladnl In openlmz Md onh Im mum lndlcnled mlnlmum vnlun by blddinu one lwoand three hum We luv lho proper malarial la lnko my me flack llh not only our hlgh cards but wflh what In by now ndtqugge lmrpq nuppgrl Four hum lwo rump are ordinarlly Inadequate Sup port or pannerl ink but when the um bid by him three umcs became obvlam he ha lust nix and Inn the mil in plnynblo opposite tun mull the sympathy me com munity gag out to George Dull am and Margaret In the passing of loving wlfe and mower MnhGeorn DulL Cnnzralulullnm to Ralph RI whocelebmed hirblnhday on Sunday with visitors and rall uqeg my In Mm M13 Janice Coaper wan Id mmed to Royal Vlctorla Hoaw vimBards on Monday tar ob eervuuon Wovo Ihol our Pulner tllntd twice all our two tomlrucuvc bids and In nhvlounly not Inlmalrd In nuan to game He prnhnbly hn mm hind like le hum In lhe AK and do ncn and Il Ihll II flu ma wln hllh enauxh Ilmdy The Womenl mum me In will be MM tha home of Mn Plddlsan on Monday Fe everygpe waggme Mu John Mather and George 01 Bradloxd and Mr and Mrs Nonmn Wood of MIneslnl all landed um funeral late Mn null Mr and Mrs Bab Keg Toronto Ipent the weekend v1th Georla Dull The sympathy commnnlly goes out Mrs Alex Shake whose ileum Mr Winmme paged away woe ago You neither bide Kulnmble The bidding has can 710 pm Nearly 100 culled at different times Lunch wn nerv Everyane Ipenl In gnjayublo By MR5 BERT MULHOLLAND Mm Flora Bundng former resident of Strand whn hull daylng In Florida with her sis ters ls undergoing an operauan there Mnryballa Mrs Maurice Bane was lying down to be with her molher ML and Mn Pele Bileski Cindy Wendy and hmmy oi Centralin Ire unending couple or week with Benin parents Mr and Mn Fred Mulhniinnd Helen who has Just returned item Ibronia hos ital in pnr greasing very we While here Wendy Bilesld will be in Barrie hospital couple ni dnya with lnnil qpeggiinn Mr and Mrs Arm strong Ind Mark and Mrand Mrs Truvar Evans Toronla Ipenl lha weekend with their Mr and Mn Douala Ness matured In Owen Sound on Slur day to vim Mn Nm grand gnother who in II in hospllal ere wsxions as 4mm on 91 um mum um ox won5 gum om was DAILY CROSSWOBD mm mm Ami In Liiumni unami tunach nungm STROUD CONTRACT BRIDGE IO Irwinpm LAM mulla WI gym mi bnrx pod Iol hail By JAY BECKER It Hm Thu misc wllh Ilnllelan trump ll me but when ll Ihn new klnu or quecn Ind pnflner Ihow uxcepllonll length In lho nun It is roughly the cqulvnlcnl hm mull lrumpl Slam poulbflltlu were Alrly pramlslng when partner npened wllh hean but Noï¬hl next two Md lndlcnlnd lock or In either oi our sun Ind relu llvcly weak mnd bcsldes Even game muld no long bu re Kurdcd nun Tomorrow mad mm Usually an opunlng bld inc Ing nn openlnz bld mean name but here all lndlcullom are that weru akallnl an lhln Icel Our hnnd whlch would just ahnut make the grad II In upenan bldl has been dnmnud conslder ably by the absence trump nu anyJuil Five clubs The hand loo nlmng to justify actulnz for less lhnn game even though yartner seem to ba dylng on his act Thu club are Indrpend en luppcnqu can play up pasllc vold which 15 unlike ly necessaryand hence we can afloth to lay Ive cluhl The allernntlve hld three natrump ls loo dangerous Tho opcnlnl lead my knack on our nnly Ilnppcr And Nurlh lacks tho ace clubs lhe band could enslly lum qur Foixr beam Wo tnnt Md hm nnlrump nor can we dmp blddlpz uqder ugma why powtrhllr linen olrhum flha n3le wllk IA Ilnllelan ugngan Monmns Maudy Jnnuary as new lev eral 619 49 Club memhers out as Marching Mothers in the March Dim campalln gainst polio The cuvusera me the homa of Mn Frank Graham later andglhe hostess aged lovely lunch mm Aunt Wubb They vil lled their mother who II put Ient 1n the Royal VMDIII Hos pllal Barrie Mr and Mn Blyth Black and lamlly men Sunday with Dor othys areal Mr and Mn Alexan er Toronto Ted Dalllmorq of the Sandy Cove Marin representing Mer cury Outboard or this am will ha the Mercury Booth In Canadian Boat Show held at Exhibition Grounds Toronto Wed Feb Anyone wandni In fwrmnllnn on boat and molar an amino him there spent day In Town thlrwcek at the Canada Farm and Indust rial Equipment Iqu lhbw amovp 110ch Strand Bantam wan over Bradlord Bruins in Bradford on Thursday night with Stewart Flhcr pa coach Slroud Juvenile won over Le troy at Thornton Lefroy Saturday Strand 75 There were 15 table It ihe euciue Fflday night and prize winners were ladiu high Flor ence Banting lone hands Irene Coleman low score Jo Dick ensoni high Bill Jon score CIR Oakley Jamel Demllmll and Jack Halmes attended banquet held Sat Jan 19 at the Royal Yark Hotel In Toronto Congratulallons lo Mr and Mrs Bill lloagan nl Uxbfldge nee Nellle Guhhels an the blrtll Ian 011N49me son snow The committee in charga ln eluded Mr And Mrs Harris and Mr And Mm Hmls By MES COLE GRENFEL Innerlung me mu 101mm ll Huml IO NM 31 All In An In 401me ï¬AVEkhlho WARM SWEATELZE ma Mum um ï¬rwmwmm mm evzummm mmnnï¬ wmrm cums mesarowan msn PLEASE ARM My ï¬amiaw Im BARRY EXAMiNER FRIDAY FEBRUARY 11 ANMVNAT GORTA MUFFLEG TWAROMA DTIIHIOHGMELLIN sum TONIE ANMVNAT GORTA MUFFLEG TWAROMA DTliHIOHGMELLIN AIR TONIC