Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Feb 1963, p. 1

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WMIIINOMN MP ImMom Konmd lln mull Jr kw sr rnmpnlln um 1m pmkimi In he Mimi umluu linm lM mmlnnllun In yum all mu TORONTO 4CP7The mm an orthodox Jewish rnhbl ycnr nun wm lllrxnl and um rnhbl Mmull uhllu he did no crmprrnle wllh pollce he Ahould have was Iuchcled lo unwarrnnlcd hyslml violence lml nhulivo Immune nn 0n lnrin Sumrm Courl justice hm lauml Mn Junkc Dalton erll luurd report Thumlny an Inn nrml 01 Illth Narbm Miner plnrlnx hmvy emplllull on lhe mm In lnslmrl nll rnnk nl mlire In ha rlghln dllzrnl ncrd with nrml You rnnnnl 0th llm law Ivy ll lhu juxlxu wrnlm Thu rtporl camp yrnr and five day nncr lha rnhM wnl mm up by Mdmmlihm an onlo Full In mlvlrnllnl am llmll nllrr lrll lho lymu nxuc lnllrc we Invrsllxnh mum MI man wnnlrd In cnnmllnn wllh mlc ol Indrmul nunulll un wormII hml hun mn nualn in me IIEI VASIIINGTDN Jl 11 U5 5mm llflI Itdan In Iaumh lnmml Immflulinn Inlu he cmmmus umlrar nmtmvmy Announml loday For the second lime Queen Elizabem and Prince Phile will attempt leave Canadaa caunlry which wilh assistance mm the proved Thursday it was as mludnnl In lcl hem no as it was eager to wplcome them back Their Brllish Ovencas Alr wny brpomlinn let Dating 707 was divcrlcd lwlcc Thurs day The first limc over En dcrby In Interior Brilish Colum bia the plane Iurncd around and landed In Edmonton HOLLYWOOD Adm lm all it lakrn l4 hnlpliul or Mumnlkm nunulny um nlfluinz 1m 1le iarhyuuliu mlldrninfl lwnfl hm Ila rwnlrll lo lvmnifl In MINI lur Myrna xlayu llmlnr lahl all dul IM unflrr Nflll Minot liné In mg alnpflthiat Iurnc Into an Impromptu royal vislt ends todaymaybe sp an nschcdulcd night In OIEI Vancouver after an enforced double delay rho nd unprecedcnlcd for royal all came Thursday ulnhl when he jel hy lhcn an it way again and 900 mlch out over lhe Pncilic turned around nnd came hnck In Vancouver SOCIAL CREDI1 leader Thompson said Thursday in Ihe Hausa of Commons that Canadians will not he push flight McDougnll suminlmd tn North American opcrh liqu tnr DOAC laid 99 Year No 27 Kennedy Chooses Roosevelt Ir Ado IonHall In Hospital ILS Orders Nuclear Probe Both Said Guilty In Rabbi Arrest Rough Weather Keeps Royal Pair In Cctnada VANCOUVER CPA mu Frizm whnlem llma For Examiner Want Ads Te phoua PA BMltjhu telephone number to call or the Buslnuss amw Dept is mm NEWS BRIEFS Our Telephones lhn Mom Kenna ha Mudwl Funk sr rnmpnlln hulonnm ml mu nl mm umlwrocrvlnry ll lhn Sen UII Harold Iloumell will we In his lengthy losllmnny lm lare Judicial Inqulry cnn duclnl by Mr Jusllcu Wells Rahbl lmlncr nllcxcd that ho was Abused areal lo Ida In police cm nlllmugh Inch Huh on In Sablth was against his rcllxlnn hcnlm nl Um pollcu nlmlon nnd nsxnullul lmrmx vnnrnncy nuninsl hlm wxu nnvrr pursued nnd hIx lawyer In Ince launched civll proceeding nunlnsl polka ownn Mr Juslicu erlx louml ml Hm rnhhl dld nol rrscmhlu Iho mnpeclul nsxnulltr nl nll Tho wnnml man had been dmfrilml lnlr and mnllum htIzhl uhlle lhu mhhl II llx trl llIn Innhr Inll um um lle nnhrL Thursday was day or con fusion and nulrntiom Mlcr lhe jcl had been rc pnrlcd pas Edmnnlnn on mule la IL Vnnmuvnr rcfuclling slop Thursday Lieutenant Gov ernnr George lcnrkcm Pre mlcr Donnell and Mn or Bill mum gamcrcd ha airport to load the wclcomlng commlllw llu tvmtludnl Dtl SKI Alvin Sumule muck Ilnhhl lrlnrr In Ilw In lwlcc wllhnul any Jusllllcnllnn nml the Hun ulllvrrl Mm Mrnlul hlm mrd ml and nhunlvn lnnlnnuv nm Inlllm concludul lmunrr Hun herewnn nu rnclnl Ur lcllaluul light gel away Its In hours In Fljl hu sald WILL MEET YACHT The royal coupe flying from London ta Fiji to lranslcr In the yacht Brilannia and crulse lu Australia and New haland when lhcy will tour Said Cmdr Richard Colville 10an pref sccrclu Including the me the 111 cm was on the ground in Ed monlon they had been aboard ur more than ID hours The premier and he litHim nnlrgavcmur returned lo View tin nnd Mayor flnihie went back hisnlice when it was reported uiicr much Indecision mmquhy wn onlch by If nllgrmjy ed around by the United States He is shown here after stormy anonnoun session in the cammons where ail panics 112 Emiv Examinpr The Queen nnd Ijrlpce MN FRANCISCO Ml nmn mnllru mm mm lhraush hundmll ovnruuiml mnm In nmllmn Cnlllumln la llny thrd nznlnsl hunlnlly bum mullml xllku In HID Nnvu and hlnrlrtl rnmr mam endum hluhwny ml null mum Mum Iho Mrnn mnlnn In unn lhllif mi Inn mom 1qu ISTANBUL MUA Middle East Alrlincx passengcr plane crushed In tho ccnlro nl Anknra lndny cnuslng umdmll at ca Iunlllu on llm mum Inf mxnhL um um wlmlq pmmvlml um numwm nlilnvnln mm Ihlrrl lllnlzhl day and luau nn ale Mk ml Hm mm marl 11u Imflninfl Ilnd nml In mu llw pom hml nl rlmln nl mm In In In he lncillc lmm null wall to malnlnwl nunll up to 70 mile In lmur inflml nullnw Alomll tlnnlnl llmmlulu Mr and luldnl Jnlllner ulrylnl Qnrm lillznlmh and NIH Mlip mm immnlnn In unn Thérnritnnnia With lrEEh new hr the 7m aboard flew to Edmonton Loaded with no the 10 rune nl Han vamsap PST when cm Percy mdmcd he was lurnA the niruan around 900 miles nut to sun And handing back Vancouver an ans HOAC dismcl mic mnnugcr nld lho crew rcponcd winds so bad In Hn wnll Hwy reached Id lo 75 mich an hour and my had evncunle lhn airport luwcr Turkhh chll Mr ollirlnll nml Hm lire drpnrlmml Anknrn mhl llm numher dun hm ml yrl hem ulnhlhhul They mid nhnul 150 Mr lnjuml Ilmlin Anknrn cnllml or Mood dormm In Auknrn lhu MHA llllllllll 0er unlirmrvl lhnl lhrir plnnr MIMI Irll Nlmlln Cyprm um um nrhrdnlcd lo hull Auknm rnuhrd nl lllul gunlr lu crnlm mo Turk that flue Jet would return In Ed monlnn Canadian Pacific Airiines Bxiiannia four engined turmprup was loaded with the food which was to have gone aboard he lot here included was in shipment oi rush sirnw berries lawn in mm Mcxicu thn passed over Vnncnu vcr heading southwest it was 4700 mile hum its point orjgln In Londom Floods Halt West Traffic Plane Crash In Mid East 150 Injured cmmcnt statement Wednesday that challenged stamnenu made by gnvernment spokes men CP Wirephnlo louk cxpegtlpn to 29v Finam mmmillm of Simm County Cmmdl lmlny mun Auc teulnl In hid In mhm llu wumy gumAl and mud rm hy 00 ml WASHINGTON CF Slate Sucretnly Rusk said today ha conveying the Canadian gov ernmenl an expression regret for the ions at his dcnnnmcnll Wednesday uatcmcnt uillcin in Canadian nutienr poUcy But he believe the inclninfihnl woman mnoletbut fairly nusk referred the Canndm use nuclear cnnlrnversy in opcning press eonlerenee ln whlch he referred to Canadian crilleism the departmental statement Mm rumInn mum 0m mmmiltM mum mu nu chimnuwl hlalmnn ll urn1n Slum County In my donate morn mad wrk lo henp gum with IIIM nu depub m1er Plugunplhg lo 510 In Indu mam mo mun nll paved mum mm that pm Imam Includlnl Im at my ad deyadnu munty smug manual may AmMy munch nzrml In mill Imm mm mm In mall flu lnx mlla 11m le rniw mum 1M mludlnu wnI man do le an pmlul lrmn llw mmty mad mmmluw which nthII HIM ynml II lnhllllml II II milll lhe mm In hm ym With Inmmd nunmom IhII would Mu nlwl nmlmlimMAly 1773000 Mm rumInn mmhm nusknld later he would lup pen that null of MI Simmo mnly Council today qumhu an numpl mm Hrh II mental Imlul clmlo or simcou Oounly und mm 1n 11w mnknmy of mum mm In nor of motion not In omwn CHText statement In the Common Thursday by Opposltlnn Leader Pearson on the United Slam departments nlalement about Canadian de fence pollcy Mr PennanMr Speaker mamhen Go ahead Yankee Punnn Mr Speaker will not demean myself at the bezinnlng by recognlzlng these lnsullinl observnllons that have lust been mad mm the other slde of the dumber ll ls what have been accushmed lo expect from some honorabln gentle men opposita no we wlll let he manor go at that However do no lntcnd to nvarlouk before reach the substance of what have to my the insinualioh made by lhe prime minister In his Rusk Regretsfimerican Tone Deiends Necegsity Statement LIKE HE DID LAST SUMMER County Road Rate Cut By One Mill Blrrll Onhrlo Cm Frlday Ftbrulry 1963 Decide Against Simcoe Clinic VIENNA neutenl Hm winlcr wrather Alory with an odd lwlsl Hungarian newspaper reaching hen roponcd lo day that Iconaxed hay danced the will In lhe nude 0n Danube at lludapul Thurr day In lhoumndl at people wnlchcd mm lhe banlu Alter pursuit over Iha lce pollco llnnlly nabbed the yuulh And look hlm lo hospilnl wlmq he wns lonnd Vlarbefilfiflerlnn 1mm ovordou bolflcd Irene All PARTY HEAS REBUKE US MOVE Pearson statement privnle talk between Canada and the us will be sumed In privntt wish In my to all Cuna dinns lhat we regret any words 01 our have bun an phrasedvu ulfencefl STATEMERTCESARY5 Wlhout rcfcrring Trims Mlnlucr Dictcnbakcr by name Rusk said that 010 nlnlemnnln made then cnme wilhoul no line became that Ihauld have to zlvu count of our view 1M mmluln UM would divth bole lM wily an an my lha Inrmrr paying Um and nnnll MO On min hall would mu IJII mu yrnn Ant Monday mm Bank 341 GumII Indium II vac In Invw ol Ibo dink SomI rumba mum mall Irv 1an m4 mull Infill II problem In it mmmm dlnk Wm mum to hem 441 and my wpu pydflnlfid Thu dcpnrlmcnll chncxdny Ilnlcmenl which conlrndlctnd Dlelcnhnkur lnlcrpmlnllnn negatlnllunl hr the Canadian acqulxilion or nuclear warhcmlx mnllcd lrom great number lnqulrm made at he dnpnrl men hy Canadian and Us pnrlcn mcmhm Congms 1mgj by ordinary clllzcns Rusk In conunllm oi 51mm Cmmly Board at llmlm has dmll at length wilh pro pom mm or flu rlincn operation mmmiluc lahllxlwd Ihnl UM clinic could mum on mm MnIIlly llm lenirrr governmmh VimH my wt 112300 ol lhl uran But In need lomnke soma clarifying statement rose mm In situation not our making Rusk smd It became necessary aslhe result nlnlcmcnu made In ho course ol debate In Ottawa Ins Thm Wu dlsclusum he added cnnfidcnllnl cxchangu between he two governments and number of nraumcnls wm pul lorwnrd whlch ap pour la oncr new lulcrprcl Hols ollhe pallclu the nhllsh mo clinic pmenl and aul up mnlflro In In mm mm lh clinic fluxu drnwn umimu rim111mm limo minded will uoltam health ml NW mzmhMImu In tho mm 11 The 1me mud Ibo lnln HM IMa lhl Iry Inylnl ll would lo Inni will to All with flu Inn qmr nio In pwnimii tlnu lhixmnum 101 hp mr Mb lmii nmmh statement repealed by the prime minister in the House last Friday and repented nut side the House to the eitect that my statement on deienca was worked out after consulta tion with the United States nuvtrnment and that the United Sialcs statement to which the prime minister re erred been Itriidng re scmbinncn in some at 1L1 words to the statement made iat Friday That statement coming from the prime minister mi country Mr Speaker is unworthy or him Mr Dlelénhnker It was nnl dcnled Mr Puma It in cheap and false lnsinuallan llmpe Ihat statement witl deal with that matter The rcairlssue for Canadian What are the act and pmvlndl inv um wa some Ic OTTAWA 1CPDecnceMln Islet Harkncss rose in Icnsc Common but mesdny night and firmly dcnlcd Ihnl he had contradicted hls leadnr Prime Mlnlslcr chfcnhaklr an he nuclear grms Isspe Mr Harknus nlnlcmcnl cul mlnnlul ma emcrxuncy da halo whlnh was forced by um npnosillon pnrllcs and Ed lo Wtdncsdnyl bombH30 dec Iumlion by UN US llnlc du barlmonl Thu ministers tlalemcni wiih public znllcrics Jammcd and attentive MP hanging on his every word was nne oi he highlighls 01 day high drama in Parliament Annlhur was Prime Minister chlcnbakcrs hlunl nsscrllnn lhnl lhc United Slnlcs had made an unwarranted Inlmslon in Canadian nflain with ll stale mcnl Wednesday night bllsler In Canada or stalling on nu clear dclenm lmadcu of all lhrce oppnsl llon purlch also rebuked the US bul lald llle US mave had hccn provoked by Ollnwal Indcclslnn on whether Canada play car rule ln NofiAfiihd VNATO The declnmllnn uh Canada hurl lnIch In prupnsu prncll cnl munucmtnl lhn would lmlvtly tanlrihula cnnlllmp n1 dtlcncc nnd lnnk diml mo wllh nlmzmcnls made by Mr Diplmlmkrr In Common much lnsl Friday ML Hmknm put an slnle mrnl Mommy xlrinx hlx lnlrrp rtlnllnn what Um lrlmo Min lulu hml mld Canadian maple and their representatives In Par llnment are entitled to learn the acts and to know the truth 0n Snlurday and again on Monday the minister of na tional defence In puhlla statement of clarifies lion contradicted certain the pflma mlnlslern state mcnls what 15 lhe truLh What is the truth abaut our dcfence policy in this common eflan on this matter Balance Mlnlsler Harkncslx did not Dan McPhfllipl PC Viclorla BC That Is what ¥ou nag but it isum true Mr Poznan chlerday the Unllcd States government can tradiclcd other slatemcnts and feel that it was inap propriate for them in havu done so Oppmillon Icndrrl alleged Harkness Denies Split Between PM Himself urpday night in speech that was often lnlcnuplcd by opposition Jeersbut also an huslnslimlly dud by dcsklhumping guvcmmcnl sup portersMr Harknesl rejuclcd lho nllcgallont The ball wns dangling urac llvcly or all camcr Thursday but nppnrcnlly Prime Minlslcr Dlufcnbakcrwha counla npurls lishlng nmnnz hls lnvorile pus limuwnsnl qulte Nady lo pull In Ihe with Talk an lmmcdlnle dissolu lIon he 25th lnllinmcnl clcdrd L13 June la nltmmcd 1mm he cnnlmvcrxlnl Interven an ho Unllnl gov ernmcn In Cum current dflmlc aver ncqumnun nu clear warheads that this now famous mm mm In which Mr llnrkncss represented Mr Dicfcnhnkcr as having clearly enuncialcd prunuclcar policy nclunlly ca lrndlclra the prime minister rcmnrkn ll lsvllmply no true mld lhn dcimce minislur who evi dcnlly was under mmn Ilraln Alnwsl All 11115chan nah lho governmrnl hm lmn given good que on whlch la wk re tlrcllmIluvlhrlzhl rejccllan OTTAWA CmThe DiCQn hnku minorily Kuvcrnmcnl arr pear in be playing lhu pm he prnclisnd nnnlcr In doth film on when call new clcc But it this Parliaments right and this Parliamentn duty now to find out at nnce what the truth is So let us get the truth Let lindout what the facts are wlhaut any tunher shillyshally or delay Mr Dielefibnker thn aEé you golng hack for further in motions Mr Puma Mr Speaker in the search or the acts and in the search or ihc tnilh let us remember Prime Minister Macmiilans in the British Parliament yesterday when he said that the me nations are friends and allies and must remain iritnds and aliics Election Bait Is Dangling But Does PM Want To Fish Now let us also remember that he real threat to Canadas securin docs nn came from the United States but from Communist imperialism and unnecessary disputes among No Mora Thin Par CopyM Pug Cloudy and mllder with light snow law tonight High tomorrow 79 For Va ample summary turn in page two Local Weather butrspake in clear andjm erg tigxp yglcc Paul Martin foreign affairs cnlic said aim hcaring Mr ffnlkncsx that the minister had nol dispclfcd lhl nppmrnnu of dccp clenvaga between himself and Mr Dlef cnbakor chnllongcd the ddch mlnislcr In deny rumon that he had lhmlcncd In resan Ian weakend Mr Haxkness did nnl reply he sat cunning In whiw us with deskmalc Exter nnl Altair Minislcr Groom See NUCLEAR ARMS PM REPORT MIGHT QUIT Cnuplcd wllh It wzu Ih widcy repofled Inlcnllon at De cncu Mlnislu llarknm to ult Iho cablncl pamibly In Ill some other mlnism wilh Mm In pmlcsl nvcr lho govern mnnll mltflllml flexible and lluld nuiludc Inward nuclear arms The Inlltr Issue sccmtd haw Hll lo dissnlve hon Mr Hurkncu mm In the Commons Io drclnrc mm was nu undu mcnlnl dlrlalon between him and Prime Minis chlrn bnkor mm nnly choicc ol dllhrcm words he Id Two palnln um mun In Ihu mind at nlrrun pallllml mnm Mulch my think mn lnhuled lu lhr lrnm on ulrcn lhv pmull lnrllnmonh uls uavcmmcn Canadian attain lhu Weslem alfics will waaken us all There are flu momenl enough dillerenccs In the free world ludny wllhoul adding one between Canada and lha Unile Stales So Mr Speaker any political leader ln either country who for political par Ilsan purposes sllrs up or on large the dillercnce between the two countries Some memhen Oh oh Mr Churchlll You are eon demnlng ynurselt Mr inane pulling his party ahead of his coun Mr Dlelcnbaken Are you spypking for yourself Mr Pcmunx and would be putting the vain hupe immediate political advantage above lhe inlercsls in peace and prosperity which lhu two countries sham lnfluencc In ea 3233

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