Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1963, p. 6

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mam mm nunM Mullyn any Gloria will hr It Nthr DankIll lludhm mm 09ml Burn and mm mm rmmuuoni um mad lo lollawlnl firm In rmlnlum nl lhelr Imln mnhlhuHum In mun kn Im Mur Gwmh 11 FIN Camp Ila Mk Brown NI Mn Imrrrn Cunn porn xvlennwl In wnkmm to It mull lrn new Turonlu and new Fnuwy II Nun MncKny Mn Manny IIIII gm Vlouuly wan Ilmwn On in Mull Tho lnrl II nwnllnl HUI 1m anudpnllnn llnnwy Dull lulu about In Mnllm llrnwnl anny N1 MI Allrn rlmcln In Ipnvc In ad or Klnmun Ihrn hut hunnnd mum mm Emu puma ommliunnm Mu Dom Dankuml visual lb mllull lullnwln Thu Jnnunry mcrllnfl flu NCMK Hflll Mr Lad Auxlllnry wul unendui by mrmhcr now amullvn Cam millm wnx Irtlnl Iresldcnl ilrcn Vlmfilrkle Vicrlnnldtm Domn lrulunw Sammy Lou Jnrkmn Trmurcr Allm DouMn linlnlnlmmul Commll IM Clmlnnnn Xlwnnn 1mm Jun Ilnwn nnd lhyl Wood uldc Mum lllm Wnl Ihuwn IIHIWNIEN was hold III the hum of Mn Vlnln Hender son of Snaknldlcnnn lllvd for Mu Evelyn llshon wlm wlll ho leaving Int Tomnlo madly Mm llislmp was restum wlll In forum gin mm llm lollowinu mlics lllu llumnw Grnnl Nu llcnny mqmp nnd Mu Clmrlnlln lxlxlmp Sr 1110 allow lnn lmllrs um nlw prucnl Mn Glnrln LAM Mn Jnnn Drawn Mu Margaret Hut and Mn lJunlrn Laverne drlluhl lul lnnrh wnl mml Ml AUXILIARY nugwnuk 7m CAMP BORDEN SOCIAL NOTES LYNN BEYMOUR Camd bmbom ballerina denies Ibel beatnlk and explains ht her usual emu helps but to relax Ml Scymmm HM daughter Vancouver denua has Men daullng Bndsh balm ambub int wlfll hm perfonnanca at lmdonl 00an Garden mm WOMENIN NEWS PRINCESS BEAflIlX of HM Nelherlmds Lemming her 25th bkflldzw today She II sm mmmmma mummy JANUARY 19¢ Jumr vouues ii DRAPERIES Second Yur Star Donnle lltnloy Untlll Inlunon Anna Crawford Gnldrn Bur Vrmly German Collcclnrl llmlgu luluxll InlrlclnwFMz Slmrun mum Gwrmln Duchnnnn nuchnnan Colleen Gould Coll Leger Pnlrhla Illlgnrnhl Wendy Grrmnin Mannrcl Muc Xenzlo MAJ MARIO BIZ EVIS wu in Mill lho bcaamu am flu fin uln wnmcn to Joln 1h Canadian Wamenl Army Corp In Seplcmhcr 1M1 Sn Imnd women dun In ha war and mu Inlet nppolnlcd unlor ndvlser at lhu CWACI hondqumlcrl In Oun WL CP Pholo 42 Dunlop the oldest daughter ot Queen Juliana and Prince Emfard This is new portrait of file Princess AP Wimpwo JANUARY CLEARANCE ll tomorrow ll your blrlhdny your homsoopo lndmtu happy and pmspcmm year You are cumnlly In cycle whlch should be excellent mm ma crlal slandpoim you ream lo Indulge ln exlmvngnnl whlms parllculnrly durlng Sqncmhcr and Oclohvrl Cnrclcssncss than mull nllsct he gains posslblc Al um llmo nnd midDecember Good nppoflunlllcs or huxlnm expunslon ma lndlculcd wllhln filo iml thrco months 1063 Job Inlcrvsls wlll bo under no stimuli during mm of he next 12 anu nnd mcro am srlcmhd Innumm or domes lc mlallonshlm and allnln In volvan Inmlly security nn mm mm month April Mny And Juno wlll he nolnhlo or unfl mmlnl mallm nnd early June nivrx pmmlso blamed pop ulnrily nnd pmllm well an new ommlunlUu far bullncu child born lodny will be wr mm ulremcly tncmul Ind grrunriouL Today mo day when personal rchtanshlps are cun cemcd Most pawn would be in congenial mod and group Bcllvillcs should prnva Mgth en oyublc Dna ndmoniunn haw evcr no catch in mom THE BIRTHDAY rqnflngonnmv King Fdward Home and Schoo Assnciallan are spansnn ing progressive euchre party to be held at lhe schqu on Monday wearing 830 pm Convener of ihe avenlr Ira Mrs Stan Jenna and Mn Cnrnlsh Prim Mil be given inr the winning scores and refresh menu will bu served Mrs Base will be In charge of Devotion or Feb ruary The February meeting will he held at the hum of Mm Verne Hodgins Mrs Verne Hodgins was in charge ol devotions Roll call was answered by 13 member and one vlsilar Tresurers re port was given and other com minus moaned Valentine luncheon will be held ln church hnsnmcnt on Feb 13 1mm 12 to 12 ihé World Day of Prayer will bg rhcldA mgr March The January meeting 01 the Angus Unlled Church Wumen was held on Wednesday evening at oclnck at lhn home of Mrs uslle Ruse And To Hold Progressive Euchre THE STARS SE Refrgshments we served by he hostess assisted by Mu John McGowan Members were remindéd the film to be shown Essa Road Presbyterian Church on Feb 18 by the Canadian Cancer SaganL Rev Waller Dyer closed gho mgglfng wilh prayer During the business session plans were discusqed Io hold rummage sale at the Parish Hall on Feb 12 321230 pm The data set or the annual Spring Tea and bake sale is My The new execuliva or 1963 as follows President himH Noble First WeePresident Mrs Alvin Mltchell Second VchmsIdcnt Mn Lorne Wil Hams Treasurer Mrs Laugheed Secretary Mm Llana finish Asslsunl Secretary Mu Villlnmucrooku MrsfijHMTNOh1é Heads Officers The Evening Guild of SL Georges Angltcan Church Al lnndale held ll January meet ing at the home of Mrs Mich nelW1cder Balsam St Paul tenn members were presenL Angus UCW Plan Valentine Party n1 Esrnaum PA Id Chrlsflnn Clllzcnshlp and So lai Action Mrs Maxwell Cummunfly Friendship and VI ling Mrs Clarke Coopera tion In Chrlsflan Eduanlan Ind Mlsslona Education Mn Nelson Inlnc Commlllee Mr 1L Armstrong Flower Dmnnklee Mm Lllern um and ammunlcallanl Mrs Fnlr Manse Mrl McKcmle Membershlp Mn St Jahn Pres nnd Puhilclly Mn Kearney Program Ma Slccle Scclnl Functions Mrl Thu lollnwlng the dam of nfllccrs lnrlm Presldcnl Mrs Bruce Johnston Vice hummum McNIvm5ccon cePreslden Mrs Cockburn Recording Sncrcmry Mrs Rowe Cor responding Secretary Mrs Newton Treasurer Mn SQophLn The Supply and Soclnl um lance Committee appealed for childrens nvershoes particular ly bay ulna and ten years Phom Mrs Salim PA mm anyane has pair to donale Louise Lewis Unit served refreshmch at the close of the meeting The 1961 Execullvn Wu In stalled by Rev Gardiner Skelly Th new presldenl Mn Bruca Johnslon presented Mrs Charles Knurscy with cup and lancer on behalf of the mun berg In appreciation nl hu work past president Annual reports were glven by committee omvenm and Unit leaders The January meeting the med mum Women 00 llcr Street Ufiitcd Church wail held In Ihe Recreation room of hu church will on board he haul whor not you my rant Our swing and lo Mum Minna an univ hl llnlly and lel llll ymn mlod Mm HM Im your whnlo rip 1m mm damn WM IM akln mum man In unlimth mkn plum prim mum and mm Nvla lemma Fur lnlrr day um pun Milliv lrxurmI mma nur nh mu anley lo nlml only low mm which Wlhlth him In Ill Johnston Named President Of Collier Street UCW Group Vnzur McCall and film lirlly boob an dw rnx vnvldy ol mix and mulch Mum or you In rlmou from Doclors suspcdfill flve the children of Coquilhm 110 coupla Alan and Shun non Campbell may have de fective heads Connie 2V semnd mm right has BL ready been lound in have Willi lrhl south on llm lmrlmn mum warts wmr ml prim dmuu ul Imam will In UM masor Item HIIMUI IIIt of mm Soufherly Winds Blowing 0F BARIII l6 Colllcr 9nd PA 711 SHOP RECORD GEM SALES World nales of dhlmands were higher than any prnvIou year In IMHIGUMWO worth Official Baud Mrs Kear sey Stewards Mrs Nawlon Chrlsllnn Education Mrs Ndsan and Mrs Ferris Muslannry and Mulnlenance Mn Armstmng and Mn Parker Pianist Mus Small Unit headers Onwnniv Mrs Cook Gleaners Mm II Dawson Allegro Mn EdmundS Gertrude Emil Mrs Mlflward Wo HeLo Mn McConkey Law In Lewis Mn Parry Alpha Mrs Codhurn St Lukes Mu VCIurk Campbell Gray Sle wardshlp and Recruiting Mu Parker Supply and Social Assistance Mrs Sarjeanl Chairman or Nominating Cam mm vbme flank Mrs Egflddg 31 Dunlop 16 Colllor 5mm hole between he vgmtrldu of her heart me Xe Jacque line Macy months Shelly and Smtt 13 months suller mm minor Mn Billmm whkh dodors peliéyafimayfi indicate may the FABRIC SHOP SIMMONS CO FURS CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY BARRIE UNIT THIS NOTICE IS SPONSORED IN YOUR INTEREST BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS of Bmio havé 1°me ma llon CP Photo 16 Mulcasfer Opposite Barrie Furnilure PA 84023 PA 87712 The Gift Shop OPENING TOMORROW Canadian Made Handicrafts Oil Pqimings Prints Unusual Gifts Amiques Books Dunlap St 68 Dunlop Ned unshakably Ihat most women have dlaaatmualy 1m adequate conception of wealth and tha reamnslbmly attached III management and Ma uaea Schwabacher cam muted SAN FRANCISCO AP Women own much the United Slaua wealth mainly because my live longer than their hus bands but they dnnt know hnw to handle ll Albert Schwa backer Jr San Francisco in veshnem banker any The Schwabncher ind Com pany partner spoke at sympo iufnion the potential of woman nznnnnmom socum mm on mu Women Need BfiSinesé Head Yulth New Datum Robert and Sams lCulflEf st PA Hm LENAS LINGERIE lxdlunent From flu ludlng Elk SlyfllllM Featuring rm 4n pm by THE KINETTIS Camdhn GIVIOHI Elnmlc Audllorlum TIME AND TWO WOMEN FEB llh ILBJS pm Burton Aunun Unlnd Churth Hull McKlNNON URS AND BREAST SELFEXAMINATION ran ml 300 pm By THE NURSES ALUMNAI Hllltml Sthoal Avdliovlum freg showing of the lifesaving films FIB Illh 9100 mm 50 Ollu Church Hill Schwabacher laid lnvenment requlm 5le and plilllnl lo gelhur good slack parflollo trellqu an lndlcdled llll doubt llnt most women could learn in be creallve ln melt approach substantial mm money URGES EDT WIT NANAIMO CF Aflommla rioner Marjorie Neava oi in mo advisory planning board ruggesls the city eonslder establishlng lot loll rimilur lo those successful In Honolulu She say there ll no place let aside especially lor prancth children mywherc in Nanaimo the Univerle of Camornln medical centre To become adept In Rock management would have ileum think ilk men Lfor due Ihnuld not uh that he said Forest Flower Song 01 Autumn Daflmfll 52 PIN Suvko For Elgh Rem $0960 NOW 549807 Dun PA was BILL lEBOEUF Jeweller PA 8240 PA com PA 8222 Prlco SIIvr Sal

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