Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jan 1963, p. 15

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llurrlo nhuln muner nurrmmm Vnu cm hunt Ipnllllll nw mum rum Itllrmln Tulnnl Ilnrl mum 1v mm Dly nllM In Tmlmln ml mun Mm In mm 1mm All WILLIAM UV ANMM Mlnl 1W Tmnnln ll ML Ilmll RN 71 In ya mnlul Illh rum Illnun In nunAl run Ilmu hhhh Ill why LUVWI IN HM vr wuk In nnl mm with mum run In llmv hle lhfl MUM In milHI WHI Vm Nu IIINHWI In IDV 11 Will II Ill Kl mum Must be able to road blue prlnls Mum nllvul lllEllll uxpnrlonru lulrlul 37M lmur wmk lul range of benclllm pomlnu plan Apply Imll Awllrnflnm lo Mrhed on or Indore Frlvruury III In WM IMCK Gcrk nml Trr um Midland Mario CONSTABLE on the Midland Police Force Salary Range 3300000 mum per nnnum Hardy In own umdwriung but In use mmilul Mann rxparh mm my lucmlm Grade 11 hm Mmmry mmlrc DevILBIss CANADA LTD APPUCAIENS are Invited 01 the poslllon Tu learn la oporulc lddype mcllcr performer Mun ham INN 50 wrds pcr mimflu lypinm Good opponunigy lo chm trade will good lul um HUUIIKEIIER or well fllpPed ml home Two Idulu mm preterm Wm Hal ll um humum IIaunKEnzns mmm wnL ed LIVI Mun and chIIL Telephmo mendI man mplnn or urflu Box nu Exunlner le Irma led or children hi my awn home Enum nctd Apply littch sum Norm maxim To um pu hour drmv IzmirLan nmau sumo cm Cop mell gum Telt 533 Im rim lxrzmchxn mmnxuazn qulnd lur mull nlon For perlod In weeks wm Bu Birth Elmlnu mun wanna nilum Employmlnt Tullphom PA um um cumAW an um EXPERIENCED lira mmum mxw Female secMary viceprcs ideal shorthand necessary Sal ary commensurate with abiIil range of hcnuils 37 hour week Apply Apply In THE BARR um ru lmmke Wm Spmxel mm uny wmu lpol batman nmmxm Lt um Snell ml but many mu mly worn sum 15 la hrth mu under low 1m Sndly mum by um chum 11mm Talephom PA Why Start Business Of Your Own AVON Oosmmios are in mud and as Representa tive of this cnmpany you can develop an inlcmsting WM business Cam PA my mainly Mlqulfi or in uurlnn Avanue PA mm Reward WANII LOST alnlkmlnl tht Watch Bulavu mm mm upm vifggxllx 91 mm yu coma FEMALE nut color plum hand on Imnwu 2i Nam um Tawn Line mephm PA um am IO HELP WANfEE LOST FOUND nun Wimnn mm mm suaud mm Amvm no In Ind Ikurnlnl pm nlnpnm sum mum urulll mm mo childnnl Ip Plnl Rennulbll Tlllphnnl PA Illemonnl DeVILBISS CANADA LTD CA 50an 10 Clmp nonhn duly Lave Five Palms In 115 In km Clmp HM leL Texa vhnn PA WI EMU SHOP Coldvuvu Sill macn nmdmm In you own home or hmplll In via Bomlu PA was 01 PA um mun run your Hana WI 1nd MD or dnw dIXI Halon 11 Esu PA In AUTOMOTIVE pansbNALs YOUNG PERSON CARS WANTEB To auv MALE SCHEDULING CLERK EARN WITH AVON MALETFEEATE SECRETARY MALE WELT Barrie Ontario FEMALE HELP nflcr nu mAnY re ulna umby There were 13 tables playing ruchre on Monday nlghl Prize winners were Mrs Homer Mrsr Gilmore Grace 5115 son Ems Hodgsun Adnuy Howard and Davis Webb Mrs Smith Mrs Stod dart Mrs Moor and Mrs Lapp attended Leadch Train ing School In Alllston lust Wed and Thursday In preparation or the 4H club pmject Summer Separates which will begin an Feb 9111 if you have had seiiin ex perience or seek se ing position this is your great est opportunity to start with the very best interview by appointment only HOME ECONOMICS FOOD SERVICE Barrie PA 61562 Minray Mgr mums You can also rhy alumnan your awn furniture rugs and harm oull delighted wllh he fast drylnu lm dryer MEN REQUIRED TO COMPLETE SALES STAFF IN BARRIE AND AREA WE OFFER YOU 0Complole taming course BAH comparw benefit OPPOflIlnfllcs to earn Ln ex ms of $600 monthly QUALIFICATIONS mm be able to start Immedi ateb War esgcnliel Ahility 198m and pmzmsa l0 clean hands and ap Pearancev lst and 2nd Mortgage loan Anywhere ON ALL FARMS AND HOUSES Law Mamhly Payments Up Ta 20 Year Term MORTGAGE FUNDING xxrlmimczn mm Mrclllnlo mum wmu mm uner Mn mun SALES HELPATGENTE Part Time CORRESPONDENT for BarrieDrillla area National daily trade journal seeks part time cwrespmndent for steady work Prater person with newspaper expcrIeMe Write Box 35 Barrie Exlmlna OSalnry plus commission and IO HELP WANTEb GORDON SPRING ENTERPRISES Reliable Builder from BOND HEAD HOME BUILDING ALTERATIONS CHOOSE LOT AND HAVE YOUR NEW HOME Built In BARRIE VIEW SUBDIVISION Co PA 85097 or PA 66745 Do It Now Why or Spring Lets all Cnmpnlun This In Ihc prime season the year vngon nnd leo Man Job THE FOUNDATION FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT IMMEDIATE FILTER QUEEN SALES MALE HELP WHILE MEN AND MATERIALS ARE AVAILABLE FILTER QUEEN HEALTH UNIT ONLY HAGHZSS CLEANER Clean the Alr wlllx ALLERGY PA 3461 DO IT NOW pm pm pm pm SATURDAY FEBRUARY l963 pm pm Sale of all new furnishings lncludlng Chesterfield Suites Bedroom Suites Chrome Sets Lamps Bedding Electrical Appliances Nursery Equipment Odd Chairs Record Plagers Hassocks or everything for the home Terms can arranged day of sale JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Your Plans or Ours xi um mcom nx munm prenIM Apply Klfld Acnoununl 27 Burton Ave mhlna Wondur am or mm mu ma Fax mm an cwmm wfu consider num gw wvrk wm nu Em nun 24 Dunlop St 1W goon DAY CARE or child centrally 1mm mm mth be honl PA 6061 13 AUCTION SALE Our sales stall has been advised of this ad EMPLOYMENT WANTED Write qu palflculus to axe eduMlon marital mm and uperience to Box Bar rie Examiner Preference given to man aged 2545 with axpexieme in selling and detailing dxug variety de partment or food sums wary bonus expenses amp insurance and pension plan own car or company car Nanounuy known greeting card mnmlmxurer has opening in Barrie and distth territory ALES HELP AGENTS Io HELP WANTED GREETING CARD SALESMAN WANTED fiQME APPLIKNEégfikSF of Barrles first all Ilew furniture sale at the Friday Afternoon and Evening FEBRUARY 1963 AUCTION SALE Lets all get behind Ontarios giganlic Winter BALL PLANING MILL CO LTD 48 ANNE STREFI SOUTH PA 82496 COMPLETE SELECTION OF FRAMING LUMBER PANELLING FLOOR CEILING TILES HARDWARE PAINT AT YOUR CONVENIENT ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTRE WITH THE FIVE DISPLAY ROOMS AND AMPLE FREE PARKING BUY NOW No PAY Tlll MAV DEALERS SCRAP METAL STRUCTURAL STEEL or ununplnymcnl Bulfalo 2118 148 127 57 Clevelnnd 10 21 6151 163 42 Pittsburgh 25 3134155 39 Rochester ll 75 7148 I7 35 Frldul Glam Hershey Baltimore Bumlnml Fmvidenca Qnehtc at Rochester 01M Senior AP Chathlm 1910 117510 Windsor 19 11 1221 133 59 Woodstock I716 017915631 KW 1B 218516121 10 20 01mm 10 BARRIE METAL AND SALVAGE Buffalo Clevalnnd Pittsburgh Rochester Pravidenu Quebec Henhcy Baltimore Springfield Tonighil Glmel Toronto at Monlml Chlcun Banan Alfierlcnn Le Eulan Pravidenu Quebec Henhcy Baltimore Springfield Dlvh on WLT AP 2519 315813 1213 914214053 2315 5111551 613917548 1322 8159158 Chlcnza Montreal Toronto Delmlt New York Buiton Wednesdul new Dblnfll New York For nu Dunlap 51ml Wrsl my 11m CANADIAN mm 204 Tiffin NATURAL GAS PA 82983 Name Brand Nationally Advcnlscd DRYER $6400 AUTOMATIC WASHER $26900 MATCHING PAIR AT FIRESTONE STORES Wench Vpllelon YoUr Hbiné Reinodéllihgfldfifkepalrs Nation km Pl 23141115011251 10121514511055 ll 11 15 17955 21 15 10130 115 52 ark 0134 15636 28 159m HOCKEY RECORD TOP VALUES SL 1141112757 615116342 313415539 714817335 Barrie gigantic Winter Works lets go on the band NQ PAY TILL MAY My Huwe Delmll Balhgale New York Oliver Boston Richard Monuenl nmdu Chlcuo Belivuu Montreal oSTJSERES aauuuuus SEESSGSS lfahnlvlicll Toronto Boslon Murray Oliver Iirlh with 45 Monlranls HemI Richard sixth with 45 and Sun Mikfln of Chicago 15 ed with Canndlenl Jean Beuvenu Iar lha Ievenlh mat nqu Ind Johnny Bucyk Boston both Idle Wednesday are tied will so palnll etch or the lap Andy Bnlhwe at the Ring ers ranked third going Into chnesday nlzhl contest was held scoreless and dmpped into fourth plnce will 4a minu SERVICE SINCE 1920 nn Barrie muonso Hnwou Two unaumul goal and on 5311 lplrkpd Detroit and gave the big wmxer sole ossesslun of lth place in the atlonal Hockey umol Indi vlglml grin can Howe has 45 point on 21 10515 gnd5 51515 mmma AND man HANGING smmv PAINTING Gordle Howe came up with Inolhcr spukflnl Indi vidual perlonnlnces Wednw day night when Defmll Winn who had won only two of their last six games blulcdflew York RI en fr Elnora Lune Charlotte New HIV Cllnlon Kngxfllle Long Ifland Johnstown Northern Ontario senior AanM Ttmmlns Non Scull senior Halifax New Glasgow Mnnclon Windsor lo will Leanne San Francisco CIIzaryA Lo Ayala Portland Iniénnllonu Mam Fort WAyna Mlnnenpollx Port Hum Mgskezon cnamm Woodstoci Wlndwrml Gnu Wmnudlyo Mum KitchenerWaterloo Chntham Wooduock Windsor Thu Iendm EDWARD SMITH SON NHL LEADERS PA 06585 SUE HOTEL NEW YORK AP Actress Linda Chflsllanwmendlnx the Halo Plaza lnlled to Inform her It had salatar Vllulblu filed 35000 wk in date xupmna court meidny lxnlnsl the hotel for Jewelry stolen lrnm her mom last Oct 25 And when Mrs Smylle her mother the Fuzqu Ind their sixmunlhvld dauxhur Daug lu and his wit Damn flew to Vancouver to liv In Decem ber they wm me by Mrs Smyllel brothzr Jlm SInclnIr lll lesulla such llIl that make Examlncr Win Ads 10 popular wllh people wlshlnx lo buy sell rent hlre or IC compllsh muny other objw llves To place your mnnmlul Emmlner Want Ad Ilmply dial PA 07411 friendly aduker wlll 3551 you In wording your mange Mia Smyflan wn Dauzlux he came bus driver Ind married my cpndgctnr IZmnSmyue 31mm all yours nlowhen the went to work conductahbeller known cllppIeon bum In Glfimvfl Her anvulhlervaon also be came dippie on Glgnlaw doubledccker She mu Dmm Fergus the driver and they wggl mgrrlgd 3061 58m were renteél be are supper the My the Id awrnunr VThejymlngr mmuuml The room could have been rented many time over nId h1g5 Examiner WIM Ad user are used lo In result Mn Barrie advertised lwo rooms or VANCOUVER CPIll Mn is SmlleItanuly ever de cide lo Idoyt can arms there will have barn bus In there somewhere seem to tile fajnlly RESULTS FAST FROM WANT AD Your Frlcndly COOKE CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD BARRIEONTARIO PA 61863 SAFE CLEAN MODERN FURNITURE STORAGE WAREHOUSE SHIPPING PACKING CHATINO Bfises nun In The Family Chesterfield and Chair Table Lamps Chroma Sol 5pICCc Lloyd Cnrrlngcs from Hul Dixpenal Napalm WELL DIGGING 12 Baylield Slrec 2M Chxppmon Sim Barri Tllcn you Lllould cansldcr SUN LIFE MORTGAGE PROTECTION POLICY4 In lhll way he montage wlll he pald on ll you should die prematurely and the house wlll REALLY belong to your Ilmlly You pmltct your home mm In and lhcll Why not 1mm duuhl Let us mow you how easily this an be done 1110 would cansldcr SUN LIFE ASSURANCE CO OF CANADA Tnnlu Pumped Out us nu In 73 Aliens by Modem IImllpmnll JOHN DOWUNG REPRESENTATIVE nummammi 1m snm llnrrm ED BALFE FURNITURE HEATING HOT WATER HEATERS srovss REFRIGERATOR DRYERSll Copied Concumm Gas PKG6558 Ttrml nrrnnnd In ALLIED VAN LINES BUILDING HOME Prof Born Lukln held Mon day um under the collective lumen betwetn lhu union and the mmpanlev lhe lirms did not hm the mm to any rexular and lonzshnremen The Inn however still un solved It was Included In ne gotiation ar amllecllva ame menl covering the Ihlpplnz Esau Ind the compnnyunian Wu reason Ind the compnnyunion ulk reached dead end Man dny Both sides hnve asked the lederal labor deplrtment or mediation rervlcu The dhpula malted In work noppm her In October Aller the union wuxhl to route avaflnhle workman the 19 fins that operate in the port practice hnd been for lenrnanl or an enur SEPTIC TANKS KEN WINTERS TORONTO CPIAn Irblul tor In up the right the Inlemallonal Lawnm menl Asmlnllon CLO to con trol the mumnun Work crew Imnnz qur Toronto llgvzqorlgu 11ml 11in LfiARMRIE zmlmifiriidnsnu JANiJAmr in mm WINTER SALE Says Regular Gang Not Fims flight LAMB IN BASKET THREE MEAL VARIETY gems cuovs srsw MEAT SPECIAL in my Imam SOLD INSTM IUJIAHIHII Shop at THIS WEEKEND STORES PUMP VICAWS VIEWPOINT ARMTHORPE II land CHRev Cherie Grier Ann liun vicar in his Yorkshiro village has asked brides Fielse donl Mar dress with plunging neckline In his ar lsh magazine he say they anl realize how immodest may look because the only person who lei the benefit oi iha deculib like in the minialer my EXAMINER WANT Abs PHONE mm PM Lukln ruled Ihat the work crew serve will In tho operation or all our com pnnlesEaslern Cinnda Slave dorlu Oxllen Slevedorlnl Com pany Pltluon Slevedorlnl Cor pnratlon of Canada and Brown Ind Ryan Umlled Wages and trlnxe beneflll an 130 Issue In the comm nt KOHIIIDH smon to Individual camplnlts but he unlon malntulned lhll led In Warsaw of much sum among waxkm In dll lerenl Innis 23¢ IA 113035 SERVICE PA W51 4050 740 5005 2005 Agonl mgr

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