11 SmN UHI 1m wrllinK 01 Air Windon Churfllllll flvlnl hloxmpluy has bun mlan Ia hln mu llnmlnlph Churc hill HmlRMon Mimi Company pullllnhï¬l rmrlnl lodny thinx wfll be pmï¬lshu In 5W Winslml lildlme MONTREAL CPI The MUMM Mar It Jkn Mmhk mm mm Tlmrm In wry Mini IMemdul In II mndl mllmml manner IHh Mmml Mum Ml mum by he Mam lorry nu ma Slay 1mm TvlmM nylnl he In hum1rd 1me II mu both mm and Oneal mamas cl 1mm roam mm club Many Informal engagements have bccn planned to allow lb 0an couple see ordinary ciflzcn at work The ï¬rst In he womonlh Journey wlll be NASHmile High In Fill with retuelling slap ln Vanan vcr and Honnlulm The scheduled flight lime their Boeing7m Jolllnnr alighny loss ghnry flhnuru Vancouver nrnund pm GMT pm EST nppmximmely nine hours nflcr akooIL The HUSmile mm to cum lulu In expeclnd to take unnum le hour and he ï¬nal slnzc la FIJI 8179 miles hours Mlcr llmr FJn the Queen and Prince Philip honrd the royal ynchl nrilnnnla In cnnllnue he lour Unlike llm people nlmosl 00m cnInnial lmilnrlen lhe Fijlam mm ralhnr lhnn de nlre lndrpcndcncc LONDON CW Winkr unrms lashed back over mud Bumps today hurylnk hope of longnwnlled haw beneath run crust of In and mow In mlumlnfl mid wnvo brought Homo hmnlul mow In MVHI yearn QIIHIIIZC ICII unmnn WM HUM and IMM IIx mm Inrludlnl Ilwnunn wm InJumI may In lire In An uer Iuwn npmhnenl home It IM 1101 miqu Hm In MIch uly In lwn month 11 olhrr mum hnvn IN In lIrrn wllhln he Inn lwo wreh OSLO wkIsl Swnlml nwllcnllon lur Mioclnla mom berlhiv In urnmau mnmxl Mink ï¬ll Inmh IIMpNo Um lnllurr lvilninn Md lnr lull lncmlmnhhu Swnlld Furvlzu Mink Tome Nahum mid May NilWI Wm Ipmklnu lo mum lulu nrrlvnl hm ml prlwutc lwmlay VIII In hwllulkm at Nnnwllnn Ford Mlnlflfl anvnnl mum MNTA MONICA lalll MN fllnlcrrmnx Crumy mm mm In mum rnmlulnn Allir In lmnlh Hdnny 14min pop mm In ymu imhy nmkwenl wer Thurday Jnlml umpunl IIFJHHII Ill Ml Mmanl IInilmlllry Ind HI mu pnrmlle ulmtr lodny 1mm Hllmll nmhlar mm mm wlm In In pitlulu umr mm lhr link nanny ymmo IIWI NMIIIrAn Imlllor Ml fly MH MI he mwml pmlul by Governor 0U Knmr DrmnnnL LONDON CPIQueen Eliza bath and Prince Philip Inn by jelllncr lnday or 47Wmil nonstop flight to Vancouver Iirsl log luur which will lake them In Fiji Australia and New Zealnnd The our will cover approx lmnlcly 30000 miles The Queen Ind prince will fly hnme lrnrn Sydney Auslralig Mack 27 IOHUI ROYAL YACIn Inriji me wéléamc prepared or the mynl visltor curried llllcal uvcrlnnu 999k Yur No 26 Sweden Still Has Market Chance Iim Trimblo Interested In fllouotlos Churchills Son To Write Biography Woman Dies In Quebec Fire Bing Crosby Undergoes Operation Exfludilor Parolod Fxom Prison Europe Buried Under More Snow QUEEN ELIZABETH and Princa Philip are shown he lore they boarded aifliner at London Airpm this morninz Royal Pair Left For Down Under For Examiner Want Ads Te phono PA The lelcphnna number lo call or the Bgsmess or m1qu Dept Is PA 58537 NEWS BRIEFS Oui Telephones or They will fly ln Canhcnfl Feb 13 for sadly visil to Australia Under an wynarold deed of session Fijis chiefs gave he mind SW 99 Vï¬ao The chiefs said We give Fill unreservedly tn the Queen 01 Britain that she may rule us justly and nmclionatciy and that we may llve in peace and prosperity remains anrcly valid and ap pose Brilish suggnsllnns or any mnvcs In independence The greatest fear 15 United Nn llmu uilaliun for lndogcnd mm me FiJI which the Queen and PrinccPhIlip last visited In 1953 they will Hi In Vailanzl New chlnnd arriving than Fch nnbhys uncle Fred had come for visit Jus he wm cnv In he me the lad shlny new quarlcr no canM wllh lhnl momy Uncle odmnnlahcd Remember he nId suylnR 00 nd MI ï¬re 300 W4 YeI Uncle upllcd nuhhy um jusl Io name wnnt In hunk you or pnrllng with ll SAY STILL VALID at start of twomonth roan bur of Fiji Australia and New Zeaiand Their first ship is Vancouver Bic AP Wire Dhoio HERES ONE 112 Earrif OTTAWA CW11w gunrm man is likely lo make ruluclion III United sum lnlnrvcnliun in Canadian political nflaln he key point ll coming cam pnlzn or reelection lnlormcd pollllcnl sources say Vcdncsduy nluhls nlnlemenl by lhe us ilnle dcpnrlmcnl la chly In he waved tram every Conservative plnlfarm In lhu cnqnlry n5 lIxhlbil lHn Iho Rov ernmcnll adracaey ha need or mndcInCanada policies breakdown of salaries or Simcoe County emplayces was placed before County Council today by the ï¬nance commit lee The commillce recommended that me rs ol council re ceive $16 per day and 10 cent per mile or each mile neces sarlly travelled It tuxher re commended thal the warden re ceive $2500 per year plus $50 per month car allowanco and 10 mm per mile Following la he suggested schedule for employees for 1963 engineer $9500 clerk $7500 treasurer 57500 as sessor $7500 juvenile and family court judge $7500 dc puly clerk $4500 assislunl lreasumr $1300 supeï¬nlcnd cnl Simcoc Manor $0500 superinlondcnl Georgian Man or $6500 building supeï¬nlmd cnl $1000 assistanl superlm londcnl £2000 second assist anl $150 per hour as mquir ed Elllo coorxllpalor Conn officer Juvenile and family mun $3000 Juvenile and lamin court reporter $3300 museum curator 800 recreation director £5500 uislnnt rccrcalion dircclor H000 county court Itpoflfll 000 wood 505mm 314 per day and Metals per mile Ian HUI Ii Nlfllml rflh 0M IN flmmy sym lnl of IM FIFO Sula hm palm 11 0mm minw dukkm hwyonl adhmistiahve omcer BreakDown Salaries For The County US Statement Handy PC Issue US NUCLEAR BLAST MAY BRING ELECTION TIMMY GETS LIFT Im Delighted Marshal Viscount Montgomery nrrivnd hm lodny on his scc 0nd visil to South Alricn wimin year and old reporters nm dellghled lhal the United Kin dom not 1n the European Lord Montgomery me In de once President dc Gaulla Vlliinkr la grunt mlslaka for everybody to slam nl Gm dc Guulle know hlm very well The work was being done dur ing consideration seven re ports mm the ï¬nance commit tee The committee has atrea stated that if council appr cs suggestions with rclcrcn to general and road accounb reduction at one mi in the lax rate can be effected This would bepmdugcd 95 loll Followinu L1 breakdown part of we mumuees report Simeon County Cnuncil this Inmwn an down 10 discussion nflls budget lar1963 Gruurnl rate mills In cluding one mlll or hospital grannu making rcducllon of In Road Hale 36 mllls or re duclinn cl millsl With added assessman throughout the coun Iy his will raise approximalcly $36000 more in ma General Acv count and nnproxlmalcly $48000 more in the mad account 1963 would he ssnwm The general levy would be $98199 the ï¬nance committees re commendations are carried out nnEAKndwn Barrlo Oniirlobmnndl Thursday January 1963 lmtn My chum If Amman 1m Timmy meadow ms 0w anmd mm mm cldmllu hm run in Tomnlo Maud mm UP WWI COMMON MARKET CRASH Tax Rate County May Be Cut One Mill CAPE TOWN AP Field One or the lmublcs In Ihe wnrld Iodny hm mllmu hare lwa ohclu The Unilcd Slnlu In nwnys prrachlnz lmxkun ycl look at Cuba LONDON 11HJIIYI Mk lho Isl Irlllnllve llw Imluy In drlvn In nlrcnulhvu lwr Mild lrndn nml rrlmllvl hrr llnflkinfl economy nnl Ihr wvrrlmn ol llrr Cnmmvn Mmhl hnvu llrllldl pin 11 Imulml Ilullnl lur lmr mullet nr Hm tnunlryl mmmrm Irnlrtl Im llmllul nrrm in Hm rlrh mun lulu llw European Commu nily hy lhp mun Hm llnII uh mlnllnllnnl 11 um nplevrl mm In ll mlllh nllrmlvu mu mvrllnfl llKIA hilwefll IIlnw Mlnlllvr Harmlllnn ml lmnlrr Jcnl Oil Krll Hmmmk um bl nrllalnn mum In lhr Hum rean Free 1nd Aasothm Km nhl Ill Ml mlvnl In bmlm Wodmlny he wnnlml but man mum plum aboul lmw we an no umwr with EFTt the man Mllnn lrnIIInl flnup rmlnl IIIHIIh Ia Ilvnl In In Cummnn Mlllbl HI nusxln has hrr Inlullile lnm lo pmlccl her own Inter cle China Lv playinz About he norlhwrsl lronlicr lndln or on an uumcry laid dc Gnullo llmuxm Hml llrltnln won Sula Hm Cammnn Mnrkfl he wnuld be pushrd nmlmd by lhc Unllrd Slnlu nm nllrtly against me Unllrll SIM lnlrrlcrlnl In lhe nllnlrn wulcrn Europe The Unilrd Slum doc pm nrmlnll The lcmlcncy In tor llrilnin lo rnlhrr pmhul Around by Hm llnilrd Slnlu and Mn nulnu IL um All lho AmzlrrAmrrlrnn nlllnncu but all nunlnll Mn pulhml HIDINL mm are people whn bollcvn lhnl Russia want In move wcsl wnrds but she could not do wllh Chilm nl hcr buck Thats why lhlnk grunt mlslakn lo llnm Gnullc nnd he ls great lorwmd look mg mun Lord lllonlgumcry The pure ol lhe world really real wilh Chlna Chum la grant nnllnn and they will havu nuclear weapons by 1068 She has great economic polcnlinl Gen de Guulln does no wunl Russin nnd Chlnn In Join up nnd disturb llm cace ol lhu world and lhlnk cl right IIAVH TWO IOIA Grunts or charitable and ser vice nrganlzntlons Salvation Armyl $5500 Sunset Lodge Orillia no action Canadian Nat ional Institute or the Blind $1500 Navy League at Canada to be divided equally between Mldland and Elmvala 3300 Harris Branch oi the Sea Cadet Corps no action Canad Ian Mental Health Association no action St John Ambulance $200 Huranln Historic Sites and Tourist Association $1000 Georgian Bay Development As sociation $2000 Womens In stitutcs Simcoe County hrnnch two local branches $100 Recommended appropriations or County committees main tenance mun house 510000 out wing $6000 counly buil lug $6000 registry uflice 313 one prlnlinz and postage $5 500 parking lot paving $4100 and olï¬ce rcnovallnn fur the road dcpaflmcnl $4000 Juvcnfle and Family Court $10500 reforestation 5000 luurlsl and Industrial $6000 ag rlcullure general 11000 weed canlml 5000 homes for he British Pblitical Circles Suggest Strengthening EFTA llllmi williel drclu nu wuuum did he Inld lhlnk um wlll ran nmlvil potlllon and fiunnwl qunml all Is conrlmuon Hanna dupened lolInllnl Mu wonlllm pnrlhl In menm mlllnnl In rle Wklnmlfll mm In uxwdad lo nllrmM mm In lhr ul flnulll 101 an ner dolmlc emmrnl hrulnllr mm at Anmvnm Mame ur pm Ilunllnllonl In llrlIlh mrm rm Hui Ihr lnmmnns mum bmhlp In Its Gunman Mum UN wan Wunuloml Illng Kr wu nodal In xho Mnnnlllun llrnlllmml poll II Irnldrnl Glullul nHrr In hrlp lltnmlllk kiln lhr nm Hm Mmhrl wlllwul llrilnln Krnl upmqu rnnrnn nrr lhl Imhlnl llrllnlnl nm mun Mmkrl drum MM mull nnl Immnlllmy IN MI rmlnll erMnR palm nhm won rl Imp In home helmn Iuynu in Hm pmnnn mu nIlmHnm nl lnmmnn HIM mrmMnMp litId uhd Ilvruxlhenm and run enlnrglnx HTA minhl lwlp mall up ur what llvlinln InIl lllmunh Mlnu rxrluvlnl lmm Ihr European Connnunlly hoped Hm nllrr you xcnllomcn have given our pm pmnl xcrioux mmldLrmion lyou wi1 nxrvo with us that me mn llmmd rrpcrmian of um line Is not mnomlcnlly mulled nnd lhnl arranztmcnlu am he made uhmvby II can mnlinuc In pro vlde ml urvlmx or your can hmd lrnfllc hy tnhrr Midland or Harri Inld Mr mom ll our Ilncrre hope that rIIlwny palms will make um Um nflrrnnthr dlipplnz mum nu the Canadian lemml lhul up mum In tn by he Iralllc Ihnl II vrewnlly twin lmmIIM over lhr Penn an Subdivhlnn he mncllkl Canpdian Nationa Railways spokesman advised members of Simcoevava Council today that me CNn had no nllomnlive but to apply to the Board of Transport commission for authority lo abandon the rail line hdwecn Panelmg and Col wcll on Highway 90 spokesman or he railway Hany Bloomfield nrcn mn nngcr Nonhvm Onlarlo lold council um um line mm or dislance of JIM miles mm the ptriod mm Nnvrmber 19 lo Odobor 1961 ha obtained only 374230 In synlcm revenues mm the hundllng of lvlnl of carlondn Inbound nnd lM cnrlnmh outbound The cmnm moan wllh hand ling lhl rallic nmounlcd to $110630 nnd msulltd in nu nnv nunl uyslem opcmllnx In L461 Recreation awarding tn the finance committee should be the same last year with the coun ty paying $15000 with no mare than 320000 being spent In total The Recreation committee nsk ed county grant in excess aged Georgian Manor mow Simcoe Manor 513000 equaliz alion 393077 Recommended appropriations nr Come boards County Lib rary IMO an increase ol $500 museum $2775 health unit $100000 he board has askcd or $112733 chudrcna ald socicly county mm 30 one outside wards 545000 and protection service $15000 at Inlal $210000 Ilkccllaneous rcqucslm South Simcoe Pioneer Museum A1115 nn no action Orillia Callexinte Band mm to help ï¬nance the bands goodwill muslcnl our to Jamaica at Easter and 525 In every member of council fur poslaxo durinl he an Erï¬cfgencyMeasures Organiz allon $4636 wilh ncl expandi lure 11 32901 to the counly ngcliujrmn Cltlfl Ofï¬cial Says Zheï¬enfléggéine Was Tloo Costfy x14 pponlllm mun In thernm mm In mm lo Hum 10 an ner dolmlc Alumrnn nlnlnncnl ur pm Ihr lnmmnns mum Tlu pllmr mluldrr lmllrulwl In mmlru Ivullhle whimt mrrnnl Um lu will mnh IlnllWM In lhl Ammnm In any The lnmuum mrrlu II no rm EMT dunl win In Hall mml hy mllnnu Pu lnld rt purlrlu Adm ulyolhrr ll Imlhl In lair In tapum lhnl Hm Uhlnll comldrllu lho v5 sult mrnt ML Ulrlmlmhr MM Than on ntmnd Irman Mo uln docllnul In In Illrlnl lho nnmllnn mmlr mm rmlml lllllumnlit null Hun lYllllrtl Slam In mu jumllvm wllll lho um Ilnln lllffll OITAWA HllYlrlmr MInI lrr Dirlculmkcn nmirfldnfl up IIl INHHHI ulnln 04th In mnlr any lmmrdlnlr cnmmrnl an II US ulnll Ilrpmlmrnll llllfltfl ulnlumnt Al Tornnln when ht hml lilIrd wrnklnx engnumcnl Mr Didrnhnku mld he wuuld mnko no cammrnl will he hml llllllkd the us Imlrmrnl Illcr Ms mum In llnun lyihrrnl 1mm rm Em xnhl hr Inuml mrprlnlng Ihnl Ihn US lhnuld lune Inch DITAWA CPiThe Unlled Stale hnx jumped feet ï¬rst into the Canadian nuclear debate with scalhing criticism of Cana dian government deience poilcy There was widespread spec ulallon here that the statement would provide he flashwinl or general elecuon call and campaign fought on the Issue of nuclear weapons Then discussinns have been exploratory In nature the Cn nndlan governmcnl has no as yet proposed my Arrangement suflitienlly pracllcal contrib ule cllrclively to Nnrlh Amer lcnn ddcnce mall murm mumsled he US was vuH nwure mch nlnlcmcnlIn mm Hm rcjndlnn or Mr Dlzlcnlmkcrl pnsilloncnuld bring on an nnll Amcrlcnn rcntlinn hul that It wm nrcnnrcd In Mum thl risk 1n mnkn mnan cllnh They ungucsltd lurllur Illnl US nallcnu mcr Canadas lmsilnllnn nhnut Mtrplnnre nurlonr wupnn hm ruched nu mcnkmu poInL flAhIHS IN CONFLICT The state department sued statement Wednesday night which look issue with mosl every point made by Prime Mlnislcr Dielcnbakcr In the Common delenca debate Friday Social Credit Leader Robert Thompson described the U5 statement as bombshell lo say he leastll cauld he lhe spark to apple ha govern men The state dcpanment sald ha shorfly nflcr he Cuba crisis last all lhe Canadian government proposed confl dcntlel discussions with the use concerning provision at nu clear wcawns or Canadlan me at home end In Europe It added chcnglllnslcr Harkness Edd Manda lhnl he helinvcd nuclear ngrcemenl with the can be Irrlved al In the near lulure Mr chlcnhnker said Friday Hm Ihe AngloAmcrlcnn Nas mu agreement placed doubt the nuclear rule lhe RCAF nlr diylslon Elgmpe The state department statement issutd In Washington and lhmulh the USt embassy here said nu this point The agreement made at annnu mien no question ninth nnprnprintrncs of nuclear wcnpnns Inr Cnnndinn 1mm in uliillinl lhblr NATO or NORAD oiflixntinns gums 9N 1mm REACTION T0 US Statement Disagrees With Diefenbakers Stand Wont Comment PM Upset Not Morn Than 7cPnr Copy16 Flag Snowflurdu Milder lunpera lures Law Wright High 16 ï¬or temple mmmary mm to flag mm Lbcél Wéaihér Inlnrmnnu ml Mrnu Illw Ill llmlmu ha lwrn wru lng mmme lhn Mme miw llrr had up Um uInnml lunul Sullmlay uml Monday mllllnlmz Mr llmknuu VIMa ml Mr Dlrtrnlmhnl xlrlunm Ilnlrmrnl 1M optmlllvn Fm nllemplid lnr uvornl day infl 11 NL Dloltnhlhr In AIMIulI Humor hi mm nub mu mmmlkn that in prim mlnigler lnl hidy um III In dellnlll mu II mulm mm lnr NUMD AM NATO Thu Ilhlnrl unlnn wnI errI or EST lulllmlnl run lnrmr IrrlMcn Mr Dirfmlm krr Mn lixlrnml MM Minh IN lirrrn lnhlnrl Hula mull I0 10 nm Mr lerhnlmhrr lm Ml yol mmlr Iuy nlmnrlll am In Amrvlun Ihllrmrnl Imml Ivy llu rlrhnuv Imr rml II Ilnla drvmlmrlll In WMh lulu VANTR IIMKINH drhMr ml MI mum up In Vrlxlny MINE ml 15 Thr US nnlumonl mn rlmlrd In In LME olhcr nllirx walme nl Hm US nu chnr urmmm would rrmrln wllh lho US Jnlnl mnlml hilly cnnmlrnl with nannnl mer elsnly rnn he walked nul In cmrr no me ml umpnm by Cnnndinn Mn1 NORAD ls designed to de lend the North American con lincn against air nltnck The Soviet bumbcr Heck will remain nl least the rest of this decade signitlcanl clcmcnl In the So vicl strike form An effective cnnlincnlnl dctcncc agnlnsl thi common threat is nectuar ML Diciraliaker mid Friday More and more then is nhasinl out In cnnnccllnn with lhn comher lhrcal The nialu departmrnl mid provision at nucicar wrnpnns to Canadian arm wnulii not In valvn expansion at indentmi nil nurioar capability or an crease In the nutlear club Mr chlrnlmktr hm MM We will do nolhlnn In exlcnd lhn nuclear lumily nml lhe nurlcnr druml ulll nul he Illcnflhtmd by he rxpnnslon hr mltlcnr family statement but hlamcd an Ihe mnflicllngwcrsion of delenca policy ILsald had come from Mr Dicfcnbakcr and Mr HarkA HESS Douglas New Dem0 crnllc Party leader said his re action was one of shock He said he expected an Illempl would be made lor an emer gency Commons debate on the mailer M1 Harkncss declln men Wednesday night Mr Diclnnhakcr last week did not indicale acceptance or reieclinn of nuclear warheads Mr Harkness said Mr Dialed baker had slated definite policy or Ihu acquisillnn ol nu clear arms in canaln IEllnl The USl statement said th CanadaUS dlscusslnns Mr Diofenbaker used the word ne goliatlonsdcall wilh provi sion nl nuclear warheads or Canadian forces in Europe as well in Canada Mr Didfln baker had rclcrred only Io CanA DEIMTE Mr chfénli nday more and more emphasis must he placed on conventional forces The MS statement saidn flexible and hnlantcd dclcnce requires Incrcnscd conventional forces but conventtanzl area are not an alternative to cite live NATO or NORAD Manta arrangcmcnts using nuclear The slalnmen nowhera named Mr Dielenbakcr or Mr lhrknesm and UI Commons dchalz had louched on NATOs need IoLmoEq gonyqnllunal farm dqcllncd cnm