Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1963, p. 9

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analar MIN uMl mu rnrrlully nu Inilnulm Holly Ladlnlna al ullnu In llghl rcign Icrror on the Great Lakesvicious bunlings slug lmzs nnd shootings from For evilflnm to Tmislllvlms also band he Internal np uullom of Um SIUparllo ularly Um recwheeling hlzh Ilvlm life of iLl presidunl Americanbum Hal Dunks And shed cw light on the SIUI hiring hull ll dual mmw bmhlp syslcm Ms wdfuw The Cu central body of Canadas rude uniun move menk sought the Investigation last resort to air it charges vinlcncc carrupllon gangslcrism and undcmucrallc uninnisgn 01mins the SIU Thrvugh his qua for War maiian the eaycarold Vancou ver jurist crust individualist with knack of grappling with main Issues has became the alarm centre in iho longsmoul dcring lrugglc bclwccn Um Ca nadian Labor Congress and its onelimu niiiilale he independ ent Scainrcrs International Un ionoi Canaan Th Ameman invcslignlion was set up lo uncover the cause at hbar violence and shipping disruption in the Ca nndlnn maritime induslry and recommend cure for them 153mm CENTRE Now it has become race against the Great Lakes haw and the start of the 1903 naviga tion seasonn vrace the judgo has indicated in ininnds to win by submilfinga report to Labor Minister Starr in time for early nqtioni muses at 88 pubhc sesslons since he laundlcd his inquiry lag Augusi Mr Juslicc Nurris has heard millions words of asu gnony ham close lo mo wil OTTAWA CWThe federal lnvnsllgalion of the roubles and turmoil on the wamrfronl ap pear tn be handing into ils Ii nal slngcs Marine Probe RaCes Against Thawing Ice Gary Shaver lunarold non driver in Templeton Que thinks he has his win SOMETHING NEW FOR THE SENATOR GIDDAP YOU LAZY KIDS 5U luln plum MIan nkllnu up smunr Gmnnll ummn gill an bolnl One 131le Hed Dickn baker prohnbly finally The mural my much of Mr Diclcnhukcrs spncch was so crypuc lhnl vnriuus dcduclluns can be madc from II but hu hnlicvcs some vnlld conclusions also caq nlrly be drawn has been supporlcd by an endless stream of pmpnganda Inillalcd by tho Unltod Stale Mr Force con curred in by our own RCAF and backed by the great Amer lcan Industries that end on 5132501 crgymxc The rcllrtd general say In an ankle wrillcn fur the lnwa Cillzen that fro It In cnplian NORAD ha never been other Khan huge mllflnry mud conceived In pnnlc In lhu chluganfj OHAWA CPMaGcn Macklin former Adjutant gcncml the Canadian Army says Prime Ministnr Dlelcn bakers conlrovcrslnl speech on nuclear arms In the Common last week may prove mile slone an the way to sensible defence policy Mr Justice Norris who has been accused of bins by SW ulficiuls will probably stick to his guns He has blamed ho The cvl use also lndicaled that the ordinary sailors have beenand sull arecaught In the constant power plays be tween rival union and ship nwncrs Macklin Says PMs Arms Speech Step To Realistic Defence Plan CAUGHI PLAYS plan vacation pay scheme nnd its me of semen accused of autism crlmes The union de Iended Itself against criUclsm and dcnicd responsibility far the violence or transportation licked but Rosa and Tony doni seem Impressed by the Idem Their nnnml In Sflmll In 51 hmle ll lvrvlmiu AUTIIDIKIZES PROBE HAMILTON CWCM coun cll hxcsdny mm authorized Mayor Victor Copy In arm commillcc la Invcsflgulu candl lluns nl lln millonl BanInn Strch Jul known In Onlnrin mnvicts nl Llule Devils lslnnd Finally there was the prima mlnlslcrs co III that greater and grcnler emphasis must be placed on canvanllonn arms and conventional Inrccs also looked an Ihuugh Mr Dielcnbakcr was warning that he CFIN might have be discarded at cunvcflcd other use man to wage nuclear war and so It was cntoumglng The next Inference wns mat the prlme minister naw appar ently rcnlizcd lha adaption of nuclear arms by Canada cannot Increase the value he do lcrrcnt This was slop ownrd delence sunily reaching the soulwracking can cluslon that the Roman missile and Voodoo interceptor nra without my military valu lie had been asked about pickeling violence and other in cidents with which Mr Gngne was linked in previous testi many the inquiry cant remember the an yeamld unionist repealed over and over again lo questinns about the SIUs Internal opera Hons 0n Tu exda Paul Gagne vice president of the SIU pleaded lurgeuulness more than 40 times under mlentlcss ques ti ng SIU of deliberately lrylng la stall the inquiry and delay raged 14 mmuuc 11ml Gary can treat them like dogs CF Wirephala nlinude seems indipnle HUME DRAMNTREMIJ Mnu anuul Ea run Wah nml Wm am mum mlnu In Ilr In mum huh INF 0mm ynur Fum lly lur min Smnmor n1 Envlnul ulmlAIJ lixqulnllo anlMln mm mm thick pnllrrn Tunmnl am my wllh unhlu mud arm lnrwmlnmlhm INN tnnlmralu rum mu munu nu ll RAVE IJI nm hlunrlulul srlnllnu or wllun finnlullml prlnln rmul lnr mmny rmyllvllm Inn hum alwm rallnr Mlh nlnya lwhcl M041 up mm Firm LITTLEABOY SLACKS IUIO 15 SIZES TO IX Sturdy lInnlnmrlnn Drlll ur Pnpltu In In hlm lenmxn mrmy plny day Hullbout pluln rulourn porkls lrlrcd lur Savings 886 COME SEE THE MANY BIG BARGAINS for as llttle as 88d Below aré just few of the greaterthanever Values Make note of the Savings some up to 42 then hurry to Zellers Remember at Zellers you can Chargelt No Money Down New propusais now under con sideration included nuihoriflng ledcrul authorities tarcqulre withdrawn oi any drug mm the market it there Is evidence its use may bedangerous and requirement that maniac tuma keep records oi where Ijhoy have Vdislribuicd their Amendments to the Food and Drug Act last lull permit the government to halt distribution at suspected drug Dr Marrcll said al though his Foodand Drugs Dj rcctomln ncled quickly once it was warnnd about last years malldomlde ragcdy hindsight Indicated the need hit more Faunom UFMWA CF Further strengthening of federal can trnls over pharmaceutical drugs was recommended before Commons committee Tuesday by the Moral health depart menta drugs chief Offer New Ideas For Drug Control ITA1TEIR SETS MENS SPORT SHIRT BUYI SEWNSAVEI mlMln and Ameunjlnr In mm am my wllh unldmlmar mm SM In lmml mullan up mu munu nu Health Mlnlstcr Mnnleith re porting an the lhalidomlde lrag Edy smd It was provlm dim cult to collect reliable stallstlcu So far the provinces had re ported Iotnl of 41 confirmed cases of defarmcd births nrlxlng put at the use of the dmg by mothers during pregnancy In nddltlon 70 infant delonnltles had beenrepnrled from Quebec 91 these hnd not hen classl IO vaincinl totals cl lhalldm mlde cases British inumbla Alberta Saskatchewan Munttaba Ontario 23 Nova Scatla aw ta control mean urcs should be llghtened over drugs inlhelr lcsllng or inves tlgalary stage rim tu federal approval In pu llc sale If the acts warranted ll the health minlsler should have Ihe aulhnr lly to Stop clinical Irlul at any drug promptly LITTLEGIRL SLIMS 188 5n SPECIAL HAVE Sim 10 to 13 Dashing lean Slrelcheex ncllonlnllared or condor plus Inl lery In everpopular black or whlla Good106m Vlscose nylon side than dclachablo no hands Rel 0599 Timely mm MENS SPECIAL ATHLETIC III llllUflTfl Mm While mun rlb knll erln mm mum blna ml In filmll um lnml duublo ml Kmlnl 288c IIEMHIFUL ILMTIC DMIIZI lo brlnl lhl mm Ebrlnl In My mm In you Mme Elm lo Colour mum ymlu medal 88c mum mm um um or mm Mlu ll Kym Iralhcr maul vmnp Am mMmr Ihll and llrel black or brown Elmplum anusl nun Wm Wnslmblo myun Janey llunUnK link In vmly MID hluo or yrllow Nulu Hm ndnp nhlo nrpllquu and leup Ilylc FEATURE BUVI ourna says the finding 01 the British study by Dr Alice Stewart and her col leagues Indicate the propurtion leukemia cases Induced by xray in North America may than eight purer The World Health Organiza tion estimates that the average exposure tn xrays in North America about seven times asgreat than Dritnin The Journal referred to tn cent survey In Erllnin Whtcheb muted that provldnd there was no threshold effect eight per cent or leukemia cases in Britain are caused by dlngnosllc Hays and 36 by therapeutic xgysr antineXBa¥s Are Suspected Death Cause In Leukemia Cases TORONTO CFlThe Cane dlnn Medical Assoclatlon Jour nal warns In It currentedillon lhul dbdnminnl xAraysa roulina medlcal examinations may he causing the death business executives ram leukemia executive hcalfin BARRIEE XAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN II 1963 REG VAlUES $149 VALUEPACKEDI FIRST QUALITY NYLONSI SIzes to Sheer seam Icss 400needIe l5denicr flatterch Its thrifty to choose seasons supply wise to bug several of one shade and match Enchanllng new Ins Inn shades Stockup NowI VISIT ZELLERS AND SEE THE MANY UNADVERTISED BUYS GRAND TOY BUV ILAITIC TOYI METAL TUVR MMM or all aural Bullan nwrlmml lnrlllllu lay nur wnlvllrr would lnvr lluy ll lnr linslrr glvlnu or llml $35 88 100 STIlHTCII NVHJN Sites In lil Tnddhrl nml Thlldrcn In 10 Warm and run lnrlnMu wondrrlul rhvlm mlnurn Slack up In Now nnd Ionwn nlundl The leukcmla group was matched with control group of more haum lndlvlduals cl slmilnr age sex and place 01 residence In the case dluguusuc xray the leukemia group had rccclved an average 70pm cenl more rndlalloncxposures la the trunk than the control gram The leukemia grounwns also found have received 3per ccnt more lhernpeulic xrayl than the control gmuv In Ontario between 1966 and Dr emut reported Ihnl In 500 cases of myelnd leukemia sludlcd there was dolinlte measurable incidence of leu kemln due lo xrnys examlnntluns Including xrayn to detect possible cancer alomach or bowels were sunf led by cancer speciallsls in Britain he Journal reports LEUKEMIA INDICATED SPECIALI VALUES TO $179l 88 341 am VIRIT 7f IZRS AND HER nlfi MANY UNMWEIUIREH IIIR llumm mm In pmly Mull 00 VALUEI Ill LUIJJIMTIZN Iml In your lnml Hand xlnslgn nu whll muuml gnIlmlmr vlm my mum llmn um 0r hlwndly N0 néwu FRMENT ounv ms PER MWFIK 1mm LTD so oumor pnom PA 880 to 10 uunlh Mm Laneur was danglhg mm thewiqdow Monday when she heard siren but the truck 5ng pnst lhehuuscrr Firemen were told flan chimney ire about the fire at the Lafieur home and they called olher stations or help The fire was put out In 15 min utes rs Frank Lancurwas saved when her husband lowered her to the graund In blanket Mr Laflcur then tied Ihc blanket to the bed Vang let himselg daw CmAWA CF wornnn dangling Jram secondstorey window of her humlnghoma went unnoticed by firemen on their way Io nearby chImney DruSlcwarts figures suggest chalk50 per cent or these cases could be saved if extreme care was Iaknn before ways In en sure the risk of leukemia ll negligible 1960 about 13 In 100000 mm aged between 40 and 55 died rum stomach neoplasms tu morsl Woman Bangles Saved Bv Husband ycHAaaasr

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