This hearty midwinter vegetable casserole is made from canned kernel corn and tomatoes seasoned with basil and onions Fried bread cubes are used to thick en the mixture The combination of soft tomatoes and firm corn provides both interesting texture and color contrasts This casserole would make an inter esting accompaniment for any number of main course dishes such as broiled steak sausages or fish SCALLOPED TOMATOES AND CORN Yield about servings cups diced rather stale bread tablespoons butter or margarine heated can tapprox 14 ounces kernel corn can 20 ounces tomatoes 14 teaspoon dried basil teaspoons granulated sugar tablespoons grated onion Preheat oven to 350 deg moderate Fry the bread cubes in the tablespoons heated butter or margarine stirring often until crisp and golden Drain corn and turn it into Beup casserole add tomatoes basil sugar grated onion and cup of the fried bread cubes mix well Sprinkle with re maining lried bread cubes Bake uncovered in pre heated oven 45 to 50 minutes EXIEDIH IHMH TUHONN CWTh my mIle lenlrll lurdlnrr Ex yummy nlnnj lh Nrnntn mum will In llnlnhrd In um my mr phml 04 MM Ille and Mlanle mm LN lb Mrmwnlilln rwmm mmmlummr mom Gnnl uldJlondIy Tim BAN EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN in ID Mrfnml Mu Amlry will um nn Nnnry In vulnu VEGETABLE VARIETY pae age neoo ed ounces or noodles tablespoons of margarine 15 cup finely chopped onions cup diced celery tablespoons flour to pup instant skim milk powder cup water teaspoon salt 13 teaspoon pepper VaA cup grated cheddar cheese cup canned tomatoes Heat the oven to 350 deg Grease quart cas serole Cook the noodles in large amount of boiling salted water until tender and then drain in sauce pan melt the margarine and cook the onion and celery until tender about 10 minutes Remove from the heat and add the flour and milk powder Slowly stir in the water Cook and stir until thickened Add the sca sonings and gratml chem In the greased casserole arrange alternate layers of noodles and cheese sauce Pour the tomato on and um the moderate oven for 30 to 35 minutes Serves to WASMM llliACll wuhllnl nl Inlnml look plum In lhn him lrnn Illmrh WMIIII Htnrh In lnn I7 whrn Mm Mllllll llnlrlnnn Aml Gur ulvm Anllry In mnnlml lruulanln me Mr nml Mn Vln min mrpllnn mu belvl lnr Ixrllnl va nl ana lulu llm mmr Mr Ind Mu Wally Mme It isnt always necessary to concentrate on the main dish of meal in order to perk up the menu Quite often the same effect can be achieved quite easily by varying the accompanying dishes The recipe for Scalloped Tomatoes and Corn is case in point This recipe is 0r supper dish It tor Mrs Fred Cou spark run be blown Inln blaze with enthusiasm Our 22 arold model who wralc cxurcln wxlh purple pm ion Is now cm chins flynusly She wrilflz ind In my Asmnishmonl lhnl Im mlinx In enlny lhe ox cruises mom every day As wing lhmunh hip slimmcr he Incllnx Im hulplnn In hnnlsh he humx hlslwll wnillnu 0r them In all all all by lenwhnl mm mm aka like em rm Milan 0an you SM mml nbom Hu rcwnnh lmpcmmwra yuu lonl hnvu In urco youmll Inla nctlnn hm he mum When cur wxnvthlnu urn It be dune TIM mm Imly nmll In nllm mum all Hm In and mu lnrhu with Mullins Hrro nrr llm rxtrclsu which rnnblnl Hum our mynlcry dirlcr nl hyrnr In IHIH Ir Hum uncl numlnr Inch mm mm up nlxml In Inrhu cnuuuh lnr clrarnnrev 11m lrrln lulu Hmllun Mnkn ulllr rlrclu mm In Illpl ll InmI In mm dimInn thn In next weeks column we hope to bring you the recipe for the prize winning cherry pic at the regional bakeoff to be held in Barrie on Saturday mm The the Ilnl um mu ynull m1 comman mlHnn Lying nn rlnh nlxlr hm pllhmul on nml lm ulrnlxhl down It leg on up ol Ixhl lru KEEP IN THE TRIM Vows Exchanged At Wasaga Beach ShapeUp With Daily Exercise Swing Into Slimming Program ll IDA JEAN KMN CHEESE AND TOMATO CASSEROLE cclpc is recommended as an Ideal luncheon dish It was contributed by the social edi Frcd Coulson KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON verse he dirccllon or 10 clrclcs Change rides and repeal Through part nl III rxcrrlsc pull Ixs Inward lnslcp through lhe tccnnd hull palm nu dawn hard Keep musclu contracted wink lonmrmw In Mr lulrllulny ymlr hummva mllcnlu Ihnl nul yrnr nlmuhl be In um Ionnny nwnnllnu mm mm 10 mlpolnl Pinrm nr Inlrl mlodl In mmmlnr Ind klnlwr Ihm you may he umlrr mm InnInn your nlnllnmhlpl mnlhl mm Pllumtly hppy durinl Iha mmlnl your Ind your Iodul Ihould be null nllanlnl Anaunl will In mum to tune Hood period or uullmrnul In MM Mm rm lhll day will he rmhmevl Illh lh wall In mnkc HM numlvï¬ why mm or damn lust will lhh lune up Sumo malnonl Agnln raise lop lag nboul l2 Inchu up The no lion brim under 1c up In mm he lnp ch nnd hold fla penl le Imu Chnnn 1ch and nxfnln nL Adlun loud It kme hrlskly Inward clwa Sham In Ilrnlzhl down and Mlow lhmuxh wllh nwinn he rcnr Hold CDNIL nlwnya 91an into hrlskly and holding an In unrwnrd xwlnx Finn lnflurnru wl mun pcnonnl nlnllonlhlm on Ia mormw 11 day will be one In thdI In rncounï¬o new Irrullhlpn nlmmhcn nvl HM and la pmklpnle In wdnl and lnrulkmnl nclMllu any Iypo Durlnl he pm lnok or name 00d mm mm nlnr Fl HIH HIIlTIIIMY Wklhin In nrll I1 mnnlhl nnlvt to main err 1on Hum um you hmoupfllnlly lhc HAHN Alllllllru Ind lhr IN Ilu ol lomlmhip lnr whirl yaur Ilm Ilnmln Donl however n1 low yrrur lunnln Irnllmmlnmy In Inllucnru llnnnml detlnlom or xlrnllngu You can mule roxlcm munu In mummy mulluhnwrlully dumut the lmlnntv ol HI month Mllrh Amlll7u mil Jmlmnnl mm IJu on um um leg ylrclghtdy Iluwn IOll NOR HOW THE STARS SAY H7 HST KHIJAITA She suggested French lanv gunge entries be sent to Laval Unlvarsity in Quebec City and the other to the University at Toronto sociolngy student some day could use them as source materialtor thesis on Canadian mothers Mrs Michc ncr said In later to the con text backers The letters many of lhem moving some humoraus allord revcnling glimpse of Canadian life Theres am from 14year old Sasknlchcwan glrl telling how her mother got her com munity lwu npcnnlr rinks The Idea was suggested by one at the Judges at last years contest Mrs Roland Miehener wife of the then Speaker 11 the Common She said the letters there were 700 In 1962 re vealed such Interesting material Canadian cammunity service and family life that they should be kept ol letters is being compiled nud will be offered lo lhe univer slllesl By JACK VAN DUSEN OTTAWA CPI Nnminal In letters fur lhe annual Cn nadian Mother of the Year con test may go into the archives of two universities MRS CHARLES EDOUARD Desmeules Mimi Que Eel his ol whamm Letters For MotherwrOf Yea Noted For Historical Value your confidence In our The response to our offer has been nothing short of tremendous and we wish to thank you for it We realize that without product we cannot pro grcss Once again Thank You If you call and allow our lead comnllnnr to glvo you Fm Food Analylil will gm you FOR THE NEXT DAYS While The City Wide Sale Is In Full SwingWe Will Continue Our Offer HOME ECONOMICS FOOD AND FREEZER lIMITED Bunch Ofllm Ron 5m Bmlo The 1962 mother was Mrs ChurlesEdauard Desmcules al Chlmullml Que mother Is and grandmolhur of 13 who was nominated by hall dozen locnl charitable and cultural groups who knew her as lire less worker and also by her new high schonl and siory hour or children libynry The search now is gain an or the 1933 Mother the Year and lellers are already flowing lnln Post 0mm Box 40 In 0b lawn New Judges will soon be named and me 1963 mother will be chosen in April Anyone may be nominmed but the winner judging rum prevlnus title hnlders will be an exceptional woman who some how has Iound lime to raise family and be leader In her cogrnunily Analher tells hnw woman cured sick caw by applying mustard plaster and covering the animal with her fur mat Ihc Ins remnant ol the city fluznce she 11 bchlnd when she mnved to Norlhern 0n lnrio arm Shé couldnt aflord voter lnarian and the cow hnd In get better because her children laliun min her daughter Mud eline after winning Um Can All PA 61562 wot WinMay CM1qu am CASSEROLE DISH weekly at he Mung whbridge Alla I961 mother was left widow with our chil dren when her youngest was lwo She started Aunt Dorothys Playhnusein her home gainan Income In put her children through unlvcrsily while becom lng known as nun through the years to 2000 youngslers Mrs DeGraot RE glna was honored In 1959 or her work with retarded chil dren and Mrs Lillian Spless Toronto was the first winner In 1953 or yearround work wilh her husband In make lays for needy children to he distributed al Christmas adlan Mother M2 award Malak Mm Dorothy Gentleman ol LANDERS Den Ann We haw been married seven years have lovely home4 exceflenl job and are content For personal reasons whlch do not wish to divume lannyqug we hqve no chlldren run and they badger us mercilessly because we have nonc ihey in sin somelhinz must be drastic Illy wrong with usthat we are teliixh and shortaighkeli The stock phrase Is You dnnt knowwha youre missing They nisu iay we will no doubt emiup in the divorce court be cause marriage withqut chil dren is sure to inli Why dont people leave us alone qant see how our chm leashes allecls them Please Ann print lhl letter and lnlorm the meddlers that all couples without children are not miser able And can you tell us how to deal wlth thl problem la the MuralIRATE Dm Ink can lhhlk at no subject more prlvnte or person than lhls one childless couple nwe neither apology nor explan allon In outsiders When Ihe subject came up say Weve boat that topic into Ike ground now lets Ialk about something else HIGH PRICE TAG Dear Ann when read letters from single girls In love with manicd men ache In tell my story Im pulling It no longer Childless By Choice Néeds No Explanation Eleven years am began an TOMATOES GREEN BEANS POIAIUES Fresh Fruits and chclablns Golden Ripe No Grade MARMALADE 2133€ BANANAS 49 Iona Grapahui 0man WHOLE BEETS AP PEAS MP Chain Qualify Cholcu Qualiiy Jone Pavlm CHERRY PiE Blade R995 McutY WELL TRIMMED Rib Rogï¬té Him GROUND CHOICE QUALIW SKINLESS BEEF1 El iBEï¬KCON Erihlom sinoxso BLADE BONE REMOVED CASE OF 24 IINS 5339SAVE 57 Reg Price Ilnl incSAVE l7 CASE OF 24 IINS $396SAVE 43 Reg Pvln lim 37zSAVE 11c mm mm tux mle nllau wllha handsome man He said his wlte had an lncurable Illness and couldnt live more than two years ihadn lineth lovely apnrtmcnl and beauiiiui dailies Soon was spending so much lime mnningoli over the coun try in be with him Mme no one wouldmee us that lost my position and hadla take pinMime 30b Heron long had inancini troubles was re duced to bargain counter shop ping doing my ownvlmir and skipping the dcnilsL Then leamud about other wqmen in his Iile He was spflntlng out town with his secretary and uklng an uld flame to dinner was crushed By his time in years had passed His wfle never looked better and never looked wane didnt even bother to In Mr Wonderful goodbye lell Lawn and am now struggling to mnke new life Perhaps this letter wlll help other oollsll girls who am playhm the me camel PAID IN FULL Dem Puld Your letter ls solld alimony to the high price law murals Thank you for pul ling It down on paper HELP TO REIMBILITATE Dear Ann Can you help me 32L rid an aid lush It wouldnt be such problem if he werent my husbands lather when we look hlm in It wa supposed to be tempera CANARV ISIAHD IRIllIS GROWN HEM 5W AHD YASW NO GRADE Short 0r Clo Rib ALI BEEF HAEBERO HTMNGI NO Hle FIJI lABu MOCK mu NO GIADE Inn EIEED mumzss SLICED Kill 50 49 log Price and 55cSAVE 10¢ Three years have passed and hes still here He has had several jobs but spends an 01 his money an 11 quur We cant keep haltle ol brandy In the house laxHands He drinks every droy we didnLbuy him clothes hed be in raga We set up charge ac count or him at lhc barber 5th at hed never get haircut My husband agrees his Miler should get m3 but he yang ma to tell Mm say 11 his place If somethan happenedm Mm nner asked him to leave Id feel responsible Help please BARBARA Dear 3mm admire your inrbearance but what the man nccds is help Naming in your Ieuer indicates you have iried to straighten out his drinking problem Instead of heaving the poor guy out In the street and hoping he doesnt get hit by bus why not lnveilgate the rehabilitation aniline In your city AA In the phone book Crnlzhursl Shady Ruth Gamble was elected president 01 the Craighursk 4H club at its ï¬rst meeting held at the home one of the leaders Mrs Max Craig Hostess la Ihe second meeting was the second leader Mrs Gamble Zoflmvim Other officers secretary Kay Shanahan treasurer Sheila Craig and press representative Jeanette Jensen The club name Crnlghunl PinaFour It theme in sep arate or summer New President 0f 4H Club Hag AleSAVE lava 14oz pie