Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1963, p. 3

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NES quager Relates Story Of Collusion 11w mm 1111 HMI Hut In an nwnmms no mum at Industry ml Inn lmu wllhn Ilm mmmunlly Thrhlnl lnlumm and bml nMu xvmvlde pmwily my MINm ml Irllhalunml mummy mmrmmlly nInHy IIMI lor ll hp m9 Hum mud nmle or maul mull Ind orlidmry Many municlpnlilin hare and mnnums ml mflml traumul plnm ullkh unch1 and Im In km Mr Klmu hlluNl Mayor Murhnmp wlflu liw lmlc re mnuihmnu Imlnsllm dun In Ml humer mxl tullullc your prwlfl mm vulva in dyunmlc kmlvuhlp nod ulvm you haw munrrlpalily of Mluulmflc Imam llm ll In ho Hum In mumKI 11w Wind 1111 Ind llw llrlmmlhihly And lulu nhl Wm pic of Mr Kln Wk Ila wn lnlmluml lly Irrntkm Vlll Lnflmw nml llmnkml by John llohlnl will llrummnlmrnmr Mm nlw Inlmthlml ha olme Imkl er Km Wnlll arm HEHIONRHHIJTIKH Wlllnnl Iilnxlo mayor of mm W30 nddrcsml lho Klwmxll Club Midland on he occnslvn hr nnnunl Clvlc Day Ibo Imrulnn HolnL Mnyur llrrh Hemxchnm mrm hm of lawn rmlnr rink Dnvv Ilnck nnd pullLilm on Han mm Al Um IINNI labia 0m lhrm wall Donnhl 1mm lumlrrly of Harris elem1 nn nMNmnn lnr wan In In yrnr new mldmro Mkllnnd However he firmly mlused lo cummlt hhnsoll In wrlllnn In the final analysis Ihe lnsnrnnm olllccr hml no tlmlw but In no This Mu statement Um cqud mcnn nnylhlng It nIrIy crch am or fallowurn Conm mndencc produced no lurlhcr clnrlncnllom but finally cnII In person by an lnIurctmcnl nmm draw lho vcrbul ndmll Ilon Irom II cmpluycr Ihnl he lhno uLmplnyces hnd Indeed been guilty men In vnrlous lurnu the employer was 5de lo give vcrsicm lhn reason why his employ ees had been rnlcascd was at this 51330 that our case histow bcgnme on of colluslon The uy returned the scpnrullon 1mm merely nol 1m lhnl lhc lhme claimants had been released bccuum branch of cumpuny regula Iion In thls case the reason given for separntlon was so beautifully vague that he tnsurnnce oflicer suspected the real renson might not be able to stnnd close scru tlny few shrewd question confirmed the susplcion ul lhough It didnt change the claimant stories ICELY VAGUE Former Barrie Mayor Outlines Duties To Midland Councillors Gcncrally uncmplaymcnl ln surance officers get In know hu man nature pretty well ll they recognize that justice must be tempered wllh mercy Lhoy nlsn recognlze lhal many people wlll lake mile ll you glvu hcm an lnclL But for he Unemployment Insurance Commission the mul ler was just beginning because the nowunemployed clerks duly lodged dalms for unemployment insurance bcnnm All lhrce calmly slalcd they had lost Ihelr jobs because breach or com pan lalions AII three were summarily 11 ed but no further action was taken against them mainly be nnuseof he companys public lolations policy There the ma ler ended as far as the com pany wns conccgned Here is what happened Somu six months ago after along in vestigalion of he activities 01 Ihree employees the proinciive agency of large supermarket chain obtained lull evidence of thigvery One employee was converting savings stamps to her own use second was in caiinsion with shoppers registering incorrect amounts on the cash register And Lhird was guilty the 91 company property The complete frustration of legal proces and those involved inndmnistgflpg it thieves that In some cases All leasl crime dues pay $9M DRAIN An unwarranted drain some ernn the Unemployment surance Fund part of which cage pufi hi own paglgpl Nowhere this better Illus trated than in the following case history wherein an emplnyer by leuinalhe truth but not The whole truh produced the allowing results By KRAEMEE Manager Nullonul Employpen Service There very good reason why person under oath ls re quired to tell not only The truth but aiso The whula truth It is because The Irulh but not The whole truth can be just as mislead hug and Just as inimical to he ends of Justice nu oul andout lle THE BAan EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JAN an 1963 ML Klmk rhnllmlnl mun mlxllc In mm nwaln lu um ml Inn mth pmmllml mun ml mun during pullllcnl rnmpnlgnlna mid liw mum 10 mull My llulllr oh la lnmlm In no Mm III mm high IIIPI le ddrlu Mn Iml mm lmllvldunl In lmvllwlu mum Illn rnn Iml cvmlnnlly In our mnvlv raylnu nll llulr onrnmu zuvnmnml my nwmmrnl lookinl anrr llwm In mcnllwl rmlk Eran no mmy nm wlval mpwm hm mvunl lha llnln You lrmlum 1m VMIIMI Linn II umhlm until you put lnu ncllon 11m lourflI Fmqu bqulnnx prinpr applied la clvle townme Fur mmn Imnrllwrrnhlu Nnmn ll mun ly wall xuvommenl mud mam In do My Dunn prlvnlo en lcrprlxu Nu mam glowing nmplll could be quulnl Hum norm he rtrmt mlmlulom mnlnhml In llm Han llth wt 1M novcnunrnh ham wen like nnurll Mum1m In Irnlnr owrnmrnu lhlu nnL we no Im not Mn Kullllcu And flunlly Du donlop wvlfnm Mala In your num klpnhly Innmllnnn K1 no main damnr lhlm ml Hm wrllnm Ilnla Illlch ll mu Uuur kIull kwhllm mu llnnlly ummunhm 11 m1 damnr of Ihln In llml run ml do ulml mm In our on 1va and Him 058 IIIOIITH sumnob Thorpe 71 1911111 lmlncr In Saran Ilncn Maura farmer mlnlslnr nl lnlmr and Ian 01 II armor pre mler under me Spanish mun Mchy Mnmnule Alla Dnn Morkcbvrg 90 plonccr Alberta dalrymnn and larmcr member he pmvlnclnl lguislnlure nrnmlon MamDru IL Vln tent Kidd 57 head or the chem lxtry department of Brandon Collegeg at heart nllnck Guelphnlxon Rnucr 77 an mur publlshcr and cdilor 01 Pm weekly Arlhur Enlnrprisc New There are course weapon In combat Ihc unscrupulous arm Confirmation of Reason or Separation which lhe UIC nsks employm Io cnmplcle and return not just nnoher lcnglh Government red lupo It Is working lnol great import nnco In malnlnlnlng the lnlcg rlly yncnluployrn nljnslgmnce All um ncdcd the lull cooperation of employers providing he we not only wil the truth but with the whole truth The value at unemployment lnsnrnnce payments to bonn tide unemployed personé is unquest loned The economic and social henclils boll to lho lndivldual and to society have been clear ly dcmanslrnlcd over he pnsl 20 years not continued perver slon ol lhe plan by nn unscru ulous mlnorlly wlll serious crflic ll mclulncss Finally lhcre ls he mullet nl permitting sound soclal ln suranu plan In be used in ways thnt will ultimately bring it lnlo public corlllempL llis reasons or not telling lJu whole truth were first desire lo awld any public scandal not valid reason since inlormallon given to UK ls held mnlidcnilal llis second rcasrrn was quasiplausible desire no Lo hit anyone when hes down But surely thls second reason would In almost all cases be the antithesis of sound ethical uehavlnur Surely it must no everyonos responsibilin to make liningdoing ns prolillcss as pas second point ls purely elhlcal one In the laregolng case hlslory the employer was In collusion with his cxworkeu in only an lncldemnl way AVOID SCANDAL Obviously the plan Is to go on workIng revenue must be adequateand in the long rum Improper payments can only re sult In unnecessarIly high con IrIbuIions For the employer wiLh hundreds of employees even low cent week Increase In contribullons can mean sub stanIIal annual Increase in costs But ns inr in unemployment insuranca concerned the ial lncy here is that it isnt Gov ernment mnney By far the greatest source is individual contributions workers and em ploym mnnles that are held in trust by the Unemployment InsuranceCommlssion This story raises number lnlerestlng paints 11w first 11 Ihe notuncommon public bellel that swindllng the Government Is not in he same scale at wrongdoing ether types dignncsly cept Lhu campanyl evasion of the whole mm with the re sult that all three culerks es tablished entitlement to benefit DEATHS fr nun DAN MRH The xxva rlw cl hulnun on In woxlrm typo Iplnro xlannE Iunmml by Mar 1k nrwl DIIUM Mum Dam Atuwlnlhm lwlnxu lele In Juluwm HIM Mum om lrullnnl wlll IR Elm 16 Ill lylndmmm mmmnclng It olgm mm Al Amnénm Tatum will Innycl Ibo danc MHNTM HMHI 11m muml mman at nm Tanmlinn Month 0th An mlnllnm Unrrlu lrraurll will Irv InM lnnIuIII no at he Llhrnry llnIl aunt nwnkrr wIII In lIr JoIm II Mrhrwn myrlllntrIul Iluwrinlomlrnl IIIIIUann llmvllnl 0r DIIIuflmI Chlldnn IIIMKEY HM Ilnrrhl lmml play MMIIIINI at lhn IornI mm clzm orIurII lhlx mmImt In Im ox IuhIllml Inhlm hockey Mull IIIONW CLINIC II lum nmwerlnu rlleIc lIII he IIKI mIKIil Trinily IMIuII IInIl htIIIn MIMI II lIvanl to right nrhwk 1h rllnIc II mnwvml Ivy lInnIa uan mmmrrl Any om Inltrruud II 1mm 10 MIMI lOCAL GENERAL mu hxhhc mulnlrm win but nulllrlcnuy nhlmlnl In wnrmnt lIm council luvInning Hm wholu bunkn wluld Im gum la In 700 In llmxzhl council could lIrIp will Mia Nadwci was llxu Immlly num hm Imc ono of lho mm dmlmll thlnszs in nlablishlnz Um VON In Innin WM flann clnl support lirs1 nmldcnl he buunl Quinlan anld Flnnnclng lhc vmrk wmdd ho tho erI lilllcllly nnd ho Mm mink nut that lhu presided In meeting salt Mk Nodwclln work was Ex cellent nnd nnrrln gut its value out the momy apcnl on mmmunily nurse nw Victorian Order of Nur ses Barrio branch calcbrmes It 40th nnnlwmnry tonight in IL symposium dinner and an nual mcclinz nu no Laile Rosldcm On Jan 17 151 final organ ImUonal work that Damn scan lwo mnnlJu previous was completed Young who Mn dmrlm at he THE MODERN Cooler am In be used for displaying pm dum mh fruit dairy prod um and mean Employees Percy Cole and Zig Blolcc Barries VON Started Jan 17 Forty Years Ago HILL Canada Ltd 15 60mg H51 in mflflm to strengthen the economy at the Province and Barrie To day the company Ls freight Vldnrln Inxpllnl Mm II II Imzuwn rd Im hmummk mfim llev Sum mm Wealmlnwtcr lrewhym Inn inmh Mrl AIIINIJN llnhon Mum Smmflmld ml nlnr trump Huh ml Mm llmmn nurnolndmmo nl In VON 1m bonni mm lhnt mm wan Quinlan wcsidrnl Dr nxmbull vlceprcxidcnt and IL Wilson nmumv rcMurrr Cnmmlutr mtm chrx wm Mrs 01km Mm Tnmbull Mrs Vamnn Hummer Ryan Mn Knlnhl ML Hny Lhingslrmr ll 0rd Ml Emma Klnx Crvplluln Hunfl Mu va Iln Ninth Mix Eluoodc Mu Dnlry Madmm Ind mez Fer llml Ime Um VON mu lmn Mrll rmunlml ncrrmd and am pnrml hy Bantu PROFESSOR KR Imluwr flunkan aim presklrm ha Onlnrlo Socltly on Aalnn rum lmhmlml Innterln to 10 upenkrrn ml 1rd mn bu luppllnl Ivy Dn Alklm mullml null 110an Tonbmul lmlcmyr Goulrllng he Unlrcnllly Tommon amid kn mi Inn ol AglmzA mummnlty mvlm mmmmmn Jusllce Inspector of be Childrens Md Soclcty said he had bfllcr vppoflunny than nnyuno rise to my Iho med of such nursing zenIto meeting In the Pullco Court on Jun 17 suxgcslpd This work amid b0 undemkcn by the SQ clnl Service Dcpnrtmonc ma Royal Vldorla Howilnl are shown working on the modern uniis in preparation for shipping to licdiord Eng land jusi outside hmdom Examiner thos Nansen ficepresflcm and out ofmuiylwm met modern dLsplay cool ers or use by supermaxket In Bedfmd England Dénald TOP QUALITY Call Don Koopmuns PA 66314 HEATING OILS Comm Onlnrlo Sales and Ad CM 13 sponsoring Window Dlsplriy Comm In conjunclion with llnrrle Vinlcr Cnrnlvnl Th1 cluh will judge wlndow Feb 16 an flucir cnmlvnl hrnm lrmnlnllon ho Smlumm lrmnlnllon lie Smlumw Trophy will be Inmln llm mcctlnx Frlv 20 Smnkrr wlll ho Ml llrlly McCrnckm own of McClmn nnvl Co Wu are making cfloru to Insure that this order is Just the start of many In the In um said Donald Nansen vlce presidml and general manager of Hill The unIls more Ihan 300 feet In length will he used or dis play produce rash Imit dnlry produclsand moat To Indicate Ihe Immcdlaiu value hat his type of 5an has or the community it oak more than 1090 mmth of labor to construd flu modern units The substanllnl export order bound or llalilnx and ll will then be shippcd Redford England 11 display coolers were sold to large supenmr kcl chain with slam in Eng land Industries across the province and in Barrie have manila that to keen their place in an expanding economy they must go out and find me buslness that Is available from other caunlri This is what was done by Hill of Canada Ltd and to day the large Barrie firm is lreightirrz more than 530000 worth 01 ultramodcrn display mulers Mr Dumonl AI umlnum Danha say he well satisfied with Hummer Want Ad mulls lie ahead In ad roccnlly hlre cle phono ranvmzr nnd mlwd mom man 25 calls The pas Hun wag qni flllgd Examiner an do the job quickly To plnco your all Illnl 82 Ind lrlondly ud Inker will nsxls you In wording your message Club Sponsoxs Window Contest nhlng help Your but be is In use Examiner Wm Ads They produce results Isl and HAMMONDS WANT HELP TRY AN AD Local Products Go To England general managermlfi VuHfll 109 um cmployeocom plates freighting The employ ee Is John hiacGregor This WeekThese People can IT COSTS 55 AT 23 Colllor Sim Navy mane xpokumen mm The league nMioane or unnlmllon whlch ulm spcclnh Iml Iralnlnu In ymmK boyl and glrln ncmu Cmmh In dim patrldlsm nod Icmlvr The cMHnn commmco ho Navy IMon Cnnmh nar Ha branch cxmmd np predation to five Bnnlo firms for wnlrflmllons la he loaguc youlh lrninlnn program The mu nm Mnnslickl Rub ber Canndn Lid Cooke cm nxo and Storage ML Cnnadlnn General Elmdc Sway Molar ride ML and unrrlo mlcsme He said the Party had what he would run llke lo vole or In fill Issue nu hey are lllll In lway Party member uld ll NATO would accept nuclei nms Camdl should wlthdnw from NATO So In hero hasnt been alngle pccp om ol NDP mfmben cl pprlllmcnlz Heralattd 50¢de wfll spllt on lhls nu they no onngvcryglylng elsg 77Cnoucklc in in East say no and hammer in the West nys wo ulnll or should uxo Ptarson said three months agu thn Canudn should accept nurlcar arm One mamh ago he slid that benusc of Nor shds remarks we must accept Ihem only negolllte or enn venl null wgapgnl The imp mien noicd Fm 5501 hianughi in spend millions ui dollm lar warheldli which we dont wnnl which we will neggiinic anrxcivps nui oi UlunHIc confusion Im soy position Taking the governing parties brought the October Cuban rhu in Ottawa Preiessor McNaughK made blunt stnh at ench one at them The PC Ire split wide open on the Issue Prime Minister Dicfenhakers policy to avald declslan It Iny cost prior to an election The un erals nrc the mont dannemus Orr recnrd Lester Pearson rald one Ind hall years ago Ihlt If it ever came to when hope would cease for toll dinrm nmcnt the Llhenlr would nd vatate nuclear Irml Now they d9 ndvnente them pro esmr often referred to the bslance 01 error opposed la the balance of ac tual power and with this align jntu play mum We Ire far mm Kn the nuclear Irmsnctlhan we an ant of it he uld The d1 puge is on noncmtent sub or issue Ive argued for 50mg time that hedebate is shun Weve Iccepled the 3111 Inc agreements In referring to NATO Ind NORAD Ind long we emertnin hn notion that security Hes within the must heavily armed nauun it would be sheer hypocrisy to any wadont bploug hepmfexsor elnbouted an the various polluul pardon in the Canadian Gamnment and cited dlract exlmples con lndicflon within same pnrdes when It came the issue nuclear nrmsu leeum Manufiht spaké at 1951th meeting of the Study Gmnp at We Library Hill 1252 MORE IN Fondue first dinein recorded hlsuny the hue of guclear dis armrmem hvmhout madam So Inswered Professor Ken neh McNaught historim this Unlvmfly of Toronto to ques lion mm 6191100 meeting of he Bnnle Study Group on Ngclegx Armmam Navy Committee Appreciates Aid Cdnadar Is 1171 Race Ofiucleqr Weapons PROFESSOR TELLS BARBIE AUDIENCE DISCOUNT HOME nu mm In mm Imc 1Ily mu duyslmlbn Th p0 at many mennm llml In the Nnvy Anxuo An opportunity to serve their Qmmllnlly Ivy Many Barrio boys have cx rlcnccd some or the onportun In orfeml by the Navy IA Rue twowcck summer rain Inx sculon IIMCS Acadia Iwwmnlh rado lmlninz mum at IIMCS Cornwallis NS nnd tmisu on 110an Cimmllnn Navy nnd American wnrshlpl omnny pqng odm world Lena nvmlahlc lo Scn Cadet and armor Sm CMcu upon mm Ingmllrnrn nml universities however flu he flak Involved muld no have bmn as disastrous the risk Involved In lam annihila uan Ind Out We would he prepared or ccrtnln mclsum of dummy lhcre cannot 100 per cent attentive syucm Inspection TWO REASONS in Mid am con when asked what he Canadian muld suggest to do in Ughk ml problem and flu town Cuban xlkuntion he re pllnd that the orlglnnl auggow Man or Pmmlar Khrushchcvn plan or ounyear disarm1 amen program should have been pm la the We have spent 11 year of confusion In trying to prove tha Russia was wrong Ind what ever wo ndvomcd wu right We sunled In 1945 wlu nrms rcducflon and hive spent 52 hllion dollar for delenco budget In me States In 1362 In reaching some form or an answer to vim In do Pm lessor McNuugM brought home the point that we should never conclude anylhlng without bear ing In mind the Russorelations slnce 1917 It is hard cum He cllcd narrower example 01 um background when he re erred In the year mm ms and said lhnl We seem to be unable to generalize even What we know nbout what going In going mm detail IbDM than bnckground of the question al stake he menfloned that mnjor pmhlgm tang Io he pmsenged He cited Cuba as the prlme example Canada unnot mké up Its mind We nw It crisis and we said we 00 In stead at trying undmtnnd uw situation 1mm where wc The logical conclusion that ho ledmlchn in therm away desert oi the State ln he only qualified nun to know the value of the question lhe alr sauce opinion reflects zen enl lack oipmeption wncern in lime Problems his the case in every major problem he slid within pmcedenu nut 01 their historical frame without their back The snoutIon hrgely the result at large absence of public opinion He returned to Toronto newspayer that car ried out poll and noted that many responded to say they hnd no opinion on the matter whatsoever them orour Eurapnn forces butunt LhaCuudlAn one at home hammmdersllnd the line he mentioned Since when He nuclear arm clean in Enmpe and dlny in Canada max ox OPINION wa did this mmizncued and unsolved lune ever come Ibout 1n the line glace7 PA um KENNYSGARDENS 11 not wwmod onau or Ch new land III dm clmu slam nlylo mu wkh nr lull lumhurl Pplclmr 1onqu llroucd In doc no menu he lux Ruled Canndn Imp Inn mm flu51m because an All mm would IUII be mnlnmncd wllh the United sum Ind Rumn Communists Ind Ill communlm far um mlllcr were hula enemy He 1h risk to tho Cuban Humlon Ind Iald lhnl When the Cuban ncccpfld what the wnrld wu old wcru dclcnm mlssllcl mm Russia the Cnnndhn wuuld accept Imm he United Stile limlllr dclcnto missiles xugusdons for what Cnnadl should do was In work or the dissolution ll 11mm nnd ohlnln scvmd arm or lndcpcndencn Ho Id mflled wnuld run the ml some Canndnu northern ham being occupied by Amer mn toms In delcndlng his sulemcn Um Canada Already In Em nuclear club In mile the does nnlwlsh 10 be He first slaled he wu ngnlnst Presldenl Kennedys unilateral declsinn because the world was suddenly on lha brink wnx and menlloned um President Kennedy could have nvened tha situnllon by mutual diplomgtlc procedures But the way he dld lt wnl such that It gave lflamshcllev so lluln llme to declde whether Kennedy would push the Issue 2nd enough lme to let Khruslp chev dwell upon the credibility at whether Kennedy would push the button or not nun on mumbexj he gllegl mum my cum exampcs ol Amrricnn SAC bombers being Muellch mm an bases We suppon In 1111mm whirl runs the risk of destroy lug nut gall In pmeni coldwar xlull Ion dependent on the balance of terror meemr McNaught Illustrated the essence cred Ibluty In hum camps and cited the ban example such Ufltn Ia KENNY LEM cemedlhere In two prim argument to Justfly our mem bership In an mlfllary all ances the security Ignlnst communism require new United Nations defence sysmn based on most Idvanced 5y tem of nuclear warhuds nvulIA able Ind secondly due the complexfly of nuclear weapons the ordinary citizents unable to nuke an intelligent decision Canndlans hélr the lack facts and them is definite re luclance to nuke political teak other dlg Can dls farm 01 democradc gov ernment by Jaylug Emm quarter of our Royal Oommll sinus Ira Appointed by the gov emmen that doesnt wait 30 make up It mind When the Pflme Mum doesnt wnnl to make up jg minafihanppulnl Royil Com mission He went one Rep further on the lack Information and said It um ha quesflon Inadequate informnuonfihut the ability to comprehend the mountain oLmt that alraady face Bringing pubiicnaoflon to the fore he mentioned Hm may people represl their com prehension oi me am on the munds that liza fact are too gruelling to live wliil or con versely ton overwhelming to In ordimry mm to do Anything about it MAN WORRY BETTER 0N FULL NTOMACII Fl ul IF YEAREND BILLS GET YOU DOWN IAKEOUT unnsns rm nmvmv PA 60281 CHINESE FOOD unlnrlu llll

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