Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jan 1963, p. 2

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mu non Amn Irm Au IN Ink MIMI In numh mm mm mu AVIIM hauauIIu mu can Wm WIDE not Iflll Ml MMMQnlnmwmnl Ham mot6mg mun rm Cm gm En 7er mum on AmIM Amum Annml nIol Mumlnlum Mum an Am An Mu nun ul MnnL mm NI Tol mm um IV To Imp Cm mum Im rmnl PM lhmlfll AI Flu3 Mr llihllnnl 74M pnnlculnr lrilnlll HIP mumy nnll 0m Township for their excrllcnl Olhcr xpczlkrr Introduch by Word Crromanlm Neville Kudzu aonvml manager Hm Gmmlnn llny lyovclopnwnl mhllon lmhnlul Alhm D1 Conkry Wnnlcn Slmmo Oounly nnd Hill Cmnslun clminxmn ho Tour In Cmmnillro Um lkommlc Council of Ontario fllcm me 40 5k chum In he Gmruinn my mgion said Mr Ithrhy IN mm mt nklinu mu Iwmming Canada mam winter sport As lLDlVl Hm IKII over Hm replace Mr Lblhcrby said the club had put mat value on the property Jus nl ski mm In the may Invi done The club which will even Imlly become yearround re Including gall course and lwimmin pool was nfliclully by Llayd lullaby nipv for fiimcoo The words at praise were heaped on Bill Lohuaru owner of Horseshoe Valley Ski Club by On Township Reeve Gwrge McKay Reeve McKay was one of many premium munici pal oflicinls auending the grand ppening the club ycnelday Only good can come to tho lownship through Mr Lahuurua efforts said Reeve MtKny fWo hank him And wNI him n1 he bcsl He look some praclinally unusable land and made in one the most beaufilul and busy areas in the launship SPEAKERS AT the grand opening of Horseshoe Valley Ski Club ymctday wcm lmrn lcfl Albcn DoConkcy Wan Simone County Reeve Lauds Work On Ski Club Land ART LUKER 19 lkling pmfusional and Gordon Wal lace manager race through TODAYS STOCK PRICES mummy by last nu Illrm 7mm Im mm hum Tl Ii rm lllmu nmu um mth mm an mm ny Flynn II Dunlap lllnll imI ANIyl mm nIr mm In HIHII rm I7 Uuh INDUSTRIAL MINING The City Harris proceed Inx withlhn Kmb1543 Nonvny anle Inn for plum na In in 74 ubmfl mdL 11w Public Wmlm mnmillrc Inn Immwml Ml Ibo My nl golfing mlolnllonl on II rm munmmnn ha been nponslble lnr llarrlel cxlcnslvu tree mgrnm culling and re plant Ald Les Jollmo ha hem picked by My Council In mp rcson Barrie in he Internation ul Shndc Tm Conform In Ollawa next month The mnmcnce will be held Feb nnd In maklllg he appoinlmenl sumn numbers at muncil own530d the onlnlon lhnl Hm clly would urcany bon cm mm the finding of AM Jollillo Iolliffe Delegate To Tree Conference Mom than loo guests Mn Lohaum enjoyed bulfcn ski ing film and practical demon stratlon how ski palm City To Buy 400 Maple Trees To Beautiiy Residential Areas warka to help an laklcr cooperation 350 hailed Hath Liule viceprusidcnt or Barrie Glambcr at 001mm or helping runcndMLSly 90y gm5w MPP Simeon Em Neville Keefe general manager of GBDA resort owner Eill uhuam George McKay Reeve 0m Mm the ribbonto dlkhlly wen he ski stcs Horseshoe Valley Ski Club Mon than im UN muy um 94 M4 Noma NI Mum Irln rm omn nk lllllvl filmyum Hill Mill TMle llk In Tum 1m 11 lu xi flu plnnllm will b0 undon ukm by In now Pub Mangum you In city plnnlad About 10 mumv lllnt Ille clly would be hdlcr 1th ll It puran Golden mi km rumm than Nor wny anh to Moll Um pm lam lcnvu Ha Wm prompt ly Inlan by AM In Joulflo hm II 1le had lrlul MI Mm km and lound Hm Ina Golden mu won mug th dlnau anul Trmpenluru Low nulllll Nth Thllndny Windsor SL Thumnl Auden Kitchen Mount Forest Wlnuhnrn Hnmlllun 10 st Calhurlncs lo Toronto lo IcItrbnrough Truman Klllnlne 40 Muskukn Narlh Hny Northern Georfllall Bay 11m ngaml nonhcm White River rtglons North Boy Sudbury portly cloudy with one or two mow unlu Winds we nerly 20 Thursday Laka Huron southern Inn flay regions London Imz colder Inday Wind my 20 Thursday Synnplll Ontario tempenv lure are lalllnx gmdmllly ngnln Coo west to northwest wlndx temperatures 10 lo 15 degree belnw annual and neat lered snnwllurrlcs near the Great Lakes make up lh weather plclure over Onlarlo for adny and Thundny AM Frank er annexed ship And 1L kanslon chairman of the 1mm Oom mime of he Emmmic Com oil of Ontario Exnmlnu th loo guest attended the mud opening HOT WATER TANK NLY nnnnnnnn mnsw st WEATHER BARRIE PUBlIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Vindi waxi Try Hydro Rental anrg The 25 mm rrtepllon Ind dinner to honor ouulnndlnx llh 1cm Hue you ll Imnnurnd by the Onlnrlu Spurllwlllm Ind Spnrllmlm Anoclnllon and mutual ha Dnhrlo Sodtly lnr Cylppled Chlldrun wllh which Harm Klwnnluu In Imlllltd The dlnncr llrml um purthucd pmnnllly by than mending Annnumrnlu or the lib rm much by Jack llullcn dlrrclnr nl lhn Onluln Society or Crlpplld Chlldnn Thu pmmmLHI bu richVet 1le by CF10 Chnnml II mm mm In IMO pm Klwnnl Club BanII has thin Al lhu Sporll Celebrlllu dlnner at Torontoa nayI Yovk llnlel lhll evenlng as or lha pm yun Thou Ilundlnl mm the local club are lhc pruldcnl Reverend John Illddcl Jack Hulkr nan Slcp hem Ken Walll Tony Dcurle Tom Boblcr nlll Lang Ind Er nla Irvine 140 pm Friday tho Jan neu hmcrnl 0111 It will be conduded by rm Walter Dy Sh Georzal Anlllcm Chgmh Allandnle 11 pay will be taken to the Ntcmpoll Crematorium 1h mm wen Wilson Black Paul Black Millon Webb Eddie Webb Donald McNIbb mg Willlam English George mismlm midled yulcniay Ho was predeceas cdnbyhis wlge Lgliun Fmderlck ncy Nova In Jame Kennelh Toronto and daugmer Gladys Inna Mrl Nchardsl Barrie He was pmdocusod by Hamid Crone dudea by Rev Fmd JR Jame United Church nurlalflwn at Jam Cm elery Slrnud lbwilo Clargnco er hum bind Jamel She Is lurvived by son Milton of Tomm daughterl Darn Mn Clulord Webb Hilda Mu Archie Mm Nnbb V1012 Webb Widow Wflllam Black llslm Mrs are Weston and Mn Mudlll Saskntqon Thesemte held Ihe Jen 9° Hmw9m Shroud humeral service was held or Mn Diella Ferris 90 who died ntjaynl vymm Hgspgul The funeral rervlce wu con dncled by Rev McKuule at funeral home ln Stayner Pall bearers were Ne Blackr Mor rllonwll Snow Comartin McCarthy and Stalnton Mn Dull was born In Perth Scotland and has lived in New Lowell 31 years She was mem4 her of the Unlled Church Kiwanis lit Sports Dinner 5119 ll lurvlved by her hun hand Du Penhold Alberta and daughter Maxgar Mn Jnhn Yozek Vzmam ville 9m funeral service was held or Mn Georxe Davina Roy Dufl 63 who died at the Swlu 2mm in Rogue Staging 1px TamarMean mun the omrhlned sum of member and staff Mn Wallace who has served pmident or the past two yam thanked member or Meir enthusiastic support and energetic work during her term of oiiice period crested with the decision to embaxk on WWW Wm lie aurjigédfby 503 John eerily 111 he held at THE IARBIE AMINEBIJWDVNISDAY JAN G9irdntraitgxsbng HQQdSYMgYwCA Mr Panama onbeha1 MRS DIEITE FERRIS quion 11 Faunyon wu GEORGE CIIISHOLM MRS GEORGE ROY OBITUARIES quois Fall Funernl urvlcl wu conducted by Rev Skelly Collier slml Unllnd Church at In Jen ncu Funeral Hume JOHN ARMSTRONG Funeral service was held or Jo Amulrong who died II Pattons Nursing Home In Stay ner lug Wedqeway Th boiy was cre ruled the St1 Jnmn Cremllurlum 1n Tor on He in millved fly his wfle Anni Elder vmz wflh burial km In St John Anglican Cemetery In Cookuawn BJneral arrange by Hughu FunenlHame of Cook town The Imenl Iervlca wax conducted by Rev Haw nd SL Johnl Anglican Church germ church Teihporary enlonibmentflvvifl be In 111 Awslan Cexgxeteg He survived by his um Jnck Gnome Norman 01 Cook nwn dnuzhlen Kathleen ol Coohlown France M11 Hell Tammo Madeleine Mn Hedger Domuw erl Sermon both Barrie and Mnry Don Mn Wemn of agadlord MAYOR HOTEL GETS LICENCES JAMES BAKER Funenl urvlce wan held to dny or James Wlqun Bnhr Bl who died his home In whim mg Ha mdeceuedE kindle with Wesson mum and burial will be In th gmglly plot 11 hum Nova Tha Howl WM opened or hulmy in 1947 It In own cd Ind opcmad by hi Mayor lunlly Swim menuonwa inade the cooperltlon received mm the new media in town the story of the during week which mlm The unzcwre will ham units lounge dining lounge banquet mom 00n lmnce roama wmpla mum and IWWMM Upon completion of bl addition he exist 57 unit ol the Mayor Motel 1111 wlll be Impoer undu 010 new Mum WM 01111 of 77 uni Tho dlning lounzc wlll be called me Kcmpenlell omiooldng the Day 11 Mme ol the tounzo will bu announced Inkr an admwledzement of the gmwlng volume of ram fly participation In activ Itlleafl Run nggy oguuvn dirqélor reported encouragemem or lam fly 31on to join The board pnsyed hylav emblldflng both family membership and mulmum leg for dxudmnl membershipq Inn Med lame Er dining hm or the Bay shqn Mum Honl now the member of the MI con Eralulaud and banked Mrs Wallace to her caplbh and in spiring leaderlhlpand express ed pleasure that she mun mm on the bum mg pfdeqeased by pi BARRIE DELICATESSEN cum at mm YOU HEADQUARTERS ran IMPORTED F0005 llmln Kind Clmu fllndl Jun hm Chmhlu KIMM 0M Mull mm n7 mummumhow PA 6656 lmpcml lmparkd nw 51mm County wnnicnl hnnquu will be held at Hm Gmhdv Community hall on Im at pm Mnyar Lu Cook ha also greed In frvclnlm Wlnlcr Carnival Weck The Fire and Trunk Committee will ml prior to he mmhal wth mom he umrlnln In map out proposed ml or do fled mm on Dunlcm Snvd EnsL The carnival Ihls ycur Ix on Feb 15 1a I7 and on tha sec ond dny council has dccmd hnl nulnlvcily vlslors will have free parking on both he meter ed 1011 opamlcd by the city Md Williams has urged dom Iown merchants no to lake ad vantage the rec molars be cause the melon should be In ucluslvcly or ptople who are vlalllng he tily OH promtion he has be me the officer commanding oltthmitJndheisnawre spomible or search operation in Canadas latest scald area firming mm erth Wesiem Oplarlo msLWAni lo the Rode espmd he Alaskan bolder and mnhwmd the Next Polo Barrie Ciiy Council is making an eiiart Ia do its pari in mak in he Bamo Winter Camivnl aucccls SL Lewis received hispiiot wings in 1942 on graduation tram the Lying training school in Calgaryand at the and of the war was with Fighter Com mand in the United Kingdam flying Mosquitm Hurricanes and Spitfirmi His peacetime service has been varied he has been fly ing Instmctor He has serv°d with Canadas NATO servica in Bumpe and most recently he has been with we search and nscue uni in Winnlpeg He served as flight engineer on Sumact In 1541 patrolling the Pacific Seaboard al the continent from Alaska to Van couver Island and lhcn he re mustenad as pilot The RCA has announced the pmmotlon of FlLLleut Don Lewis to um rank mama lcadm SL hawk obtained his ma rlculnllon from Barrie Colleg iate In 1940 and enlisted in the RCAF shortly aflerwanh Parking Is Free During Carnival Former Barfie Man Promoted By Air Force WARDENS mmwm F1353 WRIGHT CLEANERS LTD II DUNLOP EAST 44 DMNLOP WIIT 51 £1 LEWIS TIES E5 CLEANED FREE WITH EACH SUIT CLEANED AT REGULAR PRICE Member of Kim lllllsdale Judo Club were graded at Orillln at in mnnlhly inumamenl mm receiving promnlion ware Macintosh Muclnlnsh Ted flowing Junk Robson llnrnld Marshall and Dirk Temple They wm prnmqlcd Io yellaw bell Girls tn Hillsdnle have Im Ique way of training In tho Phystcul Education program they lebo Mrs Ecclcshntt said that lame at the ortglnnl brunch mumbm nm nnw teen nge gym traders and It II on couruglng to the tnthustnsm with whlch they lnckle their re lponstbtltlle Tdny Ecclcrxinllr v31 premol ed la brawn thL The Hillsdnle Extension of Ih Barrie YinYWCA is beginnlng lhlrd year of nperallnnl Mrs Eccleshnll secretary of Iha branch said the sound nclivily coming from our bulld In nro nny Indication lhlnk the coming year will be enjoyed Agmd to withhotd 3700 mm the ltaylena Construdlon Com pany due to the concern ex pnsscd by the board park management regarding dam age to the gore at the inter section 91 Blake Street and Shanty Bay Road Settlement 01 the amount withheld will be Barrie city mundl look the allowing action this week Agmcd to withdraw quota tion or bmsh and stump re moval by Ihe Richmond Hill Tree Service and Forestry Com4 pany because the firm had made clerical ermr Decided to notin PM of 156 Napier Street that the city will not move the healthy elm in mm his home to put her aw hhruvserln order fresh start in badly over us Hillsdale In Third Year The Daily Mail says Its all om France In utter isolation wins hollow victory An editorial in The Times says Britain should not abandon forever the idea of joining the Common Market and says the immediate laskAior Britain is The Manchester Guardian say Britain cannnt enter the Savers French newspapers charged de Gaulle has isolated France from In five Common Market partners by lorpcdolng British entry Into the trada group Most newspaper in Britain look lhe View lhat lhe British gnvemmcnt should not now turn its back on Eurnpe They stressed United Europe In cluding Britain was ineviinble The Tabluid Dally Sketch ban ner Iaya We fight on The Daily Herald declares Now were outInn battle The Daily ermr headllnl ll over history will LONDON Reuters News paper throughout Europe were almost unanimous mm in placi lng the blame or the collapse of the Common Market talks on Presidtnl de Gaulle Will NotRemove Healthy Tree From Barrie Residential Area NEWSPAPERS REACTION de Gaulle va In Hm llmo In hum ynur mllul Nrchlln Fanllnno my rlounrd an all um and mm calm martin like now and mum ulul rln III your llu will In lnr ymnr clnlIul WRIGHT CLEANERS lTD SANITONE DRY CLEANED PA 8553 and baker VaanNSnller and A111 son or skclch of combined in hall and polio mm mm Purchased an advenlscmcnt In Ihe Barrie Distrld North Collegiate your book Polaris ms SL5 Decided lo arrange meet ing with the city manager public school board collegiate boani and flu and mm mm millm dlscusa fluden to Renewed membership in Che Canadian limitation of Mayan n5 Municipalities at cost ol $105 Decided Io purchase page of ad nising in the Bards Falpon ockey program It Rmewed membership in the Association of Ontario Mayor and Reeves at ms 01 860 cost of $40 made afler visual ofiservnnco 01 damage is made aflor now is gone Pool with regard to the Onlaflo Hospital Savices Won pmmium fee being Included as part of indigent hospieallmuon Renvwed membership in the Ontario Municipal Aasodauon at cost of $100 Le Popululra Says lh Allure of he talks represent without rbny doubt on ancel mos minus dlplamauc failures Gnuflm policyr ha isolatzd nur country 1mm the Commu nily so completely hm even federal Germany has not to lowcd her despite lh propn gnndlvemhraces of the Franco German pm me paper adds The Gaulllsl newspaper La Nation my the British really vented to join Europe it up to lhem to take the necessary hidudvu the door remain open to them The Common Market has xuiinred hard hiaw which if it does not like it mechan ism strikes at the very spirit which hitherto animated with gmwing cliiciency the Eura pean community Alternatives efitcrlhg Eu rope must he aught at once EXPRESS IS HAPFY The Daily Express which strcnunusly apposed Britainl entry headlines mnlpagl story Glory glory hullelujah in all over In Paris is Figaro my the breakdown gave France the hardly enviable privilege of ism iatian and adds market so long as de Gaullo ruXel Frange and declares fired the inn Pentland Decided not to endorse the your oday Were runninx law on used can Wtll buy DANGERFIELD MOTORS HELP EACH

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